The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 861 Haotian is gone, Huang Tian is here to stand

Chapter 861 Haotian is gone, Huang Tian is here to stand (finale of Jiang Ye Chapter)

In the days when Haotian no longer dominates the world, although there is no eternal night, the world is getting colder and colder because the universe in the sky is revealed to the world.

But now the sky on earth has become more colorful.

At night, there is the moon in the sky, many stars twinkling, and occasionally shooting stars streaking across the night sky, which is very beautiful.

During the day, the sun still hangs high above your head, making people feel as if they have returned to the past years. At that time, there was only the sun during the day and only the faint starlight at night. The dark night was very scary.

After this battle that changed the world, the world has changed, but it seems that it has not changed.

Xiling Taoshan is still the land of the Kingdom of God, but the most powerful religion in the world has started cleansing and reforming from top to bottom, which can be regarded as Nirvana and rebirth.

The master lost and the academy lost, so the academy disciples who came to Taoshan eventually left.

In fact, in the battle at Taoshan, there were only a few academy disciples who were qualified to participate, including Li Manman and Yu Lian, who were above the fifth level.

Li Manchuan was the most seriously injured in that battle. He was taken away by Yu Lian. Yu Lian held Li Manchuan for a long distance and sat with him in his arms for many days.

Many days later, Li's injuries gradually recovered, at least it did not affect his ability to move around. However, his cultivation situation was not that good.

Yu Lian put down Li Manman.

Master's old scalper left Chang'an, dragging a carriage and carrying the two of them.

Li slowly walked onto the bullock cart, opened the last bottle of wine that the master left in the world, drank it carefully, and then let out a contented sigh.

He was really satisfied, so satisfied that he couldn't be more satisfied. He was even thinking about whether to change his name to Li Manman.

"Junior sister, goodbye."

He looked at Yu Lian and said with a gentle expression.

Yu Lian opened the curtain and sat up.

Li Manman looked slightly strange, pointing to the end of the sky, where heaven and earth meet, and said, "Don't you want to go out and have a look?"

The human world now knows the path to shattering the void and ascending, and all practitioners are working hard towards this goal.

Yu Lian is a great practitioner in the Heavenly Demon Realm. Unlike Li Manman, who was seriously injured in the battle at Taoshan, she may be able to touch the boundary of the Shattered Void soon.

Yu Lian was naturally interested in the outside world, and she was confident in Shattering the Void, but... she wanted to stay with him for the time being.

She asked, "Where are you going?"

Li slowly said: "I want to walk around the new world first to see if I can walk back to the original place... The teacher and the junior brother said so, but someone has to walk through it to prove it."

Yu Lian said: "That will take a long time."

Li said slowly: "Lao Huang is old now, so it is inevitable that he will be slower."

The old scalper looked back at the two men and lazily ignored them.

Yu Lian said again: "Very good."

Li slowly asked: "Where is the best place?"

Yu Liang remained silent. What she was thinking was that the four words "time is very long" were very good.

The oxcart squeaked westward, and finally they came to a place where they could eat peony fish.

The old scalper finally cheered up, but suddenly found a group of people he was afraid of having a picnic in front of him.

Xu Xin sat lazily by the hot sea and enjoyed being surrounded by women. He took all the girls related to him in this world and traveled around the world, eating, drinking, and having fun. His life was very pleasant. In this world, the cook who is best at cooking is naturally the goddess incarnated by Haotian, but since Sangsang became the goddess, no one is qualified to let her cook anymore.

Of course, there is now.

Xu Xin asked the old man to treat the peony fish to a meal before his wife left. Now the meal was even more joyful. Not only was the beauty accompanying him, but the ingredients were all freshly picked.

The peony fish sliced ​​by the goddess was scalded in the hot pot and brought to Xu Xin's mouth. All he had to do was open his mouth to eat. As for his hands, he held each one in one hand and had no time to spare!

Life in the human world is for enjoyment, while the god in heaven is the one who suffers. Although he is occasionally troubled by various distracting thoughts from heaven, comparing the two kinds of life, he still prefers to be in the human world.

When the old scalper came pulling the cart, Xu Xin glanced at it casually. It seemed that... I had dinner with the master that night, and there must be beef!

The dangerous look in Xu Xin's eyes made the intelligent old scalper tremble. His eyes shed tears and he bowed with his front hooves bent. Such a pitiful look made Xu Xin embarrassed to do anything.

"Greetings to the throne of God!"

Li Manman and Yu Lian walked out of the bullock cart and paid homage to Xu Xin from afar.

"Li Manman, Yu Lian, when are you leaving!"

Xu Xin glanced at the two of them indifferently. Because of the Master, he forgives the remaining people in the academy, but it does not mean that he likes and is willing to see them all the time.

Moreover, the new world must be somewhat different from the old world. Guys like drunkards and butchers who have been hiding from the world for thousands or even tens of thousands of years are not allowed to exist.

From now on, in this world, you can live up to a thousand years. If you live for more than a thousand years, you will usher in the "Eternal Tribulation". You must enter the universe to survive the tribulation. If you succeed in ascension, if you fail, you will have to eat and your energy will return to heaven and earth.

"Probably, maybe, it will take some time."

Li slowly and gently responded with a smile: "Don't blame God, we are going to walk around in this new world and confirm some things."

"That's okay, as long as we don't delay too long, let's go!"

Xu Xin nodded, his meaning has been clearly expressed. I believe that the people in the academy will not stay around for a long time.


In a street in Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, plainly dressed Taoists were spreading the new religion, the new Taoism.

At this moment, a ray of light shone across the believers.

There was a person in the extremely bright light, and many believers looked in that direction. They chanted silently, and the voices became more and more uniform and louder. There was a sacred and solemn feeling that enveloped the entire city and even the wider area. world.

In the blue sky, more and more flowing clouds gathered over the city, tightly covering the sun behind it. Like the words chanted by all the people at this time, it seemed to make the world dim.

A person seems to be burning, like a beacon spreading light. The brilliance he dispersed towards the world suddenly converged and went towards the sky. It was a holy beam of light, coming from his body and falling into the deepest part of the distant sky.

The dark sky illuminated an area, not as bright and blazing as the sun, but more realistic, illuminating thousands of believers.

This beam of light rose into the sky, with a diffuse fragrance, and the illuminated sky gradually changed. The blue sky and white clouds turned yellow, golden. Is this a vision of sanctification?
This sanctified man, his name is Ye Su, is the first being in the new world to transcend the five realms and become a saint, and it is he who has opened a new era.

Haotian has gone, and Huang Tian is here to stay.

The world will usher in a new life, but Xu Xin's journey is not over yet.

The aura that shattered the void took his true self and transformed into his future self to fight in the more distant future years.

Although not all the strength left this time, the start may not be so good, but with a world as the rear, the future will be even better...

(End of this chapter)

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