I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 137 Atobe’s Awakening, the World of Ice

Chapter 137 Atobe’s Awakening, the World of Ice (2nd update)




bottom line.

Atobe kept hitting the tennis ball.

He is looking for his hand condition, and at the same time he is also adjusting his emotions to get over the loss of the ball just now.

As a top player among junior high school students.

What Atobe cares about has never been the gain or loss of one goal or one point. He is not Tezuka, who has absolute faith in the team. It’s not Sanada, he must decide the outcome in an upright manner.

In Atobu's dictionary, as long as it does not exceed one's own acceptance level, all means to score points are feasible.

Looked up.

He grabbed the tennis ball and looked at Ishikawa with a deep look.

The opponent was very strong, and the strength he showed completely exceeded his expectations before the game. In this game, he had no room for hesitation or hesitation.


Throw the tennis ball up.

Atobe dunked it out again.

Tread! !

After serving, Atobe took the initiative to step forward.

He did not blindly surf the Internet, but was constantly observing Ishikawa's reaction. Then, he made an early judgment and hit the tennis ball toward Ishikawa's backhand position.


Tennis lands.

If someone else had dealt with this return ball, it would have been a killer move.

In other words.

In the eyes of others, Atobe's flat A is like a big move.


But soon.

A figure suddenly appeared.

Ishikawa raised his head and looked quickly at Atobe. At this time, Atobu leaned forward and his eyes were sharp, giving the impression that he was like an unsheathed sword, with its edge sharply exposed.

That aggressive gaze instinctively gave Ishikawa a sense of oppression.

This is Ishikawa, whose mental strength has almost reached the level of an elite high school student. Anyone else would probably be frightened by Atobe's eyes.

"Is this the so-called super attack state?"

in the original.

During the duel between Atobe and Echizen.

Facing the latter, he showed his strength to be as strong as the top national players. From the beginning of playing tennis, Atobe's mentality of wanting to tease and tease his opponents has completely transformed into a state of breaking out just to win.

That is, a super offensive style!



After Ishikawa fought back, Atobe's figure immediately caught up with the tennis ball and blasted it to the other side of Ishikawa.


When Ishikawa struck back again, Atobe also launched a strong attack.




on the field.

As the server, Atobe launched a powerful offensive. His return rhythm is getting faster and faster, and his playing style is gradually developing in the direction of Fudomine Tachibana.


Tachibana is mainly known for his explosive power rather than his fierce style. Atobe's attack, while fierce and fierce, was also technically delicate.

The orange ball goes straight back and forth.

The power is so strong and heavy that ordinary players simply cannot withstand three or two balls, and the racket may be knocked out.

But Atobe's attacks were like a tidal wave, continuous. While the ball is extremely fast, there is also strong spin attached to the tennis ball.

Anyone else would have been beaten to a pulp at this moment, and would have to deal with it in a panic.


Ishikawa always remained calm enough.

Every return shot from Atobe was perfectly countered by him. Facing its ever-increasing, storm-like offensive, Ishikawa remained as stable as the Dinghai Divine Pillar.


Feeling Ishikawa's tight defense without any flaws, Atobe's face darkened.

him at this time.

It was as if he was constantly hitting a thick wall.

Despite his best efforts, the wall never wavered.

"In that case."

At this time.

The five fingers of Jibu's left hand are spread out and gently placed near the bridge of the nose. Those sea-blue eyes were staring at Ishikawa's every move.

As his eyes deepened, the brightness around his sight gradually dimmed, leaving only Ishikawa alone.


He was seen swinging the racket quickly, and without even looking, he whipped the tennis ball back.

"No weakness?"

Looking at the tennis ball that was rapidly zooming in front of his eyes, Atobe's face darkened.

In fact, in addition to his strong basic abilities, the reason why Atobe was able to shine in England was that after returning to the country, he used his absolute strength to sweep the Ice Emperor and compete across the country, becoming one of the top players.

It depends on this terrible eyesight!

but now.

Even if Atobe's eyesight was at its strongest, he could not detect any incongruity in Ishikawa's body.

That means.

The opponent itself has no weaknesses at all!


Atobe swung the bat and hit the ball, his eyes locked on Ishikawa again: "There is never a perfect player in this world. Everyone, more or less, has their own weaknesses!"


Keeping a close eye on Ishikawa, Atobe used his vision to the extreme.

Tread! !

At this time, the opponent moved quickly towards the landing point of Atobe's ball.


At this moment, as if he had caught something, a glint suddenly flashed in Atobe's eyes: "His movements are not coordinated enough. There is a slight difference between the state of his upper body and lower body. Wait!!"


As if realizing something.

The joy that had not yet surged in Atobu suddenly disappeared, replaced by an indescribable gloom.

"This guy actually wore that thing during the competition with me!"

Atobe's face looked extremely ugly.

Because he had already guessed the reason for the difference between Ishikawa's upper body and lower body.

The opponent is simply wearing weights and competing with him!

That’s all.

What is even more difficult for Atobe to accept is that even Ishikawa limits his own strength. Atobe, who was in a super-attack state, still didn't find a chance to score.




As the game continues.

Atobe's offensive rhythm obviously slowed down.

"good chance."

A gleam flashed in Ishikawa's eyes. He, who had always been defensive, suddenly attacked. A powerful through ball suddenly came out and hit Atobe's weak point on the far side.


Tennis lands.

Atobe had just adjusted his breathing, but before he could take a breath, his expression suddenly froze on his face.


Ishikawa opened his mouth, then let out a breath and said, "As expected of Atobe-senpai, it's really difficult to catch your flaw."


Atobe's face turned even more ugly.

"Doesn't this guy know that I have seen his hidden strength?"

The trace part at this time.

My heart felt worse than eating a fly.

It would be fine if he was suppressed by Ishikawa with all his strength and kept getting scored. But unfortunately, before the opponent exerted any force, he couldn't find any chance to score.


Still losing points.

What makes Atobe most uncomfortable is that in the face of this situation, he still can't say anything.

The same is true.

In the upcoming duel, Atobe had no time to think about these issues. Facing Ishikawa's counterattack, he was beaten back steadily.

At first, Atobe was able to barely defend and resist the opponent's attack. But gradually, as Ishikawa's movements accelerated, Atobe's unnecessary movements continued to increase, and the error rate also increased.

And Ishikawa will naturally not miss these opportunities.

Every time he takes action, he hits the weakest point in the body.



"Ishikawa, 1-0!"



"Ishikawa, 2-0!"



"Ishikawa, 3-0!"

A blink of an eye.

Ishikawa has already won three games.

On the other hand, Atobe didn't even get a single point. The dual pressure of losing points continuously and being unable to score gradually caused Atobe's mentality to waver.

The other party is too strong.

There were no flaws at all, and what made Atobe even more afraid was that Ishikawa's insight was terrifying.

But if Fanjibu makes a mistake, or the connection of an action is not smooth enough, the opponent will be able to seize the opportunity and score suddenly.

speak up.

Atobe is extremely physically strong and is also good at defensive and counterattack tennis.

But in reality, he has never encountered a player like Ishikawa who can maximize his ability to defend and counterattack.

Whoosh! !

Near the manor.

The wind started to blow.

The weather, which was originally pretty good, became gloomy just like Atobe's mood.

"Atobe Keigo." Atobe raised his head and glanced at Ishikawa on the opposite side who was about to serve, and asked himself in his heart: "Are you going to admit defeat here?"



He spread his legs, lowered his center of gravity, held the racket with both hands, and leaned forward slightly, assuming a posture ready to catch the ball.



Ishikawa throws the tennis ball up.

His eyes were locked on Atobe. Feeling his changing momentum and knowing the change in his opponent's mentality, Ishikawa, who was in a critical period, had a cold light in his eyes and swung his racket quickly.


A bang.

Ishikawa used the [Star Mark] serve with [-]% power, and it flashed through the air like lightning. The speed was so fast that it completely exceeded Atobe's reaction.


When the tennis ball hits the ground.

He quickly got up from the ground, and when he passed by him, Atobu reacted belatedly. His eyes instinctively shifted away, looking at the tennis ball that disappeared from sight in surprise.


Ishikawa spoke, but Atobe's body couldn't help but tremble.

too fast!

This serve is incredibly fast!

Even Atobe couldn't recall the full picture of the serve just now.

Whoosh! !

A cold wind blew.

Atobe felt a chill, he woke up and quickly moved to the other side.


Atobe once again assumed a ready posture.

At the same time, the tension and alertness in his heart also increased to an unprecedented level.

For Atobe.

It had been a long, long time since he had served against an ace in a game like this!

As for Ishikawa, who hit this kind of serve, it was obvious that he was serious about it. This made Atobe not dare to be careless at all. He raised his head and stared at the other party with his eyes.


At this time.

Ishikawa threw the tennis ball up again.

Bend your knees, draw in your abdomen, stretch your body, and raise the racket high to hit the tennis ball quickly.

The whole process was ridiculously fast.

Atobe, who was paying attention to Ishikawa's movements throughout the whole process, could still see clearly, but when the opponent hit the tennis ball with his racket, Atobe's vision suddenly became blurry.



Tennis lands.

A trace of horror instantly arose in Atobe's heart.

He instinctively looked down, but his eyes passed the tennis ball again. Looking at the clear white mark near the service line in front of him, Atobe suddenly thought of his original forbearance.

Same player, same super-fast serve.


The person who became the backdrop was replaced by Atobe Keigo.

Tick ​​tock!

At this time.

A trace of cold sweat flowed from Atobe's forehead and dripped down his cheek to the ground.

Atobe was shocked.

The next movements also became sluggish.



Ishikawa was merciless.

Two consecutive ace serves directly won the fourth game.


Atobe's serve.

He seemed to be in a trance, walking on the court in a daze.







In the blink of an eye, Ishikawa scored 3 points in a row.

at this time.

After Atobe served, Ishikawa, who felt that his opponent's condition had declined significantly, shook his head and said before returning the ball: "Atobe-senpai, if you don't want to play seriously, this game can end here."



Ishikawa hit the tennis ball over.


After hearing his words, Atobe woke up and was shocked when he thought of the score and his own situation.


Without any time to think, Atobe took action and hit the tennis ball over.

"what's wrong with me?"

When Atobe came back to his senses, the scene of losing points just now quickly appeared in his mind. While his heart was filled with a sense of urgency, he was also questioning himself.

That's right.

He was indeed at a disadvantage.

Even so far, I haven't been able to get a single point.

However, this is not the reason for him to be distracted on the court and treat the game negatively.

As a person with a serious and strong personality.

Atobe never avoids problems. For him, no matter how strong his opponent is, he cannot take a step back.


"Atobe Keigo."

"What are you afraid of?!"

Atobe kept questioning himself in his mind. At the same time, he was also chasing Ishikawa's return ball and quickly moved and reacted to catch the ball.


That feeling of being unable to break through came again.

Facing Ishikawa's defense, which was like an iron wall and unable to find any blind spots, Atobe's heart was shaken once again.

His eyesight.

He regarded it as his strongest weapon. In previous games, he had constantly identified his opponent's weaknesses and relied on his ability to score points, but this time it completely lost its effect.

But Atobe was unwilling to fail.

He wants to win, not lose.

But when his own abilities are completely weakened and cannot play any role at all, what else can he do?


this moment.

In front of Atobe's eyes, various experiences of his past suddenly appeared.

In an aristocratic elementary school in England, he encountered a powerful enemy.

In a tough battle, at a critical moment when it was difficult to win, he used his eyesight to see through his opponent's weaknesses.

Just one ball.

He penetrated the opponent's defense.

Since then, Atobe has used his powerful eyesight to continuously defeat powerful opponents one after another.

Or toying with and teasing those players who think they are geniuses.

And this time.

Looking at Ishikawa, who was so powerful that it completely exceeded his imagination, Atobe seemed to have returned to his elementary school days in England.


All the past events flashed before Atobe's eyes, and he couldn't help but laugh at himself. His confused eyes became serious again: "Now, apart from these eyes, I have nothing else to rely on. !”


Figure this out.

Atobe's eyes suddenly brightened.

After catching up with the tennis ball, he looked up at Ishikawa on the opposite side. At this moment, his eyesight was pushed to the extreme by him.


this moment.

Time seemed to stand still.

The position where Ishikawa stood opposite, in Atobe's eyes, suddenly turned into a field like a mirror.

Swish swish! ! !


Countless crystal clear icicles fell from the sky and were inserted into the tiny blind spots around Ishikawa that Atobe had never seen through before.

"I see."

Seeing through Ishikawa's flaw, Atobe shone with unprecedented luster: "Are these your real blind spots?"


Thoughts turn.

Atobe swung the racket quickly and used his superb skills to hit the tennis ball towards one of the icicles on Ishikawa's side that represented his blind spot.

Looking at the flying tennis ball, Atobe showed a smile on his face.

He must thank Ishikawa. If the other party hadn't proposed the game to him, his eyesight would not have been able to complete the evolution.

And now.

When his eyesight has completely evolved to the level of the world of ice. This game will usher in a turning point, and the door to victory is opening towards Atobe.



Just when Atobe's tennis ball was about to hit the 'icicle' that he regarded as Ishikawa's blind spot.

Along with the other icicles, all the icicles that represented Ishikawa's weakness instantly turned into powder and disappeared.


At this time, Ishikawa, who raised his racket, glanced at Atobe lightly, shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't have any blind spots!"


The voice fell.

A flash of pale yellow light exploded beside Atobe in an instant. Looking at the trace of the tennis ball that suddenly ejected, his movements instantly became stiff.

 Sorry, there are only two updates today.

  The author will adjust the status tomorrow and try to update during the day, trying to restore the status of the 4th update. This will happen if I always put off updates until the evening with an ostrich mentality.

  Also, the number of subscriptions for this book has never increased, and it reached its peak when it was released. The average booking has been around 12 since December 6th, and it has never gone up. I don’t know when I will recommend it. The author’s mentality is not very good. I have been thinking that if there is an increase in updates and the increase in subscriptions, I can get a better recommendation.

  Starting from tomorrow, the word count will be restored to 4 and 1w5, and the author will have to face his own problems. Of course, due to the author's crow's mouth and bad luck, it is very likely that after making a promise, something will happen tomorrow that he has to waste time to do. Get vaccinated in advance. In practical terms, the probability of updating 4 words tomorrow is 15000%!


(End of this chapter)

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