I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 151 Echizen, Ishikawa and Sui were crushed

Chapter 151 Echizen, Ishikawa and Chitose were crushed (1st update)

"Yes, it is like that."

"I won both doubles, but it took too long. It should be too late."

"Okay, don't worry, we will bring the Kanto champion to see you!"

In the tennis park.

In a quiet corner where no one was around, Sanada was talking to someone on the phone. After some communication, he solemnly hung up the phone.

"ice King."

Looking in the direction of the playing field, Sanada's eyes narrowed, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

He found that he still underestimated this team.

The time spent in the two doubles far exceeded the entire time Lihai University spent in the finals of last year's national competition.

Despite winning all the doubles.

But as the leader of the team, Sanada knows very well that at this time, the less he can take it lightly.

In the next singles 3, although he was very confident in Kirihara. However, the situation is estimated to be similar to the previous two games. I'm afraid it will take at least another hour to finish.

In this case, they would not be able to catch up with Yukimura's surgery.

Think of this.

His expression suddenly darkened.

"What's wrong, senior?"

At this time, a faintly smiling voice came from afar.


Sanada raised his brows slightly and turned to look at the speaker: "Aishaku?"

The person who came was short, wearing a blue and white coat from Qingxue, and a white tennis cap on his head. He was holding a can of soda in his hand, a racket under his arm, and walked over with one hand in his pocket.


Walking not far away, Echizen said with a smile: "I heard that you are the strongest junior high school student in the country. Can you give me some pointers on my tennis?"

"Not interested in."

Sanada said expressionlessly before turning around and leaving.

"Why are you so scared?"


Sanada paused, took a deep look at the opponent, and said calmly: "You are very courageous. Based on this, I can play with you."

"One goal?"

Echizen raised his eyebrows and nodded: "That's okay."

He just came to test how strong this so-called strongest junior high school student in the country, Deputy Minister Li Hai, known as the Tennis Emperor, was.

Even if it's just one goal, that's enough.


The two set out for a nearby ballpark at the same time.

"Ask it beforehand, it's just one goal."

Sanada glanced at the smiling young man opposite him and said in a deep voice, "If you lose, go back to Qingxue. I don't want to be accused by Tezuka of bullying the younger!"


Hearing this, Echizen said in surprise: "Senior, do you know Minister Tezuka?"


As soon as these words came out.

Sanada's face changed slightly.

But he quickly covered it up and said in a deep voice: "If you don't want to fight, just stop here."

"how come."

Echizen smiled and pretended to throw the tennis ball up.



He jumped up hard with both feet, and at the same time, he quickly flipped the racket from behind his head and knocked the tennis ball away with a bang.


Seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Sanada's eyes: "This kid's serve is pretty good."

Chi Chi

The tennis ball landed on the ground, hovered quickly against the ground for a moment, and then suddenly bounced towards Sanada's face.

"Spin serve?"

Sanada raised his eyebrows lightly.

He didn't expect that this youth player, who looked young, could actually hit such a sharp serve.

But he is Sanada.

Although the ball came hard and fast, Sanada only leaned back slightly, and at the same time quickly placed the racket horizontally on the original position of his head, and with a bang, he easily hit the tennis ball back.

Tap! !

And on the opposite side.

Echizen was already running quickly towards the net.

Of course, it was impossible for him to think that his serve could score directly from the hands of the Vice Minister Li Hai.

Chi Chi

After running wildly, he quickly squatted down and continued to slide forward. Then, he jumped up and hit the tennis ball with a quick swing of his racket.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Then, it bounced high again.


Seeing the change in the falling posture of the tennis ball, Sanada realized that there was something more than that. He raised his foot and stepped forward, using his excellent foot strength to smoothly reach the front of the second landing point of the tennis ball.

There was a bang.

Echizen's swing ball B was easily broken.


And this time.

The tennis ball went around a huge loop and flew around Echizen, who was retreating to the baseline in the second half.

"This is Tezuka territory?"

Sanada's expression changed slightly. He looked at his opponent, and his eyes changed slightly again: "He switched to his left hand, so is he left-handed?"

This moment.

There was some fluctuation in Sanada's heart.

He didn't expect that this short member of Qingxue would have such strength.


And this time.

Echizen quickly swings the racket and hits the tennis ball with a cutting motion.

Sanada frowned as he looked at the tennis ball that jumped over the blocking net, quickly fell, and then slid out irregularly along the ground.

"Is this Qingxuebuer's Yan Huishan? So."

Sanada raised his head and looked at the boy opposite, his eyes moving slightly: "Is this the state of selflessness?"


I saw several milky white cyclones suddenly appearing on Echizen's body. The cyclone was like a ribbon, wrapping around his body, which was clearly the state of selflessness.

Compared with when he first awakened to selflessness, Echizen's momentum was obviously stronger. The degree of control over selflessness is also higher.



Fuji Yan flashed back, but was counterattacked by Sanada in the blink of an eye.

"The speed of the ball is good and the height off the ground is low, but unfortunately, there is no skill that I can't hit back!"

Sanada spoke expressionlessly.

"is it?"

Echizen's eyes moved and he quickly chased the tennis ball. After catching up, he hit the tennis ball at an astonishing speed.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball shuttled by, and the fierce wind of the ball surged out.

"As fast as the wind?"

Sanada's eyes changed. He didn't expect that the other party would even use his special skills.

"Did Tezuka even tell you this?"

He mistakenly thought that this was Echizen told by Tezuka, and he couldn't help but feel a little interested.

"But it's a pity."

Immediately, Sanada shook his head and said: "You are just scratching the surface of how fast you are as fast as the wind. The real fast wind is not like this!"


The words fell.

Echizen's [Quick as the Wind] was easily cracked.

"What about this move?"

Echizen's eyebrows stood up, a hint of anger appearing between his brows.



He swung his racket as if stirring a flame, slamming it toward the tennis ball.


There was a loud bang.

As the raging flames shot out, a wave of heat hit in front of Sanada.

"Is it an invasion like fire this time?"

Sanada shook his head and said: "My flame is not so weak."


With a twitch of the racket, Echizen's trick was easily countered by Sanada.

From beginning to end.

He didn't show a stronger attitude. He just swung the racket and hit the tennis ball every time.

This calmness and calmness fully demonstrate his identity as a tennis emperor!




Unwilling to give in, Echizen launched various attacks again.

In his view, relying on the state of selflessness, he only needs to change enough styles. You will always find a tennis style that can restrain your opponent.


And this time.

Outside the barbed wire fence.

A young man wearing a loose floral shirt and fluffy hair walked over. When he saw the duel between the two on the court, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Besides the Kanto finals, there are actually people competing and waiting. Isn't that Sanada?"

The young man, Chitose Chisato, who came from Kansai and came from Shitenhoji Temple in Osaka, said in surprise: "Who is competing with him, huh? Is that the state of selflessness?" In an instant.

Chitose's attention was attracted by the state of selflessness.

"Is this person the rumored super newcomer from Kanto?"

The state of no-self.

Chitose, who also mastered this move, knew very well how difficult it was to break through and understand this move.

He only realized it in the second grade, and this boy, judging from his height, must be a first grader.

"It seems like I'm quite lucky."

Chitose suddenly became interested: "I can actually see the Kanto super rookie challenge Sanada in the game."

Genichiro Sanada.

Vice Minister of Lihai University.

Chitose is also the only three top players in the country who have realized the state of selflessness. (The other person is Yukimura)

And now.

It seems that what is going on is the final between Tatekai Yama and Hyotei, right? Chitose was very surprised that with Sanada's character, he would be entangled by others and drag him here.




Inside the stadium.

Echizen continued to attack.

He uses his selfless ability to constantly imitate various powerful skills. Attacked Sanada extremely fiercely.


Sanada is too strong.

His own defensive ability is also at the top level.

Echizen's attack was not a threat to him at all.


At this time.

Echizen buried his head in front of him, raised the racket at the same time, and raised one leg as if bending a bow to nock an arrow.

"This is."

Sanada hadn't reacted yet, but Chitose seemed to have thought of something, and the pupil of his left eye suddenly shrank: "That trick of Kippei?"



Echizen made a move and blasted the tennis ball out.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

All of a sudden.

The tennis ball split into dozens of afterimages, shrouding Sanada.

"From Qingxue."

Facing the afterimages of tennis balls in the sky, Sanada raised his eyebrows and his eyes shone like sharp blades: "Have you had enough?"



Sanada quickly swung his racket, aimed at one of the shadows, and hit the tennis ball over.


Chitose was surprised.

He knew that Sanada was very strong, but he didn't expect that the other party could so easily defeat this unique skill that was very important in his heart.

"But yes, this person is not Juping after all, and he has not fully displayed the essence of this move."

The more exposure Chitose has, the deeper her understanding of selflessness becomes. He knew very well that this trick was not a panacea.

In fact, the deeper the dependence on selflessness, the harder it is to find a path that truly suits you.

"That's it."

Thinking of this, Chitose shook her head slightly.

After all, this super newcomer from Kanto is no match for the tennis emperor Genichiro Sanada.

I'm afraid one more goal and this game will be over.


But at this moment.

Echizen turned the racket over and placed it on the right side of his body. At the same time, the tiger's mouth of the right hand is pressing the racket, and the left hand is holding the racket handle tightly, just like the action of drawing a sword in kendo.



Echizen takes action.

He drew the racket faster than the wind, and with a bang, he blasted the tennis ball out.

"This ball?!"

Seeing this, Chitose's pupils shrank.

He didn't expect that the other party actually hid such a powerful trick!

"A good shot."

Seeing the speed of the tennis ball soaring to the extreme, Sanada's indifferent face finally showed a slight emotional change.



He took action.

The racket in his hand was struck out at an astonishing speed, and with a bang, the tennis ball flew back at an even faster speed.


In an instant.

The tennis ball exploded on Echizen's side.

Against the pale yellow light, Echizen's face was filled with intense shock. It seems that he didn't expect that the real wind speed could be so fast.


He couldn't do anything to fight back.

Moreover, continuous high-intensity use of Selfless Realm and constant imitation of other players' styles and tricks also consumed most of his physical energy.


He could only watch helplessly as the tennis ball hit the ground and quickly ejected.


Sanada said coldly, then turned and left.


And this time.

He seemed to have discovered Chitose's existence, and looked at him sharply.

"This kind of look?"

Feeling the pressure projected from Sanada, Chitose's expression changed slightly. Isn't this Li Hai Da's tennis emperor a bit too domineering?


Can be followed.

However, he found that Sanada nodded towards him again, as if to say hello.

"This guy is so weird."

Chitose couldn't understand Sanada's inconsistent behavior. Could it be that the other party didn't recognize him the first time?

If this is the case, then the deputy minister of Lihai University is too cheap, right?


But immediately, Chitose seemed to have thought of something. He turned around suddenly and saw a black-haired boy wearing a gray-white coat behind him.

"Is this person from the Ice Emperor?"

Seeing this person, Chitose's previous questions were all explained. But what followed was more confusion.

Sanada was so serious that his eyes were even a bit sharp. And this person is not Atobe, so he is not worthy of being treated like this by Sanada, right?


At this time, Ishikawa came over and greeted Sanada: "Senior Yukimura, the communication should have been completed, right?"


Sanada's blade-like eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were fixed on Ishikawa.


Ishikawa smiled and said: "I just want to remind you that the next game will last longer. However, since the communication has been completed, that's fine."

Sanada didn't respond. He withdrew his gaze, turned and left the court.


When Sanada walked away, Chitose said curiously: "You are very brave. This is Sanada, the emperor of tennis. Even your Atobu chief wouldn't dare to talk to him like this, right?"

"I think Sanada-senpai is easy to talk to."

Ishikawa shook his head and said with a smile: "By the way, senior, you are not the representative of schools in the Kanto region, right?"


Chitose smiled and nodded, saying: "I'm from Kansai, and I'm here to get information this time. I heard that you, Kanto, have a great super newcomer!"

"Super newbie?"

Hearing this, Ishikawa pretended to be surprised and said: "I didn't expect that my fame would spread to Kansai?"


Hearing this, Chitose was stunned, and then turned to look at the very tired young man on the court in surprise: "Shouldn't it be him?"


At this time, Ishikawa's face turned pale, and he said in a deep voice: "Senior, don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just..."

Before Chitose could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ishikawa. He said solemnly: "In that case, I have to ask you, senior, to give me some pointers on my tennis!"

"Um, okay."

Chitose also smiled.

He didn't know why the boy from the Ice Emperor in front of him was so brave. He actually provoked Tatekai University Sanada and him, who was once the top expert in Kyushu.

"If you say so."

Chitose smiled meaningfully and said: "Then I will have a little fight with you. I hope that you, the 'super newcomer of Kanto', will not disappoint me."

 Lately, there has been a huge drop in subscriptions. Is it a problem with the plot or an issue with the update? The author is at a loss. The initial subscription price has been reduced by almost two-thirds.



(End of this chapter)

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