I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 131: Sword Intention Breaking, Tezuka’s Determination

Chapter 131: Sword Intention Breaks through Hundreds of Refinements, Tezuka’s Determination (2nd Update)

"Thousands of times, the limit of hard work?"

Hearing Oishi's words, Kikumaru, Momojo and others next to him looked over in confusion. The former asked: "Oishi, do you know this Tezuka's unique trick?"


Oishi nodded and said, "Actually, Tezuka had already mastered this move when he joined Seigaku Junior High School."


Everyone in Qingxue couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this.

Including Qian, as Qing Gaku's know-it-all, he didn't even know that Tezuka had such a powerful trump card.

"Yes, but."

As if thinking of something, Momojo asked: "Deputy Minister Oishi, you just said that Minister Tezuka sealed this move? Why is that!"


The others also nodded.

There was no need for Tezuka to hide such a powerful trick. After all, this move is not like Fudomine Tachibana's [Beast Breath], because it is too fierce and can easily hurt others.

"This is because."

Oishi took a deep breath and said with a complex expression: "Two years ago, Tezuka's wrist was injured by a senior in the tennis club!"

"Wait. Is that what happened?"

As if he thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

Kikumaru and Kawamura seemed to have remembered something. They looked at each other and saw each other's shock.

"What exactly is it?"

Taocheng, Haitang and others looked confused.

"That's the thing"

At this time, Ryuzaki, who was sitting in the coach's seat, seemed to have thought of something, and said with a complex expression: "It turns out that incident caused Tezuka to be so seriously injured. Alas!"

At the end of the sentence, Ryuzaki sighed softly.


She briefly talked about the events of that year.

When Tezuka joined Seigakure as a newcomer, he defeated Takei, a third-year senior, in a practice match.

At first, everyone was praising Tezuka for being strong, but Takei was not angry. But later, Oishi accidentally revealed that Tezuka was left-handed, which surprised everyone.

Then, Feeling that he was humiliated, Takei suddenly became furious and attacked Tezuka. When he was caught off guard, he injured Tezuka's left hand with a racket.

Takei taunted Tezuka, saying if you don't want to use your left hand, you don't have to.

This made Tezuka very angry, and just when he was about to leave what he considered a 'rubbish' team, he happened to see Nagato grow up and come back.


Under Yamato's persuasion, Tezuka did not choose to leave Seigaku. Instead, he took it as his responsibility to be the "pillar of Seigaku" and stayed at Seigaku.


Ryuzaki glanced at Tezuka on the field with a complicated expression.

She didn't know that that injury would have such a serious impact on the other party. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now, and it is difficult to undo the two years Tezuka was wasted.

"Is that so?"

Everyone looked a little heavy, and Taocheng and Haitang were so impatient that they couldn't help but clenched their fists.

In their opinion, if they had been there at the time, they would have definitely punished the guy who hurt people with the racket!


And this time.

Tezuka on the court threw the tennis ball up. Under the attention of others, he naturally stretched his body as before, and hit the tennis racket with a textbook serving posture.


Everyone could clearly see that as the tennis ball flew out, an extremely fierce cyclonic wave was generated around the tennis ball.


With the blessing of the state of selflessness, Tezuka's serving level is much better than before.


Tennis lands.

It was still accurately pressed on the service line. If it were just one centimeter more, it would be out of bounds and be judged as a mistake. It is extremely exaggerated!

"Is the ball speed picking up?"

Ishikawa raised his eyebrows lightly.

In the previous duel between Akutsu and Echizen, he observed that in a state of selflessness, Echizen was not only able to freely imitate the styles of other players, but also received certain bonuses to his own abilities.

Thinking of the essence of the selfless state, which is a prelude to the reserved light that can inspire one's own abilities, Ishikawa nodded secretly.

Selflessness itself can also enhance a player's abilities just like the aura of a beast or the true meaning of the sword.


As selflessness realizes a deeper state, this ability bonus will become stronger.


Ishikawa raised his hand to wave, and when he looked at Tezuka, the message above his head suddenly changed to [Tezuka Kunimitsu (Boss): Level 58]!

The other party at this time.

I'm afraid it's already very close to the national ceiling.


Thoughts turn.

Ishikawa swung the racket to hit the ball, and the moment the racket touched the tennis ball, he clearly felt that the power of the serve was stronger than before.


Seeing the trajectory of the tennis ball he hit, Ishikawa narrowed his eyes: "Not only the speed and power, but also the rotation is more intense than before."

At this time.

As expected, the tennis ball circled around Tezuka.

Ishikawa's insight even surpassed that of Atobe, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "As expected of Tezuka, in the state of selflessness, he has already reached the level of perfection!"

At this time.

Only then did he understand why in the original work, Yukimura said that Tezuka's domain was the truly perfect trick.

As far as chipping is concerned, if it weren't for Ishikawa's appearance, Tezuka would definitely be unique among junior high school students!


Seeing Tezuka in a batting stance, Ishikawa narrowed his eyes and said, "The next step is to double the return, right?"



A bang.

Ishikawa's return of serve was blasted back with double the spin, speed and power.

"This kind of power?!"

As for Hyotei, feeling the power of Tezuka's return, Atobe and Ninzu's expressions couldn't help but change.

Especially Atobe.

Faced with Tezuka in such a state, he who was originally extremely confident in his own strength suddenly felt a little unsure.

National-level players are also divided into strong and weak.

Originally, in Atobe's mind, Tachibana, who was defeated by Ishikawa, belonged to the weaker national level. If they were to face each other, Atobe would be sure to defeat the opponent.

Even for Tezuka, before he took action, Atobe regarded him as a weaker national level player.

but now.

After truly seeing the secret of the selfless realm, Atobu suddenly realized that he seemed to be the weaker person.



Think of this.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, and a strong complex wave flashed in his sea-blue eyes.

Tread! !

on the field.

Facing Tezuka's strong counterattack, Ishikawa quickly chased after him. Then, he took a sword-drawing stance and blasted out the tennis ball at an astonishing speed.

"Hit back?!"

Everyone in Qingxue was shocked.

No one expected that Ishikawa would counterattack Tezuka's horrifying shot that he had tried so hard to hit.

And the speed of this ball was so fast that even Kikumaru, who had dynamic vision, could only capture a trace of the afterimage!

"No, it's not over yet."

At this time, feeling the change in the flight trajectory of the tennis ball, Qian suddenly spoke.



He saw astonishing circles of cyclonic ripples appearing around Tezuka's body. Like a giant celestial body, he used strong gravity to attract Ishikawa's special move. “This game can be won!”

Seeing Tezuka in a batting stance, a hint of joy flashed in Oishi's eyes: "It has been tempered to the limit, and it can respond to the opponent's batting with double the spin, speed and power."


The voice fell.

Tezuka suddenly took action and hit the tennis ball hard. In an instant, the tennis ball, which was already indescribably fast, shot past at double the speed.

"It turned out to be true?!"

Seeing the shot that was so fast that only an afterimage was left, everyone in the Ice Emperor instinctively widened their eyes.


The director of Seigaku, Tezuka Kunimitsu, actually hides such a powerful trump card? !

this moment.

Including Renzu, Hyokui's team members felt a sense of urgency.


But right now.

A silvery white light suddenly bloomed, and then, a figure moved at an astonishing speed near the landing point of the tennis ball.


Ishikawa raised his racket.

With his strong insight, Tezuka's counterattack, the light yellow tennis ball, and every tiny hair on it were clearly visible to him.

After his vision was magnified to the extreme, the originally incredibly fast tennis ball slowed down significantly.


Ishikawa swings.

In the true state of kendo, he whipped the racket towards the tennis ball at the speed of drawing the sword at full level kendo.


Ball and racket collide.

The sharp sword energy surged out and instantly destroyed Tezuka's rotation inside the tennis ball. And the terrifying force of the sudden collision continued to pour into the tennis ball.


Everyone felt that the sight picture in front of them suddenly dimmed, and then, a silvery white luster neatly cut it in half from the middle.


too fast!

This return shot was like lightning, and even players with top-notch dynamic vision such as Kikumaru, Sengoku, and Saeki only saw a trace of the afterimage.


Tennis lands.

There was an obvious crack on the ground, and the ejected tennis ball hit the wall with a bang.


Gravel splashes.

The concrete wall behind Tezuka had a hole as big as two fists.


watch carefully.

The tennis ball embedded in it was still spinning. Wisps of black smoke continued to float out from it, which shocked everyone.


Even the referee who announced the score had a slight tremor in his voice.

As for the others.

Looking at the wall that seemed to have been pried open by a drill, I couldn't help but swallow, and felt indescribable fear in my heart.

“Too exaggerated”

off the field.

Inoue opened his mouth wide, and the muscles in his face were so stiff that they were sore and swollen from the blow.

Hard to imagine.

This was actually a shot made by a junior high school student.

"That Ishikawa."

Turning his gaze to Ishikawa, looking at the young man who exuded a sharp aura, Inoue said with suppressed emotion: "He has really been hiding his strength all this time!"

Ishikawa also entered this state during his duel with Tachibana. But compared to this ball, the performance at that time was completely inadequate.


Tachibana's strength is not enough for Ishikawa to take seriously. And Tezuka, who has used the secret of countless tempers, seems to have finally reached the minimum condition for the other party to take him seriously.

However, facing such a powerful Ishikawa, can Tezuka really win?

Inoue had no confidence at all.

He even saw the scene where Seigaku lost and Tezuka was blocked by Ishikawa.


on the field.

Tezuka let out a heavy breath.

The continuous loss of points made him feel unprecedented pressure. And even his most powerful trick cannot shake the opponent and get even one point from him.

Even Tezuka's mentality also had strong fluctuations.




on the field.

Tezuka patted the tennis ball gently. He was carrying indescribable pressure, and the rhythm of the tennis ball was obviously much slower than before.

"Tezuka (Minister)."

Everyone in Qingxue looked worried.

For the first time, they saw Tezuka who looked tired. Is that invincible existence just an ordinary person after all?



Tezuka held the tennis ball in his hand. He looked at Ishikawa, with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Shin Ishikawa."

"You are the strongest player I have ever seen."

"Just like you said, I have no room to retreat now. In that case, don't go ahead without any hesitation!"



Under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Tezuka suppressed his aura of selflessness and threw the tennis ball up again. Then, he stood on tiptoes, stretched his body naturally, and quickly smashed the racket down.


A crisp sound.

The tennis ball flew out at an astonishing speed and landed near the service line in front of Ishikawa again.

"It's useless."

Seeing this, Hyokui's team member sneered: "No matter how fast you serve, you can't escape Ishikawa's eyes. If you continue, it will be just a futile struggle."



Ishikawa was about to receive the serve, but a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

This serve is not only fast, but also spins extremely hard. With his insight, he could clearly see that the spin on the tennis ball had a familiar feeling.


Tennis lands.

Everyone in Qingxue was extremely nervous.



That Ishikawa didn't even make any move to return the ball.


Just when everyone thought that Ishikawa might be preparing to release the water to his opponent, the tennis ball that landed on the ground actually rolled back in a fierce rotation close to the ground.

"Zero-Zero serve?!"

The whole place was silent.

People's eyes looked at Tezuka, full of shock.


at the same time.

Ishikawa also raised his head and looked towards Tezuka, and his eyes met the other's.


He clearly saw those eyes that were full of determination and were as unshakable as rocks.

Despite Ishikawa's calmness, there was a slight fluctuation in his heart after seeing the other party's eyes.

"Is this the determination of Seigaku's director, Tezuka Kunimitsu?"

(End of this chapter)

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