The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 873 The three-year period has come. I respectfully invite the Dragon King, ahem, Phoenix, ah

Chapter 873 The three-year period has come. I respectfully invite the Dragon King... cough, phoenix, cough... beautiful daughter-in-law...

The vision at the top of the Nine Heavens is overturned, and the golden lotus of purple air is on the earth.

In the Wudang Taiqing Palace, Xu Xin looked at Hong Xixiang who came three feet in front of him in one step, with curiosity in his eyes. Who is the latter now?

Lu Dongxuan? Qixuan frame? Flooding elephant? Or his other reincarnated body.

Xu Xin can be regarded as reincarnated again and again, but his reincarnation is different from the reincarnation in the world of "Snow". Every time he reincarnates, there is a "golden light" to wipe away the past, and the "true spirit" is always the first life. The one who is ordinary in modern times Ordinary honest person.

Therefore, every time he "wakes up", he will not have any memory problems or doubts about his life. He probably still had problems when he first time traveled. After all, it was his first time at that time, so he lacked experience and had some obsessions.

"The breeze is coming slowly, but the water is calm."

Thinking about it carefully, even he would probably forget the name Xu Xing.

However, the time when he was a small-time escort in the Longmen Escort Bureau was indeed the starting point of everything for him. That period of his life was even more unforgettable than his later days of flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, with unparalleled magical powers.

"Retrieve the "account password" from the cloud? It doesn't seem that simple. Cultivating the way of heaven? It's really interesting to enter the celestial phenomena in one step."

Xu Xin looked at Hong Xixiang on the chair in Taiqing Palace. At this moment, Hong Xixiang had withdrawn his distant gaze and looked at Xu Xin again.

This was not the first time he met Xu Longxiang, but it was the first time he met Xu Xin.

Hong Xixiang first met Xu Longxiang on the day when he found "a red dress".

Many years ago, people slaughtered Xu Xiaoma and became the king of Northern Liang.

On that day, the children went to Wudang Mountain to burn incense. They included the eldest daughter Xu Zhihu, who was beautiful, the second daughter Xu Weixiong, who was versatile in both civil and military affairs, the playboy Xu Fengnian, and the demented and stupid Xu Longxiang.

This year, Xu Weixiong carved a line of words on the back of the statue of Emperor Zhenwu: "Fate six thousand miles away."

This year, Xu Zhihu, dressed in red, met the young Taoist priest Hong Xixiang.

This year Hong Xixiang was fourteen years old.

The scene when he and Xu Zhihu first met was very ordinary. She thought this little Taoist priest was very handsome and moved her heart. She smiled and asked Hong Xixiang how old he was.

Hong Xixiang counted on his fingers for a long time, and finally calculated his exact age and even his birth date. Then he looked up, but the red dress had already gone away.

Xu Zhihu would soon marry far away from Jiangnan. Perhaps she knew that there would be fewer opportunities to return home after getting married. She felt a little regretful, so she went to Wudang Mountain again.

That day, Yi Yi dressed in red met the young Taoist priest on Wudang Mountain again. She still had a smile on her face and asked the young Taoist priest, "Practice is so boring, how about you marry me?"

She wants him to marry her.

A girl who was about to get married asked a young Taoist priest to marry her.

Hong Xixiang was very shy, thinking that Xu Zhihu was teasing him again, but she didn't know that Xu Zhihu's words had the courage to contain all her sincerity.

Xu Zhihu waited for a long time, but did not wait for any reply from the bewildered Hong Xixiang, so she had to go down the mountain in disappointment. When they parted, she looked at the crane flying freely in the distance and muttered that she wanted to ride a crane. This was also the cause and effect of riding a crane down to the south of the Yangtze River.

The day when he met Hong Yi at the beginning of the year was a day that Hong Xixiang would never forget in his life. Naturally, he could easily remember the woman's brother, one was naughty and the other seemed stupid.

But the one in front of him was completely different from the latter in his impression.

But the aura he sensed and the special feeling returned to him. He was not mistaken. These two were the same person.

"The young prince is interested in refining a furnace of elixirs with me."

Hong Xixiang extended an invitation to Xu Xin. Seeing that Xu Xin was extraordinary, Hong Xixiang was naturally delighted and wanted to sit down and talk.

But he also saw that Xu Xin seemed to be "playing", so it was not easy to disturb the latter's interest. He did not dare to point out that Xu Xin was "awake", so he changed his method to invite him to "discuss the Tao". ".

With Wang Zhonglou's permission, Xu Xin followed Hong Xixiang and left Yuzhu Peak. Along with them was Song Zhiming, the oldest senior brother among Hong Xixiang's brothers.

They did not go to Qingyun Peak, which has the largest alchemy furnace in the world. Instead, it was on Little Lotus Peak. There was only a bronze furnace half a person tall. This time, the furnace was opened to make alchemy, and it did not consume much charcoal and endosulfan.

There was no good and auspicious day, no altar and painted baskets, and no ancient mirrors or swords to suppress evil and exorcise evil spirits. To outsiders, it didn't look like they were refining good elixirs.

But Song Zhiming, Hong Xixiang's senior brother, was extremely nervous. He paid more attention to it than when he was refining elixirs on Qingyun Peak. He squatted on the ground to observe and control the heat.

Song Zhiming lived a long life and refined countless elixirs. Many of the elixirs he refined were sent to high-ranking officials through various channels in exchange for various resources. "Zhi Ming Dan" was quite famous throughout the Liyang Dynasty.

In the years since Wudang Mountain was suppressed, the number of pilgrims has decreased day by day. If Song Zhiming had not missed every good day and worked hard to refine elixirs, the Taoist priests in Wudang Mountain might really have had nothing in their sleeves.

Song Zhiming has made great contributions to Wudang in the past hundred years, but he also knows that he has limited understanding and achievements in alchemy and cultivation. He only has limited manpower and material resources, and lacks the harmony of yin and yang.

So when Ge Hong's "Tai Chi Golden Pill" came out, Song Zhiming, the number one alchemist in Wudang, just smiled bitterly and wanted to argue, but was helpless.

The people of Wudang Mountain have been oppressed by Longhu Mountain for several generations, but later when their younger brother Hong Xixiang went up the mountain and read all the classics, he was stunned to find a new path and wrote a four thousand-word book " The alchemy method of Shen Tongqi is not limited to inner elixirs and outer elixirs, but should be cultivated both internally and externally.

The original version of "Shen Tong Qi" was "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", which focused on the divination method of Zhou Yi, and Hong Xixiang was also good at divination. His "Liang Yi Shen Tong Qi" was written by him in Japan. I gain insights from boring divination day after day, which is most in line with today's way of life.

Wang Chonglou was able to build the Dahuang Court because of his confidence in the book "Liang Yi Shen Tong Qi". Therefore, the Wudang leader attached great importance to this thin scripture and called it the most important book in Taoism for 500 years. The most wonderful secret book.

It is said that "Liang Yi Shen Tong Qi" does not teach people the mysterious method of making elixirs, but teaches people to obtain the Tao, the Great Way, and the way of heaven.

The elixir that Hong Xixiang refined at Little Lotus Peak was successful under the influence of Xu Xin, and the bronze cauldron did not explode.

After making the alchemy this time, Xu Xin, Hong She and others lived in Wudang Mountain for a while, walking south with Hong Xixiang every day. When Xu Xin left Wudang Mountain, he still had some local specialties on his hands, including That updated copy of "Two Yishen Shen Tong Yi".

Xu Xin returned to Beiliang from Wudang, and naturally lived an ordinary and happy life. With an appearance far cuter than Momonosuke, he continued to capture beautiful maids one by one. What was important was not only the result, but also the interesting one. process.

Day after day passed like this, and finally the three-year period had arrived. The Northern Liang Palace received news that the eldest son, Xu Fengnian, was about to return.

Xu Xin still attaches great importance to this matter. He remembers that a certain "persimmon" said before leaving that he was going to trick Xu Xin into getting a beautiful wife back. He remembered this!
(End of this chapter)

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