The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 984: Strange phenomena arise in heaven and earth, and immortals are cast down like rain.

Chapter 984: Strange phenomena arise in heaven and earth, and immortals are cast down like rain.


The thunder shocked the world, and strange phenomena appeared in the heaven and earth.

Above the nine heavens of the Tai'an City Palace, a beam of light as thick as a mountain peak suddenly fell from the sky, covering Xu Xin and the three people suppressed by him alone.

This beam of light is like a snow-white waterfall falling from the sky into the world.

At this moment, Li Chungang, who was originally watching the play, had a sword in his hand, and Deng Tai'a also took out the sword case. The two Confucian saints Cao Changqing and Xuanyuan Jingcheng were surrounded by breezes, and they could set off a phenomenon that shook the imperial city at any time.

At this moment, Xu Xin's figure was restrained in place, while Tuoba Bodhisattva, the young eunuch and Wang Xianzhi felt their bodies light up, and had a wonderful feeling that they were about to become immortals.

"Those who defy heaven should be suppressed by heaven!"

A majestic voice came from the sky.

The faces of Li Chungang, Deng Tai'a and others in the distance looked solemn and solemn. Looking at the beam of light that continuously hit the earth from the sky, it contained a supreme majestic power that absolutely did not exist in the world.

"Suppression by the law of heaven? This trash who was lucky enough to ascend to heaven dares to speak nonsense of the law of heaven. Get off here!"

The next moment, under the suppression of Heavenly Dao, someone stood up straight, raised his head and shouted loudly, and saw a bright white rainbow piercing the sky. Just as he was about to fly to a place in the Central Plains, he saw a purple light flying out of Xu Xin's palm, and forcefully Pulled it over.

"Save me! Let me go! Ah..."

The talkative bullshit banished immortals immediately lost their voice. Like the so-called immortals who descended into the world from Longhu Mountain to rule the country, they were suppressed and swallowed up by Xu Xin and disappeared into thin air.

After Xu Xin straightened up, more brilliant purple light continued to surge from his body, directly resisting the so-called Heavenly Light Pillar, and then continued to erupt with stronger power, seeming to destroy the heavenly gate at the top of the Nine Heavens.

"The gang of immortals in Longhu Mountain are unlucky to encounter this monster. They are also stupid. They dared to come down without fully understanding the situation. Isn't this just asking for death!"

"The lower realm of the banished immortals is restricted by the way of heaven. Most of them are nothing more than the body of the human Vajra Realm and the energy of the Zhixuan Realm. If you have to master a few greatly reduced immortal powers, you will look like a land god, papery. Tigers can scare people, but they can’t kill people.”

"However, even if the seven or eight people standing in the middle have reduced their cultivation, they are at least in the realm of celestial phenomena and should not be underestimated. Especially the three great masters in the middle can be regarded as Taoist saints."

"The one holding the sword is the first founder of Longhu Mountain, and the one wearing the lotus on his head should be the first real protector of the country in the Liyang Dynasty. It is said that the purple lotus pond in the Tianshi Mansion was created by his hands, and the white-riding knight Lu’s brother is Qi Xuanzhen’s uncle according to his seniority.”

"These are all famous figures. If they are about to ascend to heaven and have not yet entered the gate of heaven, they will be powerful. They can truly transcend the world and become saints. Now, they are just ordinary land gods. They lose because their bodies are not strong enough to understand the way of heaven... …There’s no advantage either.”

"Why are these things in the lower realm being solved by that kid in just a few clicks like chopping melons and vegetables? It's not because that kid is truly invincible in the world. He was born in the Vajra realm, and he also obtained the Buddhist energy to rebuild the Vajra. He can be called an invincible Vajra in ancient and modern times. "

"An ordinary Vajra combined with mystical skills and understanding of celestial phenomena can only defeat ten thousand people at most."

"But that monster combines the Great Vajra, the Great Zhixuan and the Great Celestial Elephant, and has also gained insights into the fate of land gods from the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and the martial arts realm has just broken through the Great Celestial Elephant. Even if it is a heavenly being who has been born forever I'm afraid I can barely fight him."

"Such a monster, not to mention in the world, even in the sky, there are not many people who can be his opponent. No one who has ascended in the world is as outrageous as him, and only those few legendary ones... But I guess It’s too much.”

"But there are still some people who are unwilling to give up and are still preparing to create one or a few heavenly beings who will be immortal. They may think that strong men in this realm can still be overwhelmed by numbers."...

There were people talking to each other above the nine heavens, they were immortals from the heaven, and their conversation also revealed some information. The current chaos in the world was influenced by the immortals from the heaven, but Xu Xin was too powerful and was in danger of overturning the chessboard, so there was This time, I entered the lower realm of immortals.

The Immortal Gate opened at the top of the Nine Heavens, and the light of heaven fell vastly. Immortal lights fell one after another into the human world. Each one represented a banished immortal, and the banished immortals fell like rain.

Many of the immortals in the heaven did not really ascend to the heaven on their own. There are also some with special identities and experiences who were "opened by the way of heaven" and allowed to ascend to the heaven.

Most of these people come directly from the primordial spirit. Their original cultivation level is not very good, but after arriving in the heaven, they naturally have a realm similar to that of the land gods of the three religions. However, they are just parallel imports of this realm. They cannot fight well and their cultivation base cannot basically be improved. If you go up, you can only become a pawn of a stronger immortal, using this to influence the human world.

One representative of this type of people was Xu Zhihu, who was sent up by Lu Dongxuan.

But Xu Zhihu is special because she was sent up by Lu Dongxuan. Even if she is a "chess piece", she is still Lu Dongxuan's "chess piece" and cannot be touched by others. This time, most of the people in the lower realm are from the Spring and Autumn Period. The chess pieces that were brought up during that period of the country.

Among them, there are many acquaintances from Beiliang.

There were strange phenomena in the sky and earth, and immortals were raining down like rain. Although Li Chungang and others watching from a distance frowned, they did not stop them.

Most of these banished immortals were just mortals during their lifetime. After being banished to the human world, they can have limited impact. They are just the chess pieces of the immortals who continue to cause wars in the world. There are too many such chess pieces, and the cause and effect is very wide. It is not easy to kill them all. .


Next to Li Chungang and others, Xu Xiao, who was looking at the pillar of light with concern, heard a voice. His body froze, and he turned around cautiously, seeing a familiar shadow.

This is a skeletal figure wearing a Taoist robe. He has gray hair and looks to be over fifty, but his face is very young.

"Chanling, is this true? You are really Changling!"

"You, you, aren't you dead? I'm not dreaming!"

Xu Xiao looked at the figure in front of him, his eyes showing excitement, shock and many other emotions, and the name he called had a special meaning among the Beiliang Army.

"little Master?"

In the distance, Zhao Siku, the great eunuch of Liyang Diao Temple who had been on an envoy to Beiliang, also recognized the figure. It was his young master, Xu Xiao's other military advisor, Zhao Changling.

"General, you are not dreaming, I am indeed alive."

"In the past, I died of illness on the way to Shu, and heaven and earth were separated. Now I am the banished immortal Zhao Changling."

"This trip to the lower realm is for the sake of my son."

As he spoke, Zhao Changling looked at Xu Fengnian and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, your Royal Highness, can you support the young prince to dominate the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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