I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 164: Outsmarting, attention from u17

Chapter 164: Outsmarting, attention from u17 (2nd update)

[The player defeated the boss character Genichiro Sanada (Lv59) and obtained 3800 experience points]

[The player obtains the special ability dropped by Sanada: Unknown Ruyin Level 1]

[Unknowable: There are no flaws, suggesting various action patterns to confuse the opponent. Avoid your own actions and weaknesses from being seen through by your opponents]


Ishikawa was a little surprised.

He originally thought that he would get one of Feng Linhuoshan's moves. Especially Shan, he quite admired Sanada's defensive skills.

But I didn't expect it.

He actually directly obtained Yin, one of the opponent's two ultimate mysteries!


Immediately, Ishikawa thought: "The effect of Yin should coincide with the truth of chess and the mind's eye."

【Ding! 】


Listen to the system sound again.

[It is detected that there is partial overlap with abilities. Do you want to perform ability fusion? 】


【Successful integration】

[Enhanced chess truth ability, current level: Lv2]


The system prompts the end.

Ishikawa only felt that a lot of knowledge suddenly increased in his mind, and he had a deeper understanding of how to cover up his own weaknesses and confuse his opponents.

"No upgrade?"

Ishikawa was a little disappointed.

But soon he was relieved. The special ability was like a move in the state of selflessness. It is difficult to know as Yin, it is only the first level, even if it is simply converted into experience points, it cannot fill the second level experience slot.


Ishikawa can feel it too.

With the integration of Wu Zhi Ru Yin, his understanding of [the truth of chess] has become more profound. The barrier he broke through loomed in front of him.

If we say that the first level of selflessness includes initial understanding and mastery. The second level of selflessness is mysteries like [the ultimate limit of thousands of tempers] and [the ultimate brilliance of talent].

And level 3 is a deeper level of [Seamless]!

"There are still about 20 days until the national competition."

Thinking of this, a thought flashed through Ishikawa's mind: "Before that, maybe we can break through these two special abilities to level 3!"


Enter the Ice Emperor camp.

Together with the other team members, prepare to return to Ice King.



Just when Ishikawa defeated Sanada and won his third victory in the finals, Hyotei won the Kanto Tournament championship.

High school student arena.

The ongoing and final finals.

The two sides in the competition are Yue Zhi, who is wearing a gray and white coat. And a young man wearing light red short sleeves, slightly dark skin, and his hair combed down like dreadlocks.


On the scoreboard not far away, a score of 5-2 was written. Ochi's name is on the top, and the words "Unbreakable Iron Man" are written below.

"Is this the strongest player in Kanto?"

Court side.

Feeling the powerful pressure emanating from Yuezhi, Bupo felt extremely depressed.

Throughout the game, he was completely beaten by the opponent, without any chance to breathe.


The opponent has already gained a huge advantage. If he wins this round again, Ochi will be the champion of the High School Kanto Competition.

"no solution anymore."

Although he has yet to test out the more intelligent [Mach Serve], Fuwa is still ready to use his own trick.



His eyes narrowed.

The originally brown-grey eyes were instantly dyed with a layer of silver. The silver light flashes like a mirror, completely reflecting Yuezhi's posture.



Unbroken Iron Man fights back.

The power, speed and spin of his return are exactly the same as those played by Oozhi.


Seeing this, Yue Zhi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Is this his unique skill, Mirror Eyes?"

As a member of the U17 team, Yuezhi naturally knows about Bupo's existence. The opponent is very talented. Although they are only ranked in the bottom 20 in the current first team, they have not lost a single match since entering U17.

among them.

An unbreakable trick, a special ability called [Mirror Eye]. It is said that he can read his opponent's abilities in an instant. Then, relying on his innate talent, he can counterattack the trick with the same method and power.

It seems.

It's like a mirror rebound.


Yue Zhi nodded.

The opponent in front of him can be regarded as the second player he encountered in the Kanto Competition this year who caught his eye.

The first one is Mori Juzaburo of Tachikai University.

The second one is the person in front of you.

of course.

There is another special person.

However, in Yuezhi's eyes, that person was excluded. Because in his eyes, the junior boy from Hyokui was already on the same level as him.


The thought changed.

Ochi suddenly hit a short ball.


Seeing this, Fuwa's eyes flashed with surprise. Because he understood the opponent's intention in an instant: "Are you planning for me to go to the net, hit a high ball, and then take the opportunity to smash?"

If it were someone else.

After seeing Yuezhi's purpose, he will never follow the other party's script even if he is online.

But it was different, he had other plans in mind.

Tap! !

He quickly went to the net, caught up with the tennis ball, and flicked it into the air.

"good chance!"

Outside the stadium, many spectators saw this and started shouting.


Hearing these voices, the corner of Fubo's mouth curled up.

It was like Yuezhi was plotting against him, and he was plotting against the other party. In the eyes of others, Yuezhi had an absolute advantage at this time and could kill the game with one smash. But Bupo didn't panic at all.

Because he has already made a plan to use his own ability to 'bounce' the opponent's smash back when he smashes it!


At this time.

Yue Zhi seized the opportunity and smashed it down without hesitation.


Take this opportunity.

A silver light flashed in Bupo Tetsujin's eyes, and the ability of [Mirror Image Eye] was instantly released.


But the next moment.

A deafening explosion suddenly came from his feet.

"How, how is it possible?!"

Bupo's eyes widened and he looked at the other party in disbelief: "Wait a minute, could it be that the one served just now was that Mach serve?!"

Mach serves.

Essentially a variation of smash.

Because with Yue Zhi's exaggerated height, the speed of the ball he can hit has also reached an astonishingly exaggerated level. The smash in front of the net amplifies the effect of [Mach Serve] to its strongest state!

And this can also be called [Mach Smash]!

"competition is over."

"Hyokuei wins, the score is 6-2!"

"Congratulations to Ochi Gekko from Tokyo Hyotei Academy for winning the high school boys' championship in this Kanto Competition!"

"Is this the power of Mach's serve?"

Recalling just now, the moment his mirror image came into contact with Yuezhi Smash, it really shattered like a mirror, and there was an unspeakable fear in Bupo Iron Man's heart.

"Mach serve?"

Who knows.

The Ice King players outside the stadium heard this and couldn't help but laugh: "Are you kidding? Yuezhi's smash just now didn't have more than 70% power!"

"Seventy-seventy percent?"

Bupo Iron Man raised his head and looked at his opponent with a shocked face: "Is this the true strength of Japan's U17 and No.4?"

this moment.

His heart was greatly shocked.

"Let's go."

At this time, Ochi, who had a tennis bag on his back, looked at the other Ice King members and said, "It's time to go back."

"Let's go."

Several people followed him and left with laughter.


After walking a certain distance, Yue Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong, Boss Yuezhi?"

Several people looked over curiously.


Yuezhi shook his head and his expression returned to calm.

In fact, he was a little disappointed. I thought that the opponent who was ranked 11th in the First Army just now could put a little pressure on him.

As a result, the opponent couldn't even counterattack his Mach serve/smash with 60% power.


Thinking that even a professional player would be hard-pressed to hit back the serve he hit with all his strength, Yuezhi sighed in his heart: "After all, someone like that kid may not come out in ten years."

Thinking of Ishikawa, Yue Zhi felt a little more curious and a sense of urgency.

With the opponent's talent, I'm afraid he will be able to beat back his 70% speed Mach serve the next time they meet.


He made up his mind.

The next time we meet, we must break the opponent's serve, as fast as a meteor trail!

Tokyo, Kumamoto, Osaka.

Regional competitions across the country are ending one after another.

at the same time.

Somewhere outside Tokyo.

There is an extremely open tennis training base in an extremely remote mountain. At this time, in the tennis court of the base, high school students wearing red and white coats can be seen everywhere, training.

Everyone is practicing seriously, or gritting their teeth and running to strengthen their physical fitness.

And these pictures.

It was uploaded to the heart-like building in the center of the base through monitors placed throughout the base.

In a dark room.

It's clearly shown in every court and every person's movements.

Ring ring ring!

At this time.

The phone on the table rang.

A middle-aged man wearing a light-colored suit and brown curly hair picked up the phone: "Hello, is this the head coach of the Japanese U17 training base? Please tell me."

Immediately, a powerful voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "The International Tennis Association has just finalized the competition rules for this year's U17 World Cup. There is nothing else, except for one. Three junior high school students must be arranged to play in each game! "

"Junior high school student?"

Hear the words.

The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly.

Even though he had made a lot of preparations before, he never expected that such a situation would occur.

"I understand."

Immediately, the middle-aged man nodded and said, "Leave it to me to recruit new students."


He hung up the phone.


The middle-aged man raised his head and looked at a staff member in the corner: "Contact the person in charge of the junior high school student league immediately and ask them to modify the rules of the game according to the order of appearance in the World Cup."


In the corner, a staff member wearing a tennis cap agreed and immediately started contacting him.

"Junior high school student?"

In front of the computer desk.

The middle-aged man crossed his fingers and placed them on the table. His eyes narrowed subconsciously: "It seems that it is necessary to pay attention to the competition of this year's junior high school students."

"Junior high school student? Humph, it's no wonder those guys can think of it."

at this time.

The u17 base is deeper in the mountains.

In front of a certain wooden house, an old man with rosacea and a slovenly beard and unkempt appearance was leaning on a recliner and snorted unhappily.

"But...if I remember correctly."

After a pause, a glint flashed in the old man's eyes: "That lecherous guy's son seems to be in junior high school this year, right?"

Think of this.

The old man couldn't help but reveal a malicious smile.

(End of this chapter)

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