Chapter 862: Six Thousand Miles in the Snow (This chapter should have been written yesterday, there is another chapter to be added during the day)
More than ten years ago, the chaos of the Spring and Autumn Period on the human world came to a complete end. The Central Plains was finally unified, and the unified dynasty was Liyang.

Liyang unified the Central Plains, but it was not stable internally, and there was a powerful enemy in the northern grasslands, Beimang.

The three states north of Liyang and south of Beimang were granted by the Liyang Dynasty to Wang Xuxiao, a man with a different surname who made extraordinary contributions in the Spring and Autumn War. The title was Beiliang.

In the Prince's Mansion of Beiliang, dragons and tigers sit on Qingliang Mountain, with thousands of houses and extremely prosperous buildings.

As the only remaining king of the Liyang Dynasty with a different surname, the Northern Liang King Xu Xiao was a figure with mixed reputations in temples and in the world, and was called "human massacre" by the world.

The cultivation level of this "human butcher" is not high, and he is only a second-grade minor master. However, he commanded 300,000 Northern Liang cavalry and once swept across the world. In the Spring and Autumn War, he destroyed six countries in a row. Later, he slaughtered all the clans and sects. , the court and the Jianghu were all silent and speechless.

As a meritorious military minister, Xu Xiao got everything except the emperor's throne. In the three northwest states, he was the well-deserved master. He could cover the sky with one hand and turn the clouds and rain. It could be said that he was the emperor of a separate country.

But even such a person with power and military power at the top of the world has some helpless things, such as the death of his wife Wu Su, and now, the court intends to recruit the prince of Northern Liang as the consort.

Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, had two daughters and two sons, both of whom were strange.

After the eldest princess Xu Zhihu got married, she defeated three husbands and became the widow with the prettiest face and the largest dowry in the Liyang Dynasty. She was famous among the five counties in Jiangnan Province and was said to be dissolute.

The second princess, Xu Weixiong, was plain in appearance, but he was erudite and skilled in latitude and longitude. He entered Shangyin Academy and studied under Han Guzi, a master of military art.

As for Xu Xiao's two sons, the eldest son Xu Fengnian, the prince of Northern Liang, is said to be extremely naughty. He is a well-known dandy in Liyang, and his reputation spreads even to the capital.

Within Liyang, when everyone talks about Xu Xiao from the Dazhu Kingdom, they will inevitably mention the eldest son Xu Fengnian and give him "praise". A tiger father has no dog son.

It's a pity that Xu Xiao, a man who slaughtered tiger generals on the battlefield, gave birth to an eldest son who was a prodigal. He spent all his time hanging around brothels and playing courtesans, and his reputation was extremely bad.

As for Xu Xiao's youngest son, Xu Longxiang, this little prince has never cried since he was born. He knows nothing about reading and literacy and can only speak when he is six years old.

It is said that because Xu Xiao killed too many people, his son was retribution. He was born stupid and incomprehensible. At the age of more than ten years old, his mind was still like that of a child, as if he would never grow up.

The Prince's Palace of Beiliang was very lively today. Xu Xiao, the powerful Prince of Beiliang, lost his temper and wanted to kick his own son Xu Fengnian out of the house. It seemed that the prince had made a big mistake.

Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, said it himself. It was useless for anyone to stop him. He must drive this unfilial son out of the house and make him suffer.

This time, the King of Northern Liang seemed to be really angry. He kicked his eldest son out of the palace without telling him, and he was not allowed to bring more servants. He asked a servant named Lao Huang to follow him, and then two skinny horses packed luggage and other things. Yes, you are not allowed to bring more.

"Huang Man'er, when I'm not at home, you have to be obedient. I'm going out to explore the world this time and help you trick a most beautiful woman into becoming your wife..."

On the street leading from the palace to the outside of the city, a handsome young man was drawing a cake for another thin boy. The short and thin boy he called Huang Man'er was Xu Longxiang, the young prince of the Northern Liang Palace.

The name Xu Longxiang is taken from "The dragon is the most powerful among water-moving animals, the elephant is the most powerful among land-moving animals, and is as powerful as a diamond. It is called the dragon elephant." Rumor has it that it was the old god from Longhu Mountain who personally named the young prince of the Northern Liang Palace, and also agreed to accept a disciple again twelve years later.

Although Xu Longxiang, nicknamed Huang Man'er, is naive and clumsy. He is still illiterate, has sickly dark yellow skin, and is thinner than his peers, but his strength is first-class and terrifying. As he is The elder brother Xu Fengnian is often mentioned by his younger brother with one hand. "Lu Qiu'er, while I'm away, you can take good care of Huang Man'er."

The handsome young man looked behind him again and sent him out of the city today. Although Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, did not come, a group of elite soldiers came. The leader was Chu Lushan, who had a very good relationship with him. He preferred to call this chubby fat man. For Lu Qiuer.

Chu Lushan was a fat man in rich attire and as bloated as a pig. He acted funny in front of Northern Liang Crown Prince Xu Fengnian, but to the outside world, he was a first-class ruthless character. He was the most respected righteous among the six most respected princes of Northern Liang King Xu Xiao. One of his sons, an absolute supporter of Xu Fengnian.

Chu Lushan patted his chest, which was full of fat, and said loudly: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the young prince will leave it to me, and I promise to raise him a white and fat baby."

"Forget it! I have raised Huang Man'er to be fat in vain. If he gets fat so easily, have I raised him all these years in vain?"

Xu Fengnian curled her lips speechlessly, but she also knew that Chu Lushan really took this matter to heart.

They have known each other for many years, and they can tell immediately what is joking and what is serious.

"Let's go, go back!"

Xu Longxiang, Chu Lushan and the elite cavalrymen under Chu Lushan sent Xu Fengnian all the way to the road outside the city. As Xu Fengnian got on his horse, he turned around and said goodbye to the people who were seeing him off. Then he rode his horse with his old servant and waved his whip, heading towards the "Jianghu". go.

Xu Fengnian's departure was just a temporary hibernation, but it also opened a new life journey.

Xu Fengnian, who was riding a horse in white, didn't notice that when he rode away with his whip, the eyes of Xu Longxiang, his always stupid brother, had a faint golden light. .

"Little prince! Little prince!"

Xu Longxiang kept looking in the direction Xu Fengnian was going, until there was no trace of that person or servant. He was still watching. At this time, Chu Lushan on the side finally couldn't help calling twice, which finally attracted the skinny young man's attention. look.

The thin young man glanced at him, but Chu Lushan only felt a glitch in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some terrible creature.

Chu Lushan quickly raised his hands to show that he was harmless, and then whispered: "Little prince, Lu Qiu'er means no harm. It was your brother and His Highness the Crown Prince who ordered us to go back early."

The thin young man Huang Man'er muttered something in a low voice, finally nodded and turned around, heading back towards the Beiliang Prince's Mansion.

"This young prince is really getting more and more terrifying. He was born in the Vajra realm. It's a pity that he was plotted in his mother's womb and was born with innate deficiencies. Otherwise, he would be the best in the world..."

Seeing the young prince obediently turn back to the palace, Chu Lushan finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly led his men towards the palace.

Xu Fengnian, the eldest son of the Northern Liang Prince, was kicked out of the palace and began his journey of six thousand miles. The young prince Xu Longxiang returned to the Northern Liang Palace under the escort of Chu Lushan and many sergeants.

The gears of fate have begun to turn, and a certain aura has naturally revived early.

(End of this chapter)

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