I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 170 Beach Court, Tennis Challenge

Chapter 170 Beach Court, Tennis Challenge (2nd update)

The next day.

Hyotei and his party took Atobe's private jet and flew directly to Naha City on the main island of Okinawa.

Got off the plane.

Everyone checked into the top five-star hotel in the area.

"A room for two people. Not bad."

Hotel Lobby.

After getting the room card, Haobu's frown slowly relaxed.

If it were him, it would be absolutely impossible for him to accept this arrangement. But this was a team outing and he needed to consider other people's feelings.


If it's a double room, he can share it with Huaji.

There were a total of 15 people on this trip, including Supervisor Sakaki Taro. There were one room for each of the two doubles groups, one room for Atobe and Kavachi, one room for Hiyoshi and Akutagawa, and one room for Taki and Shinohara.

Sakaki Taro, Ishikawa and Akutsu were left.

Out of respect for the coach, Ishikawa chose to room with Akutsu. At the same time, it is also to restrain the other party.

after all.

It is recognized within Hyokui that only Ishikawa can suppress this terrifying beast.

"Have your luggage and everything been put away?"

In the corridor on the 18th floor of the hotel, Xiang Ri, wearing sunglasses, beach pants and a floral shirt, excitedly walked to each room and informed everyone: "It's time to go sunbathe. The training these days, but I’m exhausted.”


Akutagawa, who originally wanted to sleep in the hotel, said excitedly: "Sleeping on the beach seems to be a good choice."

Good guy.

He basically regarded this vacation as a place to check in and sleep.

However, this time, no one, including Ishikawa and Atobe, asked him to ensure the amount of training.

This time, everyone is here to relieve stress.

"Let's go when you're ready."

Sakaki Taro, who also changed into casual clothes, looked at the people who were getting ready in the corridor, nodded and said: "Don't be too nervous, everyone. This is for fun, so try to be more relaxed."

while speaking.

He looked at Akutsu with a cold expression.

The opponent's right hand was still in a plaster cast, and his face was expressionless, as if he was not to be approached by strangers. However, since Akutsu chose to come with the group, it shows that deep down in his heart, he also has a certain degree of recognition for Hyokui's team.


Everyone came to the most lively bathing beach near the hotel.


sandy beach.

The two different blues of the sky and the sea, deep and light, continue to extend and overlap somewhere far away. A few seagulls like white dots are dotted among them.

Countless men and women wearing swimsuits and bikinis walked on the beach.

The awnings are neatly arranged in the distance.


Seeing the rich and generous women walking back and forth in the distance, Ishikawa couldn't help but smile and said: "It's a pity that Senshi-senpai didn't come, otherwise he would definitely be very happy, right?"


Hearing this, Akutsu curled his lips and said, "That guy is not interested in such mature women. He prefers to chat with adolescent girls."


Hear the words.

The other Ice Emperor team members looked over in surprise.

They were all surprised. They didn't expect Akutsu to actually pick up Ishikawa's words.

"a bunch of idiots."

After giving everyone a cold look, Akutsu walked towards the reef area in the distance.

"Do you want to swim?"

Xiangri said to everyone: "The area enclosed by the net over there can be entered into the water."


Hiji nodded.

He has recently found the evolutionary direction of martial arts tennis and has become particularly active.

"The supervisor and I will go over there and lie down for a while."

Atobe, Kakarachi and Sakaki Taro chose to take a short rest under the umbrella.

"Changtaro and I will go shopping nearby."

Shido glanced at the lively crowd in the distance and said.

Ishikawa nodded: "I also want to walk around."

He came to the beach for vacation mainly to see the scenery and relieve his nervousness. From time to time, he is training almost every day, and his spirit is always in a tight state.

Ishikawa knew very well.

It's not okay to be in this state.

Exercise must be relaxing and he needs to relax his mood. At this time, it’s okay to put down tennis and training and take a walk around.


He also wanted to take this opportunity to go to that school to see if he could meet those guys in the original book.


Xiuji, Hiyoshi, Taki, Shinohara and others chose to swim in the sea. On the other hand, Atobe, Sakaki Taro, Shinozu and Kagaki were lying down to rest.

Shido and Feng leave.

As for Akutagawa, when he first arrived at the beach, he found a place to sleep under an unoccupied parasol.

Ishikawa was alone, walking and stopping on the beach. Looking at the playful crowd, I was like a recorder, observing everyone's emotional changes.

From time to time, look into the distance, and occasionally walk to the beach to kill time and relax your mind at the same time.



Just when Ishikawa was walking somewhere on the beach, he heard an extremely unhappy voice: "Those guys are just trying to trick people."

"Forget it Uehara."

The companion next to him consoled him: "They did not cheat. It is our problem that their skills are not as good as others."

"But... I just don't accept it."

The young man with short hair and a long face said solemnly: "My ranking in the club is also in the top fifty. Those guys are just junior high school students. If they are not cheating, how can they be my opponents."


The companion nodded with a wry smile: "That weird footwork is indeed too exaggerated. However, I never saw how they did it."

"Hmph, I don't believe that they won't show any flaws."

The young man named Uehara sneered: "If we go over and take a look, we will definitely find out their problems and let others know the true colors of these guys!"


The companion nodded.


The two of them walked in a certain direction.

"Footwork? Cheating?"

Looking at the backs of the two people, Ishikawa seemed to have thought of something. With a thought in his heart, he followed them.

the other side.

Shishido and Feng were hanging out on the beach.

Although they were on vacation at the beach, there was always a sense of urgency in their hearts for training.

after all. Even though they got six games from their opponents in the Kanto finals, they still lost.

Maybe those who watched that game know that they are very strong. Together with Li Hai, the team known as the number one doubles team in the country, their winning rate is between 50 and 50.


If you lose, you lose.

Although because of the final victory, Sakaki Taro was not punished. But Shishido Kazufeng always believed that only another victory in the national competition could wash away the shame of losing in the Kanto finals.


The two seemed to be wandering around, but in fact, they were looking for a tennis court.


Tennis seems to be too incompatible with the beach.

Along the way, they saw several beach volleyball courts, but not any tennis courts.




Just when the two were about to give up, a strong sound of hitting the ball was heard not far away.

"found it!"

The two looked at each other and rushed over excitedly. When I got closer, I discovered that it was a golf course drawn on the harder sand.

at this time.

Near the stadium, layers of spectators have gathered.


The two of them have just arrived.

Then a crisp sound of hitting the ball was heard.

"competition is over."

At this time, the dark-skinned young man sitting on the high chair said: "Ping Guchang wins!!!"

"This is."

Feng looked into the stadium and saw a young man wearing beach shorts and brown curly hair. After losing the game, he left the stadium with a depressed expression.

"Next person."

On the edge of the court, a young man with a beach hat and brown curly hair said with a smile: "The playing time is 10 minutes. If you challenge, you can get 5000 yen if you win a round. If you lose, you will also have to pay an additional 5000 yen!" "

"I come."

The words fell.

I saw an extremely confident young man in blue wearing a tennis cap, picking up his racket and walking into the court.


Seeing another challenger coming forward, the rather handsome boy with blond hair and shawl opposite him laughed and said, "Let's get started."


Challenger serves.

This person is quite powerful, at least much more powerful than the person just now. From the quality of the serve, it can be seen that it must have gone through systematic tennis training.



The blond boy on the opposite side, Hira Furuba, returned the ball very sharply. The tennis ball shot straight and accurately hit the baseline on the left side of this person.


The tennis ball landed on the sand, made a slight depression in the ground, and then ejected.

"0-15, Pingguchang takes the lead!"


Off the field.

Immediately there were exclamations from the audience.



Feng and Shishido looked at each other, and the latter nodded and said: "His reaction is very fast, and the angle of his shot is also very tricky. I didn't expect that I would meet such a player on the beach of Okinawa."


But then.

Ping Guba also hit the ball quickly, but the tennis ball fell out of bounds.


The challenger in blue breathed a sigh of relief.


Immediately, he thought to himself: "If you attack too fast, you will definitely make a mistake. Next, this person may change the rhythm of the attack."


Because he made a mistake and went out of bounds, the boy named Ping Furuba was in a stalemate with the boy in blue.


In the end, Ping Guchang was superior and defeated his opponent with a slight advantage in repeated tug-of-war.

"Damn it!"

After losing the game, the boy in blue said unwillingly: "If I were faster, I could turn defeat into victory!"

Just now, the opponent was obviously suppressed by him for a while. If he hadn't been used to beach tennis courts, he would have definitely won.

"I want to continue the challenge!"

The boy in blue, who was unconvinced, took out a 10000-yuan card again and said, "This is yen. In addition to the one just now, I have booked the next one."

"That's not okay."

Unexpectedly, the young man wearing a beach hat shook his head and said: "5000 yen is only the first challenge fee. The second challenge requires 10000 yen."


The young man's expression changed, and he finally gritted his teeth and said: "1 is 1, keep going!"


Game start.

The boy in blue launched a fierce attack and scored two points first. I thought I was sure of victory, but ended up fighting back to equalize the score.


The two fought fiercely, and the boy in blue was defeated again.

"Damn it, damn it!"

He knelt on the ground unwillingly and blew on the sand hard.

"Chotaro, do you see it?"


Outside the crowd.

After hearing Shido's words, Feng nodded and said, "Obviously, that Hiraguba did it on purpose. He first let go, then counterattacked, and then deliberately started a tug-of-war with the opponent."


Shido smiled and nodded.

In this duel, it seems that the challenger has an opportunity, but in fact, it is these people who direct everything behind the scenes.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

on the field.

After defeating several more people one after another, others felt that Ping Guchang was too strong and did not dare to sign up.

"Damn, that's too serious."

Seeing this scene, the boy in the beach hat secretly regretted: "That guy from Ping Guchang should have stopped playing. Now, no customers are willing to sign up."

"Let me do it instead."


at this time.

A cheerful voice sounded.



Then I saw a young man wearing a blue baseball cap walking confidently into the stadium. It was Shishido!

(End of this chapter)

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