The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 983 In this world, if you can get 1, why stop at 99?

Chapter 983: In this world, if you can get a hundred, why stop at ninety-nine?
In the palace of Tai'an City, the situation became very delicate with the appearance of the young eunuch.

Tuoba Bodhisattva did not expect that the situation would change so quickly. If he had known that he would just... well, now that he thinks about it, if he had taken action together before, there was a high probability that he would have suffered the same fate as those ascended immortals from Longhu Mountain.

In front of Zhao Heng, Wang Xianzhi glanced at the Beimang Military God calmly.

In the current situation, as long as Xu Xin lets go and does not change the dynasty, causing turmoil in the world, he, Wang Xianzhi, will be happy to see it happen. If he changes to another emperor, it is not unacceptable.

Under such circumstances, these Beimang barbarians who were lured to the palace by Zhao Dun were a bit eye-catching!
"As long as you don't change your court or surname, everything can be discussed."

"As long as the emperor's surname is Zhao, it doesn't matter if he is a woman."

"Although your surname is not Zhao, your descendants can be surnamed Zhao."

"In that case, even if you kill Zhao Dun's entire lineage, I won't interfere."

The young eunuch once again emphasized his bottom line, and Emperor Zhao Dun's face became extremely ugly. He wanted to say something, but he could no longer speak.

Although there is luck in this world, there may be situations where "the law does not add nobles", but that is just the case where the masters of the three religions use magic to deal with those who have great luck. Warriors and the like do not have so many worries, so it is easy for young eunuchs to do so. All the princes and princesses of Zhao Dun's lineage, including the emperor and queen, were "protected" very well.

As long as Xu Xin agrees to the conditions of the young eunuch, the latter will immediately offer everyone in Zhao Dun's lineage, hello, me, everyone!
"I reject!"

Xu Xin smiled coldly. All his hundred thousand Northern Liang cavalry went south, just to change his lineage and become the emperor of the Zhao family?

This is too disrespectful to Xu.

What he wants is not even a change of dynasty, but a change of heaven and earth, truly turning the entire human world into his own new chessboard, and he is even preparing to take a peek above the Heavenly Gate.

To accomplish these things, the first step is to completely destroy the Liyang Dynasty and the Beimang Empire to truly unify the world.

"Not negotiable?"

The young eunuch stretched out his arms and spread his palms.

It started to rain lightly in the sky, and all the raindrops that fell on his palm did not turn into rain, but bounced up drop by drop. They did not bounce straight up, but swirled and drew arcs again and again, and finally gathered into a circle.

"In this world, if you can get a hundred, why stop at ninety-nine?"

Xu Xin's answer made the young eunuch's expression completely turn cold.

He smiled and said, "I'm not really good at fighting, but... I've never lost."

"Guys who have never lost often cannot stand up after a defeat. The last person who never lost was Ye Baikui before Xi Lianbi."

Xu Xin said coldly: "Of course, in my opinion, you, a mutilated waste who survives by swallowing dragon energy, are not as good as Wang Xianzhi who has dominated the world in Emperor Wu's town for decades."

The young eunuch never lost a word, and of course he was domineering despite being ordinary.

But Xu Xin’s words make more sense.

Who is the clown in the end depends on which side wins.

The wind and rain are like darkness, and the rain is as moist as crisp, like the graceful beauty slowly weaving a bead curtain.

The young eunuch's face turned ugly. The navy blue water ball formed by rainwater on the palm of his hand was suspended in the air, undulating slightly, and there was a vague flash of electric light, like a fire dragon swimming away.

At this moment, the young eunuch no longer had the gentle aura he had before. Facing Xu Xin, who ignored him and continued to walk towards Zhao Dun, his face was solemn and his dark eyes were shining brightly.

The young eunuch does not look like a great master of martial arts who can make the world tremble with just one stamp of his feet. Instead, he looks like a young private school teacher. He is unsmiling, rigid and withdrawn, but he can be described as a humble gentleman in the way he talks and behaves with the people who meet him. , sharp and restrained.

But the more this kind of person is, the more terrifying he is when he is abnormal.

Just say that Gao Shulu, the Wangyou Heavenly Man four hundred years ago, directly killed two land sword immortals in the world. He almost killed all the Taoist masters of that era. The young eunuch's fingers shrank slightly, and the thunder on his palm instantly penetrated into his palm and disappeared, but his whole arm suddenly showed a strange scene like a fire dragon lingering.

His breath was long, and there were seven slender white breaths coming in and out of the seven orifices. His face, as white as mutton fat and jade, looked like seven white snakes hanging upside down.

Electric sparks sputtered wildly, reflecting the young eunuch's face shining brightly. The young eunuch took action, carrying the power of wind and thunder, and the power of thunder and fire.

At the same time, Tuoba Bodhisattva, who had been watching the show, instantly transformed into a giant nearly one foot tall and punched Xu Xin's vest.

"Wang Xianzhi, if you don't take action, this person will really change his dynasty, and your Emperor Wu City will not be able to live in peace."

The young eunuch exchanged palms with Xu Xin, and plowed a ravine of more than ten feet with cracked bluestones on the ground with his feet. He quickly shouted to Wang Xianzhi to join forces quickly.


Behind Wang Xianzhi, Zhao Heng called him a foster father, which finally stabbed Lao Wang in the heart. He still had some feelings for this adopted son, and he really didn't want to see the change of dynasty happen again, so he walked out of the crowd. , shaking his fist at Xu Xin.

"Feng Nian, Huang Man'er is being besieged by Mr. Wang and his men, will anything happen to him?"

When everyone in Beiliang who had been watching the battle from a distance saw Wang Xianzhi going off in person, King Xu Xiao of Beiliang couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Even though Tuoba Bodhisattva, the God of Beimang Army, and this young eunuch are more powerful than each other, in the eyes of the world, the one who is truly the most qualified to threaten Xu Xin is Old Man Wang, who has suppressed the world for decades.

"It's okay. Even if that stupid boy really loses, there are still a few of us."

"There are really more people than there are, and we don't have... Hey, is this old eunuch's swordsmanship good?"

This was what Li Chungang replied. Only halfway through his words, he saw the young eunuch changing his tactics, and he almost couldn't help but rush over with his sword to make a show of force.

I saw the young eunuch raised his arm and wiped it casually.

The raindrops connected together into a line, and finally condensed to form a three-foot spirit sword.

Li Chungang is the most skilled at borrowing swords. His sword Kaitianmen is often borrowed.

However, when he borrows a sword, whether he borrows a real sword from someone else or borrows the sword's will from heaven and earth, he has the aura of "I, Li Chungang, will return it if I want to, and I won't return it if I don't want to. Even God can't do anything to me."

But the young eunuch in front of me took another path. I don't compete with heaven and earth, I just create my own creation between heaven and earth.

It's not that Li Chungang couldn't do this, it's just that he was too talented and gifted, so he was too lazy to go in this direction. The young eunuch is well versed in the art of flying first, and he has the time and diligence to practice hard for many years to reach his current level.

Three feet of rain disappeared after waving the sword.

The young eunuch wiped out another sword from the rain.

One sword after another.

The rain continued unabated, and the three-foot sword in his hand had been replaced no less than a hundred times.

The fists of Wang Xianzhi and Tuoba Bodhisattva also fell on Xu Xin one after another, but they were unable to break his indestructibility.

"You three, can you stop tickling me! Is that all you can do!"

Xu Xin looked at these three top men with a playful and provocative expression.

It's like saying to your face, you three are all bad guys.

(End of this chapter)

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