The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 885 If you want to study luck, kill a few human beings

Chapter 885 If you want to study luck, kill a few human beings
When the news from Emperor Wu City in the East China Sea came, Xu Fengnian had just performed the coronation ceremony. In front of the tomb of Princess Wu Su, Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian, the father and son, talked for a long time and talked about many things, including the future of Beiliang.

After that, Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, began to consciously make arrangements in Northern Liang, preparing to pave the way for his son to take over.

The secret letter from Donghai seemed to him very inappropriate, but in the end Xu Xiao chose to hand it over to Xu Fengnian.

Almost at the same time, Xu Xin met the villain Tu Chen Zhibao again and obtained the contents of the secret letter.

The last chapter of the secret letter contains: Jian Jiuhuang arrived at Emperor Wu's city, carried his box up the wall, and stood twenty feet away from Wang Xianzhi. He drew out all five swords in the box and eight sword styles. Wang Xianzhi dealt with it with one hand, a total of sixty-eight moves. .

At the end, nine swords came out.

Wang Xianzhi moved his right hand.

The Nine Swords, like a hanging Milky Way, poured down thousands of miles, destroying Wang Xianzhi's right arm and sleeves.

Wang Xianzhi fought with all his strength, Jian Jiuhuang broke through forty-nine moves with one hand and one sword, until he died.


Unless there is a tie that is heavier than his life and continues to care about him.

Very few people know about the conversation in front of the princess's tomb, but Xu Xin and Chen Zhibao can accurately know and discuss it. This in itself represents many problems.

Beiliang had done so much for the Zhao family, but in the end it was the imperial court's fault. The ambush of Wu Su was just one of them. There was also the deliberate smear campaign against Beiliang from all over the Central Plains. In addition, around Beiliang, there were even more There are many vassal kings named Zhao. It can only be said that the Zhao family is really guilty and afraid.

There was a sarcastic smile on Chen Zhibao's lips. He had the least favorable impression of the Zhao family of the Liyang royal family. Beiliang worked hard to open up the border for the Zhao family, and almost a generation died. His father and his clan died in a bloody battle. Xu Xiao went to fight for his life and died.

"On the day of the Crown Prince's crowning ceremony, in front of the princess's tomb, my adoptive father mentioned my name. I knew that I would not obey the Crown Prince."

"What do we do next?"

After Xu Xin read this secret letter, he silently sensed his own aura. In the east, on the shore of the East China Sea, that was the direction of Emperor Wu's City.

"The sword is a thousand miles away, but it can't defeat Wang Xianzhi in the end. Old Huang knew he couldn't beat him, but he still went. Tell me why!"

"I have to go back to the border in Beidi in a while, so I'll leave first."

"He values ​​the order of Beiliang. My surname is also Xu, and you are mine now."

Xu Xin said calmly: "However, I suspect that the Zhao family in Liyang may not be able to sit still. Someone may come to you at that time. With your military exploits, you could have made the territory king. You can and Let’s talk more and get the benefits.”

If the conversation between Xu Xin and Chen Zhibao spreads, there will definitely be a turmoil within Beiliang.

"Beiliang has a master, but he is old. There is no need to do anything. Just wait."

Chen Zhibao stood up as he spoke, and walked away simply and without any sloppiness.

Chen Zhibao looked up at Xu Xin.

"Chen Zhibao, you won't betray me!"

Chen Zhibao did not answer his question, because there was no need to answer. Lao Huang created Sword Nine and regained the sword heart that could face Wang Xianzhi. It was only a matter of time before he went to Wudi City to fight. After all, he was a swordsman. In order to prevent the sword heart from being stained , and for the promise of continuing that battle.

"Zhao family?"

Xu Xin's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Chen Zhibao had a certain figure and did not look back. He just said: "Chen Zhibao naturally knows how to repay kindness and will not let the Xu family down."

After he said this, he left without looking back. Xu Xin sat there, poured a glass of wine and drank it slowly, and just smiled.

Chen Zhibao has the appearance of a master. It is difficult to suppress such a person and make good use of him. Xu Xiao can use him because Xu Xiao is older and has some father-son relationship with Chen Zhibao.

Both Xu Xin and Xu Fengnian are much younger than Chen Zhibao. It is not easy for the latter to obey someone younger than him. At least in terms of force, it must always be able to form absolute suppression.

Xu Xin doesn't trust Chen Zhibao, and Chen Zhibao still has doubts about Xu Xin. He can't unconditionally work for Xu Fengnian like Chu Lushan, so the relationship between them is destined to be very complicated.

However, when Beiliang truly welcomes the second generation of masters, Xu Xin will no longer need to rely too much on this villain Tu like now.

The relationship between them should also have changed by that time.

Jian Jiuhuang fought against Emperor Wu City again. Although he paid the price with his life, he truly vindicated his name.

The departure of Lao Huang really made Xu Fengnian determined to practice martial arts. He chose the sword as his weapon and asked Chu Kuangnu, the old man at the bottom of the lake, for advice on how to practice the sword.

Chu Kuangnu had some friendship with Jian Jiuhuang and Xu Fengnian, and he also valued the prince, teaching him the most important basics of sword training.

Xu Fengnian was determined to practice martial arts, and Xu Xiao naturally began to make arrangements. Soon there was news from Wudang that the headmaster Wang Zhonglou, who had been in seclusion for a long time, came out of seclusion again.

Xu Fengnian was arranged to go to Wudang to continue practicing swordsmanship, while Xu Xin still stayed at the Beiliang Palace and occasionally went to Tingchao Pavilion.

He has visited the first to ninth floors of Tingchao Pavilion. Except for a certain sloppy sword god, he has basically seen and read all the other people and books. By the way, the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and martial arts training have basically reached a certain level. The only difference is luck.

In this world, after you have practiced to a certain level, you still need luck to go further. However, Xu Xin did not intend to practice step by step to attract luck or anything like that. Instead, when he was preparing to go out to stir up troubles, he would study more, such as, Kill a few human beings.


On this day, the sky above Wudang Xixiang Pond was filled with golden light. Wudang Headmaster Wang Zhonglou was hanging in the sky, constantly reciting the Dahuang Ting Heart Method, and streams of golden breath flew out of his mouth, lingering in the world.

In the end, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one golden energy entangled the water dragon formed by the waterfall beside Xixiang Pool, and under the control of Wang Zhonglou, they blasted into the deep pool together.

In the deep pool of Xixiang Pond, Xu Fengnian, the prince of Northern Liang, was floating in the water. When the water dragon fell, he fainted.

Then, Xu Shizi was lifted up by the golden energy intertwined like a rosette, suspended on the water, and the waterfall hit his head. This waterfall is the result of Wang Chonglou’s Dahuang Courtyard and the lifelong cultivation of this old Taoist priest.

On the top of the Little Lotus Peak a little far away from the Xixiang Pond, two figures were side by side. Xu Xin took a photo from the air. Only fifty-six percent of it was absorbed by Xu Fengnian. The remaining yellow light that should have spilled between the sky and the earth was caught in his hand. inside.

"Is this Dahuangting?"

Xu Xin carefully understood the mystery of Dahuangting, and handed the ball of yellow light to Hong Xixiang beside him, and said: "If you give this back to Master Wang..."

Hong Xixiang shook his head with a wry smile and said: "At the beginning, the head master cultivated according to the air points in His Highness the Crown Prince's body, so no matter how many His Highness the Crown Prince can accept in the end, the big yellow court of the senior brother will only be scattered, and no trace will be lost. "Left."

"You can't get back what you give away."

Xu Xin just remained silent, staring in the direction of Wang Zhonglou and blowing out a breath.

After a day and night.

The thunderstorm stopped.

The weather on Wudang Mountain is fresh.

Xu Fengnian's whole body was red and there was a red date mark standing upside down in the center of his forehead. It was the mark of Da Huang Ting's true energy.

(End of this chapter)

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