I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 163: Killing the Emperor with Sword, Champion of Guandong

Chapter 163: Killing the Emperor with Sword, Champion of Guandong (1st Update)

"It's so fast! It's like turning into thunder and teleporting over!"

"Is this the true strength of Sanada? It's incredible. Ishikawa can't even catch up in tennis!"

"Score, Sanada broke the opponent's serve, the situation is changing!"

Inside the bus.

The excited voices of the broadcast commentators for the Kanto finals for junior high school students kept ringing out.

"Okay, did you score?"

Jackal's hand holding the radio was trembling faintly.

"Deputy, Deputy Minister, he actually still hides such strength?"

Kirihara was also extremely surprised.

He didn't expect that Sanada, whose strength he usually displayed was considered insurmountable by him, would actually hide his trump card!

"Become thunder?"

Liu recalled the commentator's words, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Two years ago.

He transferred to the High School Affiliated to Rikkai University and met Yukimura and Sanada. At that time, he was shocked by the strength displayed by the two people.

And in the past two years.

Liu continued to collect data on the two of them every day, trying to find a way to defeat them. However, he always stopped at Sanada's 'Xu Rulin' move.

Even Liu was powerless against a ball technique that could neutralize all spin and force.


At this moment, he was told that what he had known all along was not Sanada's full strength?

"Perhaps, we have to thank Ishikawa."

At this time, Marui, who was chewing bubble gum, laughed: "If it weren't for him, we wouldn't know that Sanada guy still has such hidden strength."

He finished.

The atmosphere in the car also became more relaxed.

As long as they can win the Kanto Competition and ensure that Rikkai University's consecutive championships are not interrupted, they can give Yukimura an answer.

the other side.

Green Forest Tennis Park.

In the Kanto finals.

Contrary to what everyone in Tatekai thought, Sanada's expression changed the moment he saw Ishikawa changing his grip.

"No, it's impossible!"

Sanada stared at Ishikawa.

At the same time, he subconsciously raised the racket in his hand and blocked it in front of him defensively.

too exaggerated! That's outrageous!

Because he actually felt the aura of the kendo master who briefly appeared in Ishikawa's body when he was studying in his dojo!

Do not!

not only that!

Sanada even had a ridiculous feeling. The black-haired boy in front of him was more dangerous and terrifying than the master who had been immersed in kendo for decades!

"What's wrong, senior?"

Ishikawa, holding the racket in his hand, said with a smile: "Did you forget that it's your turn to serve?"


Sanada's expression changed.

"Always victorious, Li Hai'e!"

Off the field.

The ordinary members and cheerleaders of Rikkai University also looked at Sanada in confusion. They didn't understand why their deputy minister suddenly acted like this.

It looked as if he had encountered a terrifying existence and had a stress reaction.

"Sanada. What's wrong?"

Representatives from other teams also noticed Sanada's subtle changes in movements.

They don't understand.

Now is clearly a great opportunity to pursue victory. Why does Sanada look hesitant, as if he was frightened?

"What is he worried about?"

Tezuka, Chitose, Tachibana and other masters felt something in their hearts.

They all also observed the changes in Ishikawa's movements, but could Sanada be frightened by such a small adjustment of movements?

No matter how you look at it, it's a bit too exaggerated.




Bottom line.

Sanada hits the tennis ball again.

Although he is very clear that kendo and tennis, although they have similarities, are essentially two different categories.


Sanada's heart trembled involuntarily as he recalled the image of Ishikawa's previous momentum in his mind.


Grabbing the tennis ball, he locked his gaze on his opponent and his eyes became sharp: "Don't be intimidated by the momentum he showed. My tennis is completely different from kendo!"

make up one's mind.

Sanada threw up the tennis ball and hit it hard.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball landed near the service line very quickly.

Compared with before, Sanada, who had unleashed all his strength, was undoubtedly more powerful in serving.



Ishikawa's response was also very quick.

The racket touched the ground from right to left, hitting Sanada's serve as a half-volley.



When he looked up, a dark, obscure aura rising into the sky like wolf smoke appeared once again on Sanada.

It’s hard to know!

Another powerful secret of the Sanada Seal.

The existence of this move completely eliminates the possibility of opponents being able to see through the signs of his actions.



Lightning flashed.

Sanada's figure moved near the landing point of the tennis ball almost instantly.

"So fast!!!"

Off the field.

The representatives from each school were shocked.

Although this was not the first time they saw it, they were still extremely shocked by Sanada's movement speed.

"It's like turning into thunder and lightning!"

Tachibana and Chitose looked solemn.

They once led the Lions to participate in the national competition, and they were so high-spirited. Known as the top two in Kyushu, it represents the highest level of tennis in the country.

but now.

After seeing Sanada's lightning-like speed and strong tennis style, they realized that there was still some distance between them and the ceiling of junior high school tennis.

Tachibana nodded heavily and said: "The tennis emperor of junior high school students. He deserves the title!"


at this time.

Sanada, who caught up with the tennis ball, was holding the racket in the air with both hands. With a flash of light in his eyes, he slashed at the flying tennis ball.


In an instant.

Thunder blooms and lightning surges.

Everyone's sight was completely occupied by the diffuse light of thunder and lightning. The surroundings seemed to dim, leaving only an unpredictable arc of lightning that was difficult to capture.

"Move like thunder!"

Atobe's face darkened.

The expressions of Renzu, Shishido and others next to them were also very nervous. Sanada's shot was too exaggerated. In terms of power alone, it far exceeded any trick they had ever seen.

Even more terrifying.

The trajectory of lightning is unpredictable.

Even if he had the power to hit the tennis ball back, he couldn't see through Sanada's ball path.

"The situation is not good."

At the same time, Sakaki Taro, who was sitting in the coach's seat, also looked very unhappy.

Because Ishikawa's strongest weapon, his insight, which is stronger than Atobe's, has been restrained by Sanada to a certain extent.

Can't see the ball path clearly.

There is no way to catch up with tennis.

In this case, no matter how superb Ishikawa's skills are, it means nothing.

Tap! !


Just when everyone thought that Sanada would definitely be able to score, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the arc.

"Caught up?!" Everyone was shocked when they saw Ishikawa's figure.

Qian blurted out: "This person's insight is too terrifying, isn't it?"

"it's useless!"

But Li Hai's team member said confidently: "The deputy minister's thunder is a unique move that cannot be counterattacked even if it is seen through!"

Moving like thunder and powerful!

Sanada poured all his strength into it, supplemented by his kendo skills, and hit an astonishing shot that no ordinary person could counterattack at all.

In their view.

Even if there is someone who can counter this trick, it is his own minister. Moreover, it must be in the same state as before the other party was sick and hospitalized.


Sanada's [Moves Like Thunder] is invincible!



Just when everyone thought that Ishikawa could not fight back Sanada's thunderball. A dazzling white light suddenly bloomed around his body.

The light is as sharp as a blade.

Audiences and staff who were very close could even feel their skin tingling.

"This is?!"

Sensing the astonishing aura from Ishikawa, Sanada's pupils suddenly contracted as his mood had turned calm.



Ishikawa moved.

He quickly raised his racket and struck the tennis ball at an angle.


Silver light overflowed.

Under the watchful eyes of masters like Tezuka and Chitose, Sanada's thunderball hit Sanada's thunderball with great accuracy.

Stab it!


Unlike what everyone imagined, Ishikawa's racket was knocked away, or that he successfully counterattacked Sanada's thunderball.

After a sharp and harsh sound.

The tennis ball blooming with lightning arcs was actually the racket chopped out by Ishikawa, split in two!

The cut surface of the tennis ball is like a mirror, reflecting dazzling light under the sunlight.




Two tennis balls flew out.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone.

There was a bang.

They landed on both sides of Sanada's body, then bounced up and disappeared into the wall behind him like a stream of light.

Chi Chi

Two halves of a tennis ball.

They were constantly rotating close to the wall, and the parts they hit were obviously broken. Moreover, under the high-speed rotation of the tennis ball, the contact points were obviously scorched, and wisps of black smoke continued to float out.


Huge stadium.

Be completely quiet at this moment.

Whether they were passers-by or representatives from various schools, everyone looked at the two tennis balls that were gradually spinning and stopping behind Sanada, and opened their mouths wide, but no one could make a sound.


After a long time, the referee finally came to his senses. After confirming again and again, he solemnly said: "The score is valid, 0-15!"

"No, it's impossible."

All Li Hai's team members were dumbfounded.

They never expected that the Hyotei player would actually crack Sanada's Thunderous Movement head-on.

"How sharp a blow was that?"

Representatives from other schools also exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ishikawa with awe!

Tezuka, who had fought fiercely with Ishikawa, was expressionless at the moment.


Even though he was as calm as he was, there was a trace of strong shock deep in his eyes.

Thoughts turned.

His eyes then looked at the figure wearing a black peaked cap on the court.


At this moment, Sanada still kept clapping with both hands and chopping forward.

His expression was also a little stiff.

It was as if he still hadn't woken up from the shock of the ball just now.

"this person"

After a while.

Sanada raised his head and locked his eyes on Ishikawa: "He actually integrated tennis and kendo to such an extent!"

This is the path Sanada once wanted to take.

But it's a pity.

He tried countless times without success. The speed as fast as the wind and the movement as fast as thunder are the products of countless attempts. As a result, Sanada has concluded that tennis and kendo cannot be combined.

But at the moment.

Stand in front of him.

This first-year freshman from Hyokui not only did it, but also walked an unimaginable distance on this road!

"Shin Ishikawa"

Sanada looked at the opponent again.

But unlike before, his eyes were no longer cold, sharp, and full of aggression. But with awe and admiration, and a hint of fear from deep in his heart!

before the game.

Sanada had wanted to kill this Ice Emperor genius who might threaten Tatekai University's competition next year.

And now.

The thought that had occurred in the previous moment turned into a boomerang and hit him.

Because Sanada knows it very well.

The ball just now was more than just a point from him. It also completely cut off the possibility of him saving Tatsumi!

Just one goal.

Ishikawa completely destroyed Sanada's fighting spirit.

Unlike Tezuka, the latter is as determined as steel. What's more, Sanada, whose own kendo has reached the national level, knows very well that Ishikawa has reached a height in kendo that he needs to look up to.

and so.

The remaining three games became garbage time.



When Ishikawa's whip hit Sanada's backhand side accurately, and he was completely unable to keep up, the referee said: "The game is over, Hyotei Ishikawa wins, the score is 6-1!"


The final victory completely ignited the enthusiasm of the Ice Emperor team members.

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Ishikawa!"

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Ishikawa!"

"The winner is Hyokui, and the winner is Ishikawa!"

The cheering slogan that originally belonged to Atobe was now replaced by Ishikawa's name and resounded throughout the audience.


There was no dissatisfaction on the face of the Ice Emperor.

And this is equivalent to indirectly acknowledging Ishikawa's status in Hyotei. This Demon King of the Ice Emperor has surpassed the Emperor and become the core player of the Ice Emperor.

"This guy Sanada finally lost."

Ice King's side.

Shido said with a smile on his face: "This year's Kanto champion, it's finally our turn to be the Ice Emperor!"


Muko said with a strange smile: "Liu and the others probably haven't left the city yet. If Sanada rushes over now, it should be too late."

This is too damaging.

Just like Ishikawa's "Give a Game", it kills people and kills the heart.

Renzu frowned slightly, worried that this would arouse Sanada's dissatisfaction. However, what surprised him was that the deputy minister of Rikkai walked to the net at this moment and shook hands with Ishikawa.

"You are strong!"

Sanada said solemnly: "The attainment you have achieved in the way of the sword is beyond my belief. However, don't think that the Ice Emperor has really defeated us. Tatekai's strength is far stronger than you think. !”


Sanada turned and left.

After a while.

The referee confirmed that all the results of the competition were correct and said loudly: "This is the end of the Kanto Competition finals. Hyotei Academy has three wins and two losses, and wins the competition championship!"

The words fell.

All the Ice Emperor team members cheered again.

(End of this chapter)

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