The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 830: Destruction of King Kong, Nianhua 1 laughs

Chapter 830: Destroying King Kong, holding a flower and smiling

"You can't kill me!"

On top of the lonely peak of Prajna transformed by the Buddha, Xu Xin instantly came to the front of the lecturer. This one of the strongest men in the world looked at Xu Xin, and while slowly moving his hands, he calmly explained a fact.

Indestructible Vajra is the realm with the strongest defense in the world. Even if Haotian wants to kill a strong man in this realm, it will take time. The disadvantage is that a strong man in this realm is very slow and heavy, and his movement speed is not as fast as ordinary people who know their fate and know their fate. Dongxuan.

But since Xu Xin took action, he naturally had a way to deal with him.


His palm fell on the head of the lecturer, and there was a muffled sound, like a heavy object hitting a stone drum, or a stone hitting a copper bell, and the buzzing echoed.

In short, this is definitely not the sound of a palm hitting a human body, because the first lecturer has already cultivated the Buddha body, is indestructible, and is otherworldly!

Xu Xin looked at the solemn and calm expression of the lecturer. His expression was still indifferent, not shocked, but his eyebrows were raised.

Enduring as immovable as the earth, this is the first terrifying description of the realm in the Xuankong Temple sermon. It is also an explanation of the source of power. His power comes from the earth.

If he doesn't leave the earth, even Haotian will have a hard time breaking his Vajra Indestructible Dharma Body.

The leader of the lecture is the most powerful person in the Buddhist sect, the Buddha walking in the world. It is obvious that his state of cultivation is high and profound. Since his connection with the earth is his reliance, naturally he will not let others cut off this connection easily. kind of connection.

The connection between things and the ground is gravity, and gravity is weight. The closer the connection, the stronger the gravity, and the heavier the thing.

The connection between the lecture hall and the earth is unparalleled in the world, so from another perspective, he is the heaviest person in the world.

In this world, the chief preacher and the butcher are the slowest people in the world. The reason for this is because they are very heavy.

To cut off the connection between the first seat and the earth is almost equivalent to standing on the earth but provoking the earth. Who can do it?

Xu Xin's expression was calm, and blood appeared in his palm. It was Xu Xin's own blood. The blood dripped from his palm, and strands of blood quickly spread down the head of the lecturer. The latter smelled the smell of blood. , saw blood dripping, and immediately felt uneasy.

The leader is still sitting on the ground, but his expression has changed. The connection between him and the earth has not been severed, but he moved after being smeared with blood by Xu Xin, which indicates a certain possibility.


Xu Xin also cultivated the physical body, and the realm of the first lecturer was not truly unsolvable, so he finally found the flaw. With Xu Xin roaring angrily, he was like a stone monkey that had been pressed by a huge stone for countless thousands of years, and finally Breaking the shackles of heaven and earth.

The thin body at the head of the sermon finally left the ground, and he could no longer sit still on the ground. Even though he is still indestructible, indestructibility is never a solution.


The lecturer looked down at his chest, where Xu Xin's other hand clenched his fist was imprinted there. Although it failed to break through his defense, it made him feel pain.


Another loud noise shook the void, and the face of the leader of the sermon became extremely pale. The body that was lifted into the air kept shaking, and his skinny hands were picking flowers in the wind.

It was Xu Xin's fist again. He tried to parry, but the speed was too slow and there was no time to stop and break up the attack. The realm of Vajra Indestructible has strong defense, but it has almost no advantage against strong men in the same realm. It is just a living bastard. "boom!"

The defense of the lecturer was finally broken by Xu Xin. A very deep wound could be seen, but he was not bleeding. There was no blood on his pale face and no blood on his chest.

The wounds on his body that were blasted away by Xu Xin's fists were obvious, but no flesh, blood or bones could be seen from the wounds. It felt like gold or jade, as if it was not a mortal.

The lecturer looked at Xu Xin and said with difficulty: "I told you, you can't kill me!"

"Your indestructibility has been broken."

Xu Xin said calmly, and the image of a blood-black evil beast appeared behind him, which was very similar to the legendary Taotie.

"Taotie Dafa, what is the relationship between you and Liansheng?"

The face of the lecturer became extremely serious. Although the news that Liansheng Thirty-Two recreated the Taotie method was secret, some people still knew about it. The first time Liansheng used the Taotie method to eat people was in Lanke, a Buddhist temple. In the temple, he ate Ke Haoran’s fiancée Jian Xiaoxiao.

Decades ago, when Liansheng caused great chaos in the world, the leader of the sutras also took action and united with the temple masters to challenge the master. The final result was a miserable defeat. He was forced to swear an oath before he was spared and fled back to Xuankong Temple. .

He never thought that one day he would see Taotie Dafa again in this situation.

"The Taotie method cannot eat me, and the gray eyes are useless to me. You are just wasting your efforts."

The lecturer was just shocked for a moment, and then he meditated carefully. Taotie and Gray Eyes can take away the flesh, blood and strength of ordinary strong people, but beings above the five realms are not so easy to eat, especially those who are known for their defense. The King Kong is indestructible.

"Of course I know that Taotie and Huiyan will have a hard time dealing with you, but who told you that I only know these two skills? It's your honor to die under my Heaven-Swallowing Demon Skill..."

Xu Xin, who was standing in front of the lecturer, suddenly exploded, and pieces of fairy peach blossoms bloomed in the sky, surrounding the old monk and flying towards the sky.

"Amita...what is going on at this time..."

The voice of the leader of the lecturer became suspicious and frightened. He felt that a force invaded his body along his wound. It was not devouring him, but merging with him. It seemed that it would make him stronger, but But his instinct reminded him of the hidden malice.

The leader of the lecturer's struggle was in vain. The gap between him and Xu Xin was too big. He couldn't beat him and couldn't escape. After a little grinding, sooner or later he would be worn to death.

Countless fairy flower petals are wrapped around the cliff peak where Xu Xin is located. The solitary suspended peak standing in the center of the tiankeng is called Prajna Peak. It is the transformation of the remains left by the Buddha after his nirvana.

The Yaping where Xu Xin is now is the left hand of the Buddha. For countless years in the past, the Buddha has always spread his hand with a flower between his fingers, which is the pear tree.

At this moment, with petals flying all over the sky, the sermon chair fell down, and the pear tree was pulled out by Xu Xin. There were no more flowers between Buddha's fingers, and naturally there was no meaning of picking flowers. Some kind of mystery was cracked, and the sermon was The first one could no longer resist and disappeared from the world.

"Rumble, rumble..."

When the first lecturer was suppressed by Xu Xin into his own world for destruction and refining, the Buddha, who was holding a flower and smiling, finally came to life and awakened to the last resort. He saw a ray of sky coming from the capital of Yuelun Kingdom in the distance, and the Buddha remained in the human world. The other magic weapons were summoned.

(End of this chapter)

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