The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 833: The Buddha moved the mountains and rivers, I am the true Buddha, eradicating the roots

Chapter 833: The Buddha moves the mountains and rivers, I am the true Buddha... eradicate the weeds and kill them all...

Haotian World, Hanging Temple Tiankeng.

The Great Sun Tathagata's spell to cast down the magic sounded, and the underground world suddenly felt a sensation. The wind howled in the wilderness, the rocks rolled uneasily, the Prajna Peak was trembling slightly, and the east peak where the Discipline Hall of the Xuankong Temple was located was filled with angry pines and the Yellow Temple was shining brightly.

In a moment, a ray of Buddha's light rose to the sky from the east peak.

The giant peak of Prajna is the body of the Buddha. The main hall on the top of the peak is the head of the Buddha. The palm of his left hand is placed in front of him, which is the cliff where the pear tree is. Wherever the right palm is put together with one hand, it is another wonderful place. The east and west peaks are the left and right shoulders of the Buddha's body.

The Buddha's light rises into the sky, as if there is something extra on the Buddha's shoulders.

There was a strong wind, and the Vajra Demon-Conquering Pestle emitting Buddha's light flew down from the east peak and hit Xu Xin.

This demon-conquering pestle has no specific shape, but the area where the Buddha's light shines is dozens of feet wide.

Xu Xin looked at the falling Vajra Demonic Pestle and understood that this was the Buddha using the power of his descendants to fight against him. At that moment, Jiejia was sitting cross-legged, and the Buddha's light naturally emerged from under him and intertwined with the lotus throne. His hands formed the "Dharma Bounding Seal", and immeasurable Buddha's light surged out.


A roar resounded through the hanging tiankeng, and the brilliant Buddha's light lit up and quickly expanded in all directions. In the light, countless Buddhist "swastika" golden symbols shone and shot out.

In an instant, immeasurable precious light shines on the world, and the dazzling light condenses the Buddhist scriptures, spinning and dancing around Xu Xin. Xu Xin, who was sitting cross-legged, lowered his head slightly, with infinite blazing golden light shining between his eyes, with a majestic aura and a majestic appearance.

He stood up straight, removed the "Dharma Bounding Seal" with both palms, and unified them. Thousands of Buddhist golden talismans with the character "卍" were attracted, and the Buddha's light from the scriptures automatically gathered between Xu Xin's palms. The red lotus karma fire mixed with the sacred Buddha's light spreads towards purification everywhere.

The Buddhist talisman and the karma fire blend with each other to form a huge flame of Buddha light. Xu Xin flipped his palms, and the golden Buddha fire slowly rotated. The light was not blazing, but it was just the light brought by countless devout believers under the sinkhole. But many monks in Xuankong Temple felt as if they were in a sea of ​​fire.

Infinite Buddha's light and infinite fire of karma gathered behind Xu Xin, and a Tathagata's Dharma slowly rose, tall, majestic, and extremely powerful. The Buddha's face is naturally the same as Xu Xin's, and he is the true living Buddha.

"Since you have seen the true Buddha, why don't you worship him?"

Bursts of Buddha light and Sanskrit sounds came to the world, and the Buddha sitting in the sky was majestic. The monks at the bottom of the Hanging Temple had already knelt on the ground to worship, and kept telling their sins.

The red lotus fire burned blazingly, and a huge lotus Buddha lamp emerged in the void. The Buddha's light broke through the wind and clouds, soaring straight into the sky, illuminating the entire Tiankeng underground as if it were daytime.

A real glazed Buddha lamp is nine feet tall and supported by a six-foot lotus base. Although the shape is not luxurious, it is an ingenious workmanship.

There was a loud bang, and the moment the golden-topped glazed Buddha lamp and the Buddha's Vajra Demon-Conquering Pestle met in the sky, the Vajra Pestle collapsed.

The Buddha's light shook, and the Vajra broke into pieces and turned into countless golden flowers, falling on the meadows and streams of Tiankeng Purgatory. It seemed to be more beautiful than the sand gold flowing out of the abandoned gold farm.

The three elders of the Discipline Academy were struck back by the sutra curse, their luster suddenly dimmed, and their faces gradually withered.

Their breath weakened to the extreme in a very fast time, and they went to the so-called Paradise in seven thoughts and met the dying Buddha.

The first time Xu Xin's Tathagata palm appeared in the Haotian world, it was used to suppress the so-called Buddha. It is really ironic.

Flying sand and rocks, violent whirling, howling and roaring sounds filled the world even more. Before the divine palm was released, the mountains and rivers were already moving. Just by starting the prelude, the sound and momentum were already so majestic and majestic. It was truly shocking and unbelievable.

Xu Xin slowly rose into the void, and the white tower in the sky instantly collapsed. Countless smoke tornadoes mixed with countless sand, soil and gravel were pulled by each other. At the same time, they were turbulent and swirling. They crazily squeezed and merged with each other, and finally condensed into a continuous sky. Grounded Optimus Prime. The overwhelming momentum dominates the world.

"Buddha moves mountains and rivers!"

Xu Xin's thunderous shouts were as loud as thunderbolts.

In an instant, the countless low hills and hills within the tiankeng all "came alive", and countless giant dragons of earth and stone squirmed and danced wildly, soaring and undulating.

It was as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. Billions of tons of sand, stone and earth were rising up into the sky, blocking out the sun and turning the daytime sky into darkness as deep as midnight.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, countless huge columns of turbid water surged out from deep in the earth's core. They gathered together and became as strong as a mountain, and even covered the sky upwards.

The sky suddenly changed into a swamp, and the stormy waves rolled and surged. Countless monks from the Hanging Temple were struggling to their death in pain in the rolling water.

The world is turned upside down, the world is in chaos, and it is unbelievable to the extreme.

When Xu Xin moved his arms to the left and right, the water filled the sky roared wildly and rolled down, just like the Milky Way overflowing and Tianchi hanging upside down.

The earth, rocks and rivers were mixed together, and the terrifying mudslide hit the Prajna Peak, causing the giant peak transformed from the Buddha's remains to shake in an instant.

"I am the true Buddha..."

Following Xu Xin's loud roar, the air currents around the world were triggered by it, and immediately condensed into countless tornadoes, squeezing each other like crazy, and the momentum was majestic and surging, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Strong winds, turbid currents, earth and rocks, etc. all rushed into the sky and merged with the Buddha statue transformed by golden light, eventually forming a brand new Buddha's Dharma image, which was naturally the incarnation of Xu Xin.

"Heaven and earth, the world of the ten directions, the sky of the universe, and all laws in the world of mortals will return to the right path...Today, chaos will be brought to order, and the kingdom of demons and Buddhas will be destroyed..."

Xu Xin's voice settled, and the billions of rocks that constituted the Tathagata's Dharma completely collapsed and disintegrated in an instant. The incomparable Buddha power accumulated in a palm fell from the sky, turning the sea over and the river. The force that shook the mountains and rivers came down heavily.

"My Buddha bless..."

At the top of Prajna Giant Peak, the senior officials of Xuankong Temple were all praying, praying extremely devoutly.

In the past, the prayers of these high-level officials could not be compared with those of the serfs at the lowest level, or even those of ordinary monks.

But today, at this life-and-death moment, they showed unprecedented piety. For the first time, they expressed such urgent hope that Buddha could respond.

The "clicking" sound of fracture shook the world. It has existed in this world for more than a thousand years. The giant Prajna peak that has existed since the existence of Xuankong Temple was broken...

Prajna Peak was completely broken off from the mountainside, and the Hanging Temple and Buddha would eventually lose in the final battle. The splendid Hanging Temple and countless high-level Buddhist sects fell into the mortal world with this ancient and famous temple. In their view, in the past Come to the filthiest land of sin.

The physiques of practitioners are very strong, and ordinary methods cannot kill them. Even if they fall from a high altitude, there is still a chance of surviving.

Since Xu Xin came to upset the Buddha's chess game, he would not be polite. Of course, he should eradicate the roots and kill them all.

(End of this chapter)

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