The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 856 Haotian has a world, Master has rules and regulations, and I have Hedao

Chapter 856 Haotian has a world, Master has rules and regulations, and I have Hedao

In this world, no one can command the world, not even the Master.

He just silently fought against Haotian in the human world for a whole thousand years, and understood how to guide the general trend of the human world and turn it into a force in the human world.

Ning Que now has a strong aura of the human world lingering around him. It is not that he suddenly understood the nature of the power of the human world and can lead the will of the human world, but that the master's will comes with the moonlight and guides him like a possessor. This is Only then can the power of the world reappear.

The moonlight blocked the sun and brought darkness to the world. The master's strength and will came to the world with the moonlight.

So at this moment, Ning Que sensed the thoughts of countless people, sensed the will of the world, and the thoughts of hundreds of millions of people, whether from the ends of the earth or the corners of the sea, were rushing towards him.

If Ning Que was just Ning Que, then he wouldn't be able to withstand telekinesis of the same order of magnitude.

But he held on, and the Formation Eyes of the Shocking God Formation helped him share the power, glowing and heating, turning into an extremely bright light source, floating above Ning Que's head, the majestic light coming from The mental power from everywhere in the world finally poured into the Formation Eye Pestle.

As everyone knows in later generations, the moon does not originally shine. It can only reflect the light of the sun. But at this moment, the light emitted by the eye pestle, although it is also dazzling and hot, has the attribute of "moon". It is the light of the moon.

"Today, someone will be a character!"

Ning Que looked at Xu Xin, who was surrounded by seven volumes of heavenly books, and said loudly and confidently.

Xu Xin was also looking at Ning Que, but not at Ning Que as a person, but at the moonlight above his head. There was a tall figure vaguely visible in the moonlight, with white beard and hair, and an elegant temperament. He was exactly The invincible Master.

Ning Que wanted to write human characters on the top of Peach Mountain. He raised his arm, held the space with his fingers, and held an invisible pen.

I have the pen, but I still have to find the ink.

At this moment, outside Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, countless books flew out of the academy, floating in the air and merging together.

There are words on these books, and those words are written in ink.

There are countless inks in countless books. This is the ink left by countless predecessors, and it also has a strong human atmosphere.

There are many things in this world that can represent the human world, and books are one of them. They record history, record knowledge, and the inheritance of knowledge are also one of the key reasons why humans can become the spirit of all things.

Ning Que on Taoshan held the non-existent pen and soaked it with ink in the sea of ​​ink-scented books outside Chang'an City. He raised his elbows with his wrists hanging and wrote two strokes in the air casually, which looked a bit sloppy.

Swish, swish twice, once and once.

The viewer who witnessed this scene felt inexplicably because it was such a "human" character that finally defeated him.

On the earth, the beginning of a stroke appeared, which extended from the Tang Dynasty to Xiling, and finally landed at Lanke Temple in the Yuelun Kingdom.

This stroke across the continent from east to west is the stroke written by Ning Que.

There are also strokes that go all the way north along the Minshan Mountain, reaching the far north cold region, and ending at the highest snow peak in the far north.

This stroke across the north and south of the continent is the one written by Ning Que.

The two strokes meet in Chang'an City.

It triggered the already destroyed Shocking Formation in Chang'an City, giving people a meeting point for the power of the world.

Two abyss appeared in the human world. The abyss was a crack in the earth.

The earth is cracking, as if someone was holding a branch and writing in the sand.

This is an unprecedented talisman.

This great talisman only has two simple strokes.

This is the simplest and least simple word.


Many years ago, Master Yan Se and Wei Guangming died together on the Wuming Mountain in the north of Chang'an City.

At the last moment of his life, Yan Se saw a scene far away, which was the great talisman written by Ning Que. The big talisman he saw had only two simple strokes. It started in the north of the wasteland, one stroke fell to the west, and the other stroke fell to the east. They met in Chang'an City. It was an upright human character.

"Your character is crooked."

"If people are not upright, how can they stand between heaven and earth?"

On the top of Peach Mountain, Xu Xin's eyes were particularly bright. He glanced at Ning Que and said casually, but his eyes had already shifted to Sang Sang.

"You are wrong. No one in this world is qualified to teach me how to write."

Ning Que said confidently: "Why do people have to stand upright? No, no matter how you write or place the character "human", you are still a human being. No matter how you fall, you can't fall down. This is what a human being is."

"How can you win if you don't even understand anyone?"

"How can you become a god if you can't even be a human being?"

"It's better to stay in the human world!"


"Ning Que, you actually think you can teach me how to behave?"

Xu Xin smiled coldly and allowed the human character formed by the power of the human world to fall on his body and turn into a prison rope, as if it could completely trap him in the human world.

"Ning Que, I know you have always wanted to know my true origin."

"Then let me tell you now, the biggest difference between you and me is that I have lived several lives. In one life, my name was Wang Shouren. If you are not familiar with this name, then Wang Yangming should have heard of it!"

Xu Xin's words made Ning Que's expression change obviously. He had naturally heard of the people Xu Xin mentioned and the two names represented, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Someone once said something that I think makes sense."

"Conspiracy and tricks can't achieve great things, and similarly, crooked ways can't achieve great things."

"What's the difference between you, a crooked person, and those so-called calligraphers who make calligraphy that normal people can't understand?"

"Please look back at your past. What can you say about teaching others how to be a good person?"

"Are you worthy?"

Xu Xin's words are heart-breaking. Lies will not hurt people, only the truth will cut them.

When Ning Que heard the name Wang Shouren, he unconsciously placed himself in a low position. He was just an ordinary time traveler, while Wang Yangming was regarded as a sage in his previous life. How could he teach others how to behave.

"Junior brother, don't be fooled."

Li Manchu's voice sounded. He and the viewer were the first to realize something was wrong and rushed towards Xu Xin at the same time, but by this time it was already too late.

The endless power of the human world was actively swallowed by Xu Xin. The center of his eyebrows shone brightly. The extremely pure power of the soul turned into a light and shadow and escaped from the body. The seven volumes of heavenly books flew into the air at the same time, flying towards the sky with him. .

"Haotian has a world, Master has no rules, and I have Hedao."

Xu Xin's voice resounded throughout the world, and the power of the divine head intensified the soul, making the divinity of the light and shadow more and more intense, and there was a faint aura of detachment.

"The world of mortals is a prison in this world. You should stay in this world!"

Ning Que regained his consciousness and quickly guided the power of the human world to fly high into the sky and turned it into the power of the mortal world, intending to turn the human world into a cage that trapped Xu Xin to death.

Many legends in previous lives seem to have said that the soul of a practitioner is most afraid of the power of the mortal world. Even the incarnation of Haotian fell into the mortal world because of this. He believes that Xu Xin is no exception.

But what Ning Que didn't notice was that Xu Xin's physical body did not become dull and absent-minded due to the separation of the soul. His expression was still very agile, and at this moment, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted and a smile was raised.

(End of this chapter)

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