Chapter 152 The suppressed Chitose (2nd update)

"Is this the strength of top national players?"

on the field.

Echizen, who lost the one-goal duel, looked very unhappy. He originally wanted to test Sanada and take advantage of the situation to win from his hands, but unexpectedly, he tried his best, but still lost.

This moment.

Strong self-doubt arose in Echizen's heart.

He didn't understand why he, who had won four consecutive championships in the National Junior Tennis Championships, was defeated in junior high school tennis in Japan one after another.

Akutsu, Kirihara, Sanada, and the Hyokui deputy minister who was the same age as him but was terrifyingly powerful.


At this time, a voice sounded: "Can I borrow your racket, please?"


Echizen raised his head and met Ishikawa with a smile on his face.

Then, he also noticed Chitose, this weirdo wearing a floral shirt and wearing wooden clogs.

Are these two people going to compete?

In an instant, Echizen reacted. Faced with Ishikawa's request, he thought for a moment and nodded: "No problem."

If Echizen guessed correctly, these two people were nearby when he and Sanada were competing just now. In this case, it's time for him to take a look at the game between these two people.


Handing Echizen's racket to Chitose, Ishikawa glanced at the clogs at his opponent's feet and said with a smile, "Isn't it inconvenient for you to compete with me wearing this?"

"It's ok."

Chitose waved her hand and smiled faintly: "I'm used to wearing this thing. When the competition comes later, you just have to attack me."


Hear the words.

A glint flashed in Echizen's eyes.

He is very aware of Ishikawa's full strength. The person in front of me actually dared to say such a thing. For a moment, he couldn't help but admire Chitose's courage.

At the same time, he was also curious about how strong the other party was to say such a thing?

"That's good."

Ishikawa smiled and nodded.


The two entered the stage separately, and Echizen volunteered to serve as the referee. After learning the name of the young man who behaved casually, he nodded and said: "The game begins, and one set will determine the outcome."

"Chitose serves, the game is over!"

The words fell.

On the court, Chitose, who was holding a tennis ball in his hand, glanced at Ishikawa opposite and said with a smile: "Then let's start like this!"



He hit the tennis ball quickly.

This serve was quite fierce. The tennis ball crossed a beautiful parabola in mid-air and landed near the service line in front of Ishikawa.



The tennis ball shot up with a rather strong spin.

It would definitely be difficult for an ordinary person to react. Even if you react, it will be difficult to keep up with the changes in tennis, and mistakes are likely to be made in response.



However, Ishikawa quickly swung his racket and hit the tennis ball over.

"not bad."

Chitose nodded.

His goal was just to ask for directions and test the opponent's ability. If you can't even hit this serve, then there is no need to play the rest of the game.



He took a quick shot and hit the tennis ball toward the baseline on the far side of Ishikawa's backhand.

"Diagonal thrust?"

In the referee's position, Echizen narrowed his eyes slightly: "This person's ability to control the ball is very extraordinary, but do you expect such a ball to be able to restrain that person?"

Echizen shook his head.

At the same time, I secretly had a guess in my heart.

This young man wearing clogs probably didn’t know Ishikawa. Otherwise, not only would the opponent not wear clogs to compete with him, but they would also not be able to do such meaningless things as testing.



Ishikawa quickly appeared near the landing point.

After catching up with the tennis ball, he raised his hand and swung the racket, blasting the tennis ball over. Its target and landing point were surprisingly also at the far corner of Chitose.


Seeing that the ball was of good quality, Chitose was a little surprised. Then, he stepped on his clogs and moved quickly on the court.

As he said, even wearing clogs, his speed was extraordinary. Ishikawa's rather fierce shot was actually caught up by him.



Chitose shot back.

Ball speed and spin have improved a bit again.



On the opposite side, Ishikawa easily caught up with the tennis ball and hit a standard short ball.

"This boy"

Sensing his opponent's malice, Chitose's expression changed slightly. But immediately, he shook his head and said: "It would be too naive to think that this little trick can affect me!"


Immediately, he quickly hit the net and hit the tennis ball out before it hit the ground again.


But the next moment.

A figure suddenly leaped up, aimed at the tennis ball, and smashed it hard.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Chitose's movements in front of the net also became a little stiff.


Echizen opened his mouth to announce the score.

At the same time, he also observed the changes in Chitose's expression with great interest. The expression of this unknown stranger was indeed a bit awkward.

"You are very good."

Chitose raised her head and said seriously: "It's a beautiful combination of short ball and smash. I didn't expect that there would be a master like you among Hyokui."

In last year's national competition, Chitose, who was still in Shishi Music at the time, saw Hyotei's lineup.

Atobu is in high spirits.

The rest of the main selection is also very motivated and belongs to the top team in the country. However, there was no sign of the person in front of him.

From this point of view, what the other party said should be true. He is indeed the new member of the Ice Emperor.


Thinking of this, Chitose nodded and retreated to the baseline position. He took out the tennis ball from his trouser pocket, patted it twice, and held it in his hand.

"This time, just be a little more serious!"



Chitose threw the tennis ball up. Then he bent his knees and retracted his abdomen, pushed his legs hard on the ground, and with the help of this force to stretch his body, he raised the racket and hit the tennis ball in mid-air.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball shot out like a bullet.


In the referee's position, Echizen's eyes moved slightly: "The speed of this serve is indeed true, this guy is not a simple character!"


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Compared with the ball just now, it hit the baseline more accurately. It can be said that if the serve just now was only 40 points, then this ball has definitely reached the level of 70 points.


Although such a ball is very sharp for Echizen, it is not impossible to counterattack. He put himself into Ishikawa's perspective and already had various ways to fight back in his mind.


But never thought about it.

The rapidly bouncing tennis ball suddenly disappeared.


Seeing this, Echizen's expression changed.

This change happened too fast, and it was different from Fuji’s ‘disappearing serve’. Chitose's serve was faster and disappeared earlier. Even Echizen himself could not react in this situation.

Plus this disappearing effect.

With this serve, Echizen's score reached 90 points.

and this.

This is when Tezuka Zero serve is used as the standard!


the other side.

Chitose, who hit the serve, also had a faint smile on his face.

This is his ultimate trick, Shenyin!

With the existence of this move, even if his offense is not strong enough and his serve is not that fast and tricky, he can already sweep a large number of players.

after all.

When I was at Tiantianbao Temple.

With this move alone, Chitose swept the ace players from many schools from the regional competition to Osaka Prefecture and even the Kansai Competition!

So much so.

When he played Shenyin, he felt a little regretful in his heart. Dealing with this new Ice King seems to be overkill.


But the next moment.

A crisp sound of hitting the ball suddenly sounded on the court.

what? !

Bottom line.

Chitose's expression changed.

Looking at the tennis ball that was shot back, his eyelids twitched subconsciously, and there was a strong fluctuation in his heart: "It was actually hit back?"

Didn't dare waste time.

Chitose immediately set off and chased the tennis ball. After catching up, he hit the tennis ball again without raising his head.

"This guy is pretty good."

After the counterattack, Chitose looked at Ishikawa and became more serious: "No wonder he dared to provoke Sanada. If he is really a newcomer, he should have such confidence."

after all.

If it were him two years ago, Chitose wouldn't be able to guarantee that he would be able to see through a trick like [Shenyin] in the first encounter.


And this time.

The tennis ball he hit back disappeared again the moment it bounced off the ground.


Echizen was shocked: "Is this trick not only applicable to serving?"



As expected, this ball was hit back by Ishikawa.

Tap! !

Chitose stepped on her clogs and quickly chased towards the spot where the tennis ball landed. At this time, his view of Ishikawa was refreshed again, and his eyes became sharp.

"Speed, reflexes, and insight! This boy from the Ice Emperor is indeed no ordinary character!"

Something moved in my heart.

Chitose raised the racket, used the edge of the racket as the contact point, included the tennis ball, and rubbed it quickly.


The tennis ball spins at high speed.

It flew rapidly through the air like a top, and after bypassing a large outward angle, it accurately landed at the intersection of the bottom and the sides.

This shot shows the national level technical content.

"He is indeed one of the strongest players in Kyushu."

At this time, Ishikawa, who had appeared near the landing point of the tennis ball at some point, couldn't help but nod in praise.


As soon as these words came out.

Chitose's face darkened.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he could still realize that the other party had already recognized him. What's more, Chitose is a very smart person, and his brain is already running rapidly.

"Now that he recognizes me, he still dares to challenge me?"

Thinking of this, Chitose raised her head and locked her eyes with the black-haired boy opposite: "So, Hyotei's Ishikawa, what exactly supports you to make such a judgment?"


The idea just came to me.

A flash of pale yellow light suddenly exploded at Chitose's feet.


Looking at the rapidly ejecting tennis ball beside him, Chitose's pupils suddenly shrank.

But with his current posture, he couldn't react at all.


The tennis ball ejected and hit the barbed wire fence.

"This guy!"

Chitose narrowed her eyes and locked her eyes on Ishikawa.

This moment.

He felt an extremely strong sense of oppression from the other party's body that was completely different from just now.


Taking a deep breath, Chitose thought to herself: "Is this Hyōtei's newcomer a national level one?"

This idea arises.

All his previous doubts were answered.

"I didn't expect that I was actually fooled."

Chitose shook her head and her face became serious: "So, what this person said is true, he is indeed the super newcomer from Kanto!"

(End of this chapter)

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