The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 812 You are wrong, my sixth realm is a heavenly being

Chapter 812 You are wrong, my sixth realm is heavenly being

Runes are glowing, and auras are resurrecting.

The runes of the Shocking God Formation are naturally powerful, not to mention that now Ning Que has restored the Shocking God Formation. Along with a ray of light falling from the sky, Ning Que threw the pestle of the Shocking God Formation down. There was a soft click and the pestle touched. At the bottom of the cave, it seemed to be locked by some kind of mechanical spring.

There is also a small half of the Formation Eye Pestle exposed on the ground. The complex patterns engraved on it make the small half of the Pestle look like a carved flower.

There was no alert look on Xu Xin's face, he just looked at the half of the pestle on the ground quietly.

After a while, the half of the pestle exposed on the ground suddenly lit up. To be more precise, it should be that the complicated patterns with unclear meanings on the pestle lit up, like a flower bathed in sunlight.

The complex patterns became brighter and brighter, and the light spread to the lower half of the pestle. Even the granite ground was illuminated, and the traces of the runes in the stone were visible.

In the lines on the array eye pestle, the light gradually condenses and seems to turn into some kind of luminous liquid. It gradually flows and flows back and forth along the lines, which is extremely beautiful. A crack suddenly appeared silently on the granite floor next to the pestle.

This crack spread extremely quickly, passing through the soles of Xu Xin's feet in the blink of an eye. These cracks were not real cracks, but channels formed by the regular subsidence of the ground. Countless stone grooves appeared on the previously clean and empty ground.

The stone troughs appeared more and more, becoming more and more dense, like an invisible carving knife, drawing countless straight lines on the flat and smooth stone ground, cutting the ground into countless parts.

The largest formation in the world, the Shocking God Formation.

Beautiful and pure light, lines and surfaces form countless three-dimensional objects in the void. They are countless luminous buildings. They look so illusory, but they are so real.

Li Manman was just about to use his infinite speed to appear in front of Xu Xin and throw out the master's wooden stick, but he didn't expect Yu Lian to rush towards Xu Xin before him.

This city of Chang'an is real and alive.

In front of the Jingshen Formation, Xu Xin's aura was changing, as if he was preparing to break the formation.

This ancient divine formation has a history of thousands of years. In these long years, it has never been activated once. However, today, in the hands of Ning Que, the shocking divine formation has been activated again and again, just because he himself The strength is really weak, so it can only borrow the power of all living beings in the world.

Yu Lian had wanted to fight Xu Xin for a long time. On the day when Xu Xin revealed her identity as the 23-year-old cicada, if the master hadn't stopped her and she hadn't fully reached consummation yet, the 23-year-old cicada might have died earlier. Born.

All the stone troughs lit up, and very subtle sounds sounded from the ground, as if countless flowers were blooming, as if countless green trees were breathing, and as if countless people were cheering.

The stream of light on the array eye pestle flowed down along the complicated lines, flowed into the stone trough next to it, and then flowed along the stone trough into the distance like a stream.

Xu Xin looked at the palace made of light in front of him, at the Yanming Mountain in the distance that was about to reach waist height, at the Wanyan Pagoda in front of him that was less than knee-high, and at the luster in the distance. With rich and thick city walls, this is a miniature Chang'an City.

"Junior sister, you..."

At this moment, the hostility with Xu Xin gave Yu Lian the opportunity to fight Xu Xin. Even if she knew she was losing, she would still fight head-on.

The Shocking God Formation in Chang'an was left by the Confucius and contained the power of the world. This was the Tang State's biggest trump card besides the Confucius.

Amidst the chirping of cicadas all over the sky, the aura emanating from Yu Lian's body instantly crossed the high threshold above the Five Realms, and everything became clear.

Li Manman and Yu Lian had already arrived, and Ning Que was still drawing talisman on the sky, so the two of them wanted to continue to fight for time.

There is a kind of cicada in the arid land of the far west. This cicada has been hiding in the mud for twenty-three years. When the snow-capped mountains melt and floods come, it wakes up. It bathes in the mud and water, hangs its wings in the cold wind, and flutters through the void.

The Master once told such a story to his disciples. At that time, Chen Pipi listened leisurely and fascinated, while Li Manman and Jun Mo smiled and said nothing.

Yu Lian was also present at that time, and she cooked a bowl of vegetable noodles for the teacher in the evening. So many years of hairpin writing in regular script have truly allowed him to complete the change in his mentality and become her. He is Lin Wu, the most genius figure in the Demon Sect in a hundred years. Liansheng Thirty-two had wholeheartedly accepted him as his successor, hoping that he would inherit his mantle.

But Lin Wu's father died at the hands of Liansheng, so he calmly rejected this opportunity. He chose to take a path that no one had ever walked before, and wanted to practice a unique skill that no one had successfully practiced in the Demon Sect for countless generations. .

He is the youngest sect master in the history of the Demon Sect and the last sect master. He accepted several students, Xia Tian, ​​Tang and other Demon Sect disciples, all of whom were older than him.

He practiced Cicada for twenty-three years until he finally succeeded, but also disappeared.

From that day on, he became the most mysterious figure in the spiritual world.

In that year, the Master met a little girl in the wilderness. The little girl was pretty and cute, but deep down in her eyes, there was a hint of confusion and fear.

Because of the master's words, the little girl changed from a graceful and elegant gesture of clasping her fists in salute to a somewhat clumsy one, shyly placing her hands on her waist and squatting slightly in salute.

Lin Wu cultivated into the Cicada for twenty-three years, transformed from a man into a woman, a heavenly being, a sixth-level demon from the Demon Sect, and integrated into the Cicada method for twenty-three years.

The demons are immortal and yin and yang work together.

But it's a pity that it didn't take long for Yu Lian to cultivate into the Heavenly Demon Realm. He was far from reaching the Immortal Realm, but it was just a little bit interesting.

At this moment, the wind and snow started again, and the black ponytail hanging around her waist began to sway again. Her expression was calm and focused, and the depths of her clear eyes were full of solemnity.

The Heavenly Demon Realm was pushed to the extreme by her. Countless snowflakes were flying in the palace. Each snowflake was a cicada. The sky was filled with snowflakes and cicadas. Countless terrifying murderous intentions crisscrossed the center of the palace.

This palace has become her world, and this is also a way to restrain Wuju. No matter how fast Wuju's movement is, it cannot be faster than the rules of the world itself.

When a snowflake fell, there was a sound of tearing the space.

Yu Lian broke through the wind and blew away the snow. In just a moment, he just took a step forward and came to Xu Xin, who was dozens of feet away, and punched Xu Xin in the face.

Her fists are tiny and look as cute as marshmallows.

At this time, Yu Lian is no longer just the third senior sister of the academy, she is also the contemporary leader of the Demon Sect. Her fists represent the foundation of the Demon Sect, which is power.

Xu Xin knew very well that the little fist that broke through the snow looked so harmless and even a little weak, but if the fist was allowed to land on the ground, it could knock down a mountain.

There is no wind when the palm rises, and it is as soft as the thin snow falling on the lake.

Xu Xin stretched out his right palm and blocked Yu Lian's fist.

He was not knocked down by this small and terrifying fist, because he was not a green mountain or a big river, he was an ocean that could accommodate hundreds of rivers, and he was the air that filled the world.

Xu Xin looked at the fist in front of him, his face expressionless and extremely calm.

"Demon Realm?"

Yu Lian's punch failed to shake Xu Xin's body, and he subconsciously suspected that he had already reached the Demon Sect's Heavenly Demon Realm.

"You are wrong, my sixth realm is heavenly being!"

(End of this chapter)

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