I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 162 Sanada lifts the seal, Ishikawa’s kendo experience

Chapter 162 Sanada lifts the seal, Ishikawa’s kendo experience (2nd update)

"It's over, it's over"

Li Hai's team members looked at each other and sighed in their hearts.


Their deputy minister's four most powerful tricks were all cracked by this Demon King of the Ice Emperor.

this moment.

They seemed to have seen the fate of Li Hai in this game.


At this time, the referee said: "Hyotei Ishikawa, 1-0, exchange venues!"

The voice fell.

Inside and outside the stadium, representatives from various schools and passers-by and spectators were talking a lot. Mostly it was that Tatekai was finished and Sanada had no hope of winning.


Everyone's eyes turned to Sanada again.

They felt indescribable depression in each other's bodies. It's normal when you think about it. After all, he was the emperor of junior high school tennis, and he was an invincible presence in the national arena.


Encounter unimaginably powerful enemies.

It's normal for it to be hard to accept for a while.

"it turns out."

Looking at the deformed and twisted racket on the ground, Sanada's mood was extremely complicated: "Isn't it even useless to be as motionless as a mountain?"

Take a breath.

He bent down to pick up the racket, put it back in his bag, and then took out the spare racket.

Swap places.

Sanada raised his head and looked at his opponent, his eyes a little dazed.

Originally, he thought that the boy opposite him was the Yukimura who had not yet grown up two years ago. But now it seems that he was wrong, and very wrong!

Amazing speed, powerful strength, and perfect technique.

Even from his current perspective, he couldn't find anything wrong with the person in front of him.

this moment.

Sanada was extremely happy.

The other party was born two years later than him and Yukimura. Otherwise, it would be difficult for King Li Hai to achieve his second consecutive victory.


Breathe out the stale breath.

Sanada got into a position to receive the serve.

Although the score is behind and he is at a disadvantage, his spirit and will will not be affected by these adverse factors.

"In the second game, Hyotei's Ishikawa serves!"

"His serve was beautiful. He was completely aiming at the service line and sideline. It was amazing. It's hard to imagine that this was actually hit by a 12-year-old junior high school student!"

"It seems that player Sanada is at a disadvantage. He is looking for opportunities. Unfortunately, player Ishikawa is too cautious and does not leave him any chance to attack."

Inside the bus.

The atmosphere was dead silent.

The faces of the six people were extremely ugly.

"How can it be"

Liu clenched his fists subconsciously.

Even if he knew that Sanada was as immovable as a mountain, he could not prevent Ishikawa's attack at all. But they didn't expect that it had only been so long, and Sanada was defeated before they even passed the red light in front of them.

"Liu, Senior Liu."

Kirihara said in a low voice: "What should we do?"

He was completely confused.

Ever since he joined Rikkai University, they have always been invincible and invincible. No school can survive until the fourth game in front of Rikkai University.

Even last year, apart from Rikkai University, Shitenhoji, which had the highest claim to win the championship, was sent directly back to Osaka in three games in the semifinals.

but now.

But they encountered the biggest crisis in history.


Hearing Kirihara's question, Yanagi didn't know how to answer it. If he had known earlier, he would not have gone back. At least he could have seen what was going on at the scene.

At this time.

The red light ends and the green light turns on.

The bus started again and headed towards the intercity highway.


And this time.

The radio in Jackal's hand rang again:

"At the end of the second game, Ishikawa, who is still the Hyotei, won, and Sanada, a player from Tatekai University, didn't get a single point. Is their Kanto consecutive championship record really over?"


The atmosphere in the car fell into dead silence again.

"You actually lost two games in a row?"

Tennis Park.

On the steps where the competition is held.

Inoue looked at Sanada who was panting slightly, and said in surprise: "That Emperor Tachibana actually fell into such a passive situation!"

"This should be normal."

Shiba next to him smiled bitterly and said: "After all, even Tezuka, who has unlocked the deep secret of the realm of selflessness, failed to defeat this Ishikawa."

"The state of selflessness?"

Inoue reacted immediately: "Yes, doesn't Sanada still have the state of selflessness? Why hasn't he used it?"


Before Tezuka was exposed, and before Echizen and Kirihara realized it, there were only three junior high school students in the country who realized the state of selflessness.

They are Rikkai Ocho Yukimura.

Chitose of Kyushu.

And the last one, at this moment, is the young man Genichiro Sanada wearing a black peaked cap on the court!


Do not know why.

This tennis emperor actually did not display the state of selflessness even when he was in such a disadvantageous situation.

At least in Inoue's view, the state of selflessness is possible to change Sanada's current situation.



Sanada serves again.

But as expected, his return was hit back even more sharply by Ishikawa. And the landing point is completely above the bottom line.

The two fought fiercely.

Sanada moved very quickly, and the speed of his racket kept increasing. In the eyes of others, he could not even catch the trajectory of the tennis ball.

But that's about it.

In the eyes of others, it seems that there is no solution to the shot, but in Ishikawa's eyes, he can easily see through it.


Ishikawa's counterattack was also very sharp.

Even if you just swing the racket casually, the speed is beyond what ordinary people can detect with the naked eye.

Even the referee cannot judge the situation of the game.


Just from the status of both sides, it is not difficult to see that Sanada's style of play is neither offensive nor defensive, and he was completely suppressed by his opponent.


Another three minutes passed.

With Ishikawa's sharp smash, Sanada's defense was penetrated, and the referee shouted: "Game! Hyotei Ishikawa, 3-0, exchange venues!"

In the blink of an eye.

Sanada was already three games behind.

The dazzling score difference made Li Hai's team members lower their heads subconsciously. He didn't dare to look at people from other teams at all.

Sanada's face also looked very ugly.

Because he just tried it again and found that the other party really had no flaws at all.

If Sanada once believed that the one with the strongest defense was Tezuka whom he encountered three years ago. Now, this target has been replaced by Ishikawa.

"If you want to defeat him, you can only break through his defense head-on."

When the venue was exchanged, Sanada frowned and fell into deep thought: "However, even the fire of aggression cannot shake his defense. In this case, I'm afraid there is only one trick."

"Therefore it is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, and as motionless as a mountain."

At this time.

Ishikawa walked toward the other side of the court, muttering something softly. When they passed each other, he raised his head, looked at Sanada and said, "Senior, how do I remember that there is another paragraph behind it?"

Ok? !

In an instant.

Sanada's expression changed imperceptibly.

"Is that really the case?"

Seeing Sanada's reaction, Ishikawa smiled and said: "Senior's unique skills exactly correspond to what is said in the ancient military book. It seems that you have hidden other unique skills!"

This statement came out.

Those who were closer, especially those who were mainly members of the Ice Emperor team, showed astonishment.


Shishido said in surprise: "Besides Fenglin Volcano, Sanada actually hides other tricks?"


Maki asked curiously: "Which book did the words Ishikawa just said come from?"

"The Art of War."

Renzu explained: "A military classic passed down from ancient China, even in modern times, is a very philosophical book."

"I remembered."

Feng next to him said at this time: "During the Warring States Period (RB), Mr. Takeda Shingen, who was known as the number one military strategist, once wrote that 'it is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, and as immobile as a mountain'."


Renzu nodded and said: "It's just that this is not the original version. What Ishikawa said is an excerpt of the complete six sentences of the Art of War. The first four sentences correspond to Sanada's Feng Lin Shan Volcano, and the last two sentences."

"It's as hard to know as the yin, and it moves like thunder!"

Atobe on the side raised his head and locked his eyes on Sanada.

Coincidence or real thing?

But this sentence was said by Ishikawa. Given the other party's character, it would be impossible for him to say such untargeted words.

"Or is he just deceiving Sanada? Huh?"


Like feeling something.

Atobe raised his head suddenly, his eyes locked on Sanada's body.


However, a blue-purple aura wave appeared vaguely around his body. "what is that?!"

Schools such as Qingxue and Fudomine.

Everyone was also shocked by the powerful aura released by Sanada.


Sanada's aura was completely different from before.

Around his body, there were obviously circles of blue-purple momentum fluctuations. The air flow turned into ripples, which looked like arcs produced when thunder exploded from a distance.

"Shin Ishikawa."

Bottom line.

Sanada raised his head, his eyes flashing with a terrifying and soul-stirring luster: "I originally wanted to save this move for the national competition before displaying it. But I didn't expect that your talent really exceeded my expectations."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Even so, our king Li Haida still doesn't have any blind spots!"


The words fell.

Sanada's momentum reached its highest level.

"Is this moving like thunder?"

The other side.

Ishikawa watched Sanada in this state quietly.

It had to be said that the other party was indeed the most powerful one among the junior high school students he had encountered.

Unlike Tezuka's unbreakable faith.

The feeling of Sanada is like a summer noon when the sun is at its hottest. The scorching sun has a domineering aura that can melt everything.

"Then let me see how strong your thunder is."



Ishikawa hit the tennis ball over.

Sanada quickly moved over, caught up with the tennis ball, and whipped the tennis ball over with a movement as fast as the wind.


And just as Sanada moved and Ishikawa tried to observe the changes in his state, a strong dark aura emerged from Sanada's body again.


Off the field.

Chitose, who felt the change in Sanada's aura, felt her right eye suddenly beat uncontrollably as if on a whim.

And Atobe seemed to feel something, his expression suddenly changed!

It’s hard to know!

On the court, Ishikawa instantly read this state.

At this time, Sanada's aura was completely obscured. All other action information cannot be read from his movements at all.

This move can not only seal the peak of Chitose's talent, but can also restrain all other insight-type tricks!


Unable to read Sanada's movements, Ishikawa's counterattack was a little less sharp.


Take advantage of this opportunity.

Sanada teleported to where the tennis ball landed.


He raised the racket with both hands, as if holding a sword, and slashed towards the tennis ball.


In an instant.

Lightning flashed and arcs raged.

A trail of blue-purple light flashed across the court.


It had already landed on the ground on the side of Ishikawa.


"What, what is this?!"

Everyone in Ice Emperor opened their eyes wide.

too fast!

Sanada's shot was like lightning, and before they could react, the tennis ball had already hit the ground.

"It's indeed Lei!"

Atobe narrowed his eyes.

When he contacted Sanada again, he was in a state that was as gloomy as a fog and his breath was elusive. He couldn't help but feel shocked: "Is it difficult to know whether it is like Yin or moving like thunder?"


Atobe felt strong pressure.

Before, he thought that he could break through Sanada's solid mountain wall through the ice world and completely defeat the opponent.

But now.

When Sanada really showed his attitude, Atobe was shaken in his heart.

It is difficult to know that Ruyin has restrained the world of ice.

And moving like thunder is undoubtedly a more terrifying trick than attacking like fire. In terms of speed, it is even better than Ji Rufeng.

Even Atobe was not sure he could fight back.

on the field.

After releasing his self-seal, Sanada's strength increased significantly. It has lightning-like movement speed and powerful and lightning-fast strikes.

He quickly gained the upper hand.


Thunder light overflowed.

A streak of lightning flashed quickly.




"Why, how could that happen?"

Seeing Ishikawa being scored consecutively, Hyotei's players suddenly became uneasy.

"Don't panic."

Shishido said solemnly: "Believe Ishikawa, he will definitely be able to cope with this situation."

Not just him.

Other Hyotei players, and even representatives from other schools, secretly believed that Ishikawa would definitely defeat Sanada on this crucial point.

"Moves like thunder!"


Along with Sanada's angry shout.

A flash of blue-purple light overflowed, and an electric arc flashed past Ishikawa, but he had no intention of fighting back.


"Tatekai Ohsanada, 1-3!"

End of game.

Sanada gets the inning.

The Lihai University team members were inspired and shouted the slogan again.

"Isn't it?"

On Qingxue's side, Momojo said in surprise: "That Ishikawa...can't even touch a tennis ball?"


The expressions of Tezuka, Miki, Fuji and others changed slightly.

They also felt the indescribable terrifying power from Sanada's thunderous strike.

In this situation.

It seems reasonable that Ishikawa cannot touch tennis balls.


At this time.

Sanada at the baseline sneered: "Shin Ishikawa, why don't you catch the ball? With your reaction speed, you shouldn't be unable to catch it, right?"


Sanada even thought in his mind that the opponent would forcefully fight back, and then the racket would be blown away by the thunderous tennis ball to avenge his previous attack.

But it's a pity.

The opponent seemed unable to keep up with the speed of a tennis ball.


Seeing that Ishikawa didn't respond, Sanada's smile became colder and colder: "You can't even touch a tennis ball?"

"Actually, it's not that complicated."

At this time, Ishikawa spoke: "I was just thinking, after all, you are also a senior in the tennis world. It would be too embarrassing if you didn't win a game."


As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Especially Tachikai's team members all looked at Ishikawa as if they were fools.


Sanada also smiled.

But he was not angry. Instead, he laughed at the arrogance shown by Ishikawa.

"Senior, have you ever learned swordsmanship?"

But just when Sanada was about to speak, Ishikawa suddenly changed the topic: "I can see that your kendo should have reached the national level."

National level kendo?

Hear the words.

Everyone looked at Sanada in shock.

No one expected that in addition to tennis, the opponent actually had another ability, reaching the top level in the country!


At this time, Ishikawa spoke again, with a meaningful smile on his face: "I also have some research on kendo."


He changed his grip.

Like an ancient swordsman, he placed the racket diagonally against his body.



Ishikawa's entire aura has undergone a fundamental change.


And Sanada, who didn't care much at first, felt like a frightened cat after feeling the aura emanating from Ishikawa, his hair stood on end, and he was horrified!

 Regarding Sanada's strength, the original work actually contradicts himself. It is said that it was for the thunder and shade that Tezuka sealed, but in the end, he used thunder in the semifinals against Nagoya Seitoku's opponent.

  My own understanding (trying to follow the logic of the original work as much as possible), the original Sanada thought he could win Echizen (manga), but he didn’t expect Echizen to have a cool swipe move, and he was stolen.

  In short, it is just too much pretense and overturning.

  Of course, more objectively speaking, it is the mistake of the original author.


  Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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