The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 859: We are born in heaven and earth, and we should pay back to heaven and earth. He won.

Chapter 859: We are born in heaven and earth, and we should return to heaven and earth... He won...

In Xiling Divine Kingdom, on the Peach Mountain, Ye Hongyu stood on the edge of the cliff, his bloody robe of judgment rustling in the night wind. She looked at the countless falling stars in the night sky and said expressionlessly: "Extraterrestrial demon? Wait until I kill you."

All living beings in the Haotian world would encounter the baptism of meteorites from time to time countless years ago. Therefore, in the oldest era long ago, the world was turbulent and precarious.

In such an era, even if the gambler reaches the realm of tranquility, he cannot solve the disaster from the void universe, so he chooses to awaken the gods in the chaos, making the rules of heaven and earth come alive and have consciousness. Transformed into Haotian.

In the years that followed, Haotian used the Kingdom of Light as a barrier to accept offerings from all living beings, but also protected the living beings in this world.

After endless years, the creatures in this world no longer know what those meteorites with the aura of death are.

But powerful practitioners can all sense that the aura of death contained in these meteorites is a catastrophe that is enough to destroy the world, so they want to take to the sky to fight against the meteorites and use their own power to save their homeland.

Academy, Taoism, Buddhism... Tang Dynasty, Xiling, Yuelun, Southern Jin... At this moment, there is no distinction between home and country. After countless practitioners converged in the Kingdom of God, they were less suppressed, and their practice seemed to become Easy, flying becomes easy.

The earth rises and releases meteors one after another, facing the meteors falling from the sky. At this time, everyone unites as one, and salvation becomes a new trend in the world.


Suddenly, a ray of light covered the sky again. From the position of the practitioners, they could see more clearly, which was the moon showing its true appearance.

With the eyesight of practitioners, they can naturally see clearly that it is a sphere made of rocks, with an extremely smooth surface, reflecting the light from behind the earth. Perfect to the extreme. Or maybe it shouldn't be called the moon, but the moon.

The bright moon tried to block all the meteorites.

But someone is faster than it. It is a figure that flies out of the earth and rises to the sky. It is the body of Xu Xin left in the world.

He has been devouring the power of the human world, and has already transformed again. The seven realms beyond the limits of the human world, such as transcendence, nirvana, immortality, and immortality, can only be broken by raising his hand in front of him at this moment.

Then... the loud rumbling sound could not be transmitted to the ground. People on the ground felt the same. The extremely dense impact was extremely terrifying. Even if you are at the pinnacle of knowing your destiny, or even a great practitioner who has transcended the five realms, it will be difficult to survive if you challenge him head-on.

However, Xu Xin took the place of the human world and blocked all the attacks. The broken meteorites fell into the wilderness like raindrops. Suddenly, some changes occurred in the human world. The sensitive practitioners found that the human world seemed to have more vitality.

These foreign meteorites have increased the weight of the planet, enhanced its origin, and allowed the planet's vitality to grow.

After an unknown amount of time, the terrifying crashing sound finally stopped.

People saw a figure falling from the sky. It was Xu Xin's body. He closed his eyes and fell. At the same time, there was a bright light, which was a golden light, leaving his body.

It was an aura, a supreme and pure aura, a mixture of the human world and the divine kingdom, mixed with everything in the Haotian world, and could be called the most original and precious aura.

The void universe was twisted and turbulent, and the breath left the physical body, heading outside time and space, perhaps to a higher dimension, and disappeared into the human world.

We are born in heaven and earth, and we should return to heaven and earth.

Now that I have decided to leave the world where I was born, I naturally want to return what is due instead of selfishly taking everything away.

A large amount of vitality once again poured into the human world. The vitality of the human world did not decrease. On the contrary, a wave of vitality suddenly ushered in. In the wilderness in all directions, all the countries in the world, with Taoshan in the Xiling Divine Kingdom as the center, there were waves of green waves of life. Rapidly surging and resurrecting. The night ends, morning comes, and the sun rises slowly from the east.

The sky reappeared, still as blue as before, but more indescribable than before.

This sky is wider and there is endless space behind it.

Xu Xin's physical body fell from the sky and fell into Ye Hongyu's arms. Although Xu Xin shot up most of the meteorites, there were some fast practitioners who also smashed some small meteorites. Ye Hongyu was one of them. One, they can be considered fighting side by side.

"Is he okay?"

Mo Shanshan appeared next to Ye Hongyu, and Lu Chenjia also appeared with him. It was said that the latter was the one Xu Xinming was marrying, but the three idiots in the world were all well-behaved and never wanted to fight. They only occasionally had some minor tempers. That’s all.

"He's just a little tired."

Ye Hongyu hugged Xu Xin gently, with a bright smile on his face, and a touch of divine brilliance. At this time, a ray of light fell from the sky, and a brand new goddess appeared, a goddess of light.

"you win?"

Ye Hongyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and Mo Shanshan and Lu Chenjia both had wary expressions on their faces.

Xu Xin took the goddess to heaven with seven volumes of heavenly books, and started the final battle between gods and gods. There were three parties involved in the battle, namely the master who was blocking the kingdom of god, Haotian who could return to the kingdom of god or regain his godhead, and Xu Xin's "god self" wants to replace him.

The war between these three people cannot be interfered by anyone in the world. Maybe the general trend of the world can affect it, but no one can predict how the final result will develop.

The moon appeared first, and now the sun appears again. The goddess also appears now, her body filled with the light and divine power of the sun. Could it be said that she has won the victory again?
Thinking of this result, the three girls felt very uncomfortable. Although what ascended to heaven was only the "god self" that was separated from Xu Xin, and it may not be considered a person in essence, it was still a part of Xu Xin. Naturally, they didn't want to He failed.

"He won, I lost, and so did the Master."

The expression of the goddess is lively and full of human emotions. From this point of view, she is not suitable to be a god.

She walked to Ye Hongyu and looked quietly at the man who fell asleep in her arms. This man truly defeated her in every aspect. He had given her many choices, but Unfortunately, she made the wrong choice every time.

The viewer was right about one thing. At that time, she was already subconsciously curious about the human world and wanted to see what the human world was like.

Therefore, she set up a plan, nominally inviting the Master to ascend to heaven, but in fact she herself came to the earth. However, when she arrived in the human world, she lost to her master on the computer and was completely defeated.

But now, it is not the Master who wins, but the man in front of him.

The goddess walked over, and under the inexplicable looks in the three girls' eyes, she reached out and hugged Xu Xin into her arms, like a baby.

A smile spread across her face and she began to exude a soft aura.

Warm and soft light penetrated Xu Xin's body, replenishing his energy loss. Xu Xin's eyelids moved slightly, and when he opened his first eyes, he saw the most beautiful woman in heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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