I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 166 The fierce Akutsu, Ishikawa’s understanding of martial arts tennis

Chapter 166 The fierce Akutsu, Ishikawa’s understanding of martial arts tennis (1st update)

ice King.

Tennis Club.

As the news of the match between Ishikawa and Akutsu spread, other players who were training came to watch.

"Everyone, don't forget your training mission."

Seeing more and more people watching the game, Ishikawa smiled and said: "If you don't complete the training plan, you have to drink my newly developed special herbal tea!"


When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

"No, it's okay."

In the crowd, Suzuki Ryota smiled dryly and said: "As long as we complete the task within today, right?"

Everyone else nodded.

In their opinion, the match between Ishikawa and Akutsu, even if the latter is indeed very strong, will not take too much time.

more importantly.

They all also heard the conversation between Ishikawa and Hiyoshi. It seemed that the other party really wanted to use a martial arts style to fight Akutsu.

This rare situation must be experienced!


Including Atobe and Sakaki Taro, representatives from the main selection and the second team also gathered one after another.

Even Shishido and Feng, who woke up from a faint after drinking a special drink, stood outside the stadium with pale faces.


At this time.

Ishikawa looked up at Akutsu on the opposite side and said with a smile: "We have agreed in advance that the person who loses this practice match must drink 300 ml of newly made herbal tea."

"Um, no problem."

Akutsu's face changed slightly, but in the end he had to bite the bullet and agreed.

Although he was resistant to the unique taste of the drink, in comparison, he wanted to compete with Ishikawa. What's more, now he has no room to retreat.


Hearing this, Ishikawa nodded and said, "Then get ready to serve."

Since it is a practice match, there are not so many rules. As deputy minister, Ishikawa also showed enough humility.


Akutsu was not polite either.

"The game begins, and one set determines the outcome."

On the high chair, after confirming the status of both sides, the referee nodded and said: "Akutsu serves, the game is over!"


The words just fell.

Akutsu unceremoniously dunked the tennis ball in his hand.

This ball is very fast.

Compared to yesterday's match with Kirihara, he looked a bit more fierce.


As soon as Akutsu came up, he was not prepared to hold back.

"Nice serve."

Feeling Akutsu's strong and fierce aura, Ishikawa nodded secretly.


He took a step out.

Immediately, using the front end of the racket, the moment the tennis ball bounced off the ground, he quickly whipped it out.


Because the ball is touched early and the contact point is forward, the return speed of this shot is very fast.


Off the field.

Seeing Ishikawa's swing and footwork, Ninzu was quite surprised and said: "This seems to be Hiyoshi's martial arts tennis?"


Atobe nodded and said: "The moves and posture are very similar to the martial arts style. His half volley was very clever, and it seems that he borrowed Akutsu's ball power!"

"With the power of the ball?"

Others on the side were stunned for a moment.

If Atobe hadn't said it, they wouldn't have noticed this detail at all.

"Indeed it is."

Shishido, who is the most proficient in volleys and half-volleys, also nodded and said: "Ishikawa's half-volley speed is indeed much faster than before."

The same moves, but completely different effects.

of course.

This does not rule out the improvement of Ishikawa's strength. Even if it is just a basic style of play, the effect will be stronger than before.


And this time.

Akutsu caught up with the tennis ball. Without any thought, he raised his hand and swung the racket to blast the tennis ball out.

The tennis ball hit Ishikawa near the baseline on the far side.

Tap! !

He moved quickly, switching his feet back and forth, and the distance of each step was very balanced. The focus point is controlled at a certain point on the forefoot, and the force is even and not scattered.

In this situation.

When Ishikawa moves the same distance, the energy consumed and the time spent are much lower than usual.

"Is it really the footwork of ancient martial arts?"

Riji on the side of the court was stunned.

Ishikawa's steps were something he was no longer familiar with. On weekdays, at his family's martial arts gym, his father would stand on a fixed stake every morning and conduct fast movement training.

As for Hiyoshi, because he wanted to strengthen his footwork, he was also working hard on this ability during this period.

But never thought about it.

Others in his team actually understood this move faster than him?

Swish swish! ! !

Ishikawa stepped out, and behind him, a series of afterimages were visible to the naked eye, showing his speed.


Catch up on tennis.

Ishikawa once again used the front end of the racket to press forward, shortening the hitting time and reducing Akutsu's reaction time.



This beast of the court with an astonishing physique also keeps his body down. Like a cheetah, it galloped at the bottom line.

Tap! !

The frequency of his pace changes is also very fast.

But compared to Ishikawa's balanced rhythm, Akutsu relied purely on his own speed and explosive power to take Ishikawa's ball.


Catch up on tennis.

Still without any thought, he blasted it out.

"The intensity of this attack? Akutsu, are you prepared not to give Ishikawa a chance to breathe?"

Shishido was shocked.

Akutsu's style of play is extremely strong. He almost chased the tennis ball as fast as he could, and at the same time, he used the fastest movements to hit the tennis ball over.

This style of play is very fast-paced and consumes a lot of physical energy. Especially for the offensive side, there is very little room for error and it is very difficult.


This is not without its benefits.

At least in the eyes of these Ice Emperor main candidates, Ishikawa's defensive power is amazing.

If you want to score from this defense that is even more terrifying than Sanada's "Mountain-like" defense, you can only be like Akutsu and constantly use your strong physical fitness to launch fierce attacks without interruption.

In this situation.

Only then is it possible to open a small gap in the opponent's tight defense.



The two hit the ball faster and faster.

Even the spectators outside the stadium could no longer keep up with their movements.



It was Akutsu who was a step too late.

Ishikawa used a martial arts style of play, using early strikes and leverage to hit an amazing through ball.



After a fierce battle.

Akutsu breathed out his breath gently to relieve his current state.

"No, isn't it?"

When the other Ice Emperor team members saw this, they were all shocked.

They knew that Ishikawa was very strong, but Akutsu's attack just now could no longer be simply described as 'ferocious'.

Even with his strong physique, he couldn't even adjust his physical fitness for a short period of time after a fierce attack.

Looking back at Ishikawa.

But he can always maintain perfect defense.

Shido, Xianghi and others found it incredible: "Does he really have no weaknesses?"

As the time goes.

They could no longer clearly see Ishikawa's back, and their perception of the opponent's strength became increasingly blurred.

Only when Ishikawa defeated top players like Tezuka and Sanada did they suddenly realize that the new Hyōtei had reached a level they needed to look up to.


Seeing Akutsu challenge Ishikawa, everyone suddenly had the idea of ​​​​hoping that Akutsu could break through Ishikawa's defense head-on.

pity. The next showdown.

Although Akutsu continued to charge hard and the offensive rhythm soared to a terrifying level, he still failed to score. Instead, Ishikawa scored twice in a row.


Another half-volley.

Ishikawa gets the point from Akutsu.



The continuous loss of points made Akutsu feel impatient.

On the field, he had continuously crushed the great geniuses Qing Xue and Li Hai, but now he felt like he had bumped into a wall made of steel.


But soon.

His squinted eyes suddenly opened, and his sharp gaze was fixed on Ishikawa: "Even if it is really an iron wall, I will smash it to pieces!"


Thoughts turn.

Akutsu's aura suddenly exploded.

A gray-white aura continued to surge along Akutsu's body like air currents. At the same time, the surrounding Ice Emperor team members also felt a very dangerous aura.

Beast mode!

This is the state where Akutsu's potential explodes after he breaks through his own limits. At this time, his concentration was greatly improved, and his strength and speed were also significantly increased.

It feels like a real beast, very scary!



Akutsu serves.

A gray-white trace shot out and landed on the ground in front of Ishikawa with a thud.

In an instant.

The ground was dusty.

The tennis ball, packed with terrifying destructive power, shot straight towards Ishikawa.



Everyone looked over.

Especially Hiyoshi, he was very curious about how Ishikawa could use his martial arts style to hit back the tennis ball when faced with Akutsu's fierce serve.

of course.

He knew it too.

The opponent's personal strength was enough to break Akutsu's serve. But in that case, the limits of the martial arts style would be exposed.


And this time.

Ishikawa quickly swung the racket over, and after attaching the racket, he shook it slightly with his wrist. While tilting the racket to rub against the tennis ball, Ishikawa's right hand holding the racket also continued to move backwards.

this moment.

The racket and ball seemed to be in a relatively static state.



As Ishikawa swings the racket, the tennis ball is reversed.

"What's this?!"

Seeing Akutsu's serve being cracked so easily. During the whole process, Ishikawa didn't seem to have expended much energy, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised.


Looking at this shot, the speed is surprisingly fast. People were even more shocked and couldn't understand how the other party did it.

"This guy"

Off the field.

Putting two fingers on the mark above the bridge of his nose, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes: "He didn't exert much force the whole time?!"

As soon as these words came out.

Renzu and the others next to him were all shocked.

No effort?

So what happened to this incredibly fast counterattack?

That's what Atobe said. If it were anyone else, even if they were tolerant, they would be questioned by others.


Sakaki Taro said thoughtfully: "Did Ishikawa just rely on Akutsu's power?"

Borrowing power?

Everyone was shocked.

And Riji's body trembled instinctively.

"Is it a borrowing technique from ancient martial arts?"

He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes locked on Ishikawa's right hand holding the racket again.


After incorporating the tennis ball into it, the racket was pulled back. During this process, Ishikawa constantly adjusted the angle and direction, allowing the tennis ball to be 'dragged' in a circle by the racket along the trajectory he wanted.

And this time.

I’m afraid that others won’t see the same thing.

Ishikawa turned around 360 degrees, using the power of inertia to cause the tennis ball to rub against the racket surface rapidly.


When he turned around, the racket came out from the edge and shot towards Akutsu's position.


See this situation.

All the Ice Emperor team members were stunned.

Even Akutsu, who was about to chase the tennis ball on the opposite side, subconsciously opened his eyes.

The opponent just drew a circle, and his extremely powerful and violent hitting was hit back?

and so.

It took a long time.

Is he playing ball with himself? !

"This guy!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Akutsu was completely angered, and his aura increased again. The whole person rushed out at extremely high speed, and after catching up with the tennis ball, he completely blasted the ball containing the rage.


The tennis ball flew out.

The gray-white flowing light was stained with a bit of blood-red light. The power of tennis has undoubtedly been raised to a new level.

"this ball"

Outside the stadium, Jibu's expression changed slightly.

Judging purely from his feelings, Akutsu's violent volley ball has already caught up with Sanada's thunderous strike in terms of power!

This made him, who was still nominally the second master of the Ice Emperor, instinctively feel strong pressure.


Faced with Akutsu's bloody and violent blow, Ishikawa just chuckled.



He pressed the racket up again, and then used his strength. While pulling the racket, he rotated 360 degrees with himself as the center of the circle as before.


When Ishikawa turned around and a circular mark appeared under his feet, he seemed to have completed some kind of special transformation, and his momentum exploded.


In an instant.

A faint light overflowed.

Akutsu's return ball, on the other hand, detached from Ishikawa's racket under the rotation of the 'circle' and shot back towards the opposite side.

A thud.

This incredibly fast return shot landed accurately on the baseline beside Akutsu.


"Ishikawa, 1-0!"

When the referee spoke, the surrounding Ice King players looked stunned.

"Just now, that ball just now was..."

Hiji muttered.

He didn't know if it was his hallucination, but just now, he saw a vague figure vaguely behind Ishikawa.

"Do you see clearly, Hiyoshi-senpai?"

At this time, Ishikawa on the court turned his head and said with a smile: "The limit of martial arts tennis is far higher than you think."

"This, is this a martial arts style of fighting?"

Hearing Ishikawa's words, other Hyokui team members looked over in shock.

Sakaki Taro, Atobe, Ninzu and others also had surprised expressions.


Akutsu coldly looked at Ishikawa expressionlessly: "You just wanted to teach him how to play martial arts tennis?"

In his heart, it was difficult to accept this fact.

"Not entirely."

Ishikawa shook his head and chuckled: "Martial arts tennis is also a style that I am good at. Of course, I also want to thank you, senior, for your cooperation, which allowed me to deepen my understanding of this style."

"This guy."

Akutsu clenched his fists in displeasure.

"Deputy Minister."

Riyoshi asked curiously: "So, what is that trick you just did?"

"Is this a trick?"

Ishikawa thought for a while and smiled: "Just call it [Four Gods Yanwu·Xuanwu]!"

 During the double monthly pass period, please support us with your monthly pass! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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