The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 889: The talisman divides the red armor into 5 rows, and there is Hu Kui in Qingcheng Mounta

Chapter 889: The talisman divides the red armor into five elements, and there is Hu Kui in Qingcheng Mountain

"Look, that silly boy is back. I told him he was fine, and I even grabbed a pair of fire armor."

While the old man in sheepskin fur was talking, he saw Xu Xinren walking over, holding a broken corpse in his hand, and the talisman on it was intact.

Fujiang Red Armor can be divided into the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, or the five elements can be unified into one, and the cycle is endless. It is a set of ancient military armor forged with yellow and purple luck. It originally belonged to Longhu Mountain, Dragon Tiger How many generations has the mountain been passed down? How many generations of heavenly masters have drawn talismans on it and carved countless alchemy books and ink scrolls on it?
This set of armor was originally a Taoist immortal weapon used to suppress evil spirits, but for some unknown reason, it ended up wandering around the world. First, it was obtained in the Tianji Tower of Shangyin Academy, where it did all kinds of weird things. Later, it became a real weapon. He became famous because of Ye Hongting, one of the four great masters of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Fujiang Hongjia Ye Hongting initially used his armor in the Vajra realm to fight against enemies. Opponents who were stronger than him would be entangled to death by him for days and nights.

But later he met Han Shengxuan, a master who specializes in using mystical fingering skills to break the state of unity between heaven and man in the powerful celestial phenomena. He met his nemesis and was stripped off by Han Shengxuan, including his armor and skin.

After Ye Hongting's death, this red armor of the Talisman General fell into the hands of Han Shengxuan. Han Shengxuan traveled around the world and killed many first-level masters. He specially selected five that matched the Five Elements Talisman Armor and had high attainments in the Vajra Body. The strong man put on the talisman armor and refined it into a puppet.

The Five Elements Puppet of the Five Elements Talisman Armor was later handed over to Zhao Kai by Han Shengxuan for protection. Zhao Kai was ordered to assassinate Xu Fengnian this time, so he took the Five Elements Talisman Armor with him. Who knew that he did it for the first time and stayed behind? Two pairs.

Xu Xin was very interested in this red armor of the talisman. This treasure seemed to be made of yellow and purple luck. It was a great magical power. It was said to be from the hands of immortals.

After experiencing this ambush, Feng Ziying's Qingqi rode forward to clear the way, but naturally there was no gain. Then the group continued on the road, and finally arrived at a villa for the time being in the rain.

"Old man Zhao, old man Zhao..."

Zhao Xituan, who followed, rolled his eyes and said, "I only heard about the Nine Heavenly Books, even the old Taoist, but I'm afraid they no longer exist in the world."

In the main hall of the Villa, two broken corpses were placed side by side. If you carefully opened the talisman armor, you could see that there were heavy cloud patterns and seals on it.

In the third carriage, the sleepy Zhao Xituan was woken up by Xu Fengnian. He heard that a red-armored talisman appeared and left behind two armors of water and fire. He woke up immediately and followed Xu Fengnian to the courtyard.

Yang Qingfeng smiled and continued: "Your Majesty, the other nine-square talisman comes from the "Lingbao Moving Mountain Sutra" in Gezao Mountain, and this image of the Heavenly Lord is the unmistakable talisman riding on Maoshan Mountain, as well as some Buddhist scriptures Sanskrit, the villain thought, it was probably written by Tianji Tower of Shangyin Academy."

"It's a pity that it's not the eight-layered Purple Cloud Seal that illuminates the underworld. As for the most difficult nine-layered Heavenly Book, it only exists in the history books of Longhu Mountain and has no original copy."

Yang Qingfeng, who is good at exorcising corpses to invite gods, was studying. When he saw Xu Fengnian approaching, he immediately raised his head and pointed at a cloud pattern and said: "Your Highness, look at this cloud pattern pine texture made of ancient seal characters. It is the most famous Yun seal script in Longhu Mountain, which is repeated one after another, up to seven layers. "

"Those guys from Shangyin Academy are making random carvings on the treasures of my Tianshi Mansion. They are really unworthy of human beings..."

Zhao Xituan looked very dissatisfied, but as he spoke, he quickly squatted down and observed the cloud patterns and seals on the red armor of the general. This armor has a long history, and there are many ways to carve the seals, including dragons and tigers. The mountains have lost their traditions, maybe some of them can be recreated on this trip.

Xu Fengnian knocked on the armor with his own sword. The sound was clear and crisp. He stabbed it with the tip of the knife. No trace was found. Then he looked at Zhao Xituan and asked, "Old man Zhao, what is the texture of this red armor?" Zhao Xituan rolled his eyes again. , I feel that Xu Xiao, the eldest son, is really annoying. If there is something wrong with the old god, if there is nothing with him, Old Man Zhao, it is true... But he replied simply: "This treasure armor is an immortal trick, how can it be so easy to get a second pair? Don’t even think about it, kid.”


Just as they were talking, there was a slight movement from Xu Xin, who was studying another pair of red armor. The red armor was completely opened and peeled off, and the mutilated corpse was turned into ashes. Finally, in Xu Xin's hands, only The next piece of armor was incomplete.

"Disciple, you are also interested in it. Master, I can teach you Yunzhuan..."

Zhao Xituan approached Xu Xin with a smile and wanted to try to determine the master-disciple status.

Xu Xin pretended not to hear or see, and carried the incomplete pair of red armor to Xu Fengnian and others, and studied the other one. After comparing the two for a while, the corpse in the other one was also reduced to ashes, and the two The broken pieces were put together, but most of them were still missing.

After the water-fire red armor was removed, the cloud seal pattern disappeared, and then Xu Xin took it in his hand for safekeeping and study. Everyone just thought it was fun for him and didn't think much about it, and no one said they wanted to take it away.

The news that General Fu's red armor had returned to the arena soon spread to Liangdi through Beiliang's intelligence network. Xu Xin and his party rested in Bieyuan for a few days, and after getting some intelligence responses, they continued on their way.

The person in charge of this trip was Xu Fengnian. After arriving in Yongzhou, he did not enter the city according to the planned itinerary. Instead, he took a small path and led a mighty team into the Qingcheng Mountains.

Qingcheng Mountain has sixty-four peaks, large and small, all surrounding like a city. The ancient trees are green all year round, and the greenery is thick, so it is named Qingcheng.

There are three wonderful scenic spots in Yongzhou. The easternmost one is the "Westward Sword Pavilion", which is said to have been struck by a sword from the east. It is the most dangerous. The southern one is said to have a saint riding an ox and Kuimen Pass, which is unparalleled in majesty. Then there is the famous Taoist mountain and blessed land, Qingcheng Mountain.

Qingcheng Mountain was originally one of the three great sects of the Taoist sect, a cave in the Nine Dou Mi Road, but the palace owner of the Qingyang Palace, which was given to the Qingcheng King by the old Emperor Liyang, was actually a Taoist priest who was born in the Longhu Zhengyi Sect. The dove occupied the magpie's nest and drove away all the popular Nine Dou Rice Road, leaving only one Qingyang Palace to dominate.

Nowadays, the green and stretching Qingcheng Mountain is losing its popularity every year, making it much deserted compared to other famous mountains. There are fewer visitors in Qingcheng Mountain, but there are more grass bandits who occupy the mountain as kings. A group of stragglers are wandering around, and they are king together with the Qingcheng King.

Few people know that the so-called King of Qingcheng and the grass bandits who occupy the mountains as kings can be regarded as the arrangement of Beiliang. The master of Qingyang Palace can become the King of Qingcheng because of Princess Wu Su of Beiliang. The sword attendant is secretly supporting him.

After Xu Xin and his party entered Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Shuyang, an old Taoist priest with nine buckets of rice, was deeply touched. When he was young, he lived in a thatch on a peak of the back mountain.

After entering Qingcheng Mountain, the carriage seemed a little bumpy, but Xu Xin, who had been studying the red armor of Fu General these days, diverted his attention and pricked up his ears to feel the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

There is a strange beast in Qingcheng Mountain, named Hu Kui. He is very interested in the pregnant Hu Kui and another strange beast.

(End of this chapter)

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