The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 978 Killing 9 clans? So what if it means killing my clan?

Chapter 978 Killing the nine tribes? So what if ten of my clans are killed?


In Tai'an City, at a certain city gate outside the Central Axis Royal Road, a man wearing green clothes and wrapped sleeves suddenly broke through the door, and plundered with a force as strong as breaking a bamboo.

Tsing Yi Cao Changqing returns.

There was also a young woman with unparalleled grace who wielded a sword. She passed through the eighteen gates and hovered over everyone with her sword. Standing on the famous sword that had entered the palace city about twenty years ago.

That is the Great Liang Dragon Bird.

Tai'an City suddenly became agitated.

Cao Changqing's figure appeared outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, standing next to Jiang Ni, and said loudly: "Cao Changqing of Western Chu, accompany Queen Jiang Ni to visit Tai'an City!"

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Emperor Zhao Dun, who was about to speak, was hit by such a sudden attack. The expression on his face was very ugly. After more than a thousand officials and dignitaries came to their senses, they were instantly divided from east to west to north to south.

It had only been more than 20 years since Liyang destroyed the Eight Kingdoms of Spring and Autumn Period. There were also a group of Spring and Autumn Period survivors in the court, especially the senior officials of the Western Chu survivors. At this moment, their expressions were all complicated, and they could not find their place at all.

Emperor Liyang Zhao Dun was unexpectedly not angry, but laughed loudly: "Mr. Cao, what a Western Chu to watch the ceremony in Tai'an City!"

Cao Changqing was dressed in ordinary green clothes, with frosty white temples. If he were not standing on the top of the palace at this moment, he would be no different from a shabby old scholar in the Hanlin Academy.

"In our Liyang Dynasty, there are monks in white robes hanging on the Yellow River in Beimang Daodezong, and Mr. Cao has passed through the eighteen gates and broken into the city. It is a blessing for our Dynasty."

The civil and military officials who were originally anxious became a little calmer. They all felt that the emperor was quite imperial, and that a generation of talented emperors could dominate the world.

Cao Changqing glanced down at him, as if he didn't like him at all. He just looked away calmly and said, "Just wait and return the courtesy."

There was a commotion at Cao Guanzi's feet. The civil servants scolded him for being ungrateful, and the general was so angry that he was furious. He only hated having no weapons in his hands and was afraid of Cao Qingyi's force. He did not dare to make any mistakes, for fear that he would not succeed and be ridiculed.

Countless pairs of eyes fell on General Gu Jiantang and Longhushan Zhao Danping. Even Emperor Liyang looked at Gu Jiantang.

But when this loyal general felt the emperor's gaze, he just shook his head slightly and did not pull out the famous Nanhua Sword.

"Master Liyang Liuhao is still... poof..."

Gu Jiantang's shaking head made the emperor unhappy and uneasy, but he was not unavailable at all. He saw Zhao Dun's eyes falling to another place. A burly old man standing with Zhao Danping in Longhu Mountain was waiting to return the gift to Cao Qingyi, and then Nothing happened anymore, he vomited blood directly.

"Why are there still shady rats barking in this beautiful hall?"

Xu Xin's voice rang in the hall. He turned his gaze to Master Liu Hao, a master of astronomy who had participated in the Bai Yi case, and said calmly: "The Liu family of Nanyang seems to have been exterminated, right?"

When his voice fell, there was a dead silence in the hall, and countless people looked at each other.

The Liu family of Nanyang, one of the top ten great families in the Spring and Autumn Period, is still the top family in Liyang. There are several members of the Liu family among the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty. How could there be no Liu family in Nanyang? Or is it that Beiliang is planning to destroy the Liu family? Or the kind of genocide?


There was blood at the corner of Master Liu Hao's mouth. Just when he was about to reach out and point at Xu Xin, his whole body exploded. This scene made Zhao Danping beside him instantly weak in legs and collapsed to the ground, and Emperor Zhao Dun could no longer calm down.

"Xu Longxiang, what on earth are you going to do!"

Zhao Dun couldn't help but ask angrily. He had set up a stage. He was originally prepared to accuse himself and abdicate. He was even prepared to sacrifice himself and the queen. As long as there was no conflict in the end and a change of dynasty, he believed that this But for the sake of all people in the world...

But the Xu Xin in front of him was very unruly. Since he agreed to attend the ceremony, he should at least give him face as the head of the family. However, first he arranged for Cao Changqing to cause trouble, and then he killed the royal family to worship Master Liu Hao, and then he set his sights on To destroy the Liu family is to directly trample the Zhao family's face on the ground!
"This... I haven't thought about it yet." Xu Xin's casual answer made Zhao Dun even more angry, but what the former said next frightened everyone.

"Originally, I thought that you would make Zhao Zhuan, a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing, a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing, a good-for-nothing, as the crown prince. You also thought that in the name of Zhao Wu, you would create a city full of golden armor."

"But then I thought about it, this kind of thing is not interesting, so I decided to be more direct."

"I came to Beijing from Beiliang for a few things."

"First, Beiliang conquered Beimang, and there were countless casualties. If someone from Beiliang comes out, the Central Plains should provide compensation. In addition, those who died in the bloody battle should also have a good posthumous title."

"Chu Lushan, the general of the Longwu Army, killed Dong Zhuo in the Northern Mang Dynasty and stayed in the Southern Dynasty. He was given the posthumous title "Wenzhen"."

As soon as Xu Xin finished speaking, before the emperor could say anything, a group of civil servants exploded.

"How is this possible!"

"How can a vulgar martial artist be given a posthumous title?"

"It is inconsistent with etiquette and extremely ridiculous!"

"What a wicked person Chu Lushan is, how can he be worthy of a beautiful posthumous title?"

"Your Majesty, I risk my own life to remonstrate with you. This matter must not be accepted!"

In the end, some civil servants even knelt in the hall and engaged in what was called risking their lives to remonstrate.

Such a guy doesn't even understand the situation. Is it still time for the emperor to make the decision?
"How can you allow a dog to bark and beg for death in the court? It will kill the nine tribes."

Xu Xin despises officials who are always remonstrating. Most of them are doing it for fame, while a small number of them simply oppose and cannot solve problems. No matter who becomes an official or reaches a high position, these two types of people are the same. The consequences are endless.

Needless to say, the first type of people are insidious villains who are inconsistent with their appearance and are mostly corrupt and evil officials.

The second type is even more abominable. To put it simply, it only raises problems without any solutions. It is opposition for the sake of opposition.

Such people cannot do practical things, are pedantic and inactive, and are especially prone to bad things. For example, Sima Guang of the Northern Song Dynasty was able to cede the land that his soldiers had lost in bloody battles even after victory, just because this was in line with his perceived "morality."

"Kill the nine tribes? You, a Northern Liang barbarian, so what if you kill my ten tribes?"

This admonishing civil servant is really a dog, and he dares to say anything. This kind of person probably thinks that this kind of behavior may be famous for centuries and leave a name in history.

"Okay, I'll help you, break his dog legs and drag him on, and implicate the ten clans. Lock up all the people from his ten clans with him, and tell them exactly why he is unlucky enough to be imprisoned."

Xu Xin gave an order, and soldiers from Beiliang stepped forward and directly broke the wailing civil servant's legs and dragged him down.

After listening to Xu Xin's words, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty felt their whole bodies tremble. This man is really cruel. He implicated ten clans instead of killing them. Instead, he imprisoned the people of the ten clans with such a guy with a broken leg. And tell the whole story, then you can imagine what will happen.

The ten tribesmen of this civil servant will definitely scold his mother, and will madly retaliate against this guy who is so talkative. The final result is that this guy who wants to leave a name in history will be ruined. What will happen... all the civil servants who want to remonstrate to death are frightened. This is too vicious.

However, what Xu Xin said next was even more unacceptable to them.

"Posthumous titles are just dog bones for a bunch of idiots to fight over. Do you, Zhao Dun, really care about a few Wenzhen and Wenzheng titles? Even if you don't want to grant them, there are still people who will."

(End of this chapter)

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