The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 890 The black and white iron-eating beast, its owner hehehe

Chapter 890 The black and white iron-eating beast, its owner hehehe

The setting sun was setting, the sky was reflecting the clouds, and among the deserted forest paths in Qingcheng Mountain, an exaggerated black and white cat galloped into the forest.

This silly big black and white cat looks like a bear but not a bear, and looks like a cat but not a cat. It is a "tapir beast" unique to Western Sichuan, nicknamed Panda. Ancient books record that this tapir beast likes to eat copper and iron, so it is also called the "iron-eating beast". .

This black and white iron-eating beast ran wildly in the dense forest. When it rushed to a cliff, it suddenly stopped. The girl riding on the big cat was almost thrown off the cliff.

On the body of the big black and white cat, the girl riding the cat carries a huge golden flower on her shoulders. This flower's real name is Yizhang Chrysanthemum. It blooms towards the sun and is also called sunflower. After the panda stopped suddenly, the sunflower in the girl's hand shook violently, and the corolla was facing the setting sun in the west.

The girl seemed to be very dissatisfied with the performance of the strange mount under her butt. She didn't scold the giant panda and directly hit the giant panda on the head with her fist.

The giant panda shook his head and looked pitifully at the owner who brought him from Xishu to Beiliang and then raised him from a kitten to a big cat. The girl punched her again. Despite her thin body, her punch was powerful and heavy, hitting the big cat's head. Up, there was a loud roar.

She jumped off the big cat's back, got behind its butt, and seemed to kick it away from the cliff.

The giant panda whined and moved flexibly, but did not run far. It only ran a short distance before squatting on the ground, looking back at its owner, then running back and rolling around like a baby, looking quite naive.

"Go find it yourself. If you can't win, don't come back."

The little girl with a sunflower on her shoulder pointed to a place in the dense forest of Qingcheng Mountain. There was a wave of aura there, which was strong and weak, and seemed to be in a very wrong state.


The giant panda howled, then rushed down the cliff under the command of the hostess, and ran wildly towards somewhere in the dense forest.


The little girl looked at her mount in the distance, and then at the group of people who were entering the Qingyang Palace in Qingcheng Mountain. She seemed to be in a good mood, and she laughed three times.

The laughter was still echoing in the dense forest, but the little girl was nowhere to be seen.


It was completely silent in the Qingcheng Mountains late at night. Occasionally, there were sporadic chirping of insects, birds, and roars of animals, but they were not too intense.

The dense forest at night is full of dangers, but there is a beautiful little girl walking among the green Qingcheng Mountains with sunflowers on her shoulders.

The full moon was in the sky, and the little girl didn't know how long she had been walking. There was no trace of the road under her feet, but she was still moving forward.

She passed by a pool of water. She bent down and took a sip of water. She was only three-thirds full.

At this moment, a strange sound came from the dense forest behind him, startling several jackdaws.

The little girl stood up and looked towards the dense forest.

A huge alien beast rushed out. It seemed a little panicked. As it stamped its six legs and ran, the ground shook.

Under the bright silver moonlight, the full appearance of this strange beast was displayed in the little girl's field of vision. It was two feet long including its tail, and its weight was estimated to be at least five hundred kilograms. It had two horns and six legs, and was covered in pitch black scales. There is still a faint red halo.

If you carefully observe the belly of this strange beast, you can see that its belly is bulging, which means it is most likely pregnant with a cub.

The strange beast is called Tiger Kui. It is said that it is a male tiger that lives in the underworld. It breaks out of the ground every five hundred years and is born from mating with a female tiger.

According to historical records, although there are male and female tigers, they are often sterile. They do not drown in water like dragons. When they enter the mountains, they become kings and hegemons. They live alone for five hundred years before dying.

However, the female tiger Kui in front of her was pregnant, which was really strange and strange. When the ferocious Hu Kui met the little girl, he flicked his tail suddenly, and the black scales on his body instantly turned red. This was a sign of his anger, and it was also his strongest fighting state. It sensed danger in the little girl in front of it.


Hu Kui stopped far away by the deep pool and suddenly let out a roar like thunder. Then he stared at the little girl and walked lightly on his six legs.

Hu Kui roared, his fangs exposed, and the fishy wind sprayed on the little girl's face, and her black hair was blown up.

The little girl frowned slightly, seeming a little angry.

Amid the bang, a more powerful earthquake came from the dense forest.

Hu Kui suddenly turned his head, and saw a big black and white cat no less than him appearing. He stood upright on his hind legs, like a legendary human bear, lowering his head and roaring at Hu Kui.

"Hit it."

After the little girl said a simple sentence, the black and white giant panda suddenly rushed towards Hu Kui. A battle broke out between the strange beasts. Hu Kui soon fell into the disadvantage. Scarlet scales flew around and splashed all over his body. Wounds of various sizes.

Hu Kui's strength is actually not inferior to that of the giant panda, but it is currently pregnant and is restricted by the influence, and its fighting spirit and fighting spirit are not strong, so it has been avoiding the giant panda at first, and has been hiding here since dusk. Late at night, I didn't expect to be blocked by this iron-eating beast.


Probably the injury inspired Hu Kui's ferocity. It roared angrily and fought back, swinging out all six claws and feet. At the same time, it lowered its head and hit the giant panda's belly with a pair of sharp angles on its head.

Hu Kui, who was fighting hard, still had some fighting ability. The giant panda was knocked down in an instant, and his four claws could not resist the six claws. When it looked like he was about to fall into a disadvantage, the little girl next to him was ready to take action.


Suddenly, the little girl was startled and peeked. She turned her head following the sensor and saw a figure quickly appearing in front of her from far away.

"Little fool? Haha... you are not stupid, are you!"

The little girl chuckled lightly and looked up at Xu Xin who appeared on the branch.

Xu Xin did not answer her, just like facing Li Chungang, you can just guess, I won't answer, I will pretend in front of you, but you can't beat me, what else can you do?
The little girl who was laughing knew Xu Xin, she also had this giant panda, and she had known Xu Fengnian for a long time. Xu Fengnian even nicknamed this girl in her cardamom years, Miss Haha.

Just like Xu Xin pretends to be stupid in front of others, this Hehe girl also likes to pretend to be ignorant of the world in front of Xu Fengnian.

She looked up at Xu Xin, as if she had seen herself in front of Xu Fengnian, and she felt extremely awkward.

Xu Xin didn't care what the girl thought. Just when the two beasts were about to fight to the death, he suddenly jumped down from the branch, rushed into the battlefield with one swoop, and killed the two beasts with one hand. The big head was pressed to the ground.

"Do you accept it or not?"

Xu Xin's method of taming strange beasts was simple and crude, which was to press their heads and ask them if they were convinced or not.

His "Language of Heaven" can communicate with all things in the world. His words can naturally be understood by the two strange beasts. The aura that rushes into their bodies also scares them. Coupled with a series of special methods, naturally This made these two strange beasts surrender happily.

Therefore, in Miss Hehe's surprised eyes, these two strange beasts were actually kneeling on their knees, their heads resting peacefully on Xu Xin's palm, and they were actually tamed.

(End of this chapter)

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