I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 169 Try it or die, the Ice Emperor’s seaside vacation

Chapter 169 Try it or die, the Ice Emperor’s seaside vacation (1st update)

"Cough, cough, cough."

After the referee finished speaking, Akutsu on the court coughed loudly as if he had been choked.



After his breathing returned to normal, he opened his mouth involuntarily and took a deep breath.


At this time, Ishikawa looked outside the field: "Find a doctor for Akutsu-senpai, his bones should be broken!"



When the surrounding Ice Emperor team members heard this, their expressions suddenly became shocked.

That's Akutsu!

Physical strength, whether it is muscle flexibility, physique, or super speed and reaction ability, there are no shortcomings in all aspects.

Such a person actually broke his right hand just because he forcibly took Ishikawa's trick?


Sakaki Taro did not hesitate, and immediately made a call to inform the person in charge of Hyotei's medical office to come over.


Although severe pain continued to come from his right hand, Akutsu still felt unhappy with this interference with his freedom. Immediately, it was time to leave the stadium.


But at this time, Ishikawa stopped him: "Did you forget something?"


Akutsu was stunned for a moment.


As if he thought of something, his expression suddenly changed. Looking at Ishikawa, a hint of fear flashed subconsciously.

"I am willing to admit defeat."

Ishikawa smiled and said: "I think, senior, you shouldn't be able to even do this, right?"


Ajiujin snorted coldly and walked over directly. Then, he looked at the other party with cold eyes and said, "Take it out, that special drink of yours."

"No, isn't it?"

Outside the stadium, other people looked at Ishikawa and suddenly became afraid.

Akutsu even broke his arm, but Ishikawa didn't even plan to let him go?


Atobe and Sakaki Taro laughed.

This is Ishikawa, who understands Akutsu's character very well. Knowing that the other person may leave in anger, in which case the injury to the arm may worsen.

Therefore, he used the provocation method to let Akutsu stay.


Atobe narrowed his eyes and looked at the 300 ml tea-red drink that Ishikawa took out: "Is this really drinkable?"

The game just now.

When Shishido and Feng lost, they were only punished with 50 ml each. It stands to reason that with this level of casualness and the fact that it has been so long, the two of them are almost used to the taste of the 'herbal tea' prepared by Ishikawa.


With just one mouthful, the two fell to the ground instantly.

This effect is probably like an anesthetic for hunting elephants, but that’s it, right?



He picked up the plastic bottle sent by Ishikawa with his left hand and looked at the turbid tea-red liquid inside. Even with a tough personality like Akutsu, he couldn't help but swallow.

"It's okay, senior."

Ishikawa smiled and said: "This is a super herbal tea that I developed after many improvements. The effect of eliminating fatigue and beautifying the skin is more than twice that of the original. You can try it."


Hearing Ishikawa's words, Akutsu's face darkened. The cold gaze that glanced sideways seemed to say: 'Who are you looking down on? ’

"Gudong, gudong."


He poured it into his mouth continuously.

At first, there is still a hint of sweetness. Akutsu was a little surprised, but before he could be happy, a thick and bitter feeling filled the air.


The stimulating flavors of bitterness, spicyness, and saltiness bloomed in his mouth one by one. It made his taste buds feel like they were physically exploding.



He dropped the plastic bottle in his hand and ran out screaming.

But before walking too far, I felt an overwhelming feeling in my stomach. At the same time, Akutsu, whose physical strength was exhausted, fell to the ground with a thud.


See this.

The spectators around the stadium couldn't help but swallow their saliva. The eyes that looked at Ishikawa again were full of fear.

this moment.

They just felt that the other party's title of 'Demon King' was extremely appropriate!

"Keep training."

Ishikawa picked up the bottle, threw it into the trash can, and said with a smile, "Or do you also want to try this new flavor?"



Except for Atobe and a few others, the others immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

"rest assured."

Seeing the worried looks cast by Hiyoshi, Xiangri and others, Ishikawa smiled and said: "What I said is true, Akutsu-senpai is actually fine. In addition, if I am not wrong, he only has a slight fracture. With his recovery ability , I will definitely recover during the national competition!”


Although Ishikawa does not have the ability to use [Chess Truth], he can still estimate the energy of the [Four Gods Yanwu·Qinglong] just made through his own judgment.

That level of destructive power would not be able to severely fracture Akutsu's arm.

of course.

This is not necessarily the case with higher-intensity special moves, such as light strikes and Asura Shinto.

After a while.

The medical staff took Akutsu away. After diagnosis, the situation was indeed similar to what Ishikawa said. After the plaster is put on, it takes about 20 days to recover.    After this battle.

Ishikawa's title of 'Demon King' has also completely spread within the Hyokui. He has no objections to this and is very satisfied with this title.

After all, it is in the original work.

Yukimura is the only one who can win the title in the first grade. Echizen and Kintaro don't even have their own nicknames.

of course.

The outside world, as well as within Hyokui, also secretly compared Ishikawa and Yukimura. In the end, it was concluded that the first-year Ice Emperor who defeated Rikkai Emperor Sanada was far more talented and powerful than Yukimura back then!

A few days later.

Hyokui's training returned to normal.

In addition, the final exam of the first semester is also coming. Ishikawa naturally handles this part easily.

after the end.

He began to develop targeted intensive training for Hyokui.

The Ice Emperor at this time is much stronger than the original. But Rikkai University and Seigaku, these two teams, after the fierce battle with Hyokuei, will definitely be stronger than the original.


In addition to the singles lineup, Ishikawa must ensure that Hyokui's doubles team can also win.

Shishido and Feng's side.

Ishikawa strengthened Shishido's reaction ability, allowing the opponent to conduct muscle training, while also taking into account the development of explosive power. As for the template, Ishikawa chose Fudomine’s Tachibana.

As for Feng, the first thing is to improve the serving, especially the accuracy.

In the Kanto finals.

The reason why Doubles 2 was lost was because Feng's serve success rate dropped. Therefore, Ishikawa replaced him with a special racket and tied a swinging weight-bearing sandbag to his arm to strengthen his control ability.


In terms of bottom line defense, Ishikawa also arranged a training plan. He taught the opponent some bottom line defense skills and tips, trying to turn him into the role of Dashi + Jackal.

Doubles 1 combination.

Ishikawa doesn't have too many demands on Renzu. He believes that with the opponent's talent, he will definitely be able to make his own plan.

Just like he never interfered with Atobe and Akutsu's training.

For Xiu, in addition to focusing on physical strength, Ishikawa also specifically used martial arts footwork to improve Xiu's more flexible footwork and increase his speed of lateral movement in front of the net.

It is worth mentioning Akutsu.

It seemed that he was stimulated by the competition. Although his right hand was injured, he still insisted on doing physical training every day.

Seeing the gradually becoming crazy state, everyone thought of Saburo Shinohara. The latter was enlightened by his defeat to Ishikawa and began his Ironman training journey. He eventually counterattacked and became the representative of the second team.

As for Akutsu, there is hope that he can become the third training madman within Hyokui!

Then came Hiyoshi and Akutagawa.

The former fully accepted the training plan given by Ishikawa, and he also regarded [Four Gods in Martial Arts] as his goal and trained hard.

And Akutagawa.

Ishikawa was thinking of Tachibana's Mori, both of them had the habit of sleeping in. Although Akutagawa lost, he had some awakening, but as the Hyokui lineup solidified, he seemed to feel that there was no place for him, so he slacked off.

Therefore, Ishikawa began to focus on Akutagawa's training.

For several days in a row, he trained with Akutagawa one-on-one, and after the opponent lost, he drank regular herbal tea as punishment. (The special version was too scary and was unanimously opposed)

every time.

Ishikawa pushed Akutagawa to his limit.

Constantly squeezing each other's potential, and at the beginning, Akutagawa was usually optimistic and cheerful. But after several times in a row, the honest man also got angry.

He was forced into a hurry and started to take the initiative to attack. Although he failed to score points, he always played until he could not even lift the racket.


After losing the game, Akutagawa, who is physically exhausted, will fall asleep immediately.

at this time.

Ishikawa and Atobe were able to keenly observe that the aura of Akutagawa was undergoing some subtle changes.

"It's indeed possible."

Ishikawa, who confirmed his suspicion, started to have a fight with Akutagawa every day before training, until the opponent ran out of energy.

Others are puzzled by this.

Atobe only thought that Ishikawa was using this to stimulate the potential in the opponent. Only Ishikawa himself knew that his purpose was actually to leave a deep enough muscle memory on Akutagawa.

Time flies, ten days have passed.

This afternoon.

After training.

Sakaki Taro stopped Hyotei's regular members and the four second-team members who had performed best recently (Hiyoshi, Akutagawa, Taki, and Shinohara).

"This morning, the school informed me that the reward for winning the Tennis Club Kanto Competition is a three-day beach vacation in Chiba."


Hear the words.

Many people's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Ishikawa even more lamented that he was worthy of being the Ice Emperor of an aristocratic school, but his actions were not comparable to those of the original Seigaku.


At this time, Sakaki Taro drawled his voice.

In an instant, the smiles of Xiangri, Hiji and others became stiff.


Seeing the reactions of several people, Taro Sakaki said with a smile: "After Atobe heard about it, he changed Chiba's vacation to Okinawa, a southern island. It is also a three-day seaside vacation."


Xiang and Hiyoshi immediately shouted excitedly: "It's simply great!"

"As expected of Atobe."

Ishikawa was even more emotional.

The school had come up with the reward after many discussions, and with a wave of his hand, this big man actually got a super double.

Don't think about it.

With Atobe's financial resources, Hyotei's vacation to the beach is definitely the most luxurious hotel package.

"That's fine."

Ishikawa nodded secretly in his heart.

As he had thought before, training requires relaxation. Taking advantage of these few days, he could just relax for a while.

"But...if you're in Okinawa, you might run into those guys!"

Thinking of those guys with bad personalities in the original work, Ishikawa couldn't help but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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