The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 979 Don’t ask whether there is a god in the world or how many people have ascended in ancien

Chapter 979 Don’t ask whether there is a god in the world or how many people have ascended in ancient and modern times.

In Tai'an City, from the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a Ke Dao speaker known for his "uprightness" was dragged out, and his screams kept coming. As for Zhao Dun, who was sitting on the dragon chair, his expression became increasingly ugly.

Xu Xin's cruel and unbelieving domineering behavior must be unpopular. Logically speaking, he should be happy. As long as the Zhao family can win the final victory, even if the Xu family is wiped out in the future, no one will think it is too much.

But the premise is that his Zhao family can destroy the Xu family, and his Zhao Dun can survive today's difficulty.

"I have also heard of Chu Lushan's name of "Eight Crosses". Although the military general's posthumous title is not in accordance with the etiquette and law, considering his contribution to driving the Mang slaves from the north, he can also be given "Wenzhen" posthumously."

Although Zhao Dun was in a bad mood on the dragon throne, he still pretended to be calm and said slowly that he could give Chu Lushan the posthumous title of "Wenzhen".

After he finished speaking, although there were still many civil servants who were dissatisfied with this decree, after thinking about the fate of the guy whose leg was broken earlier, no one with strong bones stood up to remonstrate.

"It's really disappointing!"

Xu Xin waited for a long time, then suddenly shook his head and continued: "The civil and military officials in the dynasty, the powerful and the nobles, usually behave according to the rules when opening their mouths and keeping their mouths closed. But when it comes to matters of life and death, it turns out that they are all... greedy for life and afraid of death. They are all a bunch of people. A beast in clothing.”

"The Jiang family of Western Chu was destroyed, and there were still swordsmen buried with them. And now a group of people like this, hahaha..."

Xu Xin's words scolded all the civil and military officials of the court. Many people were filled with indignation. They wanted to jump out but were held tightly by their "complicit people". The man who had previously implicated the ten tribes, some of the people present were already in trouble. If If there is another one, most of the court will be unlucky.

"Xu Longxiang, you want "Wenzhen" for Chu Lushan, and I agree."

"What other conditions do you have?"

Xu Xin's words made Zhao Dun frown more and more, but he knew better that now was either the time to have an attack or to continue the previous conversation.

Xu Xin suddenly changed his face at this moment and sneered: "Zhao Dun, do you think Beiliang cares about your Zhao family's posthumous title?"

"Since the young prince doesn't care about posthumous titles, then what exactly do you want!"

At this time, a voice sounded at the main entrance of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and an old Huangmenlang walked in. He looked at Xu Xin and said calmly: "As long as the young prince is willing to calm down his anger and Beiliang is willing to withdraw his troops, any conditions can be negotiated. "

"Including... my life, Yuan Benxi, and even... His Majesty's abdication."

When Yuan Benxi said the last four words, there was a dead silence in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Zhao Dun, who was sitting on the dragon chair, clenched his fists first, and then let out a long sigh as if all his strength had been exhausted.

"What I want, you can't afford to give it to me."

Xu Xin didn't bother to look back, he just looked at Zhao Dun on the dragon throne and said coldly: "If you really want Beiliang to retreat, then we must completely liquidate the White Clothes Case in Beijing."

"The mastermind is you Zhao Dun, Yuan Benxi is the planner, Qin Tianjian and some of your royal ministers are here to help, as well as your queen Zhao Zhi."

"After abdicating the throne, deposing the queen, all those who came from Zhao Zhi were demoted to common people..."


Zhao Dun, who was sitting on the dragon chair, suddenly stood up angrily and shouted: "Xu Longxiang, I sincerely want to make peace with you. I didn't expect you to be so unreasonable and domineering."

"Zhao Dun, are you worthy of calling me?"

"People are like rabbits and dogs, and the birds are gone and the bows are hidden. You want to destroy the bows before you have hunted all the birds. You are extremely narrow-minded. You are not as good as an old woman in Beimang. As the king of a country, you say you are willing to serve for a Huang Menlang’s puppet has completely disgraced you.”

"Someone, come..."

Zhao Dun was equivalent to being scolded by Xu Xin. He was still calm at the moment. He was calling for someone. Soon a large number of people were about to rush into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but Xu Xin waved his sleeve lightly. , all the ambush troops prepared by Zhao Dun flew away.

Xu Xinhan said in a low voice: "What backup plan does your Zhao family have? Qin Tian monitors the Qi warriors? Have you contacted the Beimang masters? Tell them all to get out!" "I, Beiliang, have never rebelled against the Central Plains, but you, the Emperor of Liyang, have Being a traitor is really ridiculous. Do you know how the history books of future generations will record you as a foolish king?"

Zhao Dun said sternly: "As long as I kill you and destroy your Xu family in Beiliang, I will still be the emperor who will rule the world for eternity."

"Mr. Wang, for the sake of peace in the world, please take action."

"Mr. Tuoba, according to the agreement between our two countries, it's time for you to take action."

Zhao Dun suddenly raised his head and called in the direction of Wuying Hall next to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. He heard the wind blowing suddenly, and several figures of warriors who were different from those worshiped by the royal family appeared. The leader looked short, but his hands were above his knees. Tuoba Bodhisattva, the military god of Beimang.

Emperor Liyang actually invited Beimang masters to surround and kill Xu Xin and others. This was something that many people did not expect, but it was also expected.

A moment later, another figure appeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. With white hair and white clothes, sharp eyes and a tall figure, Xianzhi, the second king in the world, had suppressed the world for decades.

There were rumors in the world that Wang Xianzhi teamed up with Tuoba Bodhisattva to kill everyone else in the top ten of the martial arts ranking list.

Although this rumor is just a rumor, it also confirms the power of these two people from the side.

"Wang Xianzhi, Zhao Heng asks you to take action?"

Xu Xin did not go to see Tuoba Bodhisattva. Although the latter's appearance shocked many people in Liyang, it was not beyond Xu Xin's expectation. He was not surprised by any ridiculous things the emperor of the Zhao family did. He was just contacting the masters of the enemy country. Ambush and killing are not a big deal.

Wang Xianzhi said: "If you want to take revenge or kill people, you can do these. Wang has no reason to stop it. But the impact of the change of dynasty is too great. In addition, Wang still owes the Zhao family some favors, so he can only stand in the way."

"Xu Longxiang, in the whole world, is it the king's land, and on the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers."

"I am the lord of the world, and I am willing to negotiate peace with you. That is to give you face. Since you don't accept the face, don't blame me for being ruthless and ruthless. Qin Tianjian..."

Zhao Dun, who was sitting on the dragon throne, felt proud and proud. As he shouted loudly, countless sword-wielding Qi practitioners appeared outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Do justice for heaven!"

"To subdue the barbarians!"

Many Qi practitioners cast spells together and simultaneously took out solemn portraits that were as tall as a real person.

As the eight words were finished, these portraits became animated.

Waves of smoke rise, as if they are the legendary immortal energy, and those on these portraits are the great immortals who have ascended through the generations of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

Don’t ask whether there is a god in the world or how many people have ascended in ancient and modern times.

The real people depicted in these portraits may be riding a dragon, riding a crane, or supporting a luan. They were once land gods, but now they are all heavenly gods.

The world only knows that the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master has the same surname as the Zhao family in Liyang, but the connection is so deep that it can even be traced back to the founding emperor of Liyang. That emperor was also named Zhao, the Zhao of the Tianshi family.

The hanging portraits moved without wind, and there was a sound of turning books between heaven and earth. A mysterious rippled "water mirror" appeared in the three-inch void outside the portraits, and real people wearing yellow and purple robes broke out of the mirror.

Some immortals are carrying ancient swords, some are holding purple gold treasure books, and some are holding whisks. Among the last three immortals who appear, one is riding an auspicious white deer and singing generously. One has a strange face, a lotus crown on his head, big sleeves and a crane cloak and feather coat.

The last person looked extremely young, in his thirties, with a murderous look on his brows, and a talisman sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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