I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 132 The confrontation between spirit and will, Jingzhe breaks the phantom

Chapter 132 The confrontation between spirit and will, Jingzhe breaks the phantom (3rd update, 5k)

Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Head of the Tennis Club of Youth Academy.

He is calm, strict and meticulous in his work, and has an iceberg-like temperament.

And this moment.

When the score is behind and the team has no hope of advancing. A red line was clearly drawn under Tezuka's feet.

The other party has already made a decision and will not take a step back from now on.

No snarling and roaring.

Nor is there an infectious manifesto.


Ishikawa truly received the faith and will of the Minister of Youth Studies.



He spread his legs, lowered his center of gravity, and made a posture to catch the ball.

"Ishikawa, he is actually serious?!"

Ice Emperor's side.

Shishido, Mukahi and others looked astonished.

How long?

Ever since Ishikawa became the main candidate, it seems that he has never seen the other party put on such a serious posture, right?


At this time.

Tezuka threw the tennis ball up again, then he raised his racket and quickly dropped it towards the tennis ball.


A crisp sound.

The tennis ball shot out and landed in the outside corner again.

Chi Chi


Under Ishikawa's gaze, the tennis ball quickly rolled back after spinning fiercely.


The referee spoke, and the eyes of the spectators outside the stadium trembled.

"This, this kind of serve."

Xiangri said with a trembling tone: "Can anyone really fight back?"

The crowd fell silent.

Because according to the rules, the serve must not be returned before it hits the ground.


Even if the tennis ball lands, it is too difficult to complete the return action before it rolls out.

"It's theoretically possible."

Qingxue took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "But it's only in theory!"

after all.

It is completely impossible to complete the entire process of swinging and hitting the ball in that short period of time, almost [-] second!


At this time.

Tezuka once again hit a zero serve.


"Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

Atobe took a deep look at the man on the court with a serious face, like an iceberg: "Is this your true strength?"

Atobe was completely shaken.

him at the moment.

Only after seeing this zero serve did I truly understand what the so-called ‘national level’ actually meant.

If the person in front of me is also at this level. There is obviously still an insurmountable distance between the two parties.



Another serve fell.

Chi Chi

The tennis ball landed on the ground and flipped back close to the ground. During the whole process, there was silence around the stadium. Everyone held their breath and looked at the figure who slowly put away the racket, with awe in their eyes.


"Aigaku Tezuka, 1-2, exchange venues!"


Seeing Tezuka win the game, Seigaku, whose morale was low, suddenly burst into loud cheers.

"That Ishikawa... was actually scored?"

On the Ice King side.

Everyone in the support group seemed to have seen something incredible, and their faces were full of shock.

Unknowingly, in their hearts, Ishikawa has become synonymous with invincibility. But now, he actually lost the game, which is simply amazing!

"Facing the zero serve, even Ishikawa has nothing to do."

St. Rudolph's Guanyue said with emotion: "But you're right, this kind of serve cannot be counterattacked in the first place."


Akazawa nodded. Immediately after he glanced at the changing court, he took out a tennis ball and patted Ishikawa gently: "That is, he is the one who can face a serve of this level without changing his expression."

Ishikawa at this time.

Although he lost the game, judging from his expression, there was no fluctuation. It was as if the previous four ace serves did not exist.

"It's normal."

Fuji Yuta, who was next to them, muttered: "In the final analysis, although Tezuka-senpai won one game, judging from the total score, he is one game behind Hyokui, and the point difference has not narrowed."


Guanyue also smiled and said: "For Ishikawa, as long as he keeps his serve, he can win this game. If it were me, I really don't need to worry."




Ishikawa plays tennis.

At this time, his thoughts were completely different from others.

Tezuka, who hit a zero serve, was determined to win at all costs. In this case, the opponent may not look at the score difference and remain indifferent.


Thoughts turn.

Ishikawa throws the tennis ball up.

He focused his gaze, took aim, and hit a super-fast serve.


Tennis lands.

It accurately pressed on the inside of the outer corner of Tezuka's right front, and after the tennis ball bounced off, it also spun fiercely and shot out at a wide angle.


Everyone in Qingxue couldn't help but take a breath.

Compared with Tezuka's zero serve, Ishikawa's serve did not reach the level of being unsolvable.


It is also at the top level.

Especially for Tezuka, who is left-handed, this ball is even more difficult to hit back. However, he reacted quickly and moved over almost as soon as Ishikawa served.


The moment the tennis ball bounced up at a wide angle, a flash of silver light suddenly appeared in front of it. Quickly cut in at an oblique angle to wrap the tennis ball inside.


A crisp sound.

The tennis ball quickly flipped back.

The target was clearly the corner of Ishikawa's backhand position.


Seeing this, Renzu couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "His ball control level has improved again?!"



The expressions of Shido, Xiangri and others next to them suddenly changed.

"real or fake?"

Feng Ye said in surprise: "Could it be that Tezuka-senpai didn't show his full strength in the match just now?"


At this time, Atobe shook his head and said: "At that time, he fell into absolute passivity. It was impossible to hold back. In this situation, his strength has obviously improved under the pressure of Ishikawa!"

“Evolution in the face of adversity?”

Shishido, Mukahi and others looked at Tezuka with astonishment on their faces.


And this time.

Ishikawa, who received Tezuka's return shot, clearly felt the strong impact from the racket.


Tezuka's strength increased.

Not just reaction speed and ball control, but also power. When the opponent did not use the Selfless Realm, the power of the ball was obviously stronger than before!

This gave Ishikawa a deeper understanding of Tezuka, who was the pillar of Seigaku, and his unwavering belief after making a decision.

In the dark.

Ishikawa, who received the tennis ball, felt a slight impact from the opponent's will. He raised his racket and used his kendo skills. As the tennis ball flew out, a fierce whirlwind surged past.


In an instant.

The strong wind intertwined with green and red passed by and fell fiercely on the bottom line. The speed was so fast that even Tezuka's reaction was half a step slower.


He had no choice but to stretch out his racket as much as possible and barely hit the tennis ball.


And opposite.

Then a figure jumped up, it was Ishikawa. He raised his racket as if swinging a sword, pointed it at the tennis ball and dunked down.


The bang exploded.

A strong heat wave spread out in an instant, and even Tezuka couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he felt the heat rushing towards his face.


"What a terrible smash."

On Seigaku's side, Momojo looked at Ishikawa who landed firmly on the ground in awe. The opponent's smash power was not comparable to his in-the-pin smash.

"First, he used an ultra-high-speed serve, forcing Tezuka to hit a straight backhand shot. Then he changed his hand and used a sharp volley to disrupt Tezuka's rhythm."

Qian looked at Ishikawa solemnly and said in a depressed mood: "The final smash is probably twice as powerful as the swing. And that posture should be a variation of kendo. This person's understanding of tennis and kendo, All reached an astonishing level!”

For Ishikawa.

The more he understood, the more terrifying it became.

The opponent was obviously younger, but his solid basic tennis skills surpassed even Tezuka's. Hits, slices, smashes, and perfect control of the situation, there is no blind spot at all.

In other words, Tezuka hit a zero serve. Otherwise, it would be impossible to score from this person's hand.







"Hyotei Ishikawa, 3-1!"

End of game.

Tezuka still didn't score a point.

Throughout the game, Ishikawa completely controlled the rhythm of the game. Even someone as strong as Tezuka could only fight back passively.

In the eyes of others.

Tezuka had no chance of winning this match.



When it was Tezuka's serve, he still did not look back and hit a zero-style serve.

Chi Chi

Looking at the tennis ball flipped back against the ground, everyone had different reactions.

Some people admire him and think he is strong-willed. Some people were full of disdain, thinking that his struggle was in vain and meaningless. There are also people who are full of worries and look worried.


Oishi looked at Tezuka who threw the tennis ball again and hit a zero serve, and couldn't help but clenched his fists: "Can your wrist really support it?"

The doctor suggested that Tezuka play less chipping.

It is aimed at Type Zero.

And now, Tezuka is hitting a zero serve with stronger spin. It will obviously put a heavier burden on the wrist.


Seeing Tezuka's bright and determined eyes, Oishi swallowed back the words that came to his lips.



"Aigaku Tezuka, 2-3!"

Four zero shots were scored, and the point difference narrowed again.

But before everyone in Seigaku could be happy, Ishikawa soon scored again, leading 4-2.

then. Tezuka broke out again and won the serve with four zeros.



"Aigaku Tezuka, 3-4!"

The difference narrowed.

But the faces of the Qingxue players gradually became heavy.

They are not stupid, and they all know that if this situation continues, even if Tezuka can keep serve every time, he will definitely lose the game in the end.


Exchange venues.

Tezuka, who was standing at the bottom line, was also aware of this problem. He raised his brows slightly, a certain conversation scene flashed through his mind, and a glint appeared in his eyes.


At this time.

Ishikawa's serve came flying.

Just like before, he hit Tezuka in front of the right side in a cunning way. It was very uncomfortable for him as a left-hander.


He still quickly caught up with the tennis ball and responded strongly.

Tread! !


Tezuka steps into the middle position.

When he saw Ishikawa's counterattack clearly, his eyes flashed, he caught up with the tennis ball and sliced ​​it away.

"It's useless."

The Ice Emperor team members shook their heads.

Tezuka's behavior was just a futile struggle.

At most, it can only delay defeat, but cannot change the outcome of the game at all.


Ishikawa took action decisively.

He used the skill of gale force to blast out the tennis ball. In an instant, fierce air currents carried heat waves and spread around.



Just when everyone thought Tezuka was helpless, a strong wave of air suddenly appeared around him.

"This is Tezuka territory?"

"What about the field?"

Some people shook their heads and said: "It's just delaying for some time, it won't solve the problem at all."




The tennis ball did not fly towards Tezuka, but seemed to be affected by some strong repulsive force and flew towards the outside of the court.


Tennis lands.

The referee's voice also sounded: "out! 0-15!"

"Out of bounds?!"

Everyone in Ice Emperor was shocked, no one expected such a result.

Ninzu, Shido and others were equally surprised: "Ishikawa, he made a mistake?"

This is Shin Ishikawa!

The player with the most skill and the calmest personality among the Hyokui. From his first game to now, he has never made such a low-level mistake.

"That was not a mistake!"

At this time, Atobe next to him shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Ishikawa's ball was given some kind of special spin by Tezuka. Then it flew out of the court!"

"what do you mean"

Ninzu reacted and blurted out: "Is this the reverse Tezuka realm?!"

"Finally, did you use this trick?"

Seeing Tezuka, whose aura was calm and restrained, but gave off an extremely strong sense of oppression, Ishikawa couldn't help but sigh: "You, who is known as the 'pillar of Qingxue', are indeed very strong!"

Such strength is more than just visible abilities such as speed, strength, and technology. It’s about the spirit, the strong will that comes from within.

For Tezuka, the four words "Pillar of Seigaku" are the belief that he can sacrifice everything for it!


Ishikawa shook his head: "The so-called phantom has no effect on me at all."

Phantom of Tezuka.

It is a unique technique that uses a spin that is stronger than the field to guide the tennis ball out of the court. It looks powerful, but in fact, it has no threat at all to a chipper like Ishikawa.



Ishikawa hit the tennis ball over.


Tezuka catches up with the tennis ball and performs Phantom Spin.

Seeing this, Seigaku's team members clenched their fists one after another, as if they had seen Ishikawa fighting back and being dragged out of the field.


But never thought.

Ishikawa actually hit an exquisite slice.

Under the offset of the reverse rotation, Tezuka's Phantom lost its effect and fell into the boundary normally.


Everyone in Qingxue looked shocked.

No one expected that such a thing would happen. Qing Xue's last hope of victory was extinguished so easily.


Seeing this scene, a bitter smile appeared on Gan's face: "He just took one look and cracked the weakness of Tezuka's unique move."

too strong!

Such a person has no blind spots at all!

Meeting such a person does not mean that Tezuka is not strong enough. It's their youth's luck. Too bad!

Stab it!

But right now.

A strong chipping sound caught everyone's attention.


Qian, Dashi and others looked over in shock.

But Tezuka actually used Phantom Spin again.

"Is he crazy?!"

Saint Rudolf, Yamabuki, Rokkachu, and Hyotei all looked at Tezuka in disbelief.

The Phantom is cracked.

He also forced to hit this kind of spin ball, which has no meaning at all except increasing the burden on his wrist.



Ishikawa once again used chipping to crack the Phantom.

Stab it!


To everyone's disbelief, Tezuka once again used Phantom Spin.

"Hand, Tezuka."

Seeing the extremely determined look in Tezuka's eyes, Oishi trembled and knelt on the ground: "Please, please, don't play this kind of ball again!!!"

Stab it!


Tezuka still didn't hesitate at all. When facing Ishikawa's bat, he used the phantom spin again.

Although, at this time, his arm was obviously red.

Field, Zero Slice, Zero Serve, Phantom.

Many high-intensity chipping tricks were performed continuously, which placed an unimaginable burden on Tezuka's left hand.

Change to someone else.

I am afraid that I have collapsed at this time and choose to apply for a waiver.


Tezuka's gaze remained unwavering. There was no hesitation in his swing.

"Is this the real Tezuka Kunimitsu?"

off the field.

Representatives from each school looked at Tezuka with awe. It has nothing to do with strength or tennis, but with that kind of unswerving and heart-stopping willpower.

"It is indeed a moving spirit and will."

At this time, Ishikawa spoke.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were attracted.


Ishikawa raised his racket and pointed at the flying tennis ball: "In response, I will defeat your Tezuka head-on!"


This statement came out.

Everyone changed their faces.

Especially Hyotei's team members looked at Ishikawa with confusion.

Face the enemy head on?

In other words, Ishikawa no longer uses chipping to offset Tezuka's phantom?

Isn't this too stupid?

Everyone in Hyotei, including Supervisor Sakaki Taro, frowned.

on the tennis court.

As long as you defeat your opponent within the rules, it is the truth. The so-called act of being upright and defeating the opponent head-on is like the duel between ancient ronin warriors. It couldn't be more stupid!



It's different from what people imagine.

Ishikawa's body suddenly erupted with a sharper aura than before. Facing that dazzling light, everyone subconsciously looked away.



Ishikawa raised the racket.


At the same time, the sound of thunder and explosion seemed to be heard in everyone's ears. An indescribable feeling of depression suddenly spread on the court.

"This feeling?!"

In the direction of Qingxue, everyone felt the suffocating pressure of this exclamation, and everyone's hearts trembled involuntarily.



Ishikawa took action.

As the racket swung by, a harsh sound like thunder suddenly sounded.

Followed by.

A flash of silver light quickly enlarged in front of Tezuka's eyes at an indescribable speed.

Boom! ! !

At the same time, a thunderous voice sounded in his ears.

His mind, his thoughts, and everything in front of him seemed to be enveloped by this terrifying thunder sound.


too fast!

Feeling the astonishing speed and destructive power of the tennis ball, Tezuka, who was unable to move at all, felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart for no reason.

this moment.

He suddenly found out.

In the face of absolute power, all his actions are so feeble and ridiculous!



The tennis ball bounced off the ground and shot out from Tezuka's side like a cannonball. With a bang, it hit the wall behind him and kept spinning.




Accompanied by weird noises.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the wall behind Tezuka turned out to have cracks centered on the insertion point of the tennis ball, extending like a spider web in all directions.



As if overwhelmed, half of the wall collapsed and hit the ground with a loud bang.


Huge stadium.

It suddenly became so quiet at this moment.

Everyone looked at the collapsed wall, and then at Ishikawa, who was holding a racket and looking calm, and felt an emotion called fear deep in their hearts.

Even Hyokui's team members looked at Ishikawa with a mixture of fear and shock.

So, is this Ishikawa’s true strength? !

 Chapter 3 is presented here, please recommend and vote for me monthly! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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