The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 872: Born to cultivate the way of heaven, 1 stepped into the celestial phenomena

Chapter 872 Born to cultivate the way of heaven, one step into the heavenly phenomena
What is the way of heaven?
This is an excellent question.

Some people say that the way of heaven is the way and the principle. The principle of heaven is clear and the retribution is unsatisfactory.

Some people also say that the way of heaven can be understood as the laws of nature, which are the laws of the withering of vegetation, birth, old age, sickness and death, and the cycle of cause and effect, which no one can escape.

When Xu Xin saw the Hong Xixiang in the Taiqing Palace, he had some insights into the "way of heaven" he practiced. This seemed to be a very novel way of playing.

So, he spoke.


Xu Xinping spoke calmly, the sky and the earth were turbulent, and everyone in the Taiqing Palace could only hear the word "Heaven" clearly. In fact, it fell into Hong Xixiang's ears, but it was a different sound.

Xu Xin's "concise and concise" speech now is actually similar to the "words of heaven" spoken by the goddess in "Jiang Ye" when she enters the mortal world. The words of heaven and the words of nature can make all living things in the world come to life with just a few words. Everything understands what he means.

But now, Hong Xixiang understood.

As a result, the eyes of this young master-uncle on Wudang Mountain became more alert, and he looked far away at the windows of Taiqing Palace, looking through the countless mist at his Little Lotus Peak.

On Wudang Mountain, a breeze came from nowhere and blew away the thick fog.

At this moment, people can easily have a panoramic view of the scenery of the Lotus Peak and the Lotus Peak.

Hong Xixiang stood in the main hall of Taiqing Palace, looking at a certain window, lost in thought.

At this moment, Hong Xixiang thought of a lot.

His eyes fell on the mist-shrouded Shinto stairs going up the mountain, and he remembered when he went up the mountain when he was a child. It was snowing in Wudang that day, with heavy snow and goose feathers, and the stone steps were densely packed.

At that time, Hong Xixiang, who was still young, had a sallow complexion and thin muscles, and his legs were weak and could not walk at all.

He was carried up the mountain by his elderly master.

He saw his senior brother Wang Zhonglou for the first time under the "Xuanwu Dangxing" archway on the mountain. On the way up the mountain, he peeked at his senior brother a few times. Every time, the senior brother would greet him with a smile, like a stove in a wealthy neighbor's house that was just warm but not hot.

Later he found out that the senior brother had been waiting there all day and night.

He clearly remembered that the senior brother at that time was only frost-white on his temples. When he grew up one year later, his master had already passed away, and the senior senior brother Wang Zhonglou, like his master, quietly had his hair covered with silver frost. .

On Wudang Mountain, senior brother Wang Zhonglou is the headmaster, but he doesn't act like a headmaster internally. He chops wood to make fires, pickles vegetables to cook, builds houses and clears snow, they do everything.

The second senior brother Chen Yao is proficient in moral precepts, the third senior brother Song Zhiming is good at the theory of alchemy, the fourth senior brother Yu Xingrui studies the Jade Pillar Heart Method, and the fifth senior brother Wang Xiaoping practices swordsmanship...

Before his death, the master told him to let Hong Xixiang cultivate the way of heaven naturally. He should regard him as the key to the "revival of Xuanwu" and let him cultivate to "the best in the world" before going down the mountain.

Therefore, Hong Xixiang has high hopes from all the brothers and elders.

But as for "the way of heaven", what is the way of heaven?
His senior fellow apprentices, even the poorest people in the world, couldn't figure out the reason. But Hong Xixiang was not in a hurry. He always felt that as long as he stayed on the mountain, he would one day realize it.

When he was fourteen years old, he was riding a bull and encountered the red dress. He couldn't forget it and delayed his homework.

When I saw her again later, she said she was going to Jiangnan and would never see her again.

At that time, Hong Xixiang had the urge to go down the mountain, so he told his senior brother Wang Chonglou that he wanted to go down. Wang Chonglou asked him if he could come back.

Hong Xixiang didn't say it, he never lies.

Wang Chonglou was not angry, and just asked him to wait for a while until he completed the construction of Da Huang Ting, and then Hongxi Xiang could come down from the mountain. But after Wang Chonglou built the Dahuang Court, Hong Xixiang himself shrank. Every time he walked to the archway where Xuanwu was built, he shrank again.

When he proposed to go down the mountain, he was of course serious about it, but when he failed to go down the mountain in one go, he no longer felt comfortable going down the mountain, because the impulse and the opportunity had been missed. At this moment, Hong Xixiang understood all this, and scenes of the past flashed through his mind, including learning the rules with Chen Yao, discussing the elixir cauldron with Song Zhiming, watching Yu Xingrui repair the jade pillar, and watching Wang Xiaoping's sword intent. There is also senior brother Wang Zhonglou, who practices martial arts and also practices Taoism.

After passing the Xuanwu Dangxing Archway, everyone on the mountain is dating each other. This is Hong Xixiang's home, which is why he couldn't let go of it.

He rode an ox on the mountain to study, made elixirs to relieve fatigue, and moved with the strong wind on the mountain top. He often wanted to see the scenery outside the mountain clearly, feed and talk to the yellow crane...

These are all his ways. It is natural and natural. The way of cultivating heaven is to understand the mysterious way of changing the world. The reason why the threshold is high is because most people are not qualified to touch that level.

In this world, I am afraid that only Hong Xixiang is qualified to "cultivate the way of heaven" because "he" has touched it before and has the obsession and opportunity to touch it again.

Just like now.

I don’t seek the Tao, the Tao will come naturally.

In the main hall of Taiqing Palace, Hong Xixiang suddenly exhaled a long breath.

He raised his foot and took a step. In just one step, he came three feet in front of Xu Xin. This step was ten feet away, but he only took one step.

Wudang Seventy-Two Peaks, this day the clouds and mist rolled in, rushing towards the Taiqing Palace on Yuzhu Peak.

The clouds in the sky are billowing and drooping, and the whole Wudang Mountain is filled with purple energy.

Above the sky, there seems to be a fairy gate emerging, appearing in the human world.

At this moment, Wudang leader Wang Zhonglou felt something in his heart. He looked up at the top of the palace, as if he could see the vision clearly through the dome, and murmured: "Master, have you seen it? My junior brother has stepped into the sky. ”

"Master, you are right. With my junior brother here, Xuanwu will be revived..."

There is Wudang in the north and Longhu in the south.

The two ancestral houses of the Taoist sect face each other from the north to the south. When they were both glorious and prosperous, they both aimed at suppressing the other.

Religious sectarian disputes are inherently cruel, especially between different sects of the same religion.

After all, heretics will still be compatible due to interests, but most of the disputes between heretics will last forever.

Six hundred years ago, Longhu Mountain flourished, Wudang Mountain was almost completely depleted of incense, and most of the Taoist priests fled down the mountain.

Three hundred years ago, Wudang in turn suppressed the dragon and tiger, and the dragon and tiger bowed their heads as low as possible.

In the past hundred years, Longhu Mountain has flourished again. The Liyang Dynasty has repeatedly raised Longhu Mountain, while Wudang has become worse than the last.

Including Wang Chonglou, who built the Dahuang Pavilion, all the leaders of Wudang Mountain in the past hundred years have never come to Beijing to meet the saint.

The Liyang Dynasty's attitude towards Wudang Mountain also made more people dislike Wudang, not to mention adding insult to injury, but many old friendships also disappeared little by little, causing Wudang to become even weaker.

This was also a key factor why Wudang later chose to support Beiliang, but Xu Fengnian was unreliable, and almost everyone who bet on Beiliang suffered a loss of blood.

Although the Liyang Dynasty has been passed down for hundreds of years, it has only been established in the Central Plains for more than 20 years. Many people predict that there will be at least another hundred years of dynasty events.

Therefore, few people think that the fortune of the Taoist sect in the next hundred years will be "Xuanwu's rise" for five hundred years.

No one knows what the final outcome of the ancestral dispute between the North and South Daomen will be after thousands of years of secret fighting.

But at this moment, Hong Xixiang stepped into the sky, and Wang Zhonglou saw the signs of Xuanwu's resurgence. The worries he had felt for many years seemed to disappear at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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