I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 165: Return to daily life, Akutsu’s challenge

Chapter 165 Returning to daily life, Akutsu’s challenge (3rd update)

Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City.

Jinjing General Hospital.


Li Hai's main candidates were all waiting at the door of the recovery room. Everyone lowered their heads and looked ugly.

Kanto was defeated.

They had made a promise to Yukimura before the game, but at this moment no one had the courage to ask about the opponent's condition.


At this time.

Sanada, who was at the front of the crowd, stood up. He turned around and faced the others, Tatekai Dai.

"I have the biggest responsibility for losing the game."

Sanada said with a serious face: "In order to remember this lesson forever, let's do it!"


Kirihara was stunned.

He didn't expect that Sanada's character would be so strong. Not to mention that this was Yukimura's recovery room after surgery, and the responsibility for Kanto's defeat did not lie with Yukimura alone.


And at that moment Kirihara was stunned.

Nioh took one step forward, and under the astonished gazes of everyone, he slapped Sanada without hesitation.


A crisp sound echoed through the corridor outside the recovery room.

"Well played."

Sanada nodded heavily, then looked at the next person: "This is a rule, even I can't make an exception."


Yagyu, Marui, Jackal and others took action one after another.



The crisp sound of slaps kept ringing.

In the recovery room, a pale boy with blue-purple hair wearing a hospital gown was sitting in a wheelchair and looking at the activities outside expressionlessly.

"Is Shinhyo Ishikawa the Demon King?"

Just now, he completed the operation and asked the nurse to send him to this room. Because his body was still too weak, Yukimura did not conduct rehabilitation training immediately.

And he took advantage of this time to replay the broadcast of the previous singles match 1 of the Kanto Tournament, between Ishikawa and Sanada.

At this time, Yukimura already understood.

The biggest reason for Rikkai's failure this time was because of this newcomer to the Ice Emperor.

"I was able to convince Atobe and defeat Tezuka. Now even Sanada is no match for me. I didn't expect that there is such a player among junior high school students!"

Yukimura kept simulating the image of the other party in his mind. A sharp luster flashed in those light brown eyes.

"I really want to fight him!"


He has made up his mind.

No matter what, he must regain his tennis ability, and then lead Li Hai University to fulfill his long-cherished wish of winning three consecutive national championships!

ice King.

After winning the Kanto Competition, the tennis club was very excited. Atobe was like an ancient emperor. After a great victory, he rewarded everyone and held a lively barbecue party.

Everyone is excited.

After all, this is the barrier that Ice Emperor has not broken through for more than two years. Moreover, Rikkai University is also the strongest school in the country. If they defeat them, Hyotei can look forward to the national competition in the near future.


Some people behave very coldly.

During the whole cheerful banquet, Atobe even specially arranged a singing session. But Akutsu, who was in the corner, got up and left after eating and drinking.

Although he has been with Hyotei for nearly a month, he has not integrated into the group at all.

of course.

Such is his character.

Not to mention Hyotei, even Yamabuki and Akutsu stayed there for three years and left without any hesitation.

It can be said.

He is like a lone wolf, walking alone and having no interaction with other people.



Akutsu, who had just left the restaurant and entered the training area, looked at a figure jogging around the court not far away in shock.

"It's him?"

Recognizing Ishikawa, Akutsu's eyes changed.

It is said that this person is the hardest training among the ice emperors, and he can be called a training maniac. At first, Akutsu didn't pay much attention, thinking that it was mostly because of other people's flattery.

But as the time spent together deepened and he got to know Ishikawa well enough, he discovered that the rumors were conservative!

At least during the limited time Akutsu appears on the court every day, the opponent is training.

Like now.

That man devoted himself to training like a tireless machine. This made Akutsu, who had a casual personality and disliked training, feel a sense of urgency.


His talent is extraordinary.

Even if you only perform the same amount of training as others every day, the level of strength you can achieve is far beyond that of ordinary people.


Facing Ishikawa, Akutsu lost his confidence.

Not only because the opponent's fists were harder than his, but more importantly, Ishikawa's paranoid attitude towards training.

This makes Akutsu secretly anxious, thinking that if he doesn't hurry up and find a fight with the opponent, he will never have a chance again!

make up one's mind.

Akutsu left the training ground.

"have they gone?"

on the field.

Ishikawa turned his head and looked at Akutsu's leaving figure, and couldn't help but shook his head: "It seems it's time to 'communicate' with him again."

After a while.

After completing the training, Ishikawa returned to the dormitory.

After taking a bath, he did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he took out his own special information book next to the desk.

After some writing and drawing, he recorded the process of today's game and the important points.

"There are still problems with the cooperation between Shishito and Feng. The double shadow formation also needs to be improved. With Yanagi Kazuki's ability, he will definitely be able to find a way to break this formation."

"Ninzu's personal strength is already strong enough. If appropriate, he can be arranged in singles. In doubles, other players can be added. In addition, Xianghi-senpai's skills are too monotonous, so we need to put a certain amount of pressure on him to test his potential. "

"As for Atobe and Akutsu, when the time comes, we can put some pressure on them to accelerate their evolution!"

Today's Ice Emperor lineup is said to be the first echelon in the country, and there is no problem at all.

Even among the four major teams in the original book, the Ice Emperors can already be ranked first.


This does not mean that Hyokui can still win against the other three teams, especially Tatekai University after Yukimura recovers.

and so.

As the Ice Emperor at this time, he is the actual controller in a sense. Ishikawa must plan to ensure that Hyokui can 100% win the national championship.

Silent all night.

The next day.

Afternoon club activity time.

The regular players have not yet appeared, but the ordinary players have already started training on their own initiative.

This is the new look brought about by victory. It no longer requires forced encouragement. Everyone who was immersed in the atmosphere of Kanto's great victory over Tatekai showed a training enthusiasm far beyond usual.

Not long after.

The main candidates appear.

After a simple conversation, under the leadership of Atobe and Ishikawa, everyone began a warm-up jogging training. after the end.

According to the arrangement just now, the team members will either conduct physical strengthening training or conduct practice matches.


Because the competition had just ended, the amount of training arranged by Ishikawa was only half of the usual amount.

He naturally understands the principle of relaxation and moderation.

After the competition is over, it’s time for the team members to relax. However, he didn't want everyone's tight strings to completely relax, so he insisted on training.

As for the main selection, although Ishikawa has also reduced the pressure of physical strengthening training, he has not reduced the difficulty at all in the confrontation training matches.

First there was a duel between two groups of doubles.

Ishikawa didn't have anything special to explain. He just said that he had just finished the new herbal tea recipe not long ago and just completed the key steps of fermentation yesterday.

If a doubles team loses the match, they will only be 'rewarded' with 50 ml each.

In this regard.

Even Renzu, who was usually calm, couldn't help but change his expression.

Although 50 ml is not much, it is precisely because of this that I can just realize how terrifying Ishikawa's new product is.


The two sides started a fierce duel.

Even if it was just the daily training within the team, their physical energy was quite depleted yesterday. But at this time, both sides didn't care so much anymore, and started throwing all kinds of unique tricks at each other's face.

The intensity of the competition was even more exaggerated than yesterday!


After a duel.

Ninzu and Mukahi defeated Shishito and Ho with a slight advantage of 7-6. The two defeated people had no choice but to drink 50 ml of new herbal tea each in front of everyone.




Two muffled sounds.

Shishido and Feng both fell on the court.

The surrounding players who were practicing in the practice match became fierce and launched their most ferocious attacks.

Even Akutagawa, who had to sleep for at least half an hour on time after extra training, was so frightened that he lost all sleep.


After the doubles match ended, Ishikawa approached Hiyoshi who was doing footwork training and said with a smile: "The next step is the showdown between the two of us."


Hiji thought he heard wrongly.

He swallowed hard and said with astonishment on his face: "Shi oh no, deputy minister, are you serious?"

"of course."

Ishikawa smiled and said: "According to the training plan, it's our turn. In addition, your martial arts footwork should have been almost practiced, right?"

"This, this... still has certain flaws."

Hiji's pig-liver-colored face forced out a smile: "Can you wait until I perfect this move and the two of us can have another fight?"

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that he didn't have confidence in his footwork.

But in fact.

Ever since Hiyoshi found some inspiration based on the evolution of footwork in the ancient martial arts style, he has been conducting intensive training. Because the team is very competitive, Hiyoshi never relaxes for a moment.

Not long ago, he completed the development of martial arts footwork. Moreover, he talked to everyone he met and invited Shido to compete with him many times.


The latter did not agree because he wanted to develop a mirage formation with Feng.

But now.

Facing the practice match arranged by Ishikawa, Hiyoshi gave in.

He was not afraid of Ishikawa, but he was afraid of the post-match drinks provided by the opponent. That kind of thing with an exaggerated and explosive taste, Ishikawa drank it as if nothing happened.

But Hiyoshi drank once and almost went to the hospital because of it.

To this day, he still remembers the strong and complex smell. For Hiyoshi, even if he ran on the playground and exhausted his last bit of strength, he would not accept the competition unjustly.


And just then.

Along with the sound of breaking wind, a light yellow trace quickly passed between the two people.

There was a bang.

After the tennis ball hit the ground, it bounced off the wall and landed in front of Ishikawa, where he caught it in his hand.

who? !

Hiyoshi and the team members who were watching the excitement looked at it subconsciously. They were curious about who dared to challenge Ishikawa's authority.

The latter is a demon king-like existence in the Ice Emperor.

After a strong victory over Sanada in the singles match of the Kanto finals, Ishikawa's reputation surpassed that of Atobe and reached the top.

At this time, someone actually dares to take action against Ishikawa?

"Aya Kutsu?"

But when they saw clearly who was coming, everyone's expressions changed.


The people watching moved to both sides to make way for Akutsu.


Seeing Akutsu, Ishikawa smiled and said: "Well, I won't embarrass you. Since you don't want to fight me, let's have a practice match with Akutsu-senpai."


Hear the words.

The corners of Riji's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What a joke!

This is Akutsu!

No matter how confident Hiyoshi was in his own strength, he would not be able to say that he was Akutsu's opponent. After all, he still clearly remembered the scene where Tachibana Okihara was beaten yesterday.


Seeing Hiyoshi's reaction, Ishikawa raised his eyebrows and said, "Senior, don't you have confidence in your martial arts tennis?"


Hiyoshi wanted to refute, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back because his eyes caught sight of Akutsu's indifferent face.

He is very sensible.

At this time, it may seem cool to say harsh words, but the best choice is to be honest.


At this time, Akutsu also spoke: "The person I'm looking for is you. How about you, come and have a fight with me!"


As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Akutsu wants to challenge Ishikawa? !

Didn't he see how badly the tennis emperor Tatekai was defeated at the hands of Ishikawa yesterday?


Faced with Akutsu's indifferent aura, the surrounding team members all closed their mouths in a wise manner. And Hiyoshi felt relieved as the pressure was transferred away.


He turned to look at Ishikawa, wondering how the other party would answer.

"A competition? That's fine too."

Ishikawa nodded and said: "I promised to play a game with you. Moreover, I also want to use this opportunity to tell Hiyoshi-senpai the real way of playing martial arts tennis."


Hear the words.

Hiyoshi was stunned.

He subconsciously thought that Ishikawa was joking, but when he saw the serious look in his eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be that Ishikawa is planning to use martial arts tennis to play against Akutsu?"

(End of this chapter)

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