The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 838: There is no need to continue the farce

Chapter 838: There is no need to continue the farce (this chapter should have been the last one yesterday)
By the small lakeside of Zhishou Temple, the owner of the temple is lying on a bamboo couch, quietly looking in the direction of Taoshan outside the wall.

The middle-aged Taoist was making tea beside the couch. He divided the tea and gently placed it beside the couch.

The viewer reached out and slowly took the tea cup and took a sip.

The middle-aged Taoist looked in the direction of Taoshan and said after a long silence: "What a pity."

The master of the temple knew that what the junior brother said was a pity had two meanings.

On the day when the Master ascended to heaven, a foot fell from the sky and collapsed the ant nest in the Qingshan Mountain behind the temple. All the masters of the Taoist sect died.

From that moment on, the Taoist sect's focus has shifted from Zhishou Temple to Xiling Temple, because power has nothing to do with faith, but only with strength.

At that time, he had a fight with Xu Xin, and the subsequent Taoist sect was still headed by Zhi Shou Guan. However, now that he has been abolished, Zhi Shou Guan has been abolished.

The middle-aged Taoist said it was a pity. The first meaning was that it was a pity that the true power of Zhi Shou Guan was trampled to pieces by the Master. The second meaning was that it was a pity for the Nanhai priests who were in Taoshan at this time.

"I don't feel sorry for it."

The viewer looked at Taoshan from a distance and said loudly: "She can't win, at least today. Everything about her is considered very good, but it just can't be calculated. She can't cut off all the connections in this world. Or maybe she has been avoiding it. Best choice for this matter.”

"If she really wanted to return to the Kingdom of God, she would not have repeatedly rejected the best advice from the Judgment God's Throne and chosen this more difficult path..."

The conversation between the temple owner and the middle-aged Taoist priest is still continuing, and on the Taoshan side, more than a dozen red-robed priests have already arrived in front of the altar.

These people were still walking upright, with pious and determined expressions. They also worshiped Haotian, but the choice was different from the current temple.

The God of Heaven looked at the ten people in front of him, his eyes became sharp. He was reborn because of the goddess of heaven, so he naturally wanted to make this true god walking on earth get his wish.

"The descendant of the great priest of the South China Sea?"

The Oracle of Heaven looked at the dozen or so people in front of the altar and said, "Six hundred years have passed, why are you coming back?"

The leader of these dozen priests is an old man. He has a dark face, a short and sparse beard, and quiet eyes. Because of the faint smell of sea, he looks like an old fisherman who has experienced all the joys and sorrows of the world.

"We are members of the Taoist sect, why can't we return to the Xiling Temple?"

The old man looked at the Heavenly Mandate Shrine and said: "Taoshan holds the Light Festival, and it should be hosted by the Guangming Temple. When will it be the turn of the Heavenly Mandate Temple?"

"My Nanhai lineage is the direct lineage of the Guangming Zongzong. Since the Guangming God's seat is vacant now, I, Zhao Nanhai, have to come back to preside over this matter."

The guests attending the Light Festival today are either powerful people in the spiritual world or noble people in the secular world. They all know more or less about the hidden history of Taoism. When they heard this, many people had already guessed the origins of these visitors.

For more than a thousand years, except for the Judgment God's Throne, which has suddenly emerged in recent years, the three most outstanding people in the Xiling Temple are all from the Temple of Light.

The first one was the Great Priest of Light who took the Book of Heaven to preach in the wilderness and eventually founded the Demon Sect. The nearest one is naturally Wei Guangming.

In addition, there is another person, the Great Priest of Guangming six hundred years ago, who can single-handedly fight against the three leaders of the time, Judgment, and Tianyu without falling behind.

By chance, this person gained some insights after reading the Buddha's notes, and actually tried to interpret and revise the Xiling Canon that had been circulated for countless years. This was a huge project, and it also made the senior officials of the Taoist sect feel uneasy. The Xiling Canon was given to believers by Haotian, so how can they be revised at will?

Six hundred years ago, the civil strife caused by the revision of the canon was the most tragic period in the history of Xiling Temple.

The final result was that Zhi Shouguan took action and made what they thought was the most correct move. Although the line of Nanhai great priests was considered orthodox, they were also invited out of Taoshan to preach in Nanhai.

This incident happened more than 600 years ago. Everyone thought that the descendants of this line had disappeared long ago, but they did not expect that there are still descendants of the Nanhai line appearing today and returning to Taoshan.

The Oracle of Heaven stared at Zhao Nanhai and others and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Zhao Nanhai looked up at the Temple of Light on the top of Peach Mountain and said with a complicated expression: "We want to return to the Temple of Light and light the eternal lamp."

The Nanhai lineage was inherited from the Nanhai Great Priest, and the Taoist sect recognized its orthodox status. Now that there is no owner of the Bright Seat, their request to inherit this position is not an excessive request. But this moment is not a very good time.

The eyes of the great priest Tianyu became sharp. At any other time, he would not have cared about the replacement of the God of Light.

But now, although the eternal lamp in the Temple of Light is extinguished, there is really no one in the Temple of Light. No matter who wants to return to the Temple of Light, it is the most ridiculous joke in the world.

He looked at the people in Nanhai and said: "The matter of the succession of the Dao Sect Divine Seat needs to be handled with caution. We will not have a serious discussion until the Light Festival is over. Please step aside for now."

There was a girl among the Nanhai people who looked a little younger than Chen Pipi. She looked at the Heavenly Mandate Temple and mocked: "The people in the Heavenly Mandate Temple are ignorant and incompetent. They can't even read the Fengtian Chapter. What qualifications do they have?" You should be the ones hosting the Light Festival?"

Zhao Nanhai looked at the great priest Tianyu and said expressionlessly: "The Temple of Light has been without a master for nearly twenty years, and the Taoist sect has been fighting against the Tang Dynasty. In the end, it can be said that there is no gain. The leader returned to the Kingdom of God, and the God of Judgment has disappeared. The oracle god is sitting there, so it is difficult for him to take on a big responsibility."

The words of the successor of the great priest of the South China Sea were simply a mockery of the crowd, which was beyond everyone's expectations. According to their wishes, all the existing high-level officials in Taoshan were held accountable, and his own lineage came to take charge of Taoshan and take charge of the power. That's right.

Seeing that these people dared to be so disrespectful, the priests and deacons of the Xiling Temple became furious, and some even shouted harshly.

At this time, Xiaoyu, a girl from the South China Sea, looked at the Divine Judgment Chariot and found a beautiful woman sitting in the blood-like veil, and asked: "Are you Ye Hongyu?"

Ye Hongyu ignored her, and a deacon of the Judgment Department said coldly: "This is my Lord, the Chief Judgment Secretary. If you have anything to report, please come quickly."

The Nanhai girl looked at the sacred chariot and felt that the color was a bit unpleasant, so she said, "Come down, I want your place."

There was an uproar in the Taoshan front yard. No one thought that Zhao Nanhai had just targeted the Oracle of Heaven, and then this girl would be so bold as to ask Ye Hongyu to give up her position in the ruling.


Ye Hongyu finally looked at the girl, but just scolded her coldly. The fierce murderous aura turned into a storm and swept across Taoshan. The girl who knew the fate instantly collapsed to the ground. Many South China Sea masters, including Zhao Nanhai, looked at her instantly. Become solemn.

Ye Hongyu didn't pay much attention to them, but coldly ordered: "There is no need to continue this farce, the Light Festival will continue."

Countless deacons and priests from the Judgment Temple quickly surrounded everyone in the South China Sea. If there was any abnormal movement, they would be killed without mercy.

The Light Festival is not only an important matter for the goddess, but also a matter of concern to her man. The Judgment Temple will not allow anyone to destroy this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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