The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 884 The bad horse Huang Jiu finally broke his sword, but also let the second best in the wor

Chapter 884 The bad horse Huang Jiu finally broke his sword, but also let the second best in the world break his sleeve.

Beiliang, Lingzhou City, Zhechong Commandery Qi Dangguo's mansion, the master Qi Dangguo fell asleep holding a wine jar.

The two men next to him who were his brothers with different surnames didn't care about the owner at all, so they prepared to fight in his yard. They didn't worry about the possibility of demolishing Qi Dangguo's house. It was just a yard anyway. The two people who were about to take action didn't take it to heart.

Chen Zhibao walked slowly away to open the distance between the two of them. The plum wine in his hand turned into deep purple, and the tip of the gun had green light floating in the purple air.

Xu Xin walked towards Chen Zhibao step by step, his free hands hanging down on both sides, and he looked like he had no intention of taking action. However, Chen Zhibao, who was the number one master in the Beiliang Army, did not dare to be careless.

"call out!"

The void seemed to tremble. Chen Zhibao fired a shot lightly and handed it straight forward. For some reason, there was no majestic momentum that could swallow up mountains and rivers as ordinary people imagined. The plum wine overflowing with purple energy hit Xu Xin's chest, who was leaning slightly sideways. move.

Chen Zhibao's wrist shook slightly, and the originally straight gun body suddenly bent like a bow and bounced towards Xu Xin's chest. It was the arc character in the four-character formula embroidered by the Spear Immortal King.

Spear Immortal Wang Xiu was born with amazing physical strength since he was a child. During the Spring and Autumn Period before Jiazi, his martial arts was the best in the northern part of the Central Plains, but his reputation was mixed. In addition to his ruthless attack on his opponents, he was also considered to be lacking in martial ethics because of his ruthlessness when competing with his fellow disciples.

The Gun Immortal sect has a habit of competing with fellow sects to determine the winner. In his generation, Wang Xiu was not the most talented one, nor was he the strongest, but in the end he won because he was the master of the previous generation. Parents and children.

Xu Xin changed his open palms into soft fingers, and moved forward instead of retreating. He walked leisurely in the courtyard, pointing and pointing, and "informed" all the hidden energy of the collapsing spear.

Wine fell like rain in the void, and circles of ripples arose around Chen Zhibao, with different heights, like countless pebbles hitting the calm lake. The mysterious picture was like an immortal's handwriting, drawn out of thin air on a piece of snow-white rice paper. Lotus blossoms emerge.

Xu Xin suddenly struck out with a palm from the air, causing countless drinks to splash towards Chen Zhibao.

A circle of ripples spread slightly in the air just inches above his shoulders.

There was a strong wind in the courtyard. Xu Xin gently pushed the top of the gun body with one hand. The plum wine was not pushed out. In an instant, it exploded with a shattering force like a thunderbolt falling on the world.

Chen Zhibao suppressed the boiling blood and walked slowly again, the sharp edge of the spear tip becoming more restrained, and the two colors of blue and purple complemented each other.

Later, he went deep into Beimang with one shot and almost killed that generation of Beimang martial arts. In his later years, he summarized the essence of the "Four-Character Technique" and made progress in martial arts instead of retreating. However, Chen Zhibao, who was more talented than his master, was later handed over, and the latter naturally inherited it. After learning Wang Xiu's exquisite spear technique, the spear came out like a dragon.

However, Wang Xiu is indeed a master-level figure, especially since he defeated Wu Jinling in his life and death. After inheriting his father's position as the head of the clan, he seemed to have gained an incredible fortune. He made rapid progress in martial arts, and after becoming famous, he relied on fighting to support fighting.

Anyone who understands that period of history will feel sorry for Wang Xiu's younger brother Wu Jinling and the current personal retainer of Northern Liang King Xu Xiao, Xu Yanbing.

"Donkey Kong? Your natural physique is really enviable!"

When he pointed out the last point, Chen Zhibao's body felt as if he had been hit hard, and he slid backwards without leaving his feet. Just before he was about to press against the high wall of the small courtyard, he finally stopped, and the white clothes on his back left the wall. There is only a thin line between the walls, so they are not stained with dust or dirty.

Xu Yanbing was invited out of the sect by Wang Xiu's father because he was too strong. Wu Jinling had not yet fully grown up, so he fought a life-or-death battle with Wang Xiu in advance. After the defeat, he was devastated. A talented gunman who could catch up with Li Chungang, Finally, it flashed away like a shooting star.

The villain Tu closed his eyes and held onto the plum wine tightly. Even if ripples rippled three feet above his head, he still did not dodge, let alone deliver a shot to break the deadlock.

Chen Zhibao is waiting, patiently waiting for Xu Xin's killer, waiting for the moment when Xu Xin actually takes action. For Chen Zhibao's current plum wine, there is no flawless first mover in the world. His late strike and confidence are what he needs to do when facing the front of the martial arts evaluation list. Even the top three can be destroyed with one shot.

However, Mr. Xu seemed to be more patient than he thought. He poured a little bit of wine, seemingly intending to consume Chen Zhibao until he was exhausted.

Waves of ripples continued, and some rippled very "carelessly" even far away from Chen Zhibao. The villain Tu Chen Zhibao squinted at the drops of wine that Xu Xin popped up, as if he was looking at this young man who was both strange and familiar to him.

Chen Zhibao has been watching everything in Beiliang with a cold eye for nearly twenty years.

He suddenly remembered the day when he first met Xu Longxiang. Princess Wu Su, who was as gentle as his biological mother, dragged her weak body and gave birth to a thin baby, who has now grown up!
Chen Zhibao suddenly shot out his gun like a dragon, and pierced Xu Xin in the center of the endless wind and rain. Like the water of a river, it rushed into the sea and moved forward indomitably.

Wherever the green and purple sharp edge passed, drops of wine exploded and shattered. Unable to stop the white-clothed silver gun from moving, the green and purple tip of the gun came to Xu Xin's eyes again.

All this happens in an instant.

The slightest difference can make the difference between life and death.

Xu Xin raised his left hand at a critical point, brushed the tip of Mei Zijiu's spear, and held it against Mei Zijiu at the tassel to prevent the spear from changing its moves. At the same time, he punched Chen Zhibao, who had a large space in front of him.

Chen Zhibao had no intention of retreating or changing his tactics. He was simply ready to exchange punches with Xu Xin.


There was a thunder on the ground, and there was a turmoil in the void. Qi Dangguo's house seemed to have been visited by a storm, and the howling wind swept up all the pieces.

After all, Chen Zhibao's punch failed to hit Xu Xin's forehead. The moment his plum wine was held by Xu Xin, the battle was actually over.

If a general who is good at weapons is approached by a person with a strong Vajra physique, there is no need to think about what the result will be. If they exchange punches or something, Chen Zhibao will only be injured more seriously.

This is indeed the case. Chen Zhibao's fist was hit first and then by Xu Xin's fist. It seemed that he was holding the gun again safely, but if you look closely, you can see that his fingers were twitching and shaking.

"Are you still fighting?"

Xu Xin calmly closed his fist and continued to ask.


Chen Zhibao had just suffered an unclear defeat. He didn't know why he had found the wrong time, but he couldn't let go of the anger in his heart, so he naturally had to continue fighting.

As a result, Baima Yinqian continued to beat him up, and when he got up the next day, he was in such a mess that Captain Zhe Chong thought for a while that it was him who drank too much at night and might have done something bad. I still feel a bit sorry for myself.

After that night, Chen Zhibao changed from his normal state and began to secretly contact some forces in the Northern Liang Army. It seemed that he really wanted to fight for that position, which caused another disturbance in the Liangzhou states.

After that night, Xu Xin still ate, drank and slept often. He often went to Chaoting to listen to Chaoting and continued to tease his young daughter-in-law, Nangong Pushe, while flipping through books.

After another period of time, news finally came from the east.

The bad horse and yellow wine finally broke the sword, but also let the second best in the world break his sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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