The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 813: The body absorbs the power of the universe, heaven and earth, and creates an immortal b

Chapter 813: The body absorbs the power of the universe, heaven and earth, and creates an immortal body of gods and demons.

In the palace of Chang'an City, the aura on Xu Xin's body changed instantly. In just a moment, countless vitality of heaven and earth was restrained in his body, and with one punch, the remaining curtain of the six-level demon was opened.

"Above the pinnacle of martial arts? You have opened a new path. Is this a new sixth realm? Is it the same as the Heavenly Demon Realm of my Daming Sect, specializing in the power of the physical body?"

Yu Lian spun around in the void and landed on the ground. Two transparent cicada wings behind her shook the void. She stared at Xu Xin with her eyes and found that his energy was restrained and his breath was intact.

With a snap, the light snow on the ground bounced off the ground, and countless cracks appeared on the bluestone ground, like a spider web. Yu Lian's right foot stepped on the center of this spider web.

Three thousand black hairs flew away and danced wildly behind her. Each one was like a whip, whipping the snowflakes into misery. The strong energy was like a sharp blade, stirring up and breaking the snowflakes.

Although she was seriously injured by the temple master before, Yu Lian was cultivating her physical body after all, so she recovered fairly quickly. After twenty-three years of cultivating Cicada, the power she had accumulated for twenty-three years seemed to be endless. From her petite body, , pouring out towards the outside world.

She did not use the Heavenly Demon Realm to create a small world that separated the world, nor did she use any mysterious methods. Instead, she used her simplest and most reliable method, which was power, the ultimate power, the absolute power of the physical body belonging to the Heavenly Demon Realm.

She was not in a hurry to take action, but gathered her breath and saved up, kept calm, and silently waited for the opportunity, just like she had been calm and waiting for so many years.

Yu Lian studied under the master and entered the academy. The master only taught her one lesson, and that was writing. Writing is to create a world of its own, and it is also to keep one's mind clear of desires.

The wind and snow in the sky suddenly exploded, and a sound of cicadas accompanied by snowflakes hit Xu Xin's body steadily, breaking his defense.

The moment Xu Xin took action, there was a clear whistle from the curtain, snowflakes were flying all over the sky, and her petite body burst out with extremely terrifying energy.

Li Manman was Master's first disciple. His understanding and control of the Shocking God Formation was only under Ning Que, the new leader of the formation, and with the wooden stick left behind by Master, he could also use the power of the Shocking God Formation.

Large swaths of blood flowed in the open wound. In addition to the blood, Xu Xin's chest was also covered with crystal clear bones. Those were his bones, glazed and jade-like, with a hint of gold.

The wind and snow were blowing slightly, and an old cotton-padded jacket appeared beside Xu Xin. The old cotton-padded jacket was stained with blood, but it was still clean.

Countless snowflakes fell from the sky, pouring in the direction of the palace.

The remaining curtain disappeared from its place, and the cicadas chirped again in Chang'an City, the roar of thousands of cicadas.

Yu Lian and Li slowly reappeared. They knelt down not far from Xu Xin. Their breath was very weak. Opposite them, Xu Xin stood proudly, with a shocking wound on his chest.



Xu Xin faced the two men's joint efforts, but he only calmly punched out the wooden stick when it was three inches in front of him.

The old cotton-padded jacket was fluttering in the wind. Li slowly breathed calmly, without any trace of it leaking out of his body. He raised the wooden stick in his hand. Xu Xin did not retreat, or even made any movement.

She concentrated all her strength on her right fist, and blasted it forward at Xu Xin.

Because the Master knew that she liked to be angry, especially after becoming a girl, she wrote in regular script with hairpin flowers for twenty-three years. She truly cultivated her mind and allowed her to face any situation calmly.

Everything in his body, including his blood, had a certain immortal golden nature.

Glazed jade bones, densely covered with gold threads.

The nature of gold is immortal, like a god or a demon. "You can actually hurt me, not bad!"

"However, martial arts heavenly beings are not so easy to kill."

Xu Xin ignored his injuries and only looked at the other two people calmly.

Yu Lian fell to the ground, his face pale and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Li's condition gradually got worse. He was covered in blood, and his feet had fresh blood stains. He was so exhausted and shaky that he couldn't even use the distance.

"The combination of heaven and man, the multiplication and division of creation, the infinite transformation, the infinite beginning... The body absorbs the power of the universe, heaven and earth, and creates the immortal body of gods and demons... This is the realm of martial arts, heaven and man..."

Xu Xin silently recited a secret. His martial arts realm of heaven and man can also be called the sixth realm, "Heaven and Man".

Among the three paths of essence, energy and spirit, the main one is the path of essence, energy and body. It is somewhat similar to the "Purple Blood Dafa" of "Tang Dynasty Double Dragon" to exchange blood for body refining, and also the realm of the "Heavenly Demon" of the Demon Sect in this world, which focuses on developing the physical body. Potential, refine the power of the "world" into the body, and form a world of its own.

"The harmony between heaven and man, the body and the heaven and the earth, the regeneration of severed limbs, the rebirth of blood..."

Xu Xin's body merged into the world, and seemed to transcend the world. Endless vitality entered the body. His wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dripping blood also flowed back. This scene was really dumbfounded and it took a lot of time to fight. Yu Lian and Li Manman both injured him.

In the Haotian world, there are many powerful treatment methods, but generally speaking, injuries caused by strong people of the same realm or even stronger realms, such as broken limbs, cannot be recovered at all.

In the back mountain of Zhi Shou Guan, among the ant nests in the Qingshan Mountains that were trampled down by the Master, there are a bunch of strong men from the Taoist sect in the past, including many who are at the peak of the Five Realms and even the Apocalypse of the Sixth Realm.

They were crippled but not dead, and some had only their upper bodies left alive, but they could not recover.

But now, Xu Xin, who was injured by Yu Lian and Li Manchuan, actually used such fantastic means to recover, and they could feel that Xu Xin's state, such as rebirth with blood, might be an exaggeration, but Rebuilding a broken limb is definitely not difficult.

In the center of the palace, in front of the Shocking God Formation, Xu Xin took another step forward, his physical body's energy and blood rippling, and his energy soaring into the sky.

The clouds in the sky seemed to disperse, and the sun shone down, and seemed to turn into an infinite source of energy, pouring into Xu Xin's body.

The unity of heaven and man, borrowing the power of heaven and earth, is refined into the power of the physical body.

The sky is filled with endless brilliance, not only the light of the sun, but also the moonlight transformed by the Master, and the light of the stars all over the sky. Stars shine out dazzlingly, and even a bright moon appears in the sky.

There is a strange phenomenon in the sky, the sun and the moon shine together.

The aura on Xu Xin's body became violent, and the light of the sun, moon and stars spread all over his body. His whole person suddenly changed again. His body seemed to be infinitely enlarged, encompassing the entire universe, turning into emptiness, emptiness, and space. Became Zhou.

He is the void, he is the universe, he is the heaven and the earth, taking the essence of the sun and the moon for his own use.

The sun and moon shake the soul, and the sky is empty!
The harmony between man and nature creates endless possibilities!

This is the posture of heaven and man. Facing the endless formations blocking the road, Xu Xin just stretched out his hand, as if to forcefully break the formation.

A strange scene suddenly appeared in the void. An antenna stretched across the sky, dividing the sky into two layers. One layer was filled with the sun and moon shining together, and the sky was clear. The other layer was filled with wind and clouds, and layers of dense clouds suddenly turned into a terrifying creature. palm.

(End of this chapter)

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