The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 871 Xuanwu rises again, the Supreme Being forgets his love

Chapter 871 Xuanwu rises again, the Supreme Being forgets his love

"Five-colored clouds and mist at dusk... Only then did I realize that my body is in the cave. It turns out that Huangting is a blessed place..."

"Yellow clothes and purple belts with dragon and tiger insignias, the gods and blessings depend on Taixuan. Three calls and two four qi will naturally flow through."

"The world loves grains and five flavors, but I only eat Taihe Yin and Yang Qi."

"Two water kings confront each other, making people live forever and reach nine heavens high..."

On the Yuzhu Peak of Wudang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace, the clear voice of Wudang leader Wang Zhonglou was echoing. When the old Taoist priest spoke the sound of thunder, his whole body was shining with golden light, black and yellow lingered in the sky and earth, his eyes were full of energy, and his whole body was as described in the classics. Taoist immortals shine like feathers.

When he was preaching scriptures and reciting Taoism for Xu Xin and others, he started to use Dahuangting's method, deliberately testing Xu Xin and his group.

To be more precise, he was testing Xu Xin, who was said to be very likely to become a disciple of the Heavenly Master surnamed Zhao in Longhu Mountain.

In the world of "In the Snow", the theory of luck is very popular. It can be said that everything depends on luck and luck. A master will pay attention to Qi movement and follow the loopholes of Qi to fight against the enemy. A dynasty will have luck, and a sect will also have weather.

In today's world, the three Taoist sects stand together, and Longhu Mountain is highly regarded by the Liyang Dynasty and has become the leader of Taoist sects in the world.

In the end, it was Wang Chonglou who built the Dahuang Court and went out to do the next big thing, and then he barely managed to hold up the lintel of Wudang again.

However, what makes the world regretful is that until Qi Xuan frame emerged from the Demon Slaying Platform at Longhu Mountain, he and Wang Xianzhi, the current "No. 2 in the world" in the East China Sea Emperor Wu City, had never competed. First", maybe it won't be left hanging.

It is said that this heavenly protector of the country once promised to live for three decades when he was in his prime. However, he used the method of exchanging lives for lives and died suddenly before his death.

After all, which emperor does not pursue longevity, not to mention extending his life for a full fifteen years!
In addition, ten years ago, there was a hundred-day debate between Buddhism and Taoism, and an unknown Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain gave the coffin the final conclusion. His tongue was like a lotus flower, and his teachings were so exquisite that the two Zen temples, which had already won, had no choice but to admit defeat. .

Fifty years ago, Qi Xuan frame, who single-handedly slaughtered the six guardians of the Demon Sect, appeared in Longhu Mountain.

His sacrifice brought a century of glory to Longhu Mountain.

In the past hundred years, Ge Hong, who first wrote "Tai Chi Golden Elixir", denounced Waidan as a heretic. With two hundred thousand mantras, he pointed the finger directly at Wudang and criticized Wudang's Alchemy Sect to a complete extent.

The weather in Longhu Mountain is so wonderful, and the contrast further highlights the decline of Wudang. In the past hundred years, Wudang seems to have had no worthy people or events.

After Wang Zhonglou went to Wudang, he basically stayed on duty in Taixu Palace every day, sweeping the floors and knocking out all the incense sticks, day after day, year after year.

The four great contemporary Celestial Masters in Longhu Mountain are each more mysterious than the last, and Longhu Mountain is also home to a large number of geniuses. Almost every generation, one or two unborn geniuses who are expected to become masters will appear.

In addition, thirty years ago, a heavenly protector of the country who was proficient in the inner alchemy was born in Longhu Mountain. He forcibly changed the life span of the old Emperor Liyang, extending it for a full fifteen years.

Wang Zhonglou, the leader of Wudang, lived his life in two parts. In the second half of his life, he worked for Wudang and became famous all over the world. There were no ups and downs in the first half of his life. He was born in poverty and poverty. When he was twelve years old, his parents sent him to the mountains in order not to starve to death.

At that time, his master Chen Yingning had not yet become the master of Wudang. He had more than 20 apprentices. Among them, Wang Zhonglou was of average qualifications. He was only willing to bury his head in reading scriptures. When sweeping the floor, he would hold up an introductory classic. He could not sleep at night. So he read by moonlight, reading while reading, and became a nerd in the eyes of his brothers.

When Wang Chonglou was twenty-four years old, he was qualified to cast fortunes for pilgrims, and when he was forty, he was barely accomplished in Taoism. Therefore, when the previous headmaster Chen Yingning passed away and Wang Zhonglou took over the martial arts, the world was in an uproar.

At that time, Longhu Mountain was booming, but Wudang was already in decline. The situation was not dangerous, but it was extremely unfavorable. Many of the Wudang masters of Wang Chonglou's generation had amazing virtuosity when they were young, but they are unable to succeed when they are old. Their dharma is not good enough and they cannot support the reputation of Wudang.

Only Wang Zhonglou, who was inconspicuous at the beginning, gradually became more powerful as he got older. He became the only person in Wudang who has mastered the "Da Huang Ting" for more than a hundred years, and has been on the rise ever since.

He supported the dignity of Wudang's famous family with all his strength, and the legend of cutting off the river with his finger was just one of the small things Wang Zhonglou did when he traveled around the world to promote Wudang's reputation.

This real master of Wudang has dedicated half his life to the sect, so he is naturally the person who cares about Wudang the most in the world, and every Wudang disciple has a dream of "revival of Xuanwu".

Wang Chonglou naturally had such a dream, so he was naturally... very interested in Xu Xin, who might become the direct disciple of the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master.

Especially after testing the possibilities again and again, there was something inexplicable in his eyes when he looked at Xu Xin.

"Junior brother is here. Come here quickly. I've seen layman Xu."

Suddenly, Wang Zhonglou looked at the gate of the main hall of Taiqing Palace, and the smile on his face instantly became bright.

As soon as Wang Zhonglou finished speaking, a handsome, handsome young Taoist stepped into the hall. After looking around, his eyes naturally fell on Xu Xin.

Xu Xin and the young Taoist looked at each other, their eyes looking at each other, and there was something inexplicable in their eyes.

"Meet Brother Xu!"

The young Taoist walked up to Xu Xin and bowed respectfully.

"How could this pretty boy become so polite?"

Behind Xu Xin, Chu Lushan, who was forced to stand, looked at the young Taoist priest who was completely different from what he remembered, his wide eyes full of confusion.

When the young Taoist walked into the main hall, Chu Lushan was staring at him, his eyes were quite ferocious, just because this pretty boy had once betrayed someone, the princess of Beiliang King, Xu Fengnian's sister, Xu Zhihu.

"Hong Xixiang, please stop making so many harsh gifts. His Royal Highness has talked about you many times. He said he wanted to ask you why you didn't go to Jiangnan."

Chu Lushan's voice echoed in the main hall of Taiqing Palace. Lu Qiu'er was Xu Fengnian's most confidant brother. He was also willing to be the eagle dog of the Xu family and his son. He was confidant to Xu Fengnian, so he was naturally anxious about Xu Fengnian's concerns.

Moreover, he was also dissatisfied with the fruitless relationship between Xu Zhihu and Hong Xixiang, so he spoke out his feelings at this time.

"The supreme forgetfulness of emotion is not ruthless. Forgetfulness of emotion is silence and emotionlessness. It seems to be forgotten. If you remember it, it is true love. As the saying goes, the speaker cares about it and forgets a word when he is proud. The Tao can be Tao but the Tao is very Tao. Occasionally, he knows that he wants to It’s only when you stop talking that you know.”

The young Taoist Hong Xixiang said something like this. He did not say it to Chu Lushan, but to Xu Xin, because he knew why Chu Lushan suddenly said these "inner words."

Xu Xin was also looking at Hong Xixiang. At this moment, he was comprehending the secret of the other party's way of cultivating heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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