I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 148 The active Xiangri, the terrifying laser beam

Chapter 148 The active Xiangri, the terrifying laser beam (1st update)


on the field.

Yagyu serves again.

He was in a very calm state, as if he didn't pay attention to the scene in front of the net at all. In sight, only Renzu was left.

The same goes for the latter.

The two started a tug-of-war again, Renzu speeding up the attack. He tried to force out Yagyu's full strength, but to his surprise, this tall Rikkai player always handled it with ease.

"Yagyu is a better player than Lu Shi."

The more Renzu fought, the more surprised he became.


Yagyu also felt the pressure from his opponent. Liu said that the person in front of him was the most difficult player of Ice Emperor, and it was indeed true.

In a short period of time, it may be difficult for the two to determine the winner.

"I didn't expect that the Doubles 1 match would start so fiercely."

On St. Rudolf's side, Kanyue said in surprise: "Yagyu is so amazing. His reflexes, skills, and judgment are all at the top level. Such a person is actually not famous within Rikkai University."


Akazawa was also very surprised.

At least it brought him into the role of Yagyu. Facing the continuous whipping shots of Ninzu, almost all of which were pressed on the baseline, he thought it was difficult to withstand the pressure.

Even more surprising.

This Yagyu is not even as well-known outside as Kirihara of the same team.

"As expected of Tatekai Dai."

Thinking of this, Chi Ze said with emotion: "It is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"


As soon as his thoughts changed, Guanyue looked at the two confronting figures in front of the net: "The key to winning or losing this game is probably the forward."

But at this time.

Xiangri was stared at by Nioh again.

When he turns to the left, the other person also turns to the left; when he turns to the right, the other person also turns to the right. It's like a dog-skin plaster stuck to your body, you can't even shake it off!


Feeling that the rhythm of the game was disrupted, Xiangri thought: "We must find a way to escape from this guy's tracking. Maybe... we can use that!"


Thoughts turn.

He actually started to actively transfer.


Seeing Xiangri's actions, Niou's heart moved. Immediately, he followed again.

"bring it on."

Xiangri smiled secretly in his heart.

He kept moving his body left and right, and his speed was also increasing. In order to keep an eye on him, Niou had to start speeding up.




at the same time.

The return shots from Renzu and Yagyu kept passing between them.

"Do you want to kill this guy Xiangri?"

Seeing Mugahi leading Nioh as if he was walking through a hail of bullets, Shishito couldn't help but complain.

"That Nioh-senpai is too. He's so courageous."

Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Of these two people, one dares to do it and the other dares to follow it. This is no different from Nioh's little move just now, taking the initiative to insert himself in the middle of the tennis ball. As time goes by, the risk of being hit will also increase greatly.


At this time.

Sensing Xiangri hitting the ball behind him, he suddenly stopped.

"This guy."

Niou's expression changed slightly.

Because he also saw Xiangri's plan, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Is he going to wait for the tennis ball to pass behind him before getting out of the way?"

This is completely different from his little action just now.

At that time, Niou judged in advance and moved out of the way from a long distance, so that he would not be hurt at all.

But Xiangri is basically gambling with his own safety. In this moment of counting in seconds, taking the risk of being hit by a tennis ball at any time is just like a lunatic!

Although Nioh likes to play, he doesn't like to give up the initiative to the other party. Immediately, he was ready to get out of the way.

"Why are you afraid?"

At this time, Xiangri suddenly spoke.


Niou's pupils narrowed.

He was about to get out of the way, but his movements suddenly stopped.


at this time.

Xiangri suddenly turned his head sideways.


Renzu's shot followed with a sharp shot.

The two's tacit understanding and trust in their partners are definitely in the first echelon of junior high school doubles.


Seeing the tennis ball flying towards him, Niou sneered and raised the racket in his hand naturally. Easily, he stopped the tennis ball.


The target is still the position of the opponent's backhand.



Xiangri, who was well prepared, swooped over and used a dance-like hitting method to hit the tennis ball at a small angle, then supported the ground with one hand and moved it aside.



One hit to score.

Xiang Ri adjusted his stance with a confident smile on his face.


Seeing this, the man outside the court nodded and said: "Use the tacit understanding with your partner to boldly play games with your opponents. Take the initiative of the game into your own hands. At the same time, you also cleverly turn the baseline duel into a battle in front of the net. confrontation."

Speaking of this, Gan looked at Xiangri in surprise.

The opponent's style of play has changed a lot from before. Unknowingly, this passionate young man from the Ice Emperor seemed to have learned to play with his brain.

"How about it?"

Seeing that he had won another goal against his opponent, Xiang Ri said proudly: "I can do this trick of yours!"


Niou didn't answer.

He was actually quite surprised because it was different from the data he had. The speed and explosive power of Xiangri in front of him seemed to have improved again.

"So it seems."

Ishikawa's face appeared in his mind, and he thought to himself: "This year's Ice Emperor is indeed different from previous years."



The game begins again.

Xiangri took the initiative to provoke Niou and continued his dangerous little game.

And because he had the initiative, Xiangri was too courageous, and the tennis ball almost flew past his cheek. That thrilling scene made everyone on Ice Emperor's team sweat for him.



Xiangri took the opportunity to take action and suppress the score.


"No, right?"

Seeing that with Xianghi's activeness, Hyokui actually used Rikkai's serve and suppressed his opponent, the representatives of teams from all over Kanto outside the court felt incredible.


Xiangri smiled very proudly.

In previous games, he always tried his best to turn the tide and help him resolve the crisis. But this time, it was finally his turn to take action and influence the trend of the game.



Yagyu serves again.

He still seemed unaffected by the game, without pausing at all, and once again hit the tennis ball calmly and calmly.


Fight back with enough patience.

The two started a tug of war again.

"How is it? Are you coming again?"

At this time, Xiangri in front of the net smiled and said: "Niou-san from Tatekai University?"


Niou's eyes moved slightly.

He didn't know if this was the other party's whim or a strategy arranged by the mysterious deputy minister opposite.

The former is fine, but if it's the latter, it might not be that simple.

With a trace of vigilance in his heart, Niou did not take action.

Xiangri, on the other hand, thought that the other party was frightened by him. While feeling proud, he was also secretly brewing a new plan.


Suddenly. Xiang Ri suddenly stepped aside.

Nioh instinctively wanted to fight back, but found that the tennis ball did not come according to his intentions, and couldn't help but look at Xiangri one more time: "Is this guy starting to play this kind of trick?"




Several times after that.

Xiangri deliberately moved out of the way to lower Nioh's vigilance. Suddenly, once again, he moved out of the way, and this time a tennis ball actually flew over.

Niou's alertness was indeed lowered a lot, and Xiangri was caught off guard by this shot.


He reacted very quickly and hit the tennis ball over before it hit him.


And this time.

After receiving the tennis ball, Xiangri decisively hit it near the baseline.

Tap! !

Then, he quickly ran towards the side of the court.

"Did you throw away Niou with your quick reaction?"

Bottom line.

As Yagyu ran toward the tennis ball, he raised his head and glanced at the situation on the other side.

at this time.

Pull Xiangri to the left.

To his right, an open position clearly appeared. But Yagyu knew very well that this was a flaw deliberately sold to Xianghi. If he hit the tennis ball there, Renzu would definitely fill in immediately.

in contrast.

Now that they are behind, they must stabilize the situation and not let their opponents fish in troubled waters to get this point.

Thinking of this, he immediately swung the racket and hit the tennis ball high to the side where Xiangri was.

"Lob shot?"

Seeing this, the audience outside the venue couldn't help but be surprised.

"A very calm judgment."

Qian nodded in approval: "Although the lob gives the opponent a lot of room to operate, the pace of the game also slows down."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Niou can once again focus on Mugahi and freeze Hyotei's scorer.


But at this moment.

Xiangri, who was originally pulling away to the left, suddenly jumped up. His jumping ability was so amazing that his body actually turned upside down in mid-air.

Leaning down.

Xiangri, who is condescending, can clearly see the situation on the court.


Seeing this, Hyokui's team members excitedly said: "It's Xiangri (senior)'s return to the moon!"



Xiangri, who had everything in view, said with a smile: "I have clearly seen the movements of the two of you."



He confidently hit a smash, then confidently adjusted his posture and prepared to land firmly.

call out!

But that's it.

A light yellow beam of light suddenly shot past Xiangri's side. Seeing the afterimage of the beam flashing, he was suddenly startled.


And the bottom line.

Renzu also observed this indescribably fast beam, and before he had time to react, the tennis ball had already ejected.


The referee spoke, and the faces of the Ice King players changed.

"Have you finally taken action?"

Looking in the general direction of Tatekai, Kirihara said with a smile: "I thought that Yagyu-senpai was not prepared to keep this serve."

"Laser beam."

Looking at Yagyu at the baseline with one hand raised upwards and the other hand holding the racket forward, as if he were fighting a Western sword duel, Jackal also smiled and said: "This is a trick that I can't even defend." !”

"Finally. Are you serious?"

On the other side, Renzu looked at Yagyu with fear. He actually had a premonition in his heart that the opponent's attack just now was just a test.

And now.

This gentleman with a great reputation has already sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

"Laser beam?"

Xiangri narrowed his eyes: "The speed is indeed very fast, but if this is the case, it is impossible to prevent us from winning this game!"

call out!

on the field.

A sharp beam of light suddenly passed between Xiangri and Renzu.



"Li Haidai, 1-0, exchange venues."


Ninzu and Mukahi failed to block Yagyu's [Laser Beam] with four consecutive balls. Even with a huge advantage, they still lost the first game.

"Calm down, Yue Ren."

After switching pitches, Renzu comforted him: "His laser beam is indeed very fast, but if you observe carefully, you can still find flaws."


Xiangri nodded.

He was indeed a little too anxious.

After being comforted by Renzu, he put aside his distracting thoughts, gathered his energy, and prepared to use fast break to score when his own serve was in hand.

call out!

call out!

call out!


Yagyu's laser beam is really too fast.

Three goals in a row, Xiang Ri couldn't react, but instead felt a trace of fear in his heart.

"Hyokuei, is this the only level?"

Seeing Xiangri's state, Kirihara couldn't help but smile and said: "Sure enough, he can only play some small tricks. If he fights with real swords and guns, he won't be able to do it."


At this time.

Hit the tennis ball with enough patience.

Moreover, he deliberately slowed down and almost sent it in front of Yagyu.


Seeing the opponent's behavior, Yagyu at the bottom line also showed a surprised expression: "Since you want to end this game quickly, then I will satisfy you."


The words fell.

He suddenly took action and fired a beam of light that was indescribably fast.


Seeing this, the audience outside the stadium shouted: "Yagyu's laser beam!"

call out!

This ball is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he flew over the blocking net. Xiangri's pupils contracted almost out of reflex. He wanted to fight back, but thought it was almost impossible, so he gave up the idea.

See this situation.

Everyone shook their heads.

In terms of personal strength, there is indeed a big gap between Hyotei and Tatekai Dai.


But at this moment.

The crisp sound of hitting the ball sounded.


I saw the ice emperor's side also shooting out an amazingly fast beam of light.

With a bang, the tennis ball hit Yagyu's side and bounced out to score.


The referee spoke, and the audience suddenly fell silent.

"Liar, liar, right?"

After a while, one of Tachikai's team members couldn't help but say: "That person actually used a laser beam to counterattack Yagyu-senpai's laser beam?!"

This is really amazing.

So much so that everyone looked at Renzu with surprise and uncertainty.

"Yu, Yushi."

Xiang Ri was also extremely surprised and said: "What did you do?"

"It's very simple. The speed difference between this laser beam and the laser beam in the first game is too big."


while speaking.

Renzu turned his gaze to the opposite side, the expressionless young man wearing opaque glasses: "So, you are not Yagyu, you are Niou, right?"


This statement came out.

Xiangri, who was still immersed in Ninzu, was surprised that he could actually shoot [Laser Beam], and suddenly looked at Yagyu opposite him with wide eyes.

"Are you Nioh?!"

(End of this chapter)

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