The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 837: The 1st line of the South China Sea Great Priests, Chen Pipi’s mother clan

Chapter 837: The lineage of the great priests of the South China Sea, Chen Pipi’s mother clan
The Light Festival is the grandest festival in the Haotian world. The last Light Festival has been so far away that it has left people's memories. Now that the Light Festival has started again, it has undoubtedly attracted the attention of all believers. Momoyama welcomes the most distinguished guests in the world.

Sacrificial offerings from various countries are continuously sent to the Xiling Divine Kingdom. Although those rare treasures are not qualified to be the main sacrifices of the Light Festival, they are still acceptable for decorating the ceremony.

The most devout group of Haotian believers, after hearing the news about the Light Festival, came to the Xiling Divine Kingdom and never left.

On this day, the Light Festival was officially held in Momoyama.

In the early morning, missionaries and believers from various countries entered the mountain one after another, but the mountain road was quiet. No one dared to make any noise, not because the religious music faintly coming from the front terrace had a calming effect, but because the shrouded The whole Peach Mountain has a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

More than a dozen Talisman Masters and Formation Masters stood in the center of the front terrace of Taoshan Mountain and began to activate the large formation that had been arranged in advance. The formation was full of ideas. The autumn wind in Taoshan Mountain gradually became quieter, and there were faint peach blossoms in the wind. The vitality of heaven and earth in the foothills responded. As they arrived, dozens of Haotian religious flags roared and vibrated.

The forty-seven waterfalls in Taoshan break into pieces in the wind and turn into countless water droplets as fine as powder. They are blown by the wind to the front of Taoshan and then fall slowly.

The drizzle fell in front of the mountain, and the dust suddenly gathered. The flat stone ground was washed clean, and the altar made of white stone in the middle was as clean as jade.

Tens of thousands of believers were also drenched by the drizzle. Their clothes did not get wet. Instead, they felt refreshed and kept praising Haotian.

The new king of the Yan Kingdom, Chongming, also arrived, as did the kings of Song, Qi, Liang and other small countries. Representatives from the River Kingdom and the Yuelun Kingdom were bookworms and nymphomaniacs respectively. Xiu Geng came a lot.

All the priests from the Tianyu Academy were present to preside over the ceremony. The priests and deacons from the four temples on Taoshan were all busy, and even the servants from all over Taoshan came.

These people stood closer to the foot of the mountain, far away from the tens of thousands of believers. They watched the believers kneeling to pray, each with their own thoughts. Two sacred chariots slowly descended from Peach Mountain and stopped on the front terrace.

The divine chariot on the left is extremely huge, blooming with light. It is the great priest of heaven who has been blessed by Haotian. On the divine chariot on the right, the one sitting upright is not the great priest of judgment, but the chief minister of judgment. , Dao Chi Ye Hongyu.

Ye Hongyu's cultivation level is the first among the younger generation besides Xu Xin. He is at the peak of knowing his destiny, and even surpasses the combat power of the Oracle of Heaven.

With such strength, coupled with her special relationship with Xu Xin, naturally no one dared to accuse her of sitting on the judgment seat without authorization.

On the throne of the Judgment God, the red gauze is as red as blood, and it is indescribably chilly. The beautiful woman in the chariot is sitting with her head stretched out, her black hair is like a waterfall under the divine crown, her eyes scan the four directions, and occasionally turn towards the direction of the Temple of Light.

Many of the countless believers in front of Taoshan saw the two shrines for the first time. At this time, they were so excited that even their prayer voices trembled.

In front of the white jade altar, the moods of many important people became more and more complicated. The Xiling Temple has always ruled the world of Haotian. The headmaster and the three great priests, these four temples, are the most powerful existences in the world.

However, in the past twenty years, Xiling Divine Cult has changed too much. The God of Light and the leader have had accidents and have died. The God of Judgment has also been replaced. Some time ago, it is said that the God of Oracle almost fell into the arms of Haotian. It can be said that it has a fateful life. .

But even with this Haotian Divine Sect, no one dares to underestimate it, especially the Judgment Temple.

Although the Judgment Priest did not appear today, the Dao Chi who is comparable to the Peak Priest of Knowledge is an extremely powerful fighting force, not to mention the contemporary God Seat, which is said to have become the new generation of invincible in the world.

Among the many guests attending the ceremony, there were many descendants of powerful spiritual sects. Among them, the representative of the Southern Jin Jiange was Liu Bai's younger brother Liu Yiqing.

Just before the Light Festival was about to begin, a white line suddenly appeared in the clear blue sky above Taoshan. The white line was very thin, as if someone had used a needle to draw a line on the porcelain blue sky. "Ding!"

Along with the sound of a sword, a sword appeared on the front lawn of Taoshan.

This sword is very ordinary. The handle is wrapped with soft and dense Songjiang cloth. The sword body should be made of green steel. It doesn't feel very sharp, and it doesn't have any runes engraved on it. But everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to this sword.

The flying sword hovered quietly in the air, as if being held by an invisible hand. If someone is behind the sword, they can see that the sword's head is slightly raised, facing the Temple of Light on Peach Mountain. There is no disrespect at all, just as if looking at that place quietly.

In front of the white jade altar, the figure of the great priest Tianyu moved slightly, and a rare emotion of anger appeared on his face, because he recognized this sword. This was definitely Liu Bai's sword, and only his sword dared to do this.

The great priest Tianyu was very angry, but he did not get angry in the end because Liu Bai's strength was... very strong.

Suppressing his anger, the Oracle of Heaven announced the start of the Light Sacrifice Ceremony, and Taoist music full of sacred meanings sounded everywhere in Taoshan.

The breath between heaven and earth dances with the music, and a breeze rises, carrying the warm breath of spring. The peach blossoms in the mountains quivered gently in the wind, and the petals became more pink and tender. Then they lifted up in the wind, floated down the peach mountains, and kept flying in the air on the front terrace.

The peach blossoms fell one after another, turning into a grand rain of flowers, and then a miracle occurred. Tens of thousands of believers were bathed in the rain of flowers, and countless people's hidden wounds and disabilities were being redeemed.

Seriously ill believers gradually regained their vitality, suppurating believers gained new healthy skin, and even believers who were not sick received great favor from the gods because of their piety.

White hair becomes black, old becomes young, all kinds of miracles are coming.

Shouts of surprise and moved cries kept ringing out on the front lawn of Taoshan. Tens of thousands of believers kept kowtowing to Taoshan, crying bitterly, and thanking God for the blessings bestowed upon them.

After a series of complicated procedures, the ceremony of the Light Festival finally came to the most important part.

Sacrifice to heaven.

Just when the great priest Tianyu was chanting the scriptures in person, and countless believers were kneeling on the ground to worship, suddenly there was another voice chanting the scriptures of the Light Sacrifice.

A group of people, old and young, male and female, were walking under Peach Mountain. They were wearing hats and dark complexions. They came from the South China Sea. They looked like fishermen on the beach, but they were wearing extremely noble red robes.

These dozen or so red-clothed priests walked slowly in line, with a very uniform rhythm. If you looked from the front, you could only see the old man at the front.

The distinctive sound of worship comes from these people. There are obviously more than a dozen people, but there is only one voice. Compared with the sound of worship in the temple, this is truly perfect harmony.

The red robes of these people are real, and the Qingguang Formation that guards Taoshan also recognizes the identity of these people. They are truly devout to Haotian, and they also have pure bloodline priests from the Taoist sect, so they can pass through the Qingguang Formation so easily. Array.

They are from the lineage of the Great Priests of Guangming. To be precise, they are the descendants of the lineage of the Great Priests of Guangming in the South China Sea. They are also the mother clan of Chen Pipi.

(End of this chapter)

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