The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 863: The sweet potatoes are already there, can the blue bird be far behind?

Chapter 863: The sweet potatoes are already there, can the blue bird be far behind?
Northern Liang Prince's Mansion, Wutong Garden.

As the old saying goes, a phoenix cannot survive without a phoenix tree, and a phoenix cannot rest without a tung tree. Xu Fengnian, the prince of Northern Liang, had the word "phoenix" in his name, so Wutong Garden was naturally his residence.

Xu Fengnian was kicked out of the palace by Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, but there was no room in Wutong Garden. Except for the original maids and maids, the young prince Xu Longxiang stayed in the courtyard after returning to the palace, and kept shouting that he would wait for his brother to come back.

After Northern Liang King Xu Xiao heard the news, he just sent a message to the maids in Wutong Garden to take good care of the young prince Xu Longxiang.

As a result, the young prince settled down in Wutong Garden and began to enjoy the treatment that only the prince of Northern Liang had.

"Little prince, don't hide. Let Sister Hongmusk see if you have grown up."

In the hazy hot spring water, a yellow and thin boy was surrounded by a group of beautiful girls in a corner. The girl in the lead was plump and bold. While speaking, she reached out to pull the few pieces of cloth on the boy's body.

"Sister Hong Musk, if you were so bold when facing His Royal Highness, you might have been taken into the room long ago."

"Although the prince's temperament is quite good, how can the young prince be so innocent and cute?"

"Just a few words, but the shy look of the young prince is really interesting."

When Xu Xin "awakened" again, he saw scenes in front of him. In front of him was the misty hot spring, and dozens of beautiful beauties were vaguely visible. They were big, white, long and moist, all of them came. Waiting for him to groom himself really made Xu feel very shy!
As that sentence goes, since you can't resist, try to accept it.

Xu Xin's current situation is similar. Faced with the siege of so many beauties, he can't beat the pairs of pink arms and beautiful legs with both hands. Even if he puts both hands together, it's not enough, so he can only accept it silently, relax his body, and enjoy This is the most beautiful picture of a beautiful lady in spring.

At this time, a gentle voice came from behind, and the plump beauty came around Xu Xin from behind to help him up. There were drops of water hanging on the beautiful maid's body, like water hibiscus.

"Little prince, would you please get up? Sister Hongmushu will help you wipe yourself."

While a group of maids and maidservants were discussing in low voices, their jade hands and pink arms cooperated to clean the yellow and thin young prince, and then surrounded him to serve him, carefully washing him, bathing and dressing him.

What these beautiful maids did not notice was that the little prince they were serving had a golden light in the depths of his eyes that became brighter and brighter, and his eyes gradually became more agile.

"Is it in the snow this time? Red musk deer, blue bird, parrot...well, Xu Fengnian has just been kicked out of the palace, so what kind of three-year period...what a coincidence!"

"Mandarin ducks are bathing surrounded by so much beauty. How can I see it without paying for it?"

Xu Xin rested on two soft balls, in front of him and on his left and right sides. Don't ask him what they are, but if you ask, you just don't know. Momonosuke's happiness is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Everyone wants to kill Momonosuke. Momonosuke, but everyone also envies Momonosuke.

Xu Xin's stupid look at the moment was even more loved by the girls in front of him than Momonosuke, and one or two of them took the initiative to tease him.


She served him closely without any hesitation. After all, it was well known to everyone in the Northern Liang Palace that the young prince was congenitally ignorant. When he didn't know what a man and a woman were, the maids would naturally not have so many other thoughts.

Xu Xin raised his head when he heard the sound, and first smelled a richer and more attractive fragrance, and then saw the most outstanding maid in Wutong Garden.

There are more than twenty maids and maids in Wutong Garden, and they all have elegant names like "Red Musk" and "Parrot". The big girl in front of him, Hong Musk, got the name "Musk" because she had a charming fragrance on her body. She was born with a plump figure, fair and plump skin, and with her innate body fragrance and elegant manners, in terms of appearance , definitely the top group in the world.

Hong She gently wiped Xu Xin's body, and then another maid helped him out of the spring, put on clean pajamas, and took him to the bedroom.

Wutong Garden is very large and has many rooms. Xu Xin did not stay in Xu Fengnian's master bedroom, but he did enjoy all the top treatment in Wutong Garden, such as... a warm bed.

On the bed in the inner room of the room, Xu Xin faced the wall and thought about some problems.

The bed-warming maid Hong Musk hugged him gently from behind and warmed him with her broad mind. The warm quilt carried a calming fragrance. She still rejected Xu at first, but now she is well-behaved. Peaceful again.

"Although it feels good to be held, it's really a bit small!"

While Xu Xin was enjoying the warm embrace, he was a little greedy and wanted to grow up quickly so that he could... It seems that now, he can do some things that adults can do!

Xu Xin turned around and dove into the arms of Sweet Potato's warm and fragrant jade. Relying on the fact that he was a "child", he did whatever he wanted. He followed Momonosuke's example and buried his head in Red Musk's arms and rubbed again and again, looking for After finding the most comfortable position, I calmed down for a while.

"Little prince, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Red Musk was rubbed here and there by Little Huang Man'er, and she didn't dislike it at all. She even felt a little soft in her body, and she felt indescribably comfortable. As a maid, she did her duty well, and at this time, she still cared about her. The situation of the young prince.

"Here, here is...little prince, little prince, you are all grown sister doesn't have a child yet, where did that one come from...ah...there..."

Hong De, who was concerned about the young prince, showed concern over and over again, until the thin bellyband on her body was no longer concerned. Moreover, she soon discovered that the young prince was indeed an adult.

That night, Sister Hongmushu helped the "ignorant" little prince complete the transformation from a child to an adult. When the sweet-smelling sister closed her beautiful eyes and fell asleep, the originally stupid little prince sat on the bed. The emotions in his head and eyes... are quite complicated.

Under the candlelight, Hong Musk's cheeks were as flushed as if she was drunk. Xu Xin's palm fell on her cheek and caressed her cheek, but he felt extremely proud in his heart.

The body bones in this life have not fully grown yet, but the capital is strong and the fighting power is... just look at Sister Hongmushu who is sleeping now. I thought that I would never be like a certain prince and support the wall in the future.

"A natural Vajra's body, this is the real Vajra that is indestructible and indestructible..."

Xu Xin's team members smiled a little proudly. As a man, he has strong capital, which is something to be proud of in any world.

"How much does it cost to kill a prince? But, a blue bird doesn't have a red musk!"

Xu Xinxin thought silently, his golden finger covers all aspects of influence, not just the collection of beauties, but, he is a more vulgar person, he prefers to care for girls, and is willing to give them a warm family.

Moreover, he was born in a good condition in this life, the surrounding environment is better, and there are many beauties in the Beiliang Prince's Palace. He can definitely get the most from the first, so naturally he will take the shortcut of being a female worker.

The red musk deer, that is, the sweet potato, is already there, can the blue bird be far behind?

(End of this chapter)

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