I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 149 Endurance is enough to turn the tide, the smile of the fraudster

Chapter 149 Endurance is enough to turn the tide, the smile of the fraudster (2nd update)


At this moment, the spectators outside the stadium were also stunned by Ren Zu's words.

"Is that Yagyu a nio?"

Feng, Hiyoshi and others said in disbelief: "Nenzu-senpai, he must have made a mistake, right?"

"Um, no way."

Atobe shook his head.

Although he didn't see who was Nioh and who was Yagyu. But with his tolerant character, there was no need for him to lie on this issue.

"As expected of the Ice Emperor's genius. Phew!"

And this time.

Yagyu, who was at the bottom line of Li Hai, said a strange syllable after finishing his emotion.


Under everyone's astonished gaze, he took off his wig and glasses, revealing a head of silver-blue hair. It was Nioh.

And the other side.

Yagyu, who played Nioh, also took off his wig and looked at Ninzu in surprise: "You can actually tell from the difference in the speed of the two laser beams that our identities are really dangerous!"

This moment.

The two of them, Tachikai Dai, were even more determined. If they wanted to defeat Hyokui's combination, they must deal with Ninzu.


At this time, Taki and others reacted and said in surprise: "These two people really exchanged identities? When did it start?"

"It's probably time to switch venues."

Ishikawa said: "Their movements were very subtle. They probably wanted to catch Ninzu-senpai and the others off guard. Unfortunately, they have already been seen through."

"Tsk, tsk, this guy named Renzu is a bit powerful."

Kirihara looked at Ninzu in surprise, then shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the seniors can win this game if they win one more point. There is no point in seeing through our tactics at this time."

Is this really the case?

Hear the words.

Liu, who was standing behind Sanada, subconsciously raised his eyebrows. He glanced at the score board not far away, and when he saw the words '15-40' written on it, his heart moved.

"Could it be that"

As if thinking of something, Liu's eyes immediately fell on Renzu. But he saw the opponent calmly turn around, tap the tennis ball twice at the baseline, and then hit the serve calmly.


After the tennis ball landed on the ground, it bounced up with a sharp spin.

"Nice serve."

Nioh at the bottom line nodded secretly.

This Renzu does have the air of a general. Calm and composed, with a very stable mentality, his skills are also quite good, and he can't find any flaws that can be used as an entry point.

"So, we still have to start with that guy."

His eyes turned.

Niou glanced towards Hi.

Persimmons need to be pinched softly, although the tolerance is tricky. But as long as Xiangri is dealt with and only Renzu is left, it won't be a big waste.


Thoughts turn.

He hit the tennis ball in the direction of the sun.


Yagyu and he both took action.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and both made the decision to attack Xiang Ri at the same time.


But never thought about it.

In response to Nioh's provocation, Xiangri, who had always been straightforward and straightforward, actually sidestepped and put the tennis ball away.

call out!


A laser beam shot out.

The astonishing speed of the passing ball instantly disrupted Nioh and Yagyu's plans.




Liu Sheng raised his eyebrows lightly.

He could see clearly that Renzu's laser beam was firing better than before. It doesn't look like you are just getting started.

"Is this the comprehension ability of the Ice Emperor's genius?"

Nioh also looked at Ninzu in surprise.

The other party's talent really made him feel the pressure. After all, he had seen not many players who could imitate a top trick in such a short period of time.

The person in front of you can be counted as one.

"nice shot!"

Renzu's counterattack made everyone in Ice Emperor extremely excited.

The use of laser beams disrupted the tactical plans of Li Hai and the others. In the next two goals, Renzu scored one after another to reverse the score.

"It's indeed very strong."

Yagyu pushed up his glasses and looked at Renzu, full of fear: "As the number of uses increases, his use of laser beams becomes more and more skillful. We must stop him!"


He got serious.

After a series of fights with Shinobi, he seized the opportunity and was the first to use the laser beam.

call out!

A light yellow beam shot out.

The speed was so fast that Xiangri in front of the net could only see a trace and couldn't even react.

"too fast?!"

Outside the stadium, the players from each school were also shocked.

Because whether it is compared to Niou or the laser beam shot by Renzu. As the main leader, Yagyu is not at the same level as them in terms of speed.


Seeing this, Kirihara outside the stadium sneered: "Yagyu-senpai's laser beam was unleashed with all his strength, but not many people could catch it."

With this trick.

Yagyu is enough to gain a foothold in an environment where there are so many powerful people in Likai. It can be seen that the other party uses the laser beam and the power of this trick.

Once Yagyu attacks with all his strength, only Minister Yukimura and Deputy Minister Sanada can hit back the ball.

Even Liu, with a certain data base, the probability of hitting the ball back is less than 30%.


But that's it.

A light blue aura that exuded a hint of coolness suddenly appeared on Renzu's body.


in this state.

Renzu's pupils, which also had a hint of light blue, were completely locked on the flying tennis ball.

The perspective is different from others.

At this time, in Renzu's eyes, the speed of the tennis ball was obviously slowing down.

"what is that?!"

Kirihara was shocked.

Liu Ze squinted his eyes and said, "This is Renzu's Shadow Moon state, also known as Moon Mode. In this state, his insight is greatly improved and he is able to make the most rational and accurate judgments!"

"That is to say."

Sanada raised his eyebrows lightly: "Even if it's Yagyu's laser beam, will he be able to see through it?"


Kirihara snorted dissatisfiedly: "So what, Yagyu-senpai's laser beam cannot be seen through and fired back." Hearing this.

Everyone in Li Hai nodded.

As Kirihara said, Yagyu's laser beam was too fast. It's one thing to be able to see the trajectory of a tennis ball clearly, but it's another thing to actually hit it.


But at this moment.

The light blue aura on Renzu disappeared, and was replaced by a light red aura that was like a flame.


next moment.

Renzu moved.

With the blessing of the light red aura, his speed was greatly improved. In an instant, he appeared in front of the tennis ball. Then he raised his racket and swung it towards the tennis ball.

call out!

Tennis ball inverted.

And at an even more astonishing flying speed, it passed between Niou and Yagyu again.



"Hye Emperor, 1-1!"

All of a sudden.

The entire stadium fell silent.

The surrounding spectators, especially Tachikai's team members, all looked at Ninzu in disbelief.

Not only did the opponent break through Niou's laser beam, but now he actually broke through the laser beam shot by the real owner Yagyu head-on? !

"What is this?!"

Kirihara looked at Ninzu as the light red aura gradually disappeared from his body in surprise.

"Daylight state, also called day mode."

Liu Shen said: "In this state, Renzu's explosive power, speed and even strength have been improved to a certain extent. I didn't expect that his two modes can be connected so naturally?"

“Do you master the existence of stillness and movement?”

From the coaching position, Sanada showed admiration in his eyes: "This person has indeed reached the national level."

This moment.

In his heart, he felt even more afraid of the Ice Emperor.

Compared with last year, the strength of all members of Ice Emperor this year has been significantly improved. The singles and doubles lineups are extremely strong.


Shaking his head, there was a cold look in Sanada's eyes: "This year's Tatekai University has no blind spots!"

Even if Yukimura is not here.

Sanada is also confident in the Rikkai team he leads.

"He has become stronger again after enduring enough!"

Oishi and Kikumaru, who were studying in Qingxue, sighed softly.


Fuji also nodded and said: "Compared to the last round, he has stronger control over the two modes. If it is a singles, he will be a very difficult opponent."

"Like Tatekai's Marui, Ninzu is also a player with extremely outstanding personal abilities."

Qian said at this time: "Now that he has exerted his strength, the possibility of Hyokui defeating Tatekai in this match is at least 70%!"

"Is it really that high?"

Taocheng and Haitang both looked over in surprise.

"Actually, Renzu did not show all his abilities."

Qian nodded and said with emotion: "You should remember that the turning point of this game was at 0-40, right?"

"Yes, but what does this mean? Wait!!"

Kikumaru was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and looked at Ninzu in surprise: "Did he do it on purpose?"

The previous game.

Li Hai University also came back to win after falling behind 0-40.

And now.

Renzu also chose this score. Judging from the fact that the opponent scored cleanly, it was definitely not a coincidence!

"This genius of the Ice Emperor is really a man who is determined to retaliate against others."

Nioh said with emotion.


Yagyu nodded.

When he looked at Renzu, there was a strong look of fear under his opaque glasses.

There are not many people who can break his laser beam, and now, there is another person named Yushi Ninzu.


Facing the powerful Renzu, he was still very calm in his heart.




The next showdown.

Both sides took it seriously, either displaying superb skills or playing beautiful coordination, and each maintained their own serve.

Especially Li Hai.

With Nioh also mastering the laser beam, the two of them used their power at the same time, which was extremely powerful.

As for Ice Emperor.

Although Xiangri tries his best to assist his partners, his personal abilities are indeed not strong enough and he has always been reduced to a marginal figure.

But Renzu also played very well.

He constantly switches between the sun and moon modes, and with his own strength, he can bear the pressure of the two masters of Li Hai and Da.

The two sides fought hard to separate each other.

The score went from 1-1 to 5-5, but the gap was never widened.

"Have the opportunity!"

Ice King's side.

Shido secretly clenched his fists.

Despite the current situation, no obvious changes can be seen. But if they continue to play at this pace, once they enter the tie-break, Ice King's advantage will be reflected.

Because, Xiang Rike has never been able to truly join the battlefield.

Once it enters a protracted battle, Xiangri will become the most physically capable of the two sides.

Seems to be aware of this too.

Throughout the entire confrontation, Xiangri remained calm enough, only occasionally supporting Renzu.


And this time.

Li Hai won the eleventh game and took a temporary lead of 6-5.

"It's almost time for me to be the protagonist."

Xiangri raised his brows lightly, with a look of confidence on his face.

The other Ice Emperor team members also secretly looked forward to it.

"Is that true?"

And at this time.

In the Ice Emperor's camp.

Ishikawa, who had been observing the changes in the expressions of both Tachikai and Dai, now locked his eyes on Nioh: "This Tachikai Dai's fraudster, I'm afraid he won't sit idly by in this crucial game!"



I saw the corner of Niou's mouth slightly curved.

(End of this chapter)

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