I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 168 The second stage of beast mode, the terrifying 2 gods play Wu Qinglong!

Chapter 168 The second stage of beast mode, the terrifying Four Gods performing martial arts - Qinglong! (3rd update)

"Okay, so strong!"

Off the field.

Seeing the tennis ball spinning and stopping on the baseline, Feng couldn't help but marvel.

"Four Gods Perform Martial Arts. Suzaku!"

Shido was also shocked.

Just now, at the moment when the tennis ball fell from the sky, he seemed to really see a phoenix flying down from the sky.

"Is this the true posture of performing martial arts tennis?"

Xiangri, Akutagawa and others could not calm down for a long time.

No one expected that the other party could use Hiyoshi's good fighting style to such an extent.

Xuanwu, White Tiger, Suzaku

It can be said that every move is in no way inferior to Tatekai Ohsanada's Fuulin Volcano. Even in terms of power, it far exceeds the opponent.

Renzu looked at the stiff figure on the court and sighed in his heart: "Even if he devotes himself to the game, can Akutsu not even score a point?"

With Akutsu's strength, he asked himself that he might not be his match.

And such a character was in such a mess in the hands of Ishikawa. It is unimaginable how far their deputy minister has reached on the road of tennis.

"Go on, senior."

Court side.

Ishikawa smiled and spoke.

Everyone was surprised to find that Akutsu, who was originally full of arrogance and fighting spirit, was in a significantly weakened state at this moment.

Looking back at Ishikawa.

Even if there is no explosive momentum, just standing there, there is a sense of presence that is hard to ignore.

"Is this how terrifying the power of martial arts is?"

Hiji's eyes flashed.

His father said that when top martial arts masters fight against each other, the first thing that starts is the confrontation of their own momentum.

This existence called 'potential' is invisible and difficult to observe with the naked eye. It can only be observed by relying on people's five senses, or even consciousness above the sixth sense.

Masters fight.

The potentials between them will be the first to collide.

Later, if one party is able to suppress the other party, the performance in terms of momentum will be as if one person has swallowed the momentum of the other.

And this moment.

Although Hiyoshi could not observe the changes in Ishikawa and Akutsu's own 'potential'. But it is obvious that the latter’s ‘power’ has been swallowed up by Ishikawa.

There is no more suspense in this game.






Just like Hiyoshi predicted.

As the momentum of both sides waxed and waned, Ishikawa, who used martial arts tennis, clearly had the upper hand.

The score kept getting wider.

In the blink of an eye.

Akutsu was forced into a corner.



The referee spoke.

This is already the sixth game, after Ishikawa won 5 games before. In his serve game, he scored consecutively, and now he had the match point for this practice match.


Court side.

Akutsu gasped for air.

Throughout the game, he seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force. A body's strength cannot be used at 70%.

Looking back at Ishikawa.

Even if it is just an ordinary hit, the spin and power have reached an extremely exaggerated level.

Every time Akutsu had to hold the racket with both hands before he could fight back.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Beads of sweat the size of peas continued to slide down from Akutsu's forehead. Warm sweat moistened the corners of his eyes. In this hot July and August, he was burned by the scorching sun above his head, and the burning pain continued to spread.

at this time.

Akutsu felt extremely depressed.

If we had known in advance, the game would have turned out like this. He would never challenge Ishikawa.


At this time, his proud self-esteem did not allow himself to give in to the other party. Nor will he let himself shrink in humiliation in front of so many people.

"One goal, even if it's just one goal, it's good!"

Akutsu holds the racket with both hands.

His eyes were fixed on Ishikawa opposite him. At the last moment, his concentration was raised to the extreme.


And this time.

Ishikawa served, and the tennis ball hit the service line on the backhand side of Akutsu as accurately as a scalpel.

Tap! !

Then Akutsu moved.

After catching up with the tennis ball, he slammed the tennis ball over with all his strength.


Seeing this, everyone was slightly shocked.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the game, Akutsu picked up the previous tactics again. Trying to break through the Ishikawa defense line from the front?

"However, with the existence of the Four Gods Yanwu and Xuanwu, Akutsu's attack is simply in vain."

Shido shook his head and said.



I saw Ishikawa's martial arts aura erupting, and his racket quickly attached to the tennis ball. It was like a cyclotron, hitting the already fast and powerful volley ball back in an even more terrifying state.

Tap! !


Akutsu once again immersed himself in running towards the tennis ball.

At this time, he seemed to have made up his mind. The gray-white aura surrounding his entire body once again filled the air.

The dangerous aura of the beast is released.

The surrounding audience subconsciously took two steps back.


And this time.

Akutsu swung his racket and hit the tennis ball hard.

"Is he crazy?"

Xiangri whispered: "With the strongest defense of [Xuanwu], a strong attack cannot break Ishikawa's defense line. Why didn't he fight according to the method just now?"

In his opinion, Akutsu was lost.

At the last moment, it was like a rabbit that was cornered and started to bite.





Akutsu attacked three times in a row.

Faced with Ishikawa's more and more powerful attacks, he fought more and more fiercely, and his fighting spirit became more and more intense, which gave the surrounding audience a creepy feeling.

"Here, what happened?"

One of the timid members said with a trembling voice.

Supervisor Sakaki Taro narrowed his eyes and said: "Akutsu's status is changing."


Atobe also nodded and said: "His speed and strength are increasing, and the power of the ball exceeds his previous best state."


Hearing this, Xiangri said in surprise: "You said Akutsu is stronger than before? Are you serious? Is this guy a human or a monster?!"

Akutsu's talent shocked everyone.


His attack was still unable to break through Ishikawa's defense. Moreover, the power of [Xuanwu]'s spinning rebound has become more and more terrifying.

Faintly, it has exceeded the level of [White Tiger] and [Thunder].

"Should we stop them?"

Renzu said uncertainly: "If we continue, something will happen."

"Eh, it's okay."

Sakaki Taro shook his head, and Atobe next to him showed no intention of stopping him. “The situation of the game should still be under that person’s control.”

Atobe looked at Ishikawa, who had a calm expression. So far, the opponent has not used the more terrifying [Kendo True Meaning]. It can be seen that the changes in Akutsu should have been expected by the other party.

"and many more!!"

Suddenly, as if he saw something, Xiangri exclaimed: "Look, Akutsu's eyes have no pupils!!!"

what? !

This statement came out.

Everyone's expressions changed.

They looked intently, and sure enough, at this moment, the expression on Akutsu's face gradually became ferocious. The eyes that were originally full of sharp luster also lost their sparkle.


Seeing this, he seemed to have thought of something, and Renzu said in a deep voice: "His appearance is somewhat similar to the state of selflessness!"

"No self. It's true!"

Shishido and Xiangri took a closer look, both showing expressions of surprise.

Akutsu at this time.

Except for the milky white cyclone that was wrapped around him, his overall condition was the same as Tatekai's Kirihara and Aogaku's Echizen.

"So Akutsu-senpai has also realized the state of selflessness?"

Feng's face was full of surprise.

"Do not."

Atobe shook his head and said: "His state is not quite right. I can feel a very strong negative emotion."

at this time.

Akutsu's speed is speeding up visibly to the naked eye. Even if it is an irregular way of action, it is not slower than Ishikawa's martial arts footwork.


The gray-white aura on his body was vaguely entwined with a black whirlpool.

As Atobe said, full of strong negative emotions.

"Is this the second stage of beast mode?"

Court side.

Ishikawa, who kept playing against Akutsu and clearly felt that the opponent's return power was getting stronger, was quite surprised: "I didn't expect that, driven by negative emotions, he actually reached the state of forgetting both things and myself."


Akutsu in this state is not distracted.

On the contrary, he was also driven by physical instinct, and his playing style became increasingly violent.


The more the black cyclone blends into the gray-white beast's aura, the more obvious this phenomenon becomes.


At this time.

Ishikawa hit another ball.

The speed of hitting the ball has obviously increased to a level that cannot be captured by the naked eye.


Akutsu shouted loudly.

The whole person flew out like a cheetah, and a series of black afterimages appeared behind him.

"This speed?!"

Everyone's expression changed.

And feeling the increasingly violent aura on Akujin, they also felt extremely uneasy.


Catch up on tennis.

Akutsu held the racket with both hands, his expression was ferocious, and there were obvious bulging veins on his forehead.


Atobe raised his eyebrows lightly: "If he continues to fight, I'm afraid it will put a serious burden on his body and even affect his mind."

The accumulation of negative emotions may affect a person's mental state. Akutsu himself has a very violent personality. If the [evil] in his heart is completely channeled, it will be a very terrible thing.


And this time.

Akutsu also held the racquet with both hands and poured all his strength into the tennis ball.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball traced an ink-colored trace, as if tearing the air, and shot toward Ishikawa on the opposite side.


Just as Atobe thought.

At this time, Akutsu was completely controlled by his body's instincts. If he continues, he may become a machine dominated by violence.


Everyone also looked at Ishikawa anxiously.

The power of this ball is really terrifying. Even Sanada's thunder is not so terrifying.

"It's almost time to end."


It's different from everyone's anxiety.

Ishikawa's calm face showed a serious look.



He exploded with energy.

The power of martial arts surged out.

At the same time, he set up a lunge, raised his racket, and made a posture as if he was bending a bow to shoot an arrow.

"Perform martial arts moves!"

Hiyoshi perked up.

Ishikawa's actions at this time were very similar to his.

The difference is that at this moment, the opponent is filled with a strong martial arts aura. The rustling air flow gives people an extremely strong visual impact.

"Four Gods Perform Martial Arts. Qinglong!"

Facing the incoming ball, Ishikawa's eyes narrowed and he suddenly hit the racket in his hand.



Ball and racket collide.

There was a strong explosion on the court.


Immediately, the air vibrated, and a spiral of cyan light suddenly shot out. The speed was far beyond everyone's imagination.

Tap! !

And on the opposite side.

Akutsu, who acted with stronger animal instincts, captured the trajectory of the ball.

He pounced like a cheetah.

The ground beneath his feet clearly smelled of smoke and dust.


Akutsu raised his racket.

His eyes were lifeless, and his whole body was filled with a strong aura of beasts and negativity. He suddenly exerted force and smashed the racket towards the cyan light.


The bang exploded.

Accompanied by the sound of something cracking, Akutsu's hand holding the racket suddenly stopped.


At this time, he seemed to feel something, and his originally ferocious face showed a hint of unbelievable shock and pain!



The spirally agitated tennis ball can easily tear the racket surface apart. It flew out with a whoosh, and with a bang, it opened a gap in the barbed wire fence in the distance.


The tennis ball fell on the outside of the barbed wire fence.

The entire stadium fell into extreme silence.

a long time.

The referee came to his senses and said: "The game is over, Ishikawa wins, score .6-0!"

 Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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