The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 860: Return the sun and the moon brightly, return the lost me and my future self darkly in t

Chapter 860: The light returns to the sun and the moon, the darkness returns to the void...the passing me...the future me...

The goddess took it from Ye Hongyu's hand, or rather snatched it from Xu Xin, and then used her own divine power to wake up this guy who was sleeping in broad daylight.

"you're awake."

The goddess looked at Xu Xin waking up, and the smile on her face was so sweet.

"You look beautiful when you smile."

Xu Xin put a smile on his face. In fact, the first time he woke up, he checked his body to make sure that nothing happened, that the operation was completed, and that you were already a beautiful girl. Although the probability of this is very low, we have to guard against it.

Speaking of which, the goddess has many abilities. Lin Wu trained as a cicada for twenty-three years before he transformed from a masculine woman into the Yu Lian she is now.

But it doesn't take that much trouble for a goddess to change a person's gender. According to some descriptions in my memory, Ning Que was often killed by the "Sang Sang" in the later period, literally.

Although Xu Xin is not afraid of this kind of thing now, he is afraid of others!

Fortunately, after he woke up and checked, nothing bad happened.

"Thank you for your compliment."

The smile on Tiannu's face became brighter when she heard Xu Xin's praise. Although she sensed Xu Xin's mood swings were different, she was no longer the omnipotent Haotian.

In other words, Haotian has lost his position, and now the master of this world has changed, and there is a new Supreme God of Heaven.

She is no longer omnipotent, so naturally she cannot know what Xu Xinxin is thinking. If she is really allowed to know, with the current state of the goddess, she might actually be able to do such a thing.

The goddess helped Xu Xin get up, and suddenly asked again: "By the way, I'm very curious, what is the aura you left just now..."

Previously, Xu Xin's physical self rushed into the sky and stopped the wave of meteorites from the sky. At the same time, it opened up chaos and opened an unknown channel, attracting a wave of vitality to come, which offset the loss of the breath leaving, but instead allowed Haotian to The total amount of energy in the world has increased a lot.

"Nurture from living beings, pregnancy in ten months, melons ripening and dropping, they are born and nurtured. When the children grow up, they will naturally support and repay their parents. This is the law of heaven and earth, and it is what it should be."

"There is also such a relationship between practitioners and the heaven and earth that gave birth to themselves. Those practitioners who cannot reach a high level will naturally circulate between heaven and earth, but there are always some geniuses who can reach a level that is difficult for ordinary people. The height of imagination.”

"When talented people like this touch the boundaries of this world, they will naturally have the idea to go out and take a look."

"Blankly blocking or destroying such talents, trapping all living beings in a cage, although there will not be much loss of vitality, it will be difficult to develop, and it will also cause turmoil in people's hearts and brew up unfavorable consequences. This is how Master came into being.”

“We can give them a chance to break through on their own and carve out their own path to transcendence.”

"It's just that if you want to transcend, you must first pay off the karma and energy you owe to the world, and eliminate them."

"The light returns to the sun and the moon, and the darkness returns to the void. This is the broken void, the right path to ascension..."

Xu Xin talked about his understanding of the Broken Void. When a creature reaches a certain level of growth, before it wants to leave its "parents", it must first repay its kindness, so that it can leave with peace of mind.

"Your idea and method are indeed a good one. I won't lose unjustly."

The goddess of heaven sighed. In the final battle of heaven and earth, when the world was in crisis, Confucius, Haotian and Xu Xin all competed for this, striving for the general trend of the world to follow the heart of heaven. In the end, Confucius and Haotian failed because Xu Xin gave The "Shattered Void" plan was implemented. Master's plan allows the current group of practitioners to ascend and take away their vitality, allowing the vitality to drain away and turning the world into the Age of Ending Dharma. In this way, the cycle can continue for a long time without experiencing the eternal night of turmoil.

As for the future development of the world and the ability to respond to external attacks, there is no plan in his plan. It is most likely that he will prepare himself, the moon, to handle it.

Haotian's plan is to maintain its original appearance, that is, to carry out regular harvesting of those long-lived ones above the Five Realms as it was in the past years.

However, this method has already brought out a group of strong people such as Fuzi, Ke Haoran, and Buddha to resist her. There may be more in the future, but she has no better way.

And Xu Xin's "Shattered Void" plan is really starting from scratch and opening up a new path. Not only will it not sacrifice the future like the Master did, it will also make the future world better. Naturally, it will be favored and ultimately successful.

"Thank you for the compliment, but do you think you have completely become a human?"

Xu Xin responded to the goddess casually, and looked at this most perfect creature in the world, the world's first god, the first way of heaven, the incarnation of Haotian, the goddess of light.

She is like a perfect human girl, with a delicate face and a curvy figure. There is no flaw in her body.

"You are better than me, so of course I will imitate you."

The goddess smiled and said: "The part of my new consciousness that I gave birth to through the power of the human world turned into this incarnation and entered the human world again, while the divine part is still the sun in the sky. After all, I am also a god, and I have own responsibility.”

"This state of being divided into two parts, god and man, sounds really good."

"The divine part will never be disturbed by external forces. Any part that may generate emotions will return to our human body."

The current state of the goddess is very similar to that of Xu Xin. Divinity and human nature are separated. Divinity still fulfills its responsibilities, while human nature can enjoy life, and there are still some connections between them.

If the divine part encounters external forces and develops inappropriate thoughts, those things will naturally be transmitted to the human part, ensuring that the gods will always be ruthless and impartial. The human part, except for immortality, is similar to a "garbage dump."

This kind of model is good for permanent development, and when everything develops on the right track, maybe it can be changed.

The goddess suddenly looked at Xu Xin again and asked: "I'm actually very curious about your current state and whether the part that left the world is still you!"

"Who am I! Who am I!"

"This is a question worth pondering, but it can be said that it is not very important. A person can have multiple "Is", such as the dead self, the Tao self, the original self, the true self..."

"The person who is talking to you now can be called the passing self, the passing self, the past self, laying the foundation for this life, the next life, and the future."

"And my divine self, which is also the Tao self, is the same structure as the universe and the same body as heaven and earth. It is the fusion of man and the universe."

"The true self and the original self may be regarded as the present me, the essential me. He takes all my essence and transforms into the future me, to transcend the endless years and fight for a longer-term future..."

After Xu Xin's explanation, Tiannu and the other three girls were all thoughtful. The final meaning of Xu Xin's words was that every "I" is actually him, but there is still another him in the future who has left this world. , to fight for a longer-term future.

(End of this chapter)

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