I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 136 Fierce battle, devil and emperor

Chapter 136 Fierce battle, devil and emperor (1st update)

A deserted manor.

On an empty court.

There are no spectators, no camp, and no referees.




At this time.

The silence of the stadium was broken by the soft sound of hitting a ball.

A figure bent over and patted the tennis ball gently.



I saw this man holding the tennis ball in his hand, and when he raised his head again, his sea-blue eyes were locked on his opponent.

"Then. let's begin!"

Atobe's eyes narrowed and he threw the tennis ball into the air.


He deflected his right foot outward and stayed close to the baseline. Push the ground hard with the soles of your feet, and use the force to stretch your upper body.

See the position of the tennis ball in mid-air.

Atobe quickly swung his racket and smashed it towards the tennis ball.


The crisp sound of hitting the ball sounded.

The tennis ball hit by Atobe's racket flew out quickly, and at the same time, the whole body was also spinning rapidly.



The tennis ball drew a beautiful parabola and fell towards the outer corner of Ishikawa's right front.


Tennis lands.

Accurately press on the intersection of the two lines.


Immediately, the tennis ball, whose power had not been absorbed much by the ground, suddenly shot up at a large angle. With strong external spin, it flew rapidly towards Ishikawa's right hand direction.

Just one goal.

You can see the tennis level of Hyotei's minister Keigo Atobe.


In response, Ishikawa nodded secretly.

Atobe's serve is full of speed, accuracy and ruthlessness. The position of the tennis ball's landing point is slightly conservative one point back, while it will be out of bounds one point forward.

This control of the landing point also reflects the opponent's national level ball control level!

Even compared to Seigaku's Tezuka, he is not inferior at all.



Ishikawa's insight has reached an extremely astonishing level. As early as the moment Atobe hit the ball, he had already judged the landing point of the serve based on the position of the ball.


He took a step across to the right.

The racket in his hand was swung out quickly, blocking the ejection of the tennis ball without any warning.

the whole process.

It was just a flash of lightning.

There was only a crisp sound, and Atobe's serve was easily knocked back by Ishikawa.

"As expected of you!"

Atobu raised his eyebrows lightly.

Although he had never fought against the other party before. But Atobe would never underestimate Ishikawa's responsiveness.

Tread! !

Focusing on the path of the tennis ball, Atobe quickly moved to the right. His steps were shallow and not too wide, but his legs were exchanged extremely quickly.

In a blink of an eye.

Atobe was already approaching the spot where the tennis ball landed. Spotting the ejected tennis ball, Ajibe swung in with his backhand, exerted force from left to right, and tilted the racket to knock the tennis ball out.


In an instant.

The tennis ball with strong spin flew rapidly through the air. Then, like a precise bullet, it hit the bottom corner on the other side of Ishikawa.

Strike diagonally!

Moreover, it is a backhand shot.

But the speed and accuracy of the ball are completely beyond the reach of ordinary people. An ordinary person would probably just stand there, watch and sigh.

Tread! !

But there's the other side of the field.

However, a figure approached Atobe's return point at an astonishing speed.

"What a quick response!"

Atobe's heart was slightly shaken.

Only in a head-on confrontation with Ishikawa could he feel how terrifying the opponent's reaction speed was.

watch carefully.

Ishikawa's instant explosive power is actually not that strong. But its figure has already approached the location of the landing point.

On the one hand, it's because the other party's insight is extremely terrifying. I'm afraid that with just one glance, he could tell where Atobe was hitting the ball.

In addition, it is Ishikawa's footwork.

The frequency of his legs changing is very fast, and the route he travels is also the shortest path to the landing point of the tennis ball.


I'm afraid that the moment Atobe hit the ball, Ishikawa had already deduced the best route in his mind.

This is obviously only the second round.

But Atobe felt a sense of oppression that he had almost never experienced before.


Catch up on tennis.

Ishikawa took action quickly, cutting the side of his racket, and after contacting the surface of the racket with the tennis ball, he quickly turned his wrist, rubbing and hitting it, causing it to spin at high speed.


The tennis ball flew out.

At an extremely low altitude, it almost passed by with the same leap as passing by the blocking net. Then, it quickly fell towards the other side of the trace.


Tennis lands.

It pops up against the bottom line, while the trail part is a little further away. Considering that there was no need to chase the ball, he chose to give up.


Ishikawa spoke.

There is no referee in the game, and the two people announce the score to each other.


Atobe, who had the first-mover advantage as he was serving the game, lost one point right off the tee, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Looked up.

Atobe took a deep look at his opponent and thought to himself: "When he caught the ball, he lowered the height of his return as much as possible just to confuse my sight. In addition, the spin he applied when he returned the ball made the tennis ball move When rotating, wind resistance is reduced as much as possible.”


Ishikawa's ball seems simple, but in fact, it is full of technical and psychological games.

Even Atobe was deceived. “His skills are terrifying.”

He took out a tennis ball from his trouser pocket and slapped it twice. Atobe grabbed it and looked deeply at Ishikawa: "When competing with such a person, you can't relax even for a moment."


Thoughts turn.

Atobe fired another shot.

As before, the placement of this serve was very precise. After the tennis ball landed on the ground, it ejected with a reverse left spin.


Atobe wanted to use some small tricks to repay Ishikawa.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Ishikawa. This tennis devil is at the top among junior high school students in terms of insight, mental endurance, and technique!


Just look at it.

Ishikawa swung his racket diagonally and easily defeated Atobe's trick.

Tread! !

Atobe moved quickly, and he didn't expect that this little trick could deceive Ishikawa. Seizing the opportunity to move forward, he quickly pressed forward, caught up with the tennis ball, and then gently chipped it away.


The tennis ball flew out gently.

The rhythm of the original rapid attack suddenly slowed down. Atobe's goal is simple, to use his own serve to create a time difference and affect Ishikawa's rhythm.

after all.

If it is a quick baseline duel, Ishikawa's counterattack will also use the power of a quick attack from the starting point. The speed of counterattack will also exceed the response range of the Internet Trace Department.

This is the genius of Atobe.

If it were Shishido or Akutagawa, it would be impossible for them to achieve such a smooth rhythm change. Even if you endure enough, even if you think of this method, you will never use it.

Only Atobe.

Only his foot strength, judgment of the situation, and his own skills can support this tactic.

Tread! !

No way.

Ishikawa could only move forward quickly. After catching up with the tennis ball, Atobe on the opposite side also completed the action of hitting the net.


Most of the area in front of the net is completely within Atobe's offensive range. Ishikawa's return space was extremely compressed into a very small area on both sides.


His eyes narrowed.

Ishikawa decisively hit a lob.

With his skills, even if it is just a casual hit, the tennis ball will definitely hit the baseline position without any deviation.



Atobe, who had expected it, jumped up decisively.

His jumping ability is so amazing that even if Ishikawa's lob was extremely exaggerated, it was still within reach of Atobe.

"It's rare that you hit such an exaggerated lob."

Tracee smiled.

This height is him. If it were Qingxue Momojo who was good at smashing, he might not be able to hit this lob.

after all.

There's more to a smash than just bouncing.

The player's own jumping ability, as well as the judgment of the height of the tennis ball and the degree of control over his own abilities are all indispensable.



He raised the butt of the racket and suddenly smashed the tennis ball down.

with a snap.

The rapidly falling tennis ball gave Ishikawa no chance to react. His racket was actually bounced away by Atobe.



Atobe jumped up for the second time.


He raised his racket and prepared a smash. When he looked at Ishikawa, a smile appeared on his lips: "Immerse yourself in my skills!"


The voice fell.

He made an extremely powerful smash.

And this move is Atobe's famous stunt, a waltz toward destruction that combines both magnificence and practicality! ! !



Just when Atobe thought that he could score directly with this smash. There was also a smile on Ishikawa's face below.



Ishikawa quickly took a step across and picked up the racket before it hit the ground. At the moment when the Atobe smash hit the ground and bounced, he swung the racket and hit it.


A crisp sound.

A flash of light yellow suddenly exploded at the feet of Atobu, who had not yet landed.


After a successful hit, Ishikawa reported the score with a smile.


And this time.

Atobe just fell to the ground.

Looking at the clear traces of falling points under his feet, a gloomy look appeared on his handsome face.

been cracked!

Even though Atobe attaches great importance to Ishikawa, he never thought that his [Rondo towards Destruction] would be cracked in this way!

this moment.

In Atobe's heart, he could suddenly understand the extremely strong impact in the hearts of Hiyoshi, Shishido, Ninzu, etc., including Tezuka, when Ishikawa cracked his own trick.

"very good."

Raising his head, Atobe took a deep look at Ishikawa: "Your strength is indeed stronger than I imagined. Next, let's start the real showdown!"


He turned and headed toward the baseline.

Looking at his back, Ishikawa raised his eyebrows lightly.

Others might think that Atobu was pretending to be calm and speaking harshly.

But Ishikawa knew that this was not the case.

Because Atobe did not show his true strength, whether it was the serve just now, the diagonal thrust, or even the Rondo towards destruction, they were all part of the test in nature.

And now.

Atobe turned around, his demeanor completely changed.

The relaxed and calm state before was gone, replaced by a majestic and powerful temperament that made people unconsciously feel pressured.


This king of ice kings.

The top national players in the original work are finally showing off their special skills.

 Demon King refers to Ishikawa's strength. In addition, Demon King in the Japanese context corresponds to the evil specified by Buddhism. For example, Oda Nobunaga in Japanese history was known as the Sixth Heavenly Demon King. In the Japanese game Dynasty Warriors, Cao Cao is the traitor, Liu Bei is the great virtue, and Dong Zhuo is the devil.

  In addition, the devil here can also be seen as the big devil of the national table tennis team in reality.

  Everyone's suggestions are very good, such as taboos and so on. I will use them when I write the next book.



(End of this chapter)

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