The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 888: Brother-in-law is not good

Chapter 888: Brother-in-law is not easy to kill... the wind is tight...


In the pouring rain, the old man in sheepskin fur just stretched out his finger and flicked a drop of water, which floated out and caused endless changes.

a drop.

Two drops.

Ten drops.

Thousands of drops.

Drops of water droplets are connected to form a line and converge into a sword.

This water sword just shot past Shu Xi's head, messing up her black hair. The purple scarf used to stabilize her bun fell into the mud, and the coat that wrapped her exquisite figure was stirred, outlining her figure. Perfect body contours.

Shu Sha only felt the rumbling sound in his ears for a long time. His eyes followed the water sword that showed a line, and saw with his own eyes that it easily penetrated the water armor man who was like an invincible talisman.

The sword energy in the sky cracked and exploded, and the puppet collapsed.

Li Chungang just used Zhixuan sword, and with a snap of his fingers, he broke through the water armor, one of the famous talisman general's red armor.

Immediately afterwards, the old man in sheepskin fur raised his umbrella and flew out. Naturally, he kept up his efforts and knelt down with a sword.

And just when he was pretending to shout out the sentence about swordsmanship being like a long night, Xu Xin in the second carriage moved out, and he followed the Qi machine and chased him.


The stormy void shook, and a line of water was seen quickly passing through the sky. Xu Fengnian looked back and rubbed his eyes again, and then he was sure what happened.

"Huang Man'er..."

Xu Fengnian looked towards the east direction with some worry.

Li Chungang, who had solved the water armor man, said nonchalantly: "What are you worried about? That boy is the real indestructible man. Without a pair of water armor and water grinding skills, the remaining four pairs are in this weather. It’s not enough to fight that little monster.”

Directly east of the trail, in the dense forest in the wind and rain, a figure stood on a big tree and looked at Xu Fengnian and the others when they encountered the red armor. After seeing the red armor being penetrated by Li Chungang's dripping water into a sword, his eyes became a little brighter. Sedimentation.

This figure looked like a young man, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat. The rain had wet his hair at the temples, sticking to his handsome face.

His name is Zhao Kai, and he considers himself a very optimistic young man who never blames others. When he was young, he was lonely and dependent on his mother, and he was looked down upon.

He is the illegitimate son of the current emperor. Because his biological mother was benevolent to Han Shengxuan, a master eunuch in the palace, after his biological mother died, he was brought into the palace by Han Shengxuan and became his disciples.

Zhao Kai's life was tragic. His identity was not recognized. When his brothers and sisters reached adulthood, they could be crowned kings or princesses, but he had to fight for himself.

When he reached adulthood, he left the palace and went to Shangyin Academy to live happily. He only liked women who were not good-looking but very attractive, because his mother was like that. Then, he fell in love with Xu Weixiong, the second daughter of Northern Liang King Xu Xiao.

"Brother-in-law is really hard to kill!"

"I've got such a good Feng Shui place for you, why waste it!"

"However, that old man, who broke the Fujiang Water Armor with one sword, couldn't be the legendary sword god!"

Zhao Kai, who considered himself optimistic, stared at Li Chungang, who was kneeling as an immortal with a sword, in the distance. Suddenly, with a sharp look in his eyes, he caught a blurry figure in the wind and rain, heading towards him at an unimaginable speed. "No, the wind is blowing hard!"

Zhao Kai judged from the speed of the figure that this person was by no means a match for him. If the Fujia people were perfect, he could still fight. However, in order to assassinate Xu Fengnian, he scattered several pairs of red armors, and now he only had A pair of wooden armor is difficult to fight, so I want to run away.

When Zhao Kai thought of escaping, he acted immediately. He jumped down from the tree and landed on the shoulders of Fujiang Mujia. The puppet Mujia was holding him up, walking swiftly in the wind and rain at an astonishing speed.

"Quick, quick, we're catching up. Damn brother-in-law, why are you sending people after your second brother-in-law? The feng shui here is not good either!"

Although Zhao Kai was running for his life, he still kept chattering. The wooden armor under his feet flew faster. With every step he took, a puddle exploded on the ground, and countless water splashed.

In the distance surrounding the road, three other puppets also gathered in the direction of Zhao Kai.

Life is the most important thing in the world. In the face of life and death, Zhao Kai still carried Qing Qing. He did not intend to continue to assassinate Xu Fengnian, but recalled the remaining armor men to protect himself.


The flying Talisman Armor suddenly staggered and flew away. Zhao Kai, who was standing on his shoulders, suddenly lost his footing. After rolling in the air for two and a half weeks, he rolled on the ground for another two and a half times before he was able to remove it. Strength.

He rolled over and hid behind a big tree again, and then turned back to look at the person who attacked him. The dirty muddy water soaked his clothes. In the hazy vision, Zhao Kai immediately froze at the first glance. Living.

"Brother-in-law, the intelligence did not say that he is so capable of chasing and fighting!"

Before Zhao Kai came to Beiliang, he specifically searched for information about the Xu Longxiang family. Naturally, it was about Xu Longxiang. Xu Xin had not concealed himself when he came, so Zhao Kai recognized it immediately.

"kill him!"

Zhao Kai calls Xu Fengnian brother-in-law and Xu Xin brother-in-law. It sounds like they are definitely close to each other. But when faced with Xu Xin's attack, his first choice is to kill people. After giving him an order, Fu Jiangmu A holds a sword and rushes directly towards Xu Xin.

Another golden light came quickly. It was a man in golden armor, a talisman general. He was like a divine general invited from heaven by a Taoist immortal master. He was ten feet tall and held a Dragon Fault Sword.

Fu Jiang's golden armor among the red armors is the most indestructible among the five armors, and the most powerful in combat, especially the Dragon Fault giant sword in his hand, which has unbridled and majestic sword energy.

This sword had never been produced before. Han Shengxuan personally found an old swordsmith and spent five years to make it. For every inch made, the sword's energy increased by three points.


The Dragon Fault Sword swept through the wind and rain, and the sword energy came out horizontally, but Xu Xin easily dodged it. He punched and kicked one after another, and the wooden armor and gold armor that came to besiege flew out directly. Then Xu Xin punched Zhao Kai from the air, and the guy who was afraid of death rolled around again.


Zhao Kai didn't die, of course not because he rolled around to avoid Xu Xin's punch, but because the punch was blocked by the earth armor that suddenly jumped out from the ground, and the earth armor was hit by the punch from the air. On his body, the latter suddenly vomited blood and became unstable.

"Can't fight, let's go!"

Zhao Kai barely stood upright while holding on to his earthen armor. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and saw a red armor suddenly rushing towards Xu Xin, arms and legs spread out and flying towards him.


This red armor decisively self-destructed after catching Xu Xin. The power of the self-destruction of the fire armor in the red armor was indeed terrifying, but unfortunately it was a heavy rain and the power was reduced by less than half, so it could not hurt Xu Xin.

The battle came to an end. Xu Xin received the fire armor and the water armor that he had left behind before. He finally gained a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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