I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 147 Doubles 1, Li Hai’s most difficult character

Chapter 147 Doubles 1, Li Hai’s most difficult character (3rd update)



on the field.

The players on both sides were gasping for air at this moment.

Even Marui and Jackal, who won the game, were in a state close to their limit at this moment.

If it weren't for the opponent's second grader, he made a fatal mistake on the final serve. Whether they can win this game is unknown.

"You are strong."

In front of the net.

Marui held Feng's hand and said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to competing with you in the national competition."

"Me too."

Feng nodded heavily.

In this competition, he faced an unprecedentedly strong opponent, allowing him to feel the strength of the top doubles team in the country.


It also strengthened his confidence and made him full of expectations for future duels.


Shishido stared at the sweaty jackal with his head constantly reflecting light, as if he was wearing a halo and said: "Next time, I will definitely break through your defense head-on!"

"Let's talk about it next time."

Jackal snorted softly and said: "I will also crack your formation head-on!"

Both sides felt each other's strength during this encounter.

They all have a hunch that the next time they meet, the other party will definitely be more difficult to deal with than now.

Both sides also secretly regard the other as their old enemy.


Both sides retreated.


Shido and Feng walked up to Sakaki Taro, lowered their heads and said, "I'm sorry, we lost the game."

"It's okay, go down and rest."

Sakaki Taro nodded slightly without blaming him too much.

In this game, Shishido Kazufeng's performance completely exceeded his expectations. After all, the opponent is the number one doubles team in the country. It is not easy to achieve such a record.

Sakaki Taro is not a stubborn person and knows when to criticize and when to encourage.

of course.

His performance comes from his own confidence.

After all, this year's Ice King lineup is the strongest ever. Even if he lost the first doubles match, he was confident that he could win it back in the subsequent matches.


After retreating to the team, under the surprised eyes of others, Feng bowed lightly towards Ishikawa: "Thank you for pointing out my problem."

This is what he means.

Just like Tezuka said, Feng was very grateful to Ishikawa at this time. For him, although it is unacceptable for him to make a fatal mistake, it is even more difficult to accept that he took advantage of the loophole in which the referee could not observe the real result to score.

And now.

Although he lost the game, his heart was full of fighting spirit. Now I can't wait to leave the court and train vigorously.


Ishikawa smiled and said: "Seniors, you played well, but if we fight again next time, that formation may not be as effective against these two people, Rikkai Dai."


Both Shido and Feng nodded.

At this time, they had no doubts about Ishikawa's judgment.

The two looked at each other and made a decision secretly in their hearts. During the almost 20 days from the Kanto Competition to the National Competition, we will strengthen training and improve our strength.

"Now, the Doubles 1 match is about to begin."

At this time.

The radio sounded:

"The combination of Nio Masaharu and Yagyu Hiroshi of Rikkai University Affiliated High School, versus the combination of Yushi Ninzu and Gakuto Mukahi of Hyotei Academy."

"Please prepare both players."

"It's our turn!"

At this time.

Among the Ice King lineup.

Xiang Ri, holding a racket, walked out confidently.

After the last duel with Qingxue, he strengthened his physical training. This time his opponents were not Marui and Jackal, Tachikai's best opponents. He was full of confidence.

"Let's go."

Renzu walked out with a calm expression.

Compared to Xiangri's confidence, he always maintained the highest level of vigilance. After all, his opponent was Tachikai Dai, and the fact that the two people in front of him were placed in doubles 1 showed that they were not easy to deal with.


Nioh and Yagyu rarely played in games.

"The most difficult thing to deal with in this game is Renzu."

In the direction of Li Haida, Liu said in a deep voice: "His personal ability has reached the national level. Don't let down your guard against him until the last moment."


Nioh and Yagyu nodded.

Compared to the famous Marui and Jackal, they are much more low-key.


When they walked into the court, they received obviously not as much attention as Ren Zu and Xiang Ri.

"Nioh Masaharu Yagyu Hiroshi?"

Fuji looked at the two of them in surprise, and then asked curiously: "Qian, do you know the information about these two people?"

"Yagyu knows that he has a very calm personality and is known as a gentleman in Rikkai University. At the same time, he also has a very powerful stunt."

Qian said, and his eyes fell on Niou: "But the other one... To be honest, I know zero about him."


Hear the words.

Everyone in Qingxue was shocked.

The data tennis he does may not be as good as Ishikawa. However, the other party's record of data and their persistence in data are very strong.

And Lihai University is the number one school in the country. In this case, Gan didn't have any information about Niou?

"it is true."

Qian said in a deep voice: "I have investigated and found that there are very few records of Niou playing in Rikkai University. In addition, his sense of existence is also very low. If it were not for his status as a main candidate, I am afraid no one would care about his existence. "


Oishi frowned and said: "Such a person can actually serve as Rikkai's doubles number 1. Looking at it this way, it must be very difficult."

"My ability can only go so far."

Qian Wenyan shook his head, turned his eyes and looked in the direction of the Ice Emperor. The black-haired boy standing at the front with Atobe and a calm expression said: "But that person's words are not accurate."

In front of the net.

The two sides conducted friendly exchanges before the game.

"Is he the Nioh?"

Xiangri's eyes were fixed on the boy with silver-blue hair. After arranging the competition list, Ishikawa specifically told him to be careful about this person.

"The most difficult player in Rikkai University?"

After shaking hands with Yagyu, Renzu also looked at Niou.

To receive such an evaluation from Ishikawa, the unknown young man in front of him definitely cannot be a simple character.


With the two people's eyes locked, Niou raised his eyebrows slightly.

Liu Sheng, who was standing next to him, had a vague glint in his eyes: "Do these two people know something?"

But then.

He regained his composure.

After both sides guessed the right to serve, they each retreated to the baseline position.

"The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

The referee's eyes fell in the general direction of Li Hai: "Yagyu serves, the game is over!"




Bottom line. Like Gan, Yagyu, wearing opaque glasses, bent down to play tennis.

"Hyotei's Tag Team 2 can actually compete with Marui, Jackal and the others to that extent."

Liu looked across at Renzu, who was standing at the bottom line, and a ray of light flashed under his lenses: "Let me see what you two are capable of!"


Thoughts turned.

Yagyu hit a straight serve.

The tennis ball landed accurately on the service line and bounced straight without any spin.

Renzu's eyes flashed and he quickly swung the ball to catch the ball.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball flew accurately towards Yagyu's backhand position, grazing the inside edge of the baseline and falling.

"He is truly a genius of the Ice Emperor."

After seeing the placement clearly, Yagyu nodded secretly: "This ability to control the ball has reached the national level."



He hit the tennis ball over, also aiming at the bottom line of Shinobu's feet.


After seeing clearly where Yagyu hit the ball, Hyotei's team members' expressions changed slightly. Ninzu is very strong. If it weren't for the appearance of Ishikawa and Akutsu, with his current strength, he would definitely be the number one Hyokuei under Atobe.


This tall Li Hai player was able to fight him back and forth without falling behind.

Thinking of the ball control ability shown by the Jackal before, many people nodded secretly. This No. 1 team in the country truly deserves its reputation!




Bottom line.

The two fought back and forth.

Whether it is foot strength or ball control level, they are all among the best. In a short period of time, no one can suppress the other.

"As expected of Renzuo."

In front of the net.

Seeing the calm movements and precise and powerful return of the ball, Nioh nodded secretly: "No wonder he was reminded of Liu's key points. In other words, the weakness of Hyokui's combination...is this person?"


Niou's eyes fell on Xiangri.

At this time, the opponent glanced behind him from time to time, observing the situation of the game. Seems ready to join the battlefield at any time.


See this.

Nioh leaned over.

His body kept dangling in front of Xiangri.

"This guy has so many little tricks. It's so annoying."

Sensing Nioh's interference, Xianghi, who had a straightforward personality, felt very impatient.

Look at Niou again.

There was a faint smile on the other person's face, as if he was deliberately provoking him.

"Damn it, I really want to beat him up."

Xiang Ri subconsciously clenched his fist with his left hand, feeling extremely irritated.

"and many more."

But suddenly, as if he thought of something, his pupils shrank suddenly: "Could this guy's actions be..."


at this time.

On Tatekai's side, Yagyu suddenly hit a ball at the baseline.


Just then.

Niou was swaying back and forth, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his head tilted to one side.


A faint yellow afterimage flashed past.


Seeing this, the faces of the Ice Emperor players outside the stadium changed wildly.

Because in front of this ball was Mugahi who was still confronting Nioh.



It was beyond everyone's expectation.

At this critical moment, Xiangri raised his racket in time to protect his head.

There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball bounced into the ground and then bounced out.


The referee spoke, and everyone in Ice Emperor let out a long sigh of relief.

"Too dangerous."

Feng Xin said with lingering fear: "If Senior Xianghi hadn't raised the racket at the right time, the ball would have definitely hit his head."

Judging from the power of the shots in the bottom line tug-of-war between Ninzu and Yagyu, if he was hit in the head, he would definitely not be able to run away with a slight concussion.


Everyone sighed that Xiang Ri was so lucky.

At the same time, many people looked at Niou with a hint of suspicion. Especially Riji, he secretly guessed that the other party's sudden approach definitely had a plan.

"This guy actually blocked it?"

In front of the net.

Nioh's eyes narrowed like a fox's.

"Isn't this too lucky?"

In his plan, the 'accidental' ball just now could directly kill the guy in front of him.

As for responsibility.

Just kidding, the stadium is like a battlefield, a place of intrigue and deception. Who can blame you if you don't improve your concentration?

after all.

Niou himself thought that his actions were obvious enough. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to test the opponent's reaction, but unexpectedly, the opponent resolved the crisis with luck.

"It's so dangerous!"

At this time, Xiang Ri also shrank his neck in fear.


He looked at the young man opposite, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: "Nioh, did you do it on purpose just now?"

"Me? Are you kidding me?"

Nioh smiled and shrugged: "It was just an accident."


But after hearing his words, Xiang Ri said with a deep look: "That person is right, you are indeed a dangerous person!"


Hear the words.

Nioh, who originally looked indifferent, changed his eyes in an imperceptible way.

That guy?


He turned his eyes and landed on the smiling black-haired boy in the Ice Emperor's camp.

"is it him?"

Niou looked at the other party curiously.

And this time.

As if sensing his gaze, the other party suddenly turned his head and looked at him thoughtfully.


The two looked at each other.

Niou, who had always remained absolutely calm and composed, suddenly felt as if his disguise had been completely seen through by the other party.


Looking away, Niou's eyes changed again and again.

He was more inclined to think it was an illusion, but deep down in his heart, his keenest intuition told himself that it was not an illusion!

 There are only 3 updates today



(End of this chapter)

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