The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 854 Blind escape, after all, cannot escape the final outcome of death.

Chapter 854: Blindly escaping will eventually lead to death...the final ending...

The rain on the top of Peach Mountain had stopped long ago, but at the moment when the drunkard died, the dark clouds in the sky rolled, as if a strange phenomenon was happening.

Under the earth, the entire Xiling Divine Kingdom shook. The shaking of the earth seemed to spread to the night sky at the next moment, and the gloomy cloud began to roll, like boiling water, twisting constantly, but showing no signs of spreading, like the expression of human pain.

Xu Xin's palm fell on the drunkard's body, and naturally took away everything from him. The drunkard's sword flew into ashes, and the wine bottle soon decayed and shattered after it exploded.

His body, as the heaven and earth shook, quickly decayed, or weathered, turning into something similar to yellow sand, and then disappeared without a trace when blown by the wind falling from the night sky.

The death of an alcoholic triggers visions in heaven and earth. Killing an alcoholic has a huge impact on the world. He has already broken away from the category of ordinary humans.

In other words, alcoholics are no longer human beings.

Drunkards are not ordinary practitioners, they are real great practitioners, people on the level of Buddha, Ke Haoran and Guanzhu. Even using the words "great cultivator" is not accurate.

He and the Butcher came from ancient times and existed in this world long before the Buddha. The generation of Master and Guanzhu thousands of years ago, and the generation of Ke Haoran decades ago are all his descendants.

He and the Butcher were truly legends, even legends, as he had lived for countless years and seemed like he would live forever.

But today, he died.

It seems that the eternal person dies, which shows that there is no definite fate between life and death.

This also shows that blindly escaping will ultimately lead to death.

The drunkard was dead, and Xu Xin's eyes turned to the next target, which was the butcher holding a knife.

On the Peach Mountain, the drunkard was reduced to ashes. Xu Xin's eyes met the drunkard's. The latter was holding the heavy butcher knife and looked at Xu Xin with unusually indifferent or cold eyes.

"The drunkard dies."

Xu Xin said calmly, the cloud in the sky that looked like a painful face was still floating and causing strange phenomena in the world. The butcher could see it clearly from this angle.

How could the butcher not see that cloud? He had lived with an alcoholic in this world for countless years, how could he not receive the news of his death?
He said nothing and looked at Xu Xin silently, as if he were looking at a dead person.

Anyone who is looked at by a figure like the Butcher will feel scared, at least a little uneasy, or cold, but Xu Xin's eyes show that the Butcher is just looking at prey.

"The drunkard dies."

Xu Xin repeated, with a very calm tone. He was not deliberately pointing out this fact and key points to anger the other party, but was telling an objective fact, including the next sentence, which was so natural.

"You will die too."

The butcher was silent for a moment and said: "I don't want to die. But... I only have this companion. He was killed by you and you still don't want to let me go. Then I have to do something."

His eyes became sharp, and he seemed to have regained his fighting spirit. People like drunkards and butchers, if they had not been with each other, would have been lost on the long and endless road of spiritual practice, and lost on the long hidden road of life, because no one can endure that kind of loneliness.

They could be each other's companions through the long years, they were each other's only companions, and when the drunkard died, if the butcher didn't do something, no one would.

The butcher raised the oil-stained butcher knife and said seriously to Xu Xin: "I will cut a way."

He had no way, so he needed to cut a way.

The butcher raised his knife and slashed at Xu Xin without any moves. There are no tricks either. You can't even feel the slightest breath of heaven and earth on the knife. It looked like, no, just a simple knife.

This knife is certainly not simple.

If someone were to wield a butcher knife as heavy as a mountain, they would chop thousands of times every day. There are more than 300 days of cutting every day. He has been repeating these days for tens of thousands of years, so how many cuts has he made? I'm afraid I can't count it clearly, I just know it's a huge number.

In the past years, only the Butcher has done this, and only he can do this, because he has lived long enough, so he has practiced long enough.

Everyone says that cultivation lies in talent and diligence. Butcher’s talent for cultivation is naturally one of the best in the Haotian world. He keeps cutting like this. When it comes to diligence, he is also one of the best. The combination of the two means that his knife is terrifying.

Theoretically, if he didn't lose his fighting spirit, this sword would be invincible.

Even if the sword master Liu Bai is resurrected, he can't take this sword forcefully.

Chen, the master of Zhishou Temple, would not think of taking this knife forcefully.

Among the strong men who passed away, Master Wuju could only ignore this sword.

Only Ke Haoran, a lunatic from the Academy, would take the butcher's knife forcefully.

But now, there is a second "madman" in this world.

The butcher's knife was very thick, covered with oil and some blood. When it was slashed at the peach blossoms falling all over the sky, it always felt a bit disharmonious, as if the next moment, his blade would cut through the air.

Because in Taoshan at this moment, where his blade was pointing, there was nothing but peach blossoms.

However, when the sword fell, you could really see the deformation of the space and hear the sound of something being torn apart.

Some barriers in the void were cut through with a simple knife.

The intention of this sword was not gone, but in the process of slashing towards Xu Xin, the ground in front of the Taoshan White Jade Altar could only hear a clicking sound, and rocks were flying and splashing. The whole Taoshan was shaking slightly, as if it was about to crack. Same.

A butcher's knife can cut a mountain in half. But this is Taoshan, the sacred land of Haotian in the human world, so naturally it is not so easy to break.


Xu Xin's figure appeared in front of the butcher the next moment, and the deafening impact directly tore the flying peach blossoms in Peach Mountain into pieces. The aftermath went straight up to the night sky, tearing a hole in the clouds.

The chaotic aura of heaven and earth was filled with turbulence caused by collisions, causing the remaining flowers and rocks on the ground to fly and collide.

Xu Xin and Butcher fought so fast that they could only hear the sound and not see the picture clearly.

No one knows how many battles took place between the two in such a short period of time, how many collisions occurred between the iron sword butcher knife and the fist. All they know is that it represented a confrontation of absolute power.

I don’t know how long it took, but Taoshan finally became quiet for a while.

The butcher reappeared with an indifferent expression. There were many wounds on his body, but no blood could be seen. He seemed embarrassed, but he was not really injured.

He is worthy of being the person closest to the legendary immortal realm.

Opposite him, Xu Xin's figure became fainter, as if he was about to be destroyed.

But the next moment, the butcher's eyes dimmed and disappeared, and his almost immortal body turned into dust like a drunkard and disappeared into ashes.

The butcher was also defeated and died, and their power was gained by Xu Xin.

This Xu Xin has solved the two pieces of rotten flesh that are best to kill, and has basically reached the end. He turns into a ball of light and rushes towards the Xu Xin who holds the Kingdom of Light in his hands. The infinite light shines on Taoshan, and the final ending is about to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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