The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 829 Elysium because it’s disgusting

Chapter 829 Elysian World... Because it’s disgusting...

"You finally appeared, Buddha!"

On the cliff of the solitary peak, Xu Xianxin looked at the top of the peak and saw that behind the main hall of the Hanging Temple, there were no monks ringing the bell, but the ancient bell was swinging by itself in the wind.

The sound of the bell resounded throughout the entire giant peak, resounding throughout the fields below the peak, until it reached the cliff in the distance, and then was knocked back. It kept repeating, and the distance was intoxicating.

On the stone steps in front of the Main Hall, dozens of monks sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and meditating, reading scriptures to the rhythm of the bells, as if chanting.

The Buddhist sect walks around the world and sits at the front. This powerful Buddhist sect who has practiced closed-mouth meditation for many years has read countless times more scriptures today than he has said in the past ten years or so. Infinite power.

The rest of the monks are extremely old, with white eyebrows that seem to hang down to their chests, and Heshi's hands are more wrinkled than the bark of the oldest tree on the cliff. At a glance, you can tell that they are elders in the Xuankong Temple.

There are also people chanting sutras in the Main Hall, and in several large yellow temples on the east and west peaks, there are hundreds of monks wearing red cassocks crossing their legs, hands clasped, and expressions of determination, constantly chanting sutras.

On the mountainside of Gufeng, in dozens of temples, thousands of monks wearing gray cassocks sit cross-legged in Zen rooms, hands clasped together, expressions tense, and chanting scriptures.

At the bottom of the mountain, in hundreds of dark temples, countless monks wearing colorful robes sit cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue, with their hands clasped together and their expressions bewildered, and they keep chanting scriptures.

In the vast wilderness at the bottom of the sinkhole, millions of people knelt down in the direction of the Hanging Temple. Whether they were dressed in rags or wearing gold and silver, their expressions were extremely pious and they kept praying.

Different positions in the Buddhist kingdom will lead to different clothes and different performances. Strong Buddhists do not need to sit in front of Buddha statues, ordinary monks need to rely on Buddha to increase their courage, weak ones look nervous, and monks who look confused, No idea what happened.

Those devout believers in the wilderness did not know what was happening, but their faith was the strongest. They had not studied the scriptures, but the effect of their prayers was the most powerful.

But no matter what kind of people they are, they are all chanting scriptures and praying.

The sound of bells, the sound of sutras, and the sound of prayers are everywhere in the Buddhist kingdom.

The clouds were calm, and many traces gradually appeared, which were the shadows cast by the scriptures on the clouds.

The real scriptures are in the air. Thousands of temple-sized words glow with a faint golden light, floating over the heads of the herdsmen, floating over the real temples, floating over the green trees on the cliffs, constantly arranging and combining in the sky.

The dark wilderness was illuminated very brightly by these golden scriptures.

The believers kneeling in the darkness in the wilderness showed extremely excited expressions on their faces. They became more pious and more determined to worship the Buddha. Their prayers became more uniform and brighter.

On the cliff of Gufeng, next to the pear tree, Xu Xin and the little girl holding green pears beside him stood quietly. They looked very special. Their figures looked so lonely and powerful.

"No need to give it to me, you can eat it yourself."

The little girl next to Xu Xin wiped the green pear clean and wanted to hand it to Xu Xin, but he declined and fed the green pear to the little girl. The little girl smiled sweetly and took a bite, and her whole breath changed in a different way.

Xu Xin looked up and looked into the depths of the Buddha's light for a long time.

He and the little girl stood on the cliff, standing next to the pear tree. In fact, they were standing in the palm of the Buddha's hand, standing under the small white flower held in his fingers.

Xu Xin quietly looked at the cliff, at the scriptures floating in the air, and at the Buddha's light. Different visions were within his eyes.

In the Hanging Temple, the seemingly compassionate Buddha's light is actually cold and ruthless. It is still cold. The Buddha's light comes from the Buddha's fallen palm and starts from the distant bell ringing behind the palace on the top of the mountain.

All of this is a trap. The trap set by Buddha was not aimed at Xu Xin, but Haotian. However, when Xu Xin came to overturn his trap, he was forced to launch a plan to suppress Xu Xin, the heretic Buddha. enemy. Countless years ago, Haotian's celestial calculation predicted some things, which appeared in the Mingzi Volume Heavenly Book. Later, for the Master, Haotian arranged a thousand-year plan, which corresponded to the prophecy of the Mingzi Volume Heavenly Book.

Before that, Buddha had read the Book of Heaven and written notes. He knew certain things that might happen in the future. He knew that Hades (Haotian) would also come to the human world and would become weaker and weaker, so Buddha A game was also laid...

He left many magical objects in the world, such as the Bon bell, the chessboard, and the ten thousand feet of Buddha's light to suppress the entrance to the underworld. But in fact, from the beginning to the end, the person Buddha wanted to kill was Pluto (Haotian). Buddha may have known that Pluto was Haotian, and he also had the intention of destroying Pluto (Haotian) and replacing him.

Xu Xianzhi looked at the sky. Those swirling and dancing golden words had gradually combined into a complete scripture. One word was as big as a temple, and thousands of words were a huge scripture. The golden scriptures floated in the sky above the tiankeng, covering the clouds.

"Buddha's Western Paradise! Not bad!"

Xu Xin waved his sleeves to shake the void, but the area where Yaping was located was imprisoned. It was not a rule or a realm, but a special world.

The Buddha turned his body into a mountain peak, with countless temples built between the peaks and countless believers under the peaks.

The mountain peaks are originally unconscious, godless and lifeless. However, for countless years, the temples in the mountains have been burning incense, the monks have continued to chant sutras, and the believers in the wilderness have paid homage to them. They have finally cultivated the Buddha nature, which is the awakening of the monks and believers. knowledge.

Countless years, countless people, countless consciousnesses, and countless lives, finally this world has become a Buddhist country. The real Buddhist country is the real world, the great world of bliss.

This world is located in the extreme west of the human world, so it is called the Western Paradise.

Xu Xin waved his sleeve, and the golden words, as big as temples, scattered more golden light towards the cliff, and they fell like petals.

In the Buddhist country, there are goddesses scattering flowers. The picture is very beautiful and it also exudes a strange fragrance.

These petals look like petals, but they are actually characters, characters from Buddhist scriptures.

The Dharma is incomparable and the words are as heavy as a mountain.

The several feet around Xu Xin's body had already become his realm of the world. At this time, when the fallen petals touched his world, they shattered into silk wadding, and the words in the flowers were broken into meaningless lines.

The petals continue to fall, thousands of words are thousands of flowers, like the continuous spring rain, which never stops for a long time.

"Judgment God, the Buddha Sect has absolutely no intention of being an enemy to you, so please leave!"

This voice is quiet and majestic. It can be described as magnificent. It is naturally the most powerful lecturer in Buddhism today.

He really had no confidence in defeating Xu Xin. Even if Buddha's backhand was forced to activate, he didn't know what his chances of winning were, so he still wanted to fight for it and let Xu Xin leave on his own.

"Buddhism emphasizes cause and effect. If the Buddha's effect is to make the world turn into the world at the foot of the mountain, then I will definitely not let his cause and effect be established."

The leader asked solemnly: "Why?"

Xu Xin replied: "Because it's disgusting."

The first one was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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