I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 146: Lifting the burden, a fight to the death between the two sides

Chapter 146: Lifting the burden, a fight to the death between the two sides (2nd update)

"Is this the Ice Emperor's true strength?"

Everyone was shocked to see Shishito Kazufeng, who had evened the score in the blink of an eye and even overtook Tatekai University.

"Two rackets different colors?"

In Chengcheng Shonan, coach Hua Cun turned his eyes to Hyotei, and said with a soft smile on his lips: "That person should have come up with this technique, right?"

Originally, Ice Emperor's Dual Shadow Mirage formation was very powerful. This subtle change greatly improved the combat power of the two Ice Emperors.

"Feng's serve is so strong!"

Minister Kajimoto's focus is on Feng's heavy serve.

He remembered clearly that the opponent obviously did not play in the second round last week. Logically speaking, the level of serving should have declined, but the result turned out to be improved compared to the first round in Kanto, which is incredible!

"The two people from Li Hai are not going to lose, right?"

Others looked at Marui and Jackal uncertainly. These two people could be said to be invincible figures in the Kanagawa Prefecture Competition.

Easily, he swept away all his opponents.

Results now.

But he suffered a lot from Ice Emperor.

Hearing this, Hanamura shook his head and said: "Tachikai's strength is definitely more than that. The cooperation between Marui and Jackal has not yet been achieved."

In addition to individual ability, coordination is also crucial in doubles.

Just like Shishito and Feng before, the two of them moved in unison. When moving left and right, it was difficult to tell from the front that there was someone hiding behind the other person.

and this.

Undoubtedly, it requires constant practice and familiarity with the character of your partner. In terms of tacit understanding, the two Ice Emperors have surpassed most doubles pairs.


The two Li Haidai are also very familiar with each other.

Just now they only showed their personal strength, and they have not yet shown their cooperation. Once two people cooperate, the chemical reaction produced is not as simple as one plus one.


The fourth game.

Realizing that they were lagging behind, Marui and Jackal no longer viewed the game with a playful attitude. The two teamed up, and with the advantage of taking the lead, they used superb coordination to win the game 40-15 after a fierce battle with the Ice King.

2-2, the two sides tied.

Fifth game.

Shishido serves.

Hyokui, who had the advantage of serving, also used all his strength and used the unpredictable double shadow formation to suppress the two Tachikai Dai.

40-15, winning this round.

3-2, Ice King takes the lead.

After that, in the sixth, seventh, and eighth games, both sides kept serve, and the game became intense.


Standing on one side of the sea.

The jackal, who was full of energy, could not help but spit out foul breath.

Normally, they would have already defeated their opponents. But now, they are still fighting with the two Ice Emperors.

At this time, he no longer dared to underestimate his opponent.


After a short break, Jackal said in a deep voice: "Are we going to take that thing?"


Marui said firmly: "Liu said that the opponent is also wearing that thing. We have to remove it after the opponent takes off that thing."

"I see."

The jackal nodded.

He knew what Marui meant. The game at this time was very close. When the duel between the two sides' skills and will becomes fierce, the psychological game becomes crucial.

Whoever lifts the weight first will admit defeat first.

Invisibly, it will have a negative impact on the mind. As the game continues, there is a high probability that it will lead to emotional changes and affect subsequent performance.


On Hyokui's side, Shishito and Fengya gritted their teeth and persisted, unwilling to admit that they were inferior to their opponents.




The fierce fighting continues.

The four people on both sides all showed their strongest form.

There are people catching the ball everywhere on the baseline and in front of the net. In terms of personal ability, Tatekai's Marui is slightly better, but Hyotei's formation style is superior.

Coupled with Feng's heavy artillery serve, more physical energy can be saved.

Gradually, Li Hai couldn't hold himself any longer.

Jackal and Marui were the first to lift the weight. And just after they took off the weights to win the game, Shishido Yafeng couldn't hold on and chose to take off the weights.


on the field.

Both sides were breathing heavily.

Each other's physical energy has been greatly consumed. Although Jackal has plenty of physical energy, his mental strength is not strong enough. When he is under excessive pressure, his physical energy is consumed more than usual.

As for Marui, after one game, he had eaten two small cakes in a row. Even so, he was so tired that he was sweating all over his head, and his stomach was churning, making him very uncomfortable.

of course.

Shishido and Feng were not doing much better.

It was the first time that the two of them encountered such a strong opponent. If Ishikawa had not received high-intensity training and developed their physical fitness, they might not have been able to hold on at this time.


Game 12.

Marui's shot hit the blocking net, and the tennis ball rolled slightly and fell.

"Get over here."

Shido flew out and landed heavily on the ground. But at the same time, I also received this wonderful skill from Marui.


Seeing this, everyone in Lihai was shocked.

Kirihara said in disbelief: "Marui-senpai's tightrope has actually been cracked?"


But this time.

Behind Marui.

Suddenly a figure flew up and dunked down towards the tennis ball with all its strength.



"Tachikai Dai, 6-6, let's go to the tiebreaker!"


The jackal landed on the ground, panting heavily with sweat all over his body. But then, he raised his racket and shouted "yes"!

"I didn't expect that the game would reach this level."

Inoue's face was filled with emotion.

The reversal before and after the whole game makes people feel ups and downs. He didn't expect that the combination of Shido and Feng could push the number one doubles team in the country to this point.

This can be seen.

The growth of these two people during this time is so amazing.

"Feng's existence is so special."

Inoue nodded secretly and said: "An absolutely winning serve can not only preserve the physical fitness of one's own players, but also put enough mental pressure on the opponent."

if not.

It's really possible for Tatekai to make a surprise attack in one of the games and defeat Hyokui seven to five.

However, the existence of Feng completely blocked this possibility.

"In the next tie-break, Feng's serve is even more critical."

Raising his head and looking at Shishito who was holding a tennis ball and preparing to serve, Inoue thought to himself: "In the tie-break of doubles, except for the first serve, everyone has the right to serve twice."

When it is necessary to ensure that every serve is scored, the error tolerance rate of both players is reduced.

At this time, Feng's heavy artillery serve is particularly important.



Shishido hits the serve.

There was a scramble between the two sides, but the Ice Emperor successfully captured it. Next, both sides maintained serve, and the score was tight. The situation seems stable, but in fact, everyone is like walking on a high-altitude tightrope. Once a mistake is made, it will bring fatal consequences!

The score went from 1-0 to 10-9, with Lihai taking the lead.




Bottom line.

Feng patted the tennis ball gently.

At this time, his palms were covered in sweat. In the eyes of others, his heavy serve is a winning move, but Feng himself knows that he is also under tremendous pressure not to make mistakes.


"One goal. into the soul!!!"


There was an explosion.

"10-10, Ice Emperor Phoenix serves!"

Marui looked at the light yellow marks at his feet and his face darkened.

"This speed"

He has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opponent's serving speed to weaken, and then immediately launches an attack.

But now, it's obviously the tie-break, but the second-year ice king's serving speed is still so terrifying.

It's hard to imagine how the other party usually trains.



Feng threw the tennis ball again.

After completing his preparations, he looked up at the tennis ball in mid-air.

Tick ​​tock!

at this time.

A drop of sweat slid down his forehead and fell into the corner of his eye.


Feng's vision became blurry.

At the same time, the burning sensation made him extremely uncomfortable, and his attention was instantly distracted.



As expected, the serve hit the blocking net.

"Hit the net and made a mistake."


Off the field.

Seeing Feng who kept rubbing his eyes and making messy movements, the Hyokui team members suddenly became nervous.


Shido's expression changed slightly.

He could feel the heavy pressure on Feng's body. In fact, when the game reached this level, he was also under unimaginable pressure.


At this time.

Feng tossed the tennis ball again.

This time, after wiping off his sweat, he had no worries. But the mental pressure was even greater than the previous goal.

Last time, he had a chance to make amends.

But this time, his escape route has been cut off.

Look at the blocking net.

Feng couldn't help but adjust the angle of the ball to ensure that the tennis ball would be able to pass over.

"One goal. into the soul!!!"


next moment.

Feng decisively hit the tennis ball over.

With a thud, the tennis ball fell in front of Jackal. The amazing serving speed made it impossible for him to react.

The referee immediately said: "11-10, Ice Emperor is in the lead."


Seeing this, everyone in Ice Emperor could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


But Sanada, who was sitting in the coach's seat, raised his eyebrows slightly.


However, before he could speak, Ishikawa suddenly raised his hand in Hyotei's direction and said: "The serve just now went out of bounds."


around the stadium.

No matter which school the team members were from, they all looked at Ishikawa in astonishment. Even Shishido and Feng had expressions of disbelief.

"Bing Bing Emperor's player, are you serious?"

The referee looked at Ishikawa and then at the supervisor Sakaki Taro. The latter's expression changed, and he finally nodded: "We confirm this result."


This statement came out.

The faces of the spectators around the stadium changed.

No one expected that the Vice Minister and the coach of Ice King would deny the result of the serve just now.

"Score correction."

After confirming the opponent's opinion, the referee nodded and said: "10-11, Li Hai takes the lead!"

"How could this be?"

Outside the stadium, Horio said in disbelief: "That Ishikawa, why did you say that? Even if it is really out of bounds, you shouldn't."

"How can it be."

Hearing this, Qian couldn't help but shook his head and said: "This is the finals, there is a camera crew. What's more, there is no way that the deputy minister of Lihai University can't see it."


Feng's heavy artillery serves very fast.

Not to mention that he is in poor condition now and his serving speed has slowed down much more than before. Even in his prime, Sanada can't escape Sanada's eyes.

"What Ishikawa did was right."

At this time, Tezuka said: "Just like what Miki said, Sanada can see it even if he doesn't say it."

If he really waited for Sanada to protest, he would mislead Hyotei's team members and cause unnecessary conflicts.


After a pause, Tezuka continued: "Pointing out the problem will be a good thing for Hyōtei's Phoenix. I'm afraid other people don't want to win the finals in this way."

That's right.

In fact, after Ishikawa and Sakaki Taro confirmed the results, Hyotei's team members all reacted.

No one, including Atobe, raised any objections.

Just like Tezuka said, Hyotei really wants to defeat Tatekai Dai and win the Kanto Tournament championship.


If they win this set in this way, even if they win in the end, they will not recognize the result.


After Feng came to his senses, his eyes became firmer.

Marui's next serve, both he and Shido broke into unprecedented form, trying to regain this precious point.


Marui and Jackal are equally desperate.

Thinking of Yukimura who was still lying in the hospital bed and would undergo surgery soon, the two of them also had the consciousness that they could never lose.



The three-minute long one-goal victory ended with Marui's smash.

"competition is over."

The referee took a deep breath and said loudly: "The combination of Tatekai Daimarui and Jackal wins, the score is 7-6!"

(End of this chapter)

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