I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 145: Double Shadow Mirage, Ice Emperor’s Counterattack

Chapter 145: Double Shadow Mirage, Ice Emperor’s Counterattack (1st Update)

"Is this the strength of Li Hai?"

Seeing that Shishido Kazufeng, who once suppressed Seogakus Momojo and Kaitang combinations and was also known as the golden combination in Hyokui, did not even get a point, the faces of the school representatives outside the stadium were full of shock.

"The number one doubles team in the country. Well-deserved!"

Inoue sighed softly and said: "Although Hyotei also adopted intensive training during this period, the individual talents of the players cannot be brought about by high-intensity training."

Just like Qing Xue's Fuji.

Tatekai's Marui is also a tennis genius. And such geniuses can often influence the situation of the game by virtue of their personal abilities.

This is the case with the game in front of us.

In terms of Rikkai, Jackal's defensive capabilities are astonishing, and all of the Ice Emperor's attacks can be countered by him. Marui, on the other hand, has extremely strong personal abilities and performs many unique skills in front of the net, making it difficult to mark.


Almost everyone believed that this Doubles 2 match would be dominated by Rikkai.

"Always victorious, establish the sea!"

"let's go let's go, Li Hai Da!"

"One hit to win!"

Off the field.

The cheerleaders from Rikkai University started cheering when the team gained the upper hand.

"Really, I thought the Ice Emperor was very capable."

In the main selection area, Kirihara had a band-aid on his face, his hands behind his head, looking relaxed: "In the end, he was completely suppressed by the two seniors and was unable to fight back."

"Don't underestimate your opponent."

But at this time, Liu, who lightly closed his eyes, shook his head and said: "The Ice King is not just an ordinary person who can dominate the Tokyo Competition. Moreover, I am afraid that person will not sit idly by and do nothing."

while speaking.

He raised his head and fixed his gaze on the black-haired boy from the Ice Emperor's camp not far away.

Unlike other Rikkai players, Liu is not so optimistic. He knew very well that with Ishikawa's methods, the Ice Emperor must have another trick.

"Second round."

"Tachikai Jackal serves, the game is over!"


After the two sides exchanged venues, the referee spoke.




Bottom line.

Jackal tapped the tennis ball a few times and said with a smile: "Tai Wentai, give them a little more pressure!"



He quickly hit the tennis ball over.

This serve is very fast and the landing point is very precise. This made the onlookers feel even more powerful about Li Haidai. Because even a baseline defender like Jackal has such superb ball-handling skills.



Feng's reaction was also very quick. After catching up with the tennis ball, he hit it back.

"It's useless, your ball can't break through the baseline."

On the opposite side, the Jackal was running fast on the baseline. After catching up with the tennis ball, he sneered: "Next, will I give you some more color?!"


Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

On the opposite court, only Shishido's figure remained. But Feng, who had just received the serve, disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

The opponent disappeared out of thin air, which shocked Jackal.


With a cold look, he hit the tennis ball near the baseline on Ice Emperor's side.

The jackal was still quite calm.

For this situation where he was temporarily unaware of the changes in the situation, he chose a more prudent approach. If you attack rashly, it is better to wait and see what tricks your opponent is playing.

Tap! !

And this time.

Shishido ran towards the tennis ball, and a head suddenly appeared behind him, following him.

"It turns out he was hiding behind Shido."

When Jackal saw this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "These two guys are really bluffing."

"The Jackal responded well."

Outside the court, Liu Ye commented approvingly: "When you have an advantage, you must first ensure the stability of the situation. In this case, no matter what tricks the opponent plays, the effect will be greatly reduced."

It is clear.

The Ice Emperor wanted to use a clever strategy to disrupt the situation.

But now it seems that it has not only lost its effect. Instead, the flaw in front of the net was exposed in front of Marui.

With the opponent's excellent ability in front of the net, Ice Emperor seemed to be in a deadlock.



But that's it.

Shishito and Feng caught up with the tennis ball and raised their rackets one after the other.

"Wait. This is it?"

Jackal, who originally thought everything was under control, changed his expression when he saw two rackets of different colors being raised back and forth: "Who are these two guys fighting back?"

Tennis duel.

It's just a matter of seconds.

Every moment of judgment is extremely critical. If you make a mistake in judgment, you will need to recover more than just a step or two.

Even with Jackal's foot strength, he couldn't afford the consequences of a misjudgment.


At this time.

A flash of yellow turned the racket, and after seeing the direction of the racket, Jackal immediately started: "It's Shishido!"


But don't want to.

Shishido's racket was just a false shot, and Houma was the one who actually hit back.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball flew out and hit the opposite direction from where the jackal was running.


Jackal's movements suddenly stiffened.

The faces of the spectators inside and outside the stadium also showed expressions of astonishment.


On Qingxue's side, Taocheng said in surprise: "That jackal was actually deceived?"

"It's not that simple."

Gan shook his head and said: "From our perspective, we can clearly see through Shido and Feng's intentions. However, from the perspective of the other two people on the court, it is very difficult."


Fuji also nodded and said: "From Jackal's position, their two bodies are completely overlapping. Except for the different colors of the rackets, it is impossible to tell who is hitting back."

"The more critical the moment, the more nervous people's minds are. It is easy to be disturbed by information and make wrong judgments."

Looking in the direction of Li Haida, Liu Ye squinted his eyes and said: "In general, the success rate of Jackal's judgment is only 50%!"

Once you miss.

The result is like this, scored directly.


Kirihara raised his brows slightly, with an interesting expression on his face: "It seems that not all Hyotei's players are trash."





The Jackal exchanged the serving position and slapped the tennis ball again.

He raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the two people opposite him: "These two guys are really good at it. However, a 50% success rate is enough!"

Jackal has always been confident about his luck.

not to mention.

He believed more in his own strength and believed that after experiencing and adapting to it many times, he would be able to break the opponent's formation.



He hit the tennis ball again.

Shishido, on the other hand, also hit the tennis ball back. Then, he took advantage of the gap in the flight of the tennis ball and quickly ran behind Feng.

The bodies of the two people overlapped, and from the outside, it seemed that only one person was left.

Jackal's expression darkened and he hit the tennis ball over.

Tap! !


The two of them took action at the same time.

One after the other, in unison, it looks like there is only one person on the court.



After catching up with Tennis.

The two raised their rackets again, and the two rackets, light blue and yellow, flashed in the Jackal's sight one after another.


He narrowed his eyes and watched his opponent's actions closely.


At this time.

A light blue racket flashed by.

"Is it Feng? No, this is an illusion."

Jackal's original idea of ​​taking action was instantly abandoned: "The person who really took action must be Shi."


But never thought about it.

The blue racket actually hit the tennis ball. With a crisp sound, the tennis ball hit the side of the baseline relatively far away from the Jackal.     “0-30!”

"How, how is it possible?"

Jackal's face was full of astonishment.

He actually made mistakes in judgment twice in a row.

"This senior chocolate man from Rikkai seems to be a little slow in his reactions."

On Qingxue's side, Horio said with some humor: "Besides, his luck seems to be a bit bad. There is a 50% probability that he failed to guess correctly twice."

Everyone in Qingxue nodded.

The jackal's luck does not look very good.


However, he seemed to be irritated and challenged the two men again. As a result, he guessed wrong again and fell behind 0-40.

"Tsk, tsk. Senior Jackal, it's so miserable!"

Kirihara couldn't help but shake his head.

"Puff, puff, puff."

And leaning against the wall, a handsome boy with silver-blue hair was smiling and making strange syllables from his mouth.


Behind Sanada, Liu, the great military advisor of Rikkai, opened his squinted eyes slightly.

With a 50% probability of success, the probability of the Jackal making three consecutive mistakes is only 12.5%. In this case, it does mean that the opponent is very unlucky.


Liu felt that things might not be that simple.


At this time.

Jackal serves again.

The Ice Emperor and the two took the same action. After two consecutive rounds, the two who caught up with the tennis ball raised their rackets again one after the other.


At this time, Marui, who was the forward, suddenly said: "Let me do it this time!"


His eyes were locked on the rackets of the two men opposite him.


I saw a blue racket passing by.

"It's Feng."

Marui's eyes moved slightly, but he did not act immediately. Instead, he stared closely at his opponent's movements.


The blue racket flashed past without hitting the tennis ball. Instead, he feinted and avoided the tennis ball.


And this time.

The one who actually hit the ball just took the shot.

"So. Is it Shido this time?"

Marui's eyes were extremely bright, like a hunter who had spotted his prey, and he blew the bubble gum in his mouth bigger and bigger.


But the next moment.

What appeared in front of him was still a blue racket.


Marui's pupils shrank, and he blew up the bubble gum in his mouth.

There was a bang.

The blue racket hit the tennis ball and hit it on Marui's backhand.


"Hye Emperor, 1-1!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

At the beginning of the game, Ice Emperor gained great momentum.

On the other hand, all the members of Tachibana's team members had puzzled expressions. Especially Marui, his eyes were fixed on Shishito and Feng who turned around. When he saw their rackets suddenly turned yellow at the same time, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Is that so?"

Outside the stadium, Liu Ye opened his eyes instantly, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"The rackets of these two people are actually painted in different colors on the front and back."

The colors of Shishido and Feng's rackets are actually the same.


It was painted on the front and back, one blue and one yellow. Because of this, the jackal guesses wrong continuously.

Because this is not a game of probability at all, the two Ice Emperors can secretly control the game by changing the color of their rackets.

"As expected of you, Ishikawa-kun."

After winning the game, Feng said with a smile: "His little skills really increase the power of our overlapping mirage formation."


Shido nodded.

He had to admit this, even though it was just a small change. But the effect was that even a genius like Marui was deceived.

It can be said.

With the existence of this move, the two of them can go from being behind first to being the first and controlling the rhythm of the game.

"It's time to take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

Shido looked up at his opponent, smiled and said, "Leave it to you, Chotaro!"

"it is good!"

Feng nodded heavily, with high morale.

"You were actually cheated?"

Jackal and Marui's expressions were very ugly.

Especially the former, he didn't expect that the other party could pull off such a trick, making him the laughing stock of the audience.

"These two guys are so hateful!"

In anger, Jackal said in a deep voice: "We must break their formation!"


Marui nodded.

He was also feeling very uncomfortable. Standing at the baseline, he put on a serious posture to catch the ball. Just prepare to teach the Ice Emperor a lesson.


And this time.

Feng on the opposite side threw the tennis ball up.


As he spoke, he bent his knees, drew in his abdomen, and tightened his core.


Then, the legs release strength, the core of the waist and abdomen exerts force, and the body jumps up.


Seeing the tennis ball clearly, Feng raised the racket high and slammed it down.


The last syllable was spit out, and with a crisp sound, the tennis ball shot out like a cannon from a barrel!


next moment.

Under Marui's shocked gaze, a trace of light yellow suddenly exploded in front of him.

Before he could react, the tennis ball bounced out and hit the wall with a bang.



Seeing Marui's stiff movements and shock on his face, there was a steady intake of breath inside and outside the stadium.

"This kind of serve?"

Kirihara's expression also changed.

As conceited as he was, he looked at the Ice Emperor's bottom line with great shock at the young man whose clothes were gently swaying as the breeze rolled up. It’s unimaginable that Hyotei, besides Hiyoshi, has such a powerful second year!

"The Hyokui's second grader can actually hit such a terrifying serve?"


A look of solemnity flashed across Yanagi's face: "His heavy serve is faster than during the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition!"





Under the bombardment of Feng's three consecutive heavy shots, the referee's voice sounded: "Game! Ice Emperor, 2-1, exchange venues!"

All of a sudden.

The cheerleaders who were still shouting Li Hai's slogan suddenly became quiet.

Marui and Jackal's expressions were also very ugly.

The counterattack between the two was still brewing, but it was broken by such a terrible serve from the opponent.

The pressure on their faces made both of them look serious.

they know.

The two Ice Emperors in front of them are the strongest opponents they have ever encountered in official competitions!

(End of this chapter)

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