The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 832: Tathagata’s Nirvana, Buddha’s light first appears, the Great Sun Tathagata casts the cu

Chapter 832: Tathagata's Nirvana, Buddha's light first appears... The Great Sun Tathagata casts a curse...

"My Buddha is compassionate!
"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately..."

In the main hall of the Xuankong Temple, someone was chanting sutras and summoning the strong men of the Xuankong Temple to carry out the final resistance. That was the Buddha's World Walk, Seven Thoughts.

The Seven Thoughts of Buddha's World Walk were once entrusted by Xu Xin to take the Ullama Pure Bell to the Tang Dynasty, and used the Buddha's magic weapon to reveal the true identity of the daughter of Hades. After that, they pursued Sangsang fanatically and tried to kill her. The daughter of Hades stops Eternal Night.

But when everything failed, the Buddhist sect became a coward and did not participate in the holy war called by the Xiling Temple against the Tang Dynasty.

That's right, the Yuelun Kingdom participated in the nationwide attack on the Tang Dynasty a few days ago, but the Buddha Sect did not.

Liansheng Thirty-Two once said, and the Master also said that Buddhism is like a group of turtles. The way that Buddhism finally understood is to close your eyes and not look, and shut up and not speak.

Because of the Buddha's last words, the Buddhist monks tried to kill Sangsang, the daughter of Hades, to save the common people from great terror.

However, it is also because of the essence of Buddhism passed down by the Buddha that when the daughter of Hades was not killed, the invasion of the underworld was irreversible, eternal night was coming, and the world was about to enter the age of the end of the Dharma, the Buddhist monks stopped trying to do anything. Instead choose to avoid and hide.

They firmly believe that the Western Paradise left by the Buddha has the sacrifices of millions of serfs, and that the Buddha can continue in the eternal night, so they just pretend to be a coward.

But what they didn't expect was that someone would take the initiative to attack Xuankong Temple to destroy them.

"What a bullshit paradise. There are Buddha statues and corpse statues here. There are gold-made magical instruments and silver-inlaid skulls. Monks have rosary beads around their necks. Nobles have ears tied around their necks. This is not a Buddhist country, but a hell. This is not a Buddhist country. It is a hell." There are no living Buddhas, only evil spirits..."

In the main hall, Qinian and the other so-called eminent monks of Xuankong Temple were silent. Lies will never hurt, but the truth is the most powerful. These words are all true, so they have no way to refute them.

For thousands of years, Buddhist monks have tried to change the problem of the Tiankeng Hell in Xuankong Temple, but they all failed in the end.

Those who were truly compassionate and intolerant finally chose to leave Xuankong Temple, such as Master Qishan who passed away in Lanke Temple.

Everyone who is left to practice so-called practice in Xuankong Temple can be said to be burdened with sins, and no one is innocent.

"They are just a bunch of ignorant people, just like ants..."

Qi Nian shouted angrily, and a circle appeared behind his head, emitting endless Buddha light. His body also began to emit Buddha light. As the monk's clothes floated lightly, the lines on the edge of his body strangely expanded into the air, becoming countless times larger in an instant.

Another Seven Thoughts appeared in the wilderness. His face was full of anger, his eyebrows were raised like swords, and his eyes were thundering, as if he could suppress all evil spirits in the world. It was his outer Dharmakaya: Fudo Ming King!
First, the perfect Buddha's intention was released, and then the Dharmakaya outside the body was invited. However, the casting of the Seven Thoughts still did not stop. The Dharmakaya of Fudo Ming King was seen stretching out his right palm in the air, slightly bending the index finger, which was the Mahamudra of the Buddha's mantra.

He practices closed-mouth meditation. There is no need to speak the Buddha's words, and the Buddha's words will resound throughout the world. In the sound of the Buddha's words, the mountain-like Dharmakaya of the Immovable King is calming Xu Xin with his mudra.

Mudras are like mountains, stacked on top of each other, endless, which is the wonderful meaning of Prajna.

Qi Nian is truly worthy of being a strong man in the Buddhist sect. He walks around the world and his actions are as high as the third level of supernatural powers.

However, this method did not break through the Five Realms after all. Qin Nian alone could not pose a threat to Xu Xin, so the rest of the powerful Buddhist sect took action.

Lines of Buddha's light rose from Prajna Peak. Each line of Buddha's light represented a strong Buddhist figure or a powerful temple. The infinite Buddha's light blessed King Ming and fell toward Xu Xin.

King Ming's statue is like a mountain, and his handprints are also like a mountain, casting a large shadow in the wilderness. However, this palm, like the Buddha's white pagoda instrument, cannot fall at all.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

"The Tathagata has entered Nirvana, and the Buddha's light has first appeared!" On the cliff of the solitary peak, Xu Xin's whole body was filled with spiritual light, and the sea of ​​Qi surged. The vast golden light condenses into the golden shape of the character "卍".

The power of Buddha's light is immense and boundless.

Compassion is vast, and it eliminates disasters and overcomes disasters.

The endless Buddha's light shines brightly, allowing the Tiankeng Purgatory to see the true light, and blasting away and shattering the false Buddha's light, Buddha's voice, and the sound of chanting sutras.

The fierce golden light formed countless sharp needles that looked like substance, severely piercing the defenses of the monks in the Xuankong Temple, exposing them to the true light, and making it impossible to hide their sins.

"What a Buddha!"

"Meet me Buddha!"

"My Buddha is compassionate!"


In the Tiankeng Purgatory, countless serfs knelt down and worshiped. It is these most ignorant and oppressed people who have the strongest belief in "Buddha". They are also the most critical part of this Western Paradise.

But now, Xu Xin's Buddha's light shines in this hell on earth, allowing them to truly see the light, and naturally they will believe in the real "Buddha".


Thousands or even more monks in Xuankong Temple suffered backlash. Qiye's face turned pale, and blood gradually flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

The three elders of the precepts hall next to him had sudden expressions, and their thin chests suddenly swelled up. They had breathed in a lot of autumn wind. Between the breaths, a series of extremely complex and difficult syllables were blown out from the lips at high speed, whistling. The sound was very disturbing.

Using this method, the elders of the monastery finished reciting the text in a very short time. The text was indeed difficult to understand because it was not an ordinary Buddhist scripture, but some kind of mantra.

The ascetics have many means, such as talismans and chanting, and the strong Buddhists also have their own special abilities, among which the technique of sutras and incantations is one of the most powerful.

The sutras and mantras recited by the elders of the precepts dean at this time are an excellent method that countless eminent monks from the past generations of Xuankong Temple have practiced hard in front of the wall.

The Great Sun Tathagata casts a spell.

After Buddha's Nirvana, he left countless behinds and legacy. As the secret legacy of Buddha, Xuankong Temple naturally wanted to make use of all of them.

The so-called eminent monks of the past dynasties thought hard and finally found a way to use the power of the Buddha's kingdom. This method is similar to speaking the law, but it has lower requirements on the caster. As long as the caster is willing to donate his own flesh and blood and longevity, he can Borrow the infinite power left by the Buddha from the Buddhist Kingdom.

This method is a sutra incantation, and it is the Great Sun Tathagata's magic spell, because this method is very cruel to the caster, and it always contains some ominous and bloody meaning. Once it is used, it will be extremely powerful. Once an innocent person is harmed, there is no possibility of recovery.

Therefore, Xuankong Temple has always kept this method secret in the Discipline Academy. Only the three elders of the Discipline Academy can practice it, and only the head lecturer can decide when to use it.

But today, there is an enemy in the Buddhist Kingdom, and it is naturally the big evil demon that Xuankong Temple has been wary of for countless generations. When is it not needed at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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