The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 811: Beheading the emperor in the dynasty is, in a sense, comparable to Sima's Luoshui

Chapter 811: Beheading the emperor in the dynasty is, in a sense, comparable to Sima's Luoshui breaking the oath and killing the emperor in the street.
It was not too far from Zhuque Street to the palace, but for such a distance, Xu Xin walked very slowly. There were more and more people outside the palace. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a sea of ​​people.

Facing the obstacles of the Tang people on the way, he did not hesitate in his steps. The invisible force isolated all those who wanted to stop him. The practitioners hidden in the crowd all unanimously attacked Xu Xin with the most decisive attitude.

"If you are looking for death, then you can't blame me."

Xu Xin will not take the initiative to attack the weak such as civilians, but this does not mean that he will give in unconditionally to the weak. Anyone who dares to attack him will be treated equally and counterattack.

As for whether the attacker could withstand Xu Xin's counterattack, it was not within the scope of his consideration at all. People should be responsible for what they do. A weak person who wields a sword against a strong person must be prepared to die.

Invisible power swept through. Xu Xin's hundreds of years of life experience had already seen through human nature. Before his power could get close, the Gonggun princes, merchants and dignitaries had already dispersed.

Only some ordinary people and some fish and dragon gangs were still blocking the way, but Xu Xin would not tolerate them. He opened a path arrogantly and killed all the powerful, powerful and wealthy people who were instigating people.

Under the blue sky and white sun, Ning Que, who was crookedly writing a certain magic talisman, looked at the tragic death of the people of the Tang Dynasty, and angrily slashed at Xu Xin with a knife.

The knife fell, the magic talisman moved, and the human atmosphere in Chang'an City rioted again. The magic talismans falling one stroke to the east and one stroke to the west appeared in the city.

Xu Xin looked at the magic talisman and said: "It's a human character. This character is really well written, but it's a pity that the talisman will fall apart before it falls. Neither the human character nor the shocking formation can stop me." "

Yu Lian, who was standing next to Li Manman, said angrily: "Have you ever thought that if the Jingshen Formation is destroyed, the Tang Dynasty will inevitably fall into turmoil? Have you ever thought about how many people will die as a result? Have you ever thought? But what a bloody storm this will cause in the world.”

After Xu Xin finished speaking, all the academy disciples who came here were silent. Even Li Manman couldn't find any reason to refute.

Xu Xin's figure went straight into the palace. Two embarrassed figures stopped in front of Xu Xin. They were Li Manman and Yu Lian, two strong men in the Sixth Realm. Although they were seriously injured by the viewer, at this critical moment, they still He chose to stand up and try to stop Xu Xin.

"Only when all living beings are truly equal, the countries in the world will no longer be permanent. The way of the world lies in change. Without change, it will be like a pool of stagnant water, closed to the outside world, and sooner or later it will come to an end."

"I just want to destroy the formation, and I don't take the initiative to kill people. This is not the subjugation of the country. You behave like this. You really think that I can't deal with the academy."

This is not a simple calculation, it is a calculation that may change the world structure, and the countries in the world are likely to fall into a longer-lasting war.

Xu Xin said with a smile: "Master of the Demon Sect, your people are still fighting bloody battles for survival on the grassland, but you are the overlord of the world and a vested interest in the Tang Dynasty. It is really ridiculous to say such impassioned words. ”

"I am giving the world a chance. If the Shocking God Formation is not broken, Tang will be the eternal overlord. It seems that the world can be relatively peaceful, but that is just an illusion."

"Could it be that Tang Guo wants to become the next Pluto and control the life and death of all the countries in the world. Pluto uses Eternal Night, and Tang Guo uses Iron Cavalry."

If the world does not change, it will be a pool of stagnant water. The only glimmer of hope lies in change, and the continuation of the world also depends on change.

"The changes in the Tang Dynasty can be brought about by the people of the Tang Dynasty themselves, it is not your turn..."

Ning Que in the sky shouted loudly. As a fellow time traveler, he felt that Xu Xin was not qualified to be the leader of the Tang State. Even if the Tang State wanted to change, it would have to be decided by him, a time traveler from his own country. But Xu Xin didn't even look at him and went straight to the palace.

The Chang'an Imperial Palace was lonely in early winter. Xu Xin walked there and saw only dead trees and fallen leaves, a quiet lake with no waves, and the occasional pavilion or pavilion.

He crossed the palaces and walked towards the depths of the imperial garden.

Along the way, he met many eunuchs and maids, all of whom seemed unable to see Xu Xin. None of them could block his way.

Li Manman and Yu Lian also tried to block the road again, but even Li Manman's lack of distance had little effect at this time, because Xu Xin was already determined to break through, just when he broke through the Jingshen Formation.

Xu Xin's strength was already stronger than Li Manman's, and when he no longer restrained himself, he became even more invincible to Li Manman and Yu Lian, who were already seriously injured.

The two of them couldn't even keep up with Xu Xin's footsteps, and could only watch him quickly walk into the palace. And Ning Que in the sky...well, he's still drawing talisman. The Talisman Master is just useless. It takes a long time to move forward, especially when he is holding back his ultimate move.

Deep in the imperial garden, there is a two-story small wooden building, painted with red lacquer, which is very exquisite, but compared with the majestic palace in the distance, it still looks a bit shabby.

In front of the two-story wooden building, two beautiful figures and a six or seven-year-old boy were blocking the way. Xu Xin made no extra moves and didn't want to listen to what they said. He just waved his sleeves and swept away the four princesses of the Tang Dynasty. Li Yu, Queen Xia Tian, ​​and the Sixth Prince are staying here.

As for Li Yu's younger brother Li Hunyuan, although he successfully succeeded to the throne and became emperor, his head was beheaded by Ning Que before the Battle of Qingxia. This was also the first emperor to be hacked to death in the court since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

In order to save trouble, Ning Que set a precedent. He thought that what he did was great and right, and he cut the knot quickly, but in fact he was stupid.

An emperor was hacked to death in public, which meant that the imperial power was trampled to the soles of his feet, and that the academy, Ning Que, was placed above the imperial power and everything else.

In a sense, this kind of behavior is comparable to the Sima clan who broke the oath in Luoshui and killed the emperor in the street. They both set a bad precedent. From then on, governing the country with loyalty and filial piety has changed to emphasizing governing the country with filial piety. It is a joke.

It was indeed because of the Master that the Tang State was founded and became the overlord of the world, but the Master also specifically set a rule that the disciples at the back of the academy were not allowed to interfere in politics.

However, this rule was broken again and again after Ning Que became a member of the academy and traveled around the world.

It cannot be said that Ning Que's behavior is definitely wrong, it can only be said that it is a lack of consideration. He is not the master, and does not have the qualifications and strength to completely replace the master's position. Even if you are a master, you will not abandon the throne lightly and trample on the imperial power like that.

Xu Xin temporarily dealt with Li Yu and others, then came to this small building located in the center of the palace. He just waved, and the door burst open.

A dark passage leads to the depths of the wooden building. The hard stone walls of the passage are carved with things like luminous pearls, emitting a faint light, which does not make people feel scared, but instead gives people a feeling of peace of mind.

At the front of several crystal clear pearls, several deep lines are shining. Those lines contain an extremely neutral and peaceful atmosphere, but also extremely cold and powerful, which seems to be able to crush everything into powder.

(End of this chapter)

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