The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 810 If you want to seek heaven and become a god, you must naturally make all living beings e

Chapter 810 If you want to seek heaven and become a god, you must naturally make all living beings equal.

"Long Qing, what are you doing here!"

Chen Pipi caught the viewer who lost his power, while Ning Que held the human sword, his aura condensed, and he stared at Xu Xin.

In the previous battle, he defeated the Guanzhu, but not with his own support, but with the support of countless people in Chang'an, the unity of the people, the power of the world, and the blessing of the Shocking God Formation, so he almost failed.

The master of the temple was defeated, and Ning Que's consumption was also great. Although Xu Xin's cultivation was weaker than that of the previous master of the temple, it made Ning Que feel more troublesome and terrifying.

"I'm here, continue to do what the master failed, and break the shocking formation."

"There is no need for this big formation in the human world."

Xu Xin raised his head and looked at this majestic city that has existed for thousands of years. He said calmly: "Also, as I once said, call me the Judgment Seat."

"Aren't you Prince Longqing? You also... passed through it, right?"

Ning Que looked at Xu Xin and suddenly asked coldly. He had suspected that Xu Xin was a time traveler a long time ago, because he was a time traveler himself and was very sensitive to some situations, especially Xu Xin knew what the "moon" was. .

"What's the point of asking this now?"

In Chang'an City, Xu Xin looked up at the sky. Only the best masters could see the looming bright moon during the day.

A slight smile formed on Xu Xin's lips. The master was gone and the master of the temple was defeated. He, the ruling throne, had no choice but to be invincible in the world.

"Don't even think about it!"

Xu Xin sneered, stretched out his palm in half a breath, and crushed the iron arrow into 129,600 pieces. Finally, it dispersed with the wind and scattered in Chang'an City. between heaven and earth.

The human sword in Ning Que's hand rose up, and at the same time he drew his bow and aimed an arrow at Xu Xin. He was the guardian of the Shocking God Formation, so he could naturally mobilize the power of the Shocking God Formation. With the power of the Shocking God Formation, he really wanted to shoot this One arrow must be earth-shattering.

Yuan Shisan's arrow was like a full moon. The iron arrow left the bowstring and ran straight towards the door in front of Xu Xin. The power of this iron arrow was astonishing and could be described as the anger of Chang'an City.

Ning Que drew his bow and nocked an arrow again. He looked at Xu Xin and said, "I don't care who you are, but this is Chang'an. The teacher is watching us from the sky. You can't break the Jingshen Formation!"

He had guessed how powerful Xu Xin was, but he knew better that the teacher who ascended to the sky to block the Kingdom of God and transformed into the moon was even more powerful.

Ning Que's eyes suddenly turned sharp. He was the leader of the Jingshen Formation. He had just used this formation to defeat the spectator. How could he possibly agree with Xu Xin's destruction of the Jingshen Formation? This was not in line with Ning Que's wishes. Benefit. As the thirteenth gentleman spoke, he decisively fired his arrow.

"I already said, I want to break the Shocking God Formation."

"The Shocking God Formation was established for Pluto. Now there is naturally no need for this formation to exist."

"Ning Que, you are very lucky to be favored by Haotian and Master, but you are not qualified to go against me."

"What is your purpose?"

Xu Xin didn't plan to explain too much to Ning Que. The existence of the Jingshen Formation was a threat to him, and he had to take advantage of this moment to deal with it. Only by eliminating all threats could he plan against Haotian without any worries and continue the Taoist and Taoist wars. Haotian's gamble took its place.

"A fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman and stabs him in the back?"

"Do you think this formation is protecting the Tang Dynasty? This formation protects the human world. Now the world does not need this formation to protect it, so it will naturally be demolished. I don't think the master in heaven will mind."

Naturally, this formation that can startle the gods cannot continue to exist. After all, there is only one formation that can startle the gods. As long as the formation of the startling gods exists, the dignitaries of the Tang Kingdom will live for one, two, three, and even eternity.

Such a situation violates the objective development laws of things. In fact, the existence of the Tang State was indeed abnormal.

In some other countries, various uprisings have occurred and the ruling class has been overthrown, but it seems that this has not happened in the Tang Dynasty.

Is it because the Tang State was cleaner than other countries?

Wrong, it was the Tang State's power to suppress these things that was stronger, and the darkness hidden in the shadows was deeper.

Ning Que held the Formation Eye Pestle in his hand, looked at Xu Xin, and said indifferently: "I only see the expectations of the people of the Tang Kingdom. I also see a talisman. You are indeed very powerful, but behind me is the whole world."

The master left behind the Shocking God Formation, which was originally intended to fight against Haotian and protect the world.

But Ning Que and his fellow academy disciples were from the Tang Dynasty. They guarded the Shocking God Formation only to protect the Tang Kingdom and the city of Chang'an.


Ning Que turned around and looked at the painting of the Suzaku with its wings spread out on Suzque Street, and then the Suzaku chirped loudly on the long street. When the Master built the city, he created the Suzaku formation spirit, which was a little red bird.

Suzaku came through the air and headed straight for the lake, hanging in the sky above Ning Que. Suzaku's eyes burning with divine fire stared at Xu Xin closely.

This was the Master's last thought in the human world. After seeing the Suzaku Talisman that had been in the human world for thousands of years, he gained some spirituality, so he would naturally feel angry at Xu Xin's arrival.

Ning Que jumped onto the Suzaku holding the pestle. The Suzaku spread its wings and flew to the sky. When it reached the high altitude, Ning Que began to prepare to draw the talisman.

"Suzaku, what a pity."

"The Shocking God Formation should not exist in the human world, and it should not be used to protect the powerful people of the Tang Kingdom."

Xu Xin ignored Ning Que who was flying high into the sky, but walked slowly on Zhuque Street like the viewer. At the end of Zhuque Street was the Tang Palace. At this time, there was a lot of people outside the palace.

The royal palace nobles in Chang'an City, the dignitaries, the Gong Gong princes in the court, the wealthy merchants in the city, the traffickers and the pawns...all the living beings blocked Xu Xin's way to the palace.

"You think there's nothing I can do if ordinary people are blocked from the palace?"

Xu Xin looked at the Tang Dynasty dignitaries behind these people. Among these people were military generals and civil servants in the court, all of whom were dressed like beasts.

The academies of the Tang Dynasty were very problematic, but compared to the powerful people of the Manchu Dynasty, the academies were already excellent because of the constraints of the master.

It is still unknown how many princes the Tang Kingdom has created over the millennium. Ordinary people may come here for the Tang Kingdom, but there are more people who believe in profit. They want to keep the Shocking God Formation just to continue their own interests.

How can there be such a truth in this world that the family continues and the princes live for generations? These people think that they have such a truth. It just so happens that the Jingshen Formation is the existence that they believe maintains this truth. Therefore, when Xu Xin came to destroy the formation, these people were naturally unwilling.

This was one of the reasons why Xu Xin wanted to destroy the Shocking God Formation.

Pluto comes and eats people forever night, just for a moment. These people are knocking at the bones and sucking out the marrow, and they still want to eat people for eternity.

In a sense, these people who want to maintain class solidification and control privileges are even more terrifying than Yongye.

If Xu Xin wants to seek heaven and become a god, he naturally wants to make all living beings equal in the world.

No country in the world can have such a special and awesome existence.

(End of this chapter)

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