The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 855 If God has feelings, the world will be restless

Chapter 855 If God has feelings, the world will be restless

"Master Guan, it seems you have lost."

On the top of Peach Mountain, gamblers and butchers died one after another. Li Manman finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground, and the wooden stick in his hand also fell to the ground.

In the end, the viewer could not get closer to Sangsang. He was only one step away. He was so close yet seemed so far away.

And he failed to get close to Sangsang to seize the final divinity, which was a failure, because the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book were in Xu Xin's hands. Even if he could temporarily influence one or two, having no divinity meant that he was not qualified to fight for it. , when Xu Xin frees his hand, he will be the one who dies.

"If I lose, you will win!"

The host is unwilling to give up, and the academy has not won. Now Xu Xin is the strongest. This is not the same as the situation at the beginning, so what is the point of a fight like this among them?
"We still have a choice now, to join forces to defeat the Judgment God's Throne and reverse this mistake of trying to replace gods with humans."

Li slowly smiled and said that the academy believed that it was wrong to replace gods with humans. They wanted to let gods become humans and understand human hearts. This was the correct solution.

"I really don't understand what your academy is doing!"

"First you fight against Haotian, and then you help Haotian. You are a group of saboteurs. You can't do anything yourself, but you still want to destroy other people's things."

The viewer was extremely angry. The things the academy did seemed to have no benefit at all and were just sabotage. In the end, no one could achieve their goals.

"You have no other choice. Even if I get out of the way now, you can't hurt Sangsang."

Li slowly smiled and stepped aside. At this moment, there was a black flower in Sangsang's hand. It was a shabby black umbrella in full bloom.

The black umbrella is as worn as before, and its surface is covered with dust and greasy. When opened, the black umbrella looks very small, but in fact it is big enough to cover the entire sky.

This is a corner of the night that can theoretically block any attack.

In addition, a nearly perfect bubble appeared next to Sangsang. There were countless light spots on the surface of the bubble. Those light spots represented the entrance to the stable channel of the vitality of heaven and earth.

One of the light spots on the surface of the bubble was radiating light, which seemed particularly real, because the position represented by that light spot was a teleportation array composed of complicated runes at Sangsang's feet.

There is a mezzanine between the vitality of heaven and earth, which can directly connect two extremely distant geographical locations. To explain it in simpler language, it is a shortcut.

But only great cultivators in the realm of no-distance, such as the master of the temple, the senior brother and the drunkard, can see through the rules and use their own power to open the door of the mezzanine, so that they can come and go at will, thousands of miles away.

In addition to the distance-free realm, there are other ways for human beings to use shortcuts between heaven and earth, that is, teleportation arrays. Tang Kingdom and Xiling Temple have both built teleportation arrays in the human world. However, teleporting people consumes a lot of money. The most they can do is use them for teleportation. Information, strategic significance is limited.

Sang Sang is a goddess, and the sky can calculate everything in the Haotian world. The light spots on the bubbles are the locations of teleportation arrays in the human world. Some of the teleportation arrays have even been abandoned for tens of thousands of years. Except for her, , no human being knows about it at all.

She stood in the center of those complicated and beautiful runes, her face was pale and her body was stained with blood. She looked like a wounded fairy. She was no longer as indifferent and great as before, and she looked a little pitiful.

To open these talismans, humans need a lot of resources, energy and rare ores, and they also need to wait for a relatively long time.

Sangsang doesn't have these things, and she doesn't have time, but she has something that humans don't have, and that is herself. She is the incarnation of Haotian at the moment, and the blood flowing out of her divine body is the most precious and pure energy in the world. source.

The black umbrella can defend against attacks, and the teleportation array can allow her to leave Taoshan. Such a perfect cooperation, let alone the viewer, even Xu Xin seems to be unable to do anything to her for a while.

She looked up at Xu Xin, her little face became paler, and the divine blood at the corners of her lips was shining. At this moment, Sangsang turned into a goddess again. She said in a trembling voice: "How on earth did you do that?" She was confused. I don’t understand. I wonder how Xu Xin can defeat her so easily. She is a goddess. Even if her divine power weakens as she gets closer to people, she should still be invincible on earth. Taoshan is her sacred land. Why can Xu Xin take her away in one fell swoop? of godhead.

The Taoist sect has been inheriting the seven-volume heavenly book for a long time, but holding the seven-volume heavenly book does not mean that it can fight against or even take away Haotian's godhead. Otherwise, Zhi Shouguan would have reopened this gamble long ago.

In the original timeline, Chen came to the door with the seven-volume heavenly book after the birth of Protestantism, the decline of Haotian's faith, and Sang Sang's pregnancy, because he was confident at that time.

However, Xu Xin, just after the failure of the Light Festival, actually used the Heavenly Book to take away the Godhead of the Goddess. Not to mention that the Goddess couldn't believe it, Chen, who was forced to take action, couldn't figure out how he did it.

The reason why the goddess is not leaving now is because of the warning from heaven. If she runs away now, her last chance will be gone.

"I warned you before."

"If God had feelings, heaven and earth would be restless."

"This sentence not only represents the responsibility of God. If you have a mortal heart and have selfish desires, you will focus on one part instead of paying equal attention to all living beings as before, and blending with the heaven and earth in a balanced way. Then, This gives me an opportunity.”

"In the 3434th year of the Xiling Emperor's reign, after Master killed all the peach blossoms, the peach blossoms bloomed all over the mountain for the first time. From that moment on, Peach Mountain is no longer just your sacred land."

"You should have discovered these things long ago, but as you get closer to others, the calculation of heaven is no longer perfect, so you lose."

Xu Xin said calmly that the defeat of Tiannu was never a sudden uprising on his part, but had been planned for many years. Taoshan is Haotian's sacred land in the human world. Theoretically, she is invincible in Taoshan.

But when the goddess fell in love, she had selfish desires, and she and Taoshan were no longer compatible. Xu Xin had been able to make Taoshan bloom with peach blossoms many years ago. He was equivalent to a person with second authority. With the help of the entire Taoshan, he could naturally seize the opportunity to seize power.

"If I leave, I will completely lose!"

Sang Sang looked at Xu Xin to get confirmation.

"You can't escape. I already have godhead. As long as you ascend to heaven, you can start the divine battle. It's just a little more difficult without you."

"When this is all over, no matter who wins or loses, this part of you will be taken back."

Xu Xin explained calmly.

"We haven't lost yet, we still have the power of the world..."

Ning Que's voice sounded, but at this moment Xu Xin was behind him and saw the figure of the master. Ning Que, who was jumping up and down, was never Xu Xin's opponent. He didn't kill this fellow countryman several times, just because the master was protecting him. This disciple.

Xu Xin knew that it would be meaningless to kill Ning Que without defeating the Master. If he killed Ning Que, the Master could find another "human puppet", and the situation would be difficult to control.

After all, he was familiar with Ning Que and had plenty of ways to target him.

Just like now, Ning Que has brought the power of the world, but his use of the power of the world is generally... If the opponent is Ning Que, Xu Xin has already had a way to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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