The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 870 Wang Zhonglou’s Dahuangting

Chapter 870 Wang Zhonglou’s Dahuangting

In the early morning of this day, Xu Xin, Hong She and others arrived at the gate of Wudang Mountain. After passing the "Xuanwu Dangxing" archway, they continued towards the mountainside.

Wudang Mountain has stood for thousands of years. The 81 peaks are shrouded in clouds and mist, and there is a faint atmosphere like rolling tides.

Within the sea of ​​clouds, there were yellow cranes singing together, and their shadows shot straight into the sky. Their clear chirping echoed up and down Wudang Mountain.

On Wudang Mountain, there are two pools, four pools, nine wells, twenty-four deep streams, thirty-six rocks, eighty-one peaks and many other famous scenery.

Wuli Yi'an Shili Palace has exquisite red walls and green tiles. It is centered on Taizhen Palace on Yuzhu Peak of Wudang Mountain. Eighty-one Peaks surround this peak and this palace, forming a tilted shape, forming the famous Eighty-One Peak. The peak faces the top.

For thousands of years, countless seekers of immortality have retreated to Wudang, sitting on the cliff of oblivion, or hiding in immortal coffins, listening to the jade and gold and Buddhist music, watching the mist and clouds surging over the green mountains and beautiful water, leaving behind countless legends.

It was early spring at this time, and many tourists came to Wudang Mountain for an outing to enjoy the scenery and burn incense. Because they brought along Chu Lushan, a fat man with a reputation in Liangdi, their journey up the mountain was smooth and there was basically no trouble. The guy with open eyes blocks the way.

Wudang Yuzhu Peak, in Taizhen Palace, Wudang leader Wang Zhonglou, who had vaguely felt that his life span was approaching the limit, received the news and ordered people to find his junior brother Hong Xixiang, and then personally came forward to receive this The young prince of Beiliang came from afar.


There are two Lotus Peaks in front and behind the Yuzhu Peak in Wudang Mountain. There are more than ten people on the Big Lotus Peak practicing high-spirited retreats, while the Small Lotus Peak belongs to one person by default.

When this man was five years old, he was taken up the mountain by the previous generation of Wudang Master and accepted as a retreat disciple. When he was still a young boy, he became a senior brother with Wang Zhonglou, the current generation of Wudang Master.

On Wudang Mountain, there are nine palaces and thirteen temples, and there are thousands of Taoist priests with yellow crowns. When most of them see this young man, they must respectfully call him uncle, and those who are younger must call him great uncle.

However, this young ancestor never came down the mountain after going up to Wudang Mountain. At most, he only walked to the "Xuanwu Dangxing" archway at the foot of the mountain.

He has been on the mountain for more than 20 years, and most of the time he has been either at the Taiqing Palace on Yuzhu Peak or on the Big and Small Lotus Peaks, often riding a green bull with his crown upside down, which is very unique.

On this day, because Chu Lushan opened the way for Xu Xin to go up the mountain, Wudang Mountain was noisy and noisy at the mountain gate. However, it was very quiet beside the Turtle Camel Monument on the steep cliff of Xiaolianhua Peak.

A young Taoist priest with an elegant appearance was lying on the back of a stone turtle and reading a book.

The book the young Taoist priest was reading had "Song of Lingyuan Dao" written on the cover. It was a quite famous Taoist classic. However, when he looked at such a Taoist classic with a serious name, he felt a bit confused at the corner of his mouth. The lewd and lewd smile looks immoral no matter how you look at it.

In fact, what this great-uncle, who had an excellent reputation in Wudang Mountain, was reading with gusto was not a Taoist classic, but an erotic novel that was most despised by Taoists. It was just labeled "The Song of Lingyuan Dao" "It's just the cover.

The young and handsome Taoist priest read one page over and over again because he couldn't bear to part with it. The only book on the mountain was the supreme classic that he had borrowed from a prince with evil intentions.

He has read the same book over and over again for so many years, and he has not been able to finish even half of it.

"Master-uncle! Master-uncle!"

"Beiliang, the young prince of Beiliang..."

Suddenly, a urgent call came from the distant direction of Tianzhu Peak.

The young and handsome Taoist priest was startled when he heard the words "Little Prince of Beiliang". He quickly turned the page upside down and read it dozens of times. Then he put it away without finishing it and said with an awe-inspiring look on his face: "Even if you beat me, I won’t return this book until my nose is bruised and my face is swollen!”

"Tong'er, why are you so anxious? Let me make a divination first and see where this Xu Fengnian is?" The young Taoist priest said, jumping off the tortoise's back, looking for a dead branch, and drew densely packed heavenly stems and earthly branches on the ground. He also He can't help calculating with one hand and mumbling words in his mouth.

"Near Huishan, the territory of the Xuanyuan family?"

After the young Taoist priest calculated the result, he turned around in surprise, looked at the Taoist boy in front of him who was still breathing heavily, and said, "Tong'er, didn't you say that Xu Fengnian came to Wudang?"

"No, no. Uncle Master, the person here is not the Prince of Beiliang, but the young prince of Beiliang, the youngest one."

The little Taoist boy finally regained his breath and spoke properly. When he heard him talk about the youngest one, the young Taoist priest subconsciously began to make calculations.

After this calculation, the result was quite surprising.

"Xu Longxiang! How could this kid...cough cough cough..."

The young Taoist priest who was doing the divination suddenly coughed violently. His eyes were full of confusion, and he couldn't figure out why he was experiencing backlash.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough and interrupted the divination in time, the result might have been more than just a few coughs, but a constant coughing up of blood.

"It seems that the Beiliang family are not simple people!"

The young Taoist priest murmured to himself, and the Taoist boy who came to see him had already brought the words of the headmaster Wang Zhonglou.

"Xu Longxiang is her biological brother after all. It would be nice to meet him."

The young Taoist priest waved as he spoke, and a green cow grazing in the distance raised its head and walked towards it while kicking its hooves.

This handsome Taoist priest carefully arranged the collar of the sleeves of his Taoist robe, got on top of an ox, rode the ox upside down, hung a book on his horn, descended from the Little Lotus Peak, and half chanted and half sang: "Straight like a string, on the edge of the road of death. Curved like a hook, turning back and forth. Be granted the title of Marquis. Whoever drags his tail on the road will leave his bones in the hall..."

After the young Taoist priest left Little Lotus Peak, he released the green cow and greeted the young Taoist priests he met along the way. He was quite approachable.

The young Taoist was still heading to Yuzhu Peak, but Xu Xin and others had already met the leader of Wudang's generation, Wang Chonglou.

Wang Zhonglou, who is nearing his twilight years, has white hair and a childish face, and is extremely tall and tall. Such a physique is really rare in the Taoist sect.

"It's such a pure aura that I can't help but feel the desire to devour it. This Dahuangting's true energy is absolutely extraordinary."

When Xu Xin saw Wang Zhonglou for the first time, he had some enlightenment. Xu Xin's first impression of this Wudang leader was that he had a high level of cultivation, especially in terms of Qi.

Wang Zhonglou practiced Dahuang Tingguan intensively. This technique is very strong, but it is also quite difficult to practice.

Dahuang Tingguan is taken from the ancient saying in "Dahuang Ting Jing", "Immortals and Taoists do not have gods, they accumulate essence and energy to believe it is true".

In short, it is to bind the great elixir in the hut, use turtles and snakes to guide the Qi to the spiritual roots, and the Qi machine resonates with the heaven and earth, and the Taoist priests call it a real person.

Only when the Dahuang Court is completed can one be considered a real person. Nowadays, people like to call any Taoist priest a real person when they see him. It cannot be the same.

(End of this chapter)

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